Ichigo Awakens

Chapter 119: Revolution to Invasion

(Capital: Throne Room)

"I saw a few hundred footsoldiers," Izou reported to the three generals, Ichigo, and Makoto, "at least I think they were. They all wore the same white and blue outfit so I'm just guessing. There were at least four that weren't dressed the same way and they called themselves 'Sternritters', but I can only really tell you about three."

"You can describe their looks to a sketch artist later," Ichigo interrupted, "tell me about their Shrifts or what their letter is. For example, Gilgamesh is G for Gate and he can create portals. Tell me what you know." Izou took his hand to his chin and thought it over.

"One is called Makiri Zolgen and he was called 'the Hidden' and he was able to completely erase his presence. I wasn't able to get more than that, but golden boy did show a grail full of blood." That got Ichigo's attention, something Izou noticed. "He said that if they proved themselves worthwhile then they could drink it and gain even greater power. Syura's dad already drank some under the claim of 'ensuring its power'. Got an arrow to the knee but he was still permitted to drink it and his aura immediately changed."

"Then Honest must be a Sternritter now." Ichigo said with a sigh. "I thought it was weird that he'd actually sacrifice himself for anyone. And since they have many more crosses than all they need is people willing to join their side."

"Honest has many allies in positions of power, some of which we haven't been able to find anything worth arresting them for." Budo spoke up. "But if his majesty declares Honest a traitor to the Empire then we can arrest them for suspicion of treason." Makoto leaned back in his throne, pondering the idea presented. Knowing that the former Prime Minister was the source of much of the misery in the Empire he wanted nothing more than to strip him of all power and authority before a public execution, but would this make him a just ruler?

"Najenda," the emperor called to the Night Raid leader, "if I declare Honest a traitor and the main enemy to the Empire, would the Revolutionary leaders be willing to meet for a ceasefire and end this war or shall I pardon Night Raid of their crimes first to show my sincerity?" Najenda brought her robotic hand to her chin in thought, trying to figure out the best course of action.

"If I had to say, make it a general pardon to the whole of the Revolutionary Army and use me as an example." She finally answered. "If we openly admit to any assassination unit it might give the Quincy a chance to exploit it." Makoto nodded and turned back to Ichigo.

"Are you sure Honest still lives?" The young emperor asked the Soul Reaper. "You did cut into him very deeply."

"Very important rule regarding powers, realize that anything is possible." Ichigo answered the group. "From what I know about Schrifts, the power is in the 'concept' of what their epitaph is. So, at the very least, unless I see his body reduced to dust and his soul dragged to Hell then I won't believe he's actually dead."

"Shame," Makoto returned as his leaned back into his throne, "I was hoping we'd be rid of that wretch and we'd only have to find a body." He remained silent as he thought about the next course of action. "Budo, I want to address the people in the morning so send word for the people to gather. I'm pardoning the entire Revolutionary army and reinstating Najenda as a general." The grand general nodded and went about performing his task. "Esdeath and Najenda, I want the both of you to arrest anyone with even the slightest connection to Honest. Lethal force is permitted but I'd rather have as many of them alive as possible. The worst will be publicly executed for their crimes and I hope their deaths might appease the rage of the populace. Najenda will also need a uniform for her return, so get your sizes and send them to the military tailor." The two women generals glared at each other with Esdeath gaining a smirk as they quickly rushed to do their parts. Time was of the essence.

"I'd have to say that was fairly well done," Ichigo said as Makoto slumped in his throne, "and we have a ready executioner right here." Izou smirked with anticipation of feeding his Kotetsu sword. "But I won't pretend that this is ideal."

"I don't blame you for this new conflict Ichigo. God knows I'd be worse off if you never appeared, but... I was dearly hoping everything would be over once I was rid of Honest." The emperor sighed as Chouri and his daughter stormed in, Ichigo disappearing from sight.

"You're majesty, I just heard what hap-!" The former prime minister started before Makoto interrupted.

"Chouri, you're now the prime minister. You're first duty is to draw up peace talks with the Revolutionary army and its allies. Now go." The emperor interrupted, leaving no argument as the old man nodded and went to return to his office. "Ichigo... will you lead us to victory?" He asked, knowing Ichigo was listening as the Shinigami reappeared.

