I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 44: Chapter 44

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A teenage boy stood in front of Ryan. Parts of his body were covered in black coloured fur. His face was extremely disfigured. It looked like a mixture of two completely mismatched faces. The base strongly resembled something between a partial and full transformation into a Lycan. And the rest of the face bore a resemblance to the full form of seasoned vampires. And while individually these variations were still tolerable. Together, it was more like a mistake of nature.

It seems that the owner of such a bright appearance did not like to catch evaluating glances. So after hesitating for a second, he attacked Pierce with redoubled fervour. The creature did not seem to want to show off his new appearance, so he held himself back. But now that he had nothing to hide, he was able to show the maximum of his strength. The mutant's fighting style was based on pure instincts and little martial arts. As demonstrated in the battle before his transformation, he probably didn't spend much time on them. Afterwards, his strength allowed him to completely abandon these endeavours.

His attacks also began to slip into bite attempts quite often. He seemed to be relying heavily on poison. Fortunately, from the general mood of his attacks, it appeared that the claws of the convert had no poison channels. This allowed Rain to move more easily in close combat. At one point in the battle, the mutant was able to demonstrate an extremely entertaining ability. Namely shadow magic. Pierce's feet began to get stuck in the shadows cast by the reservoir. Resisting with all his might, he could only slow down the process of sinking. The teenager, overjoyed at the capture of his adversary, watched in silence as he tried unsuccessfully to get out.

Raine realised that the time for games had passed. And thinking that he could not give in to such a strange individual any longer, he activated the flame. The darkness that enveloped his feet was immediately vaporised, and a handful of metal shards flew at the young half-vampire. Some of them he was able to dodge, but a couple of three pieces managed to pierce the ghoul's left leg. After that, his limb immediately caught fire. And, to Pierce's surprise, the kid reacted rather swiftly. He chopped off his leg with his claws, preventing the flames from reaching his body. New meat immediately began to form on the stump. And by rough estimates, in just a minute, the convert would have a new leg. But unfortunately, he didn't have that minute. So after receiving a couple of splinters in each of his remaining limbs, he passed out from the extreme pain.

-Geez. If you're the one hunting people, what's Simmons doing now? - Ryan asked the knocked out enemy.


In the basement of an old building there were several people having an active discussion.

-And what are we going to do? - Asked one of the guys.

-Well, we're certainly not gonna tell George. -Well, we're not gonna tell George. I don't understand his rule-breaking. The way I see it, these things should be extinguished. What's the point of giving them a chance at innocent lives? - The teenager resented it.

-But you saw her eyes. She didn't eat human meat. - Sam tried to lamely argue with his friend.

-So what? You can kill without blue eyes. Or do you care that she's a girl? - Dean raised a questioning eyebrow.

-It just doesn't seem right. You should have seen the look in her eyes. There's so much fear mixed with misunderstanding. - Sam spoke up.

-Nothing. She'll be in fear for a while, and we'll come down and talk in an hour. - Said Dean, opening a bottle of beer and switching on the telly.


-Hey, Fitz, I texted you the address. Come on over. - The kid's friend's voice came through the phone.

-Ryan, they found a body. They said it was the work of a serial killer. There was so much blood. Simmons, she didn't have anything to do with this, did she? - Asked Leopold in a shaky voice.

-I don't know. Not with the deaths, but a little bit of everything else. Anyway, this isn't a phone call, so I'm waiting. - Said Pierce, hanging up the phone.

-"In the meantime, let's get you. - Said Ryan, turning to the vampire crucified on the wall.

-"Well, kebab, who are you?" said Pierce. - Said Pierce, pulling the tip of the right skewer and removing a useful birthday present.

From the story of such a nice creature I could learn almost all the information about his life before and after the transformation. All the same intimidation in conjunction with red eyes, wolf's face and terrible pain rather positively act on the oratorical qualities of the student. Anyway, there was a funny student named Michael Murbius. He studied quite well and everything was normal, until the grant he needed so badly was taken from his hands. Our kebab was suffering from a rather rare disease. Something was wrong with his blood. And without the grant, he couldn't sponsor his expedition for some rare bats.

Our geneticist only had a tiny blood sample of the species he needed. And it was old and not very useful. Anyway, he had a pretty strong hatred for our lovely young lady. And one day he noticed our biochemist chemising on some blood. And she looked extremely nervous. He thought it was something forbidden, so he waited until she was distracted by the head of the lab and stole some of the sample.

