I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 47: Chapter 47

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Back at the flat everyone went about their business again Gemma went to devour the first canister, well I went to run the final tests on Morbius. The fact that he was about to go to the afterlife was already a fact. Of course, when morning came and he regained his human form, he tried to blame it all on his terrible thirst and inability to control himself. And that theory might have had a chance, but the latest victims in the beast's case had been rather uniform. If at first the series of his murders resembled a child's trip to the sweet shop, where you want to take everything at once. Then it turned into a trip to get a particular tasty treat. And that goodie for Michael was girls between 17 and 20. Because of a breakdown in the hunt, this cute creature had killed three of these poor girls yesterday after a light snack with a student, and in rather distant places from each other. You couldn't write that off as a coincidence, not even a complete moron.

So after running tests with the stabiliser and making sure that the effect on his DNA was almost imperceptible, I started a full blood draw. He wouldn't need it anymore, but I would find it extremely useful. The main feature of his blood was the fusion and stabilisation effect. Since Morbius was not like other vampires his body could still be called alive. At least 60-70% alive. My main goal for the next few years will be to find a way to transfer this property into the substances I need. I admit I've got a thing for Cap's serum, too. And since it's not possible to get a working sample yet, I'll try to get rid of the main problem with all copies. namely poor stability and poor quality of fusion with the test subject.

In fact, Michael's blood could create a horde of creatures like him. One drop in a glass of water would be enough to infect a human. And yet there'd only be a 10 per cent chance of rejection by the body. But his teeth didn't have the essence vampires need. According to the information I got, it turned out that to transform a human, a ghoul had to bite the victim and then drink his blood. At the same time, the person received 30-60% of the transformed person's powers. The quality of the transformation was directly affected by the amount of blood drunk. Michael had no such problems. His blood gave the subject about 90% of the original.

Having finished siphoning such a valuable sample from the barely living mummy, I plunged a knife into his heart. Afterwards, I destroyed the body with flames. Of the remaining issues, only the full moon and its effects on Simmons were on the agenda. Thinking about her future and her life with Fitz, Raine could only sympathise with his friend. The transformation could be triggered by anger or very strong excitement. And as we know girls have a magical time of rage and discontent that repeats itself every month. So married life for a couple formed under a series of unfortunate events is going to be hot.

Fortunately, Gemma and Fitz the full moon did not cause the girl's desire to kill. During the day there was only an increased content of noradrenaline in the blood. So she could turn for anything. At night, however, it became impossible to turn. And like in a fairy tale, only at first light the transformation was cancelled.


The training ended rather quickly and imperceptibly. The only notable event I can remember is the one with Gemma and the hybrid. After that night, I refused to experiment in the public labs. So I spent the remaining months of my life with an extremely limited set of instruments in a rented flat. It was frustrating, but I didn't want to let it happen again.

I'm on my way to one of the Shield bases now. I'm about to be temporarily assigned to the Strike Force. When I heard about it I was at first amazed, but then I realised and found it logical. This direction will provide me with experienced teachers. Also, since it's our people, my father will be less worried. And the most logical reason is the simple lack of strength for some missions. It's easier to fight the supers with another super at hand.

After completing my training, I was given a level 3 agent's clearance. According to my knowledge from my previous life and what I've managed to dig up here, that's pretty good. Those who just graduated usually get level one. Recruited military second. Starting at level three is a privilege. Weak, but a privilege. Level three is usually the ceiling for clerks and other not-so-important employees. Although sometimes an agent is demoted to the third level due to severe mental trauma or request of the person himself. Such traumas include a fear of blood, an inability to kill, or a simple fear of combat missions. If a person's entire team dies in front of his eyes, it's not surprising that the desire to go on a new mission disappears.

I was also given the third level of agent clearance. The difference between agent level and clearance is that you can be a level 7 agent while having a level 5 or 6 clearance. An agent's level mainly affects his freedom of action and his salary. But the level of security clearance gives a person the right to search the Shield database. For example, Barton is a level eight agent. But I don't really believe he has that level of clearance.

