I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 45: Chapter 45

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-Are you sure that's who's going to show up? - Asked Sam, hiding in one of the rooms of the abandoned building.

-Have you seen any other experienced werewolves running around in that neighbourhood? - Dean snapped at him.

-Are we all set? - Dean asked.

-"Yeah, I just need to show him the way. - Sam said doomedly.

-"Don't whine. You spent five years training to hunt these scum. If you can't outsmart a Lycan on your own turf, you might as well prepare a nice set and start carving your heart out. - Dropping the tension with Dean's boorishness.

-Wait, the cameras at the entrance are down. - Sam interrupted his friend's budding monologue.

-He found them? - Dean asked in surprise.

-No, they just stopped picking up the signal. - Sam replied in surprise.

-Okay, we'll deal with that later. Get ready. - Dean said and cut the connection.


As I made my way to the rendezvous point, my anger lessened a little. The mind of a player kept me from falling prey to my rage. So I didn't blindly go after those suicide bombers. On the way, I stopped by to pick up my stash. It was a weapon that could be used more comfortably in full werewolf form. I'd had to develop it during my walks around the city. And due to not a lot of free time, I still hadn't finished working on it. Right now it was just a prototype with minimal ammunition. The device itself resembled a bracelet and was somewhat similar to the Widow's armoury. Except it was unrealistic for me to get the same size. And considering that Romanoff had a stun gun with a range of five or six metres instead of firearms, it would probably be unrealistic even later. So my bracelet resembled something like Dedshot's armoury from DS. Except that its size was 3 times smaller and it could only shoot no more than ten times.

When I got to the place, I saw an old house. It must have belonged to some ancient family or something like that. The surroundings clearly hinted at that. When there was no more than a hundred metres between me and the building, I switched on the jammer. Now for the devices inside the house to communicate with each other they had to be no further than three or four metres away from each other. After that, I went to the wall of the house. As I touched the boards, I realised that I couldn't get in quietly. If I didn't learn to fly right now, I'd have to go through the front door or alert the whole house with a broken window. No one knows how much I dreamed about the scanner Fitz and I built. But you can't build one of these things on your own. And only the Night Serpent could take out a working prototype quietly.

After spitting and deciding that going through the front door was pretty dumb, I took a running start and pushed off the ground and flew into the first floor window. There was a lot of noise, but that was not what I was worried about at that moment. I couldn't see through the curtains, but on the other side of the glass there was a metal net. So my body was immediately wrapped up in this nice piece of clothing. But I didn't understand what the point of the trap was. Because I was able to throw the net off after only a second. How it was supposed to stop or slow me down, I couldn't tell. Unless they were counting on me being stuck thinking about the meaning of their trap?

Bursting into the next room I immediately had to dodge the fire that opened up on me. This time they were finally using normal weapons instead of those ridiculous crossbows. Those bastards had a pretty good level of technological weaponry from somewhere. At least you couldn't buy a turret with an AI blob at Walmart. While I was taking cover from the queues, the bastard managed to retreat into the next room. Taking advantage of the reduced firepower of the enemy, I, using improvised means in the form of tables and chairs got closer to the turret knocking down the sight with accurate throws of wood. After the technological toy was finished I wanted to destroy the hunter's expectations. So, I was going to punch through those old walls. As I accelerated and flew into the wall, I was met with unexpected resistance, dislocating my shoulder. Behind the decrepit boards was a minimum of 5mm steel. I didn't know where the modifications came from, but I decided to repeat my plan, only this time using a different method of penetration. I let my new flame loose and began to heat up one section of the wall. After squeezing out 30% of my new energy reserve, I found myself in a new room within twenty seconds.

Inside, there was no sign of a setup until steel plates were dropped on the wooden doors and a strange purple-coloured gas began to flow inside the box. Without fully checking the remaining functions of the place I returned to the previous room and made my way to the ground floor. At the bottom, I was greeted by the room that used to be responsible for the meals of the residents of this mansion.