"I will not lose."

(Quincy Hideout)

"DAMN IT!" Syura roared as he and his group waited for their new 'king' to grace them with his presence. "Damn that Soul Reaper!" He slammed his fist into a stone pillar, busting a couple of knuckles in the process. "How dare he interfere-!"

"You were the one that desired a second chance to prove yourself," Gilgamesh said as he appeared before a throne, "or did you distract yourself with some cheap whore beforehand like the fool you are?"

"Big talk from the so called 'king'." Syura retorted, storming toward Gilgamesh's throne. "Didn't you say you kiACK!" He was interrupted as a noose appeared from a portal and started chocking him.

"My fight with him has been put on hold, YOUR mission was to subdue the capital and build my army AND I told you to hurry." The Quincy lord returned. "Your father at least managed to give me tens of thousands of soldiers with his quick thinking. Speaking of, don't you have any words for this impudent mongrel?" Honest soon walked out of the shadows looking as lively as ever, as if Ichigo's blade had no effect on the man.

"While I was impressed with your growth as a warrior, son, you've clearly failed the most important skill that allowed me to get as far as I have, keeping it quiet or under control." The man scolded as his son struggled to breath. "There's a time and place for everything and even if we were still in the capital," Honest walked up to the hanging man and took the Teigu Shambala off of him, "I'd throw you aside if you couldn't keep your tracks covered." The rope untied itself and Syura fell onto his face. "Your connection to me no longer matters, merit does and you've yet to prove yourself useful." Honest's son looked to his father in a mix of disbelief and heartbreak.

"I don't even see that vaunted swordsman you had earlier." Gilgamesh said, making the group realize they were short a member. "Did he die or just abandon you?" Syura growled in frustration as the embarrassments continued to pile on. "No matter. I have a force now tens of thousands strong and I want they up to par as Quincy." 'I'm expecting this to be a fun match, you hybrid cur. What will your next move be?'


'It's time.' Makoto thought, taking a breath to calm his nerves as he stepped out to find the massive throng of people. The hunt for traitors was mildly successful, capturing over a dozen people in the civil sector of the government while only capturing one general that was already on the brink of death after Esdeath captured him. Many other high ranking military officials that were confirmed traitors were already gone, probably warned by Honest before the attempted coup. The Jaegers and Night Raid reached the capital a little while ago and split up, the Jaegers acting as guards between the masses and the soon to be executed prisoner while the assassins were hiding among the populace. Budo and Esdeath stood at either side of Makoto as he stood on the balcony overlooking the square with Najenda, dressed in her old military uniform, waiting in the back for her pardon. She sent a message earlier with Makoto's, Budo's, and Esdeath's signature that was explaining the situation to the Revolutionary army. Now all that was left was to make it official.

"For years," he started to the hushed crowd, "I ruled based on honeyed words and manipulation. A puppet on strings dancing under the guise of a proper emperor, obedient and blind by the puppet master's whims." Many seemed confused while some of the smarter members of the populace had an idea of who he was talking about. "I am a pathetic emperor." Makoto admitted, stunning the entire square. "I had allowed myself to be lied to and manipulated while our, NOT MY, OUR nation became rotted and corrupted. Poverty, disease, famine, a civil war that I once thought was because they wished to usurp me. Then, one night, I learned the truth. I learned who was the puppet master and I decided 'No more.'"

"Honest, the FORMER prime minister, admitted to the assassinations of my father and mother and planned to put me into a comatose state in order to keep his self indulgent lifestyle!" Many that once kept silent out of fear of Honest had found their voices and began cursing the man and his actions. "If evidence of his crimes were easier to obtain, I would've had him executed by now for his treachery, however, the depths of his betrayal does not stop there. He was apparently an agent for a mysterious cult that seeks to conquer the world. Not just our Empire, but the whole world!" The people now became scared at the thought of such a group, but now Makoto could start with the good news. "Honest would've succeeded in his coup if it weren't for this brave soldier."

'That's my cue.' Najenda thought as she proudly stood straight and marched toward the balcony, once again surprising many people.