A level four clearance gives you entry to the task force. So Fitz, as a science luminary, would be given that level after graduation. If a scientist has a clearance level 1-3, he will sit in the lab and learn about the risks of the task force only from rumours and movies. This level shows that you are worth something and in case of unforeseen combat operations you can duck without getting shot. Then you ask, how can I be a member of the Udar if I don't have the right level? Well, it's simple. Firstly, I'm a powerful super, which removes a lot of restrictions. And secondly, my N.O. has been assigned to Rumlow.Level five is the highest level a scientist can attain. It allows scientific luminaries to work in the field. Of course, with great achievement, the same salary can be increased. But they can no longer increase the level of agent and admission. The only way to advance further is to take up arms and fulfil combat missions.

The sixth level is the standard for combat agents. It allows a person to take on special operations and espionage missions. But he will not know much about the reasons for his assignment. A good agent is one who does not ask too many questions.

The seventh is given to the best Shield agents. They get almost complete information about the assignment. They are the elite forces of the organisation. Such an agent is usually worth 5-10 people with the sixth level.

The eighth is given to the most outstanding individuals. They are responsible for leading combat teams. The most important missions are always under their personal control. This level can be considered the pinnacle. You can only rise further if the shield director is removed or dies.

The ninth level gives access to almost all the data collected by the bird. Only people close to the director get it. Right-handers, left-handers, to put it simply. Such a person can temporarily take control of the organisation during a loss of contact with the Director or in the event of his death. But whether he will be able to keep this position or return to his level will be decided by the AMP.

The tenth level is the last known at the moment. Only Fury and Pierce Sr. have it. These people are allowed to do almost anything. But most of their decisions are usually under the control of the Alpha World Government. Still, these people are the main backers of the organisation. Pierce, for example, is very comfortable in two chairs. On the one hand, he's a member of this government. And on the other, he's Fury's minder. It's in his power to override any order from Cyclops. He'd have to explain his actions to the AMP, of course, but the opportunity itself was still valuable.

As I approached the checkpoint, I received a phone call with pretty clear instructions. I was told to grab my feet and get to the runway. Strike had an urgent mission and my baptism of fire would be much sooner than expected.


Fury wasn't having a very good day today. He went back to reviewing the case file of the new, agent. Pierce Jr. had too many secrets. And Fury didn't like being kept in the dark. The most disheartening news, however, was the guy's almost complete lack of pain points. This, on the one hand, was an advantage for the agent and a plus for the organisation, but on the other hand, an uncontrolled personality is dangerous. And an uncontrolled personality with superpowers is doubly dangerous. During his time at the institute, he had sent some agents in an attempt to create attachment in a teenager. But, to the surprise of the principal, all the girls and later the guys came back with nothing. The friend option, on the other hand, looks less and less presentable with each passing month. Leopold Fitz and Gemma Simmons demonstrate an extremely high level of talent and value to The Shield. Their designs have already shown the highest degree of usefulness on some missions. Trying to control Pierce while losing the loyalty of such talents was extremely foolish.

The option of relatives was not feasible from the start. Rain's only living relative was his father. And Fury wouldn't mind seeing for himself the geniuses who would decide to gain leverage over Pierce through Alexander. The thought was so amusing that Fury himself didn't notice his lips stretch in a slight grin.

For a seasoned spy, letting someone with no weaknesses into his circle of confidants was too great a luxury. Barton had a family. And the Widow's pain point was Barton. Even the same Avengers candidates had weaknesses. Stark loved Pepper Potts. Bruce Baner was in a relationship with Betty Rose. And even if the option of the General's daughter was complicated, there was still his cousin, with whom he'd maintained a fairly warm relationship before the explosion.

Once again Fury put matters aside and decided to focus on the more important issue at hand. A couple of days ago he had been informed of the discovery of a rather famous twentieth century aeroplane. In the back of the bird were found extremely interesting devices, which according to preliminary theories of scientists could work with the help of the blue cube. Now he had to arrange the most classified and safe transport of the devices and take care of the Captain's body. The world must bury its hero with all honours.


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