What was the bastard's surprise when the stolen sample showed amazing rates in healing. What he was able to get after some fine-tuning could help him with his illness. According to the doctors he'd have to go from cane to crutches in a couple of weeks. So this unicum decided to hurry up and taking a part of the blood sample Simmons added his formula with that old blood sample.

After injecting himself with this lovely cocktail he felt no change until the evening. But in the evening the fun began. By the light of the moon, this unlike Fiona turned into such a creature. In principle, he could take on a supernatural appearance during the day, too. But during the day, his vampire part falls asleep, which makes him weaker.

He also said he'd encountered a creature like me. Only it didn't speak and just attacked him. The creature was weaker than a well-fed Michael, so he was able to hurt it and drive it away. But he wasn't in particularly good shape himself. He didn't know how to fight, though.

Having learnt almost everything I needed I got a message from Leopold that I had arrived at the right place. So with one more knife to be sure, I left Morbius. After meeting Fitz and bringing him to the right building, I introduced him to the lovely creature.

-What's that? - Asked the guy standing in the aisle.

-This is a friend of mine, Michael Murbius. Although now he's probably better known by his nickname, the Beast. Still, the press gave him a pretty accurate name, don't you think? - Said Pierce with a half-smile.

-Why is he in that condition and where's Simmons? -And where's Simmons? - Leopold asked the two most important questions.

-He's in that position to keep you safe, and I haven't heard from Gemma yet. - Removing his smile, Pierce replied.

-But I shall go out to look for her presently. So here you go. - Ryan reassured his friend and then handed Fitz his sunglasses and detonator.

-What's that for? - Asked Leopold.

-Well, the sunglasses are just in case. The vampires I've encountered are hypnotic.

-He's a vampire?! - Fitz interrupted his mate.

-Yes. -And a werewolf. It's a funny cocktail of mutations. So the goggles will help you protect yourself from his eyes, and the detonator will help you destroy our friend if he's released. - Said Pierce, cheerfully.

Walking up to the vampire, he pulled out one of the knives embedded in Morbius' back. Then he put a few drops of pure human blood on it.

-So how's the bottom starting to feel? - Rain asked with a nasty grin.

-What did you do? - Fearfully asked Michael.

-Nothing unusual, my friend. I just happened to be on my way to a sex shop. So I bought some interesting toys. And then I just did a bit of carving and modelling. So now you've got a very nice purple dildo stuffed with explosives up your arse. Unfortunately, the biggest toys were sold out at the time, so you'll have to make do with the little 50cm one. So, enjoy. - Said Pierce, laughing hard and heading for the exit.

-By the way, Fitz, the blast has a kill zone of only a metre, so you can press the button if you try to escape. - Ryan shut the door as he closed it.


-Shit, she really doesn't know anything. - Dean stood outside the basement door, spitting.

-She's a recent beta convert, which means there's an alpha loose somewhere in the city. - That's a pretty fucked up scenario, Sam said.

-What if it's Caliph? - Sam said with a shudder.

-It's definitely not that psycho. His pack's initiation rite starts with killing a human, after which the beta eats the victim's heart. It's obvious that she's getting a little bit of control over her animal side, which means she's been like this for at least a week, maybe two. - Dean allayed his friend's fears.

-So there's an alpha running around town who turns random people and just leaves the newbies to fend for themselves? - Sam asked sarcastically.

-I don't know. But I have an idea how we can lure that freak out. - Said Dean with a bloodthirsty grin.


So where the hell is she? She never came back to the institute, and I've done two laps around Michael's hunting ground. - Pierce was complaining as he jumped across the roofs.

I don't want to go back to Fitz with bad news. But it looks like...wait, what's that? - Raine stopped and sniffed.

Catching such a strange but tantalising scent Pierce headed down the trail. Ten minutes later, he found the strange box on one of the rooftops of the city. After checking the entire area around it, he walked over and picked up the not particularly weighty cardboard cube. After opening the box, a terrifying wave of rage hit the roof. Some birds flying near the place simply fainted and crashed to the ground. And the people inside the house experienced animal terror. Inside the box was a severed female hand and a note with a meeting place.


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