I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 46: Chapter 46

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When we got to the flat we had a bit of a meltdown. Gemma came round and saw the kebab hanging. Something in her activated and she started to transform. I pulled Fitz away and let her finish her transformation to see what I was dealing with. To my relief she didn't have a hybrid form. It was the standard Lycan guise. Not letting the transformed Gemma kill my guest, I grabbed her and re-injected her with a sedative sleeping pill. To my surprise Simmons' powers weren't all that remarkable. Michael, for all his outward flaws, could demonstrate strength almost equal to mine. Only physically, but he could.

So after a not very long conversation with Leopold and confirming a couple of his guesses, I left to examine the blood Simmons. Well, what can I say about that? She's a very lucky girl. From her blood, I realised I couldn't burn out the vampire infestation back then. It just went dormant and hid very deeply. And Michael had awakened it with his serum and even strengthened it a little. Gemma could look like my pale friend for the next couple of months. The infestation had fallen asleep, but the frequent transformations were keeping her awake, and at some point the transformation could become more hybrid, and possibly permanent. But then again luck was on her side.

It seems during one of the confrontations between Gemma and Michael's animal part, he had bitten her. For a human, that bite would be fatal. For me, it would be a little painful, but after an hour or two I'd be fine. Simmons' body started to work in a very interesting way. After receiving a dose of poison, he began to develop an immunity to it. The body must have been in pain for a long time. At least a couple of days to fight it definitely spent, but the result was not but a miracle. Gemma was immune to the vampire contagion, and her body was doing its best to kill the remnants of the curse. At least she was no longer in hybrid form. Now Simmons' saliva, blood and other secretions will be extremely lethal to vampires. Our good children of the night will die instantly after contact with her dna. And very painfully so. Given the growth of infected cells as the bloodsucker ages, she'll be able to kill vampires under fifty with a single bite. Fifty to ninety would be very painful. And those over ninety might not even notice the effects of her antibodies.

I remember there was a character in the comics called the Anti-Venom. So Gemma's an Anti-Vampire now. But there was still something missing from her shifting dna. Like the final piece of the system that made it impossible for her body to complete the puzzle. I realised what the problem was pretty quickly. Leopold called me over to look at a not-so-standardised picture. Namely Gemma's leg. Her limb had taken on the shape of a werewolf while completely ignoring the rest of the human form napping on the couch. Realising that the transformation mechanism was already starting to fail, I went looking for ways to solve the problem.

First I tried adding my own blood to the sample and got only a partial effect. Everything tried to fix itself, but failed at the last moment. Then I added my saliva. Taking full shape and using fragile fence tools was hard, but I managed almost nothing without breaking anything...more than twice. The effect was in my face. Something in my saliva was giving the dna the commands it needed. If before its addition everything resembled building a house without a foundation, then now all chains became static and the rebuilding of the dna stopped.

After waiting another hour and realising that nothing was changing, I went to Simmons' room with the stabiliser ready. By the time I got there, she was just starting to regain consciousness. When she woke up, she began to sniff around, and I realised that I had to hurry, or there would be only Michael in her sights again. Injecting her with a stabiliser, I began to observe her condition. At first nothing happened, then the fur slowly came off her left leg. Then the shape returned to human form. Once stabilised, she abruptly twisted and began to transform completely. I thought the stabiliser had made a mistake, but what happened next convinced me otherwise. For twenty minutes, Gemma's body bounced between the two forms. Some would consider that a bad sign, but somewhere inside I felt that everything was going right and she was, how should I describe it? Getting right?

When this process stopped Simmons' wolf form lay before us. After another minute, she began to come round. And it was clear from the characteristic quiet swearing and the only intact hand resting on her forehead that a more civilised version of her had regained consciousness.

-Hi. Firstly tell me, what's the last thing you remember? - Ryan asked, stepping between Gemma and the grief-stricken lovers.

-Rain? I remember waking up in some basement and being grabbed by two unknown men. One of them demanded to know about some Lycan who could summon flames. I didn't. - At that moment, her vision finally became clear and she saw her own form.

-What the hell is this? What's wrong with me? - Simmons screamed at once.

-Calm down, it's one of the two forms of your body. You can still take on human form. - Pierce's most psyche-important information at that moment.

-What happened to me? - Asked the girl who had calmed down a bit.

-Do you want the short or the long version? - Sitting down next to her, Pierce asked.

-The short version. - Gemma said hesitantly.

-Well, you've been the victim of a thin sex rag. An invalid angry at you stole your blood samples and became a Volpire? Vampire? Anyway, it doesn't matter. He concocted a dream drug and started eating people's organs while drinking their blood. He killed a lot of people, and I understand you got the ability to sense him. So you spoilt his hunt a few times. Once he bit you and by that action he saved your life from the fate of a hybrid. Yesterday you were captured by hunters who wanted to kill me. Using you as a hostage they prepared a trap for me, but it didn't work, so I saved you and halved their numbers. - Pierce calmly recounted the events of the last month.

-How do I get back to normal? - Simmons asked after digesting a bit of information thrown at her.

-Calm down and feel your pulse slowing down. - Said Pierce, then a little amazed at the girl's quick learning curve.

-It worked. - Joyfully said the girl who examined herself. Only at that moment she remembered about the lost limb. Throwing a little faded look at her arm, she plunged into thought.

-Now let's get on with your arm. - Said Pierce and then pulled out a large five-litre red-orange canister from the next room.

-What is it? - Asked Simmons with a lively look pointing at the canister.

-Regenerator of my own making. You drink a couple of these and you can clap your hands again. - He gave Gemma a good-natured look that gave her goosebumps.

There was a long dialogue that filled in the holes of Simmons' story. All the moments of her transformation didn't seem to be particularly stored in her memory. She just remembered something starting to beckon her, and then darkness. And if leaving her room at night and waking up in bed in the morning could be chalked up to forgetfulness or sleepwalking. The date with Fitz and the loss of hours of memories, coupled with the wound on her arm, was starting to worry her. After dealing with the gaps in my memories, I decided to conduct a new experiment. Showing Simmons Morbius, I wanted to find out what her uncontrollable rage was related to. According to her, the unpleasant sensation remained, but she had no direct desire to ram it down his throat.

This led me to think that Gemma was now a completely different being. And the partial kinship at the beginning, after the stabiliser became even more insignificant. Perhaps Gemma's body's aggression was due to an attempt to mine the missing DNA strands. Perhaps, on pure instinct, her organism wanted to become stable. And Michael's hybrid form was a simultaneous desire to improve and exterminate such an abnormal individual. But there was no way to know for sure.

Interrupting Simmons from such a "pleasant" process of absorbing my brew, I reminded her of the not very authorised way of leaving the institute. So, having collected ourselves, Gemma and I followed back, to leave it an hour later on legal grounds. Now I had to spend a few hours each day training Gemma. Given her new abilities, she might be of interest. So skills for self-defence were essential for the young biochemist.

The increase in strength didn't cause the girl much trouble. Still, people who got physical abilities not through evolution had an advantage over mutants. Since childhood, they had built up in their heads the framework of physical activity. The brain of such a person knows exactly how much force he used to turn the doorknob. And if his strength does not grow ten or twenty times at once, this blocker will not allow his muscles to make a mistake. This can be written both in pluses and minuses at the same time. With the help of this block a man who has become 7-8 times stronger will not break his friend's hand when shaking hands. But it will also be more difficult for him to squeeze the maximum out of the increased reserve of strength. The organism will need many months of maximum load to set new peaks of the body's abilities. And what better way to help a new super get accustomed to a new super than with an opponent who surpasses him in strength and skill?


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