"Najenda was a former general that defected from the army when she became sick of the corruption that tainted everything it touched. The Revolutionary Army fought this war because they had no other way to try and save this nation, not when its 'leader' was trapped in Honest's stranglehold. But now, I can finally declare this. Honest is a traitor to the crown and to the people of the empire and is now the most wanted man in this nation!" That announcement gained a thunderous cheer. "I also now offer a full pardon to any and all members of the Revolutionary Army!" He turned to Budo and nodded, prompting the man to pull out a saber that was now presented to Najenda.

"Najenda, should you accept it, you will be welcomed back into our ranks with your previous status as 'general' returned." The crowd hushed and waited, watching as Najenda took up the blade.

"I return to the service of the Empire," she loudly announced, "and I shall not rest until I deliver unto you Honest! In chains or in pieces!" The crowd erupted at that, cheering on their new champion.

"This same offer is open to the whole of the Revolutionary Army, should they wish to join." Makoto told his people. "Now, unfortunately, Honest has disappeared and we need to hunt him. Until then, the people in chains before you are traitors that sided with the former prime minister!" The prisoners were sweating the entire time, a couple soiled themselves, and were struggling to free themselves ever since Makoto announced Honest's treachery. "It may not be much, but I ask that you be content with this for now." Izou then marched out to the first chained prisoner, unsheathing his blade and holding it up. "For the crime of treason and embezzling taxes, I order thee to be executed!" The man screamed for only a second before he was decapitated, earning another round of cheers for just punishment, a process that continued to late in the afternoon when they were finally done.

(Timeskip: Under the palace)

"Now let's start this back up... again." Ichigo sighed, this being the second time he had to do this set-up. With the assembly done, Ichigo took both Night Raid and the Jaegers to Night Raid's former hideout since pretty much everyone was now joining in the fight against the Quincy and with an army of those to fight later Ichigo was going to need more Shinigami. Sheele, Bulat, and Daidara were surprised at the news but obeyed their superior like Marik did and assisted with the cargo humans couldn't see. It took them hours to dig out the new underground base but it was assembled.

"So, is this where we'll be having our meetings?" Esdeath asked as she and Najenda made their way down. "Quite spacious. Very useful for training purposes." She then saw the other Soul Reapers in training. "Of course you'd become one Daidara. Good to see you again." This shocked Daidara but before he could do anything, Ichigo activated the Spirit Projector and made the spirits visible to those that couldn't see them.

"BRO/BULAT! SHEELE!" Most of the Night Raid members cried out as they flocked to their friends. Ichigo gave them the time to enjoy their reunion and sent a report to Kisuke, telling him and the rest of the Gotei about the current situation.

"The leader of this Quincy army could fight on par with me and now he likely has Teigu users as well." He said, typing away the final paragraph of his report. "I'm now going to recruit more from the members of Night Raid and Jaegers to help me in this war because I can't afford to stay an impartial party. This is now my problem." He clicked send, sighed, then turned to address the assembled group that finally quieted down. "Okay, as you may know, I can't just stay out of this anymore. The Quincy are my enemies and I need more allies to fight them. If you die in spirit form, you die permanently and I can't promise this will be any easier than when you were fighting other Teigu users."

"You mean there might be more people like the guy that almost killed you?" Tatsumi asked in shock, disbelieving anyone could actually match the insanity that was Ichigo's power.

"Just like with Teigu, certain abilities defy logic and reason. I won't lie, this is going to be many times more difficult than when you only had to worry about Esdeath." Wave and Tatsumi were about to speak up before Ichigo raised his hand. "Stop. I won't force anyone to take on the burden of being a Soul Reaper and before any of you try to volunteer I want you to be ABSOLUTELY sure this is what you want." He pointed to the stairs. Stairs were less risky than ladders. "Now go. Think it over for a few days." With that, the group began to leave, Akame sticking behind long enough to leave a note for the hybrid.

"Notice: incoming package from your favorite captain." A computerized voice of Kisuke called out, somehow not surprising Ichigo that he did something like this. He turned to see a large cylindrical pod with a bunch of wires, plugs, and a single red light that was moving around the pod like an eye. On the pod was a note that said 'connect to everything'. With hesitation Ichigo did so and the moment he connected it to the Spirit Projector, Stylish appeared.