I immediately looked for traces of the scum and Simmons' scent. Her odour I could not, unfortunately, catch, but the unfamiliar scent of some man I detected at once. As I followed him up the main staircase, I heard a slight rustle of wind coming from behind the shelves. Putting down the book with the remnants of the scent of the man I needed, I was able to open the entrance inside. Walking down the stone steps to the bottom, I found myself in some ancient analogue of a prison. Everywhere were cells for holding or torturing people. The only thing missing was a couple of skeletons in the corner of the cells for a complete resemblance. At the end of the corridor I saw a very different door from the others. It looked modern. Walking up to it, I looked inside. Inside was a large room, with a steel cage in the middle of it. In it lay the chained Gemma. The floor of the cage was covered in blood, and a circular saw with distinctive red stains was lying nearby. The girl's remaining hand was chained to one of her legs.

At this point, the rage I was suppressing inside took over, and I pulled the door a couple of centimetres towards me. But realising that this would waste too much time, the flames melted the lock. As I stepped inside, I caught the eye of a startled Simmons. When she turned round and saw me, she was startled and frightened. But after we met her gaze she was surprisingly calm. After she turned round, I immediately noticed the familiar collar around her neck. So without a second's hesitation, I rushed over to Gemma and put my hand through the bars of the cage, sending a jet of fire that destroyed important wires and circuit boards.

After that, I melted the lock on the cage and pulled Gemma out. Then I injected her with a killer dose of sedative mixed with sleeping pills. Just as I was about to rip that horrible collar off her, notches opened up in various parts of the room where gas grenades had been thrown in. The open door was propped open with something. The grenades began to fill the room with the familiar purple smoke. Then from behind the wall came a shout from one of the suicide bombers.

-"Enjoy your aconite, you animals.

Realising that there was no time to think of a plan, I decided to go for broke. Rushing to the wall not far from the place through which the grenades were thrown, I used maximum impact and just took it out. Once inside, I immediately noticed the dazed hunter. Without giving the thing a chance to act, I fired two shots into his hands, igniting the jammed bullets and burning his nerves in all the right places. Having taken some pleasure in his screams, I went straight to him and bringing his face to my face I asked only one question.

-How many of you are there?

All I got in reply was a mooing and a stifled cry.

-If you don't want to lose your legs too, then answer! - I shouted at him.

-Two. - The guy squeezed himself out.

I grabbed the bastard's throat and headed for the exit. When I got to the top of the stairs, I called loudly for his companion. The ultimatum was either he shows up within a minute or his friend goes to the afterlife. The threat worked and the bloke who tried to lure me into the gas room came out in front of me.

-I'm here. -Now let him go. - Sam said, tossing the machine gun aside and hiding his left hand behind his back.

-You're not making conditions here. - Ryan replied with a slip of anger in his voice.

-If you don't let him go, her head will be splattered all over the room. - Said Sam in a shaky voice, pulling out a detonator from behind his back.

-So that's it. Okay. If you press that button, you'll both die the most horrible deaths tonight. - Said Pierce while his eyes glowed menacingly red.

-We didn't know you were the alpha. -We didn't. Dean and I thought you were an enhanced omega. Please just take her and leave. We don't want to fall victim to a blood pact. - Said the guy, taking his finger off the button.

-Who decided to cut off her arm? - Asked Raein squeezing Dean's throat harder.

-Я. - Said the guy.

-Lying for a friend is commendable, but stupid. - Said Pierce, followed by a crunch. The boy's body hung lifelessly in the Lycan's arms.

-Remember, it was you who attacked me. You grabbed her and tortured her. You tried to kill me. So you can tell your colleagues that if any of them do anything to my men or put a single bullet or fucking arrow in my direction, I will provide them with hell on earth. - Said Pierce then a wave of fire travelled from his body through the house and the room began to blaze.


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