"Ah~! Much better!" The scientist said, looking like a green hologram. "The latest in Soul Society's AI technology, STY 0068, Stylish. I'm at your service Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo was looking at this with utter confusion. "I understand the confusion sir, so I shall stylishly explain!" He then took a hammy and dramatic pose. "After you sent me to squad 12, Mayuri Kurotsuchi took his time to painfully extract all of my knowledge and then turn my mind into an artificial intelligence to pick up the slack of your neglected science practices. After many iterations of this mind, many Mayuri made to simply torture for test purposes, he finally created me. A completely obedient program to help you in the matters you either can't understand or don't have the time to do." Ichigo then pointed to the pod. "That's where my main processor is, my remaining flesh and brain. I'm in constant agony." He said with a chipper attitude, disturbing Ichigo a little bit.

'I don't think I want to open that pod.' The hybrid immediately decided.

(Palace Tower: Akame's Room)

"Come to my room at midnight." Was the note Ichigo got from Akame and her room was where he was headed. Some would think of something naughty, but Akame never once struck him as that kind of girl. Chances are she already made her decision and didn't want anyone to try and convince her otherwise. He'd have to make sure she knew what she was getting into, but he wouldn't exactly turn her down either. He soon reached his destination, a room on the second floor of one of the towers, an entire floor reserved for the new special unit that would be formed.

"I'm here Akame." He announced, knocking on the door. She opened it and pulled him inside, still dressed in her usual attire. "Is there any chance I can talk you out of it?" He said, knowing that she'd know what he was talking about.

"No. Someone's going to have to take over your duties when you leave." She said, making her intentions known. "They told us. Sheele, Bulat, Daidara, Esdeath, they told us that you'll eventually leave to continue this war against the Quincy. When you do, what will become of the souls still here? I will take on the burden of the Soul Reaper."

"And why?" Ichigo asked, feeling the conviction in her words. "A desire to help lost souls or your penance for all the lives you've ended?" Akame didn't answer, but it was easy to see that the latter was the likely reason. "Are you really sure about this Akame?" She nodded. "Fine. I accept you as my successor as Shinigami of this world." 'Maybe your friends that survive this will join you so that you aren't entirely alone.' He thought to himself as Akame walked up to him.

"Good." She said before pulling him down and kissing him deeply. When he pulled back, he saw a deep blush painting her cheeks. "Th-that's my thanks for saving my sister. It wasn't my first kiss, but this is the first time I've tried this after a... less than consenting experience."

"So why?" He asked, seeing her tremble slightly. Likely experiencing some bad memories.

"I'd rather be memorable than forgotten." She answered, shyly looking away. Ichigo reached down and took a gentle grasp of her chin.

"Then let's make this memorable." He said before kissing her.

(Continued in Other Awakenings)

Ichigo was standing on a balcony in the palace, shirtless and taking in the night air to reflect on the impact he was leaving on this world and how he'd be leaving the people to the aftermath. Akame was soundly asleep in bed, tired from a vigorous night of 'memories' she felt was owed to both of them. The hybrid was about to return to bed when he felt a strong Reiatsu, one belonging to a Vasto Lorde. Summoning Zangetsu to his hand he immediately flashed over to the area where he felt the presence, back to Night Raid's old base.

"Alright, show yourself!" Ichigo ordered, getting ready to draw and release his shikai. He was answered when a clawed webbed hand with spiked protrusions on both sides wrapped around the door frame and the Hollow revealed itself, definitely a Vasto Lorde and female from the looks of it. Her mask was like a wide and blunt shark's head though it left her mouth exposed, revealing rows of shark teeth ready to tear anything apart, and a wild mane of gray hair flowing down her back. In the middle of her back was a shark fin and her body was segmented in gray and mocha brown tiger stripes with gills along her ribs. The most curious aspect of her was the occasional spark of electricity arcing across her body, fairly intelligent eyes, and a golden pendant hanging from her neck in front of the Hollow hole in her heart.

'A feral Vasto Lorde?' Ichigo thought with concern as he got ready to fight. She immediately disappeared in a flash of and got a foot in front of him, not in a predatory stance but more curious. She was sniffing loudly, getting closer and closer to him. Ichigo was concerned, but held out a hand for her.

"Ma... Sa... Ki?" She said with tears welling up in her ink black eyes before they turned a feline green, shocking Ichigo with the mention of his mother.

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