Chapter 48: Chapter 48
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When I got to the hangar I was immediately handed a standardised uniform. No markings had been put on it, obviously. In comic books, agents wear the insignia of their organisation. But in reality, it's an extremely stupid action that leads to the enemy finding the perpetrator of the attack as quickly as possible. Any spy organisation and the Shield is no exception when an agent is captured on the territory of the enemy or another country, it simply abandons him. There's no markings on him, just because he says something about us doesn't mean anything. They all operate under the same motto. You found him, you deal with him, but leave us out of it. We don't have any spies. Honest "Insert country."
Putting on my uniform, I was directed to the quinjet. Once inside, I was confronted by members of the Strike. Six men in good fighting shape with rather short haircuts threw an assessing look at me.
-"We're about to take off. Get in, kid. - Said Rumlow.
-So you're a mutant? - Asked the grey-eyed blond, looking for something in my uniform.
-I wish you'd introduced yourself first. - Said a man about 27-29 years old with short brown hair, elbowing his colleague in the side.
-"I'm Bobby. So, what? - A 35-year-old man repeated his question.
-I'm a mutant. - Pierce answered calmly.
With a sniff of Bobby, Gareth handed the twenty to his rather distinguished neighbour. This man stood out first of all by his height, which was only 160-162 cm. He also had two assault rifles and a hand grenade launcher next to him. In his imagination Rain had already managed to picture him using Macedonian shooting in the middle of the battle.
Brock finished watching the boys' entertainment and asked the green-eyed brunet sitting as close to the pilot as possible to download the mission data to my tablet. Nodding, the 27-28 year old guy complied with the commander's request.
-While Ethan sends the files, let me introduce you to the team. Bobby has already introduced himself. - Smiling said Rumlow.
-To his left is Nick. - He said, pointing to the brown-haired guy who had poked Bobby.
-On the right sits...
-Our fighting dwarf. - The brown-haired, red-eyed guy on my right interrupted his commander.
-Fuck you. - The blue-eyed dwarf replied, giving him the middle finger.
-Hugh, Jim. - Said Brock, pointing first at Red and then at the disgruntled runt.
-Well, I've probably been introduced to you at headquarters. - Said Rumlow.
-Yes, I've been told the name of my N.O. - Said Ryan as he dipped into the information on his tablet.
Strike's mission was to free a captured agent. A few hours ago, a signal was picked up from Mary Smoke's transmitter. She was tracking some kind of arms dealer and was captured a week ago. Satellite photos indicate an abandoned warehouse. Cars left on the premises give us a chance at the agent's return. Our mission is to infiltrate and recover Mary. Secondary objectives are to capture languages and media. We flew on an improved quinjet with a lot of speed, but even so we had to fly to her location for about 60-70 minutes at maximum speed. And given the desire not to get caught, it was 80-90 minutes.
We arrived at the target location in the evening. And immediately began to prepare for the infiltration.
-Ethan, you're wearing cameras. Hugh, take up a position on that hill over there. Jim, this grenade launcher stays in the quindget and you're in charge of Ethan's cover. Bobby, Ryan, Nick, you're with me. - Brock gave his orders quickly.
Dage immediately launched about five quadrocopters into the sky. On some of them I managed to spot small structures made for firing. Except that my knowledge told me they were definitely not firearms. Peris ran with the sniper to the indicated position, and Tern returned the grenade launcher to its place. He had that look on his face like he was abandoning his family.
Right after that, I was given a call sign. Now through the communication channels we only communicated as: Reaper (Brock), Owl (Ethan), Bulldog (Jim), Fox (Hugh), Panther (Bobby), Korshun (Nick), and Kid (Me).
-Owl we are on the point approach. - Said Brock.
-Acknowledged. Cinderella's on the fifth floor, three targets close by. Also targets on the first, second and fourth floors. There's a way in from the west. - Ethan's summary of the situation.
-Panther and Korshun to your west. Baby and I will take the south. - Rumlow gave the order.
After taking out the two sentries at the entrance, Reaper and Kid got inside. Dirty rooms with piles of rubbish in the corners. A centimetre layer of dust and wire ends sticking out of the ceiling made the agents wonder about the magical origin of the lights on this floor. In one of the corners there was even a rat running around, what this creature was feeding on, even God himself doesn't know.
-Reaper can shoot two targets at the eastern staircase on the second floor. - Informed the commander Fox.
-May be noticed, so wait until me and the Kid get to the first floor. - Replied the Reaper.
There were only five mercenaries on the ground floor. Two of them we took down with firearms, two from behind with knives, and the last one was sharp-eyed enough to know something was wrong, so he was lulled to sleep by a cold 25cm piece of steel to the head from 10 metres away. Ramlow praised such throwing prowess and advised him to practice with the Panther afterwards.
Going up to the first floor, we found about eight corpses with a characteristic straight mark on the throat. On it also turned out to be a mobile communication station, consisting of a pair of military laptops, at them sat Korshun. Panther, on the other hand, was scrubbing a knife away from fresh traces of blood. This floor looked a little better than its lower counterpart. Wires weren't sticking out through every metre of ceiling, and the middle of the room was even cleaned up a bit. You could see that the mercenaries had worked hard to clean up their place.
-Lis, take it off. - Brock ordered.
-They'll notice it's missing, so we'll have to hurry. Korshun, hook up the Owl first, then get the files out. Everyone take a separate staircase from three to four. Owl can you set the exact number of targets? - Reaper asked.
-I'm setting it up now...all set. There are only a couple of cameras upstairs, but if I add drones, I can cover the floor. There's only six targets on four. Two at the east stairwell, one at the southeast window Fox should see, and three at the only entrance to the fifth. - Ethan revealed the location of the hostiles.
-Let's go. - Rumlow gave the command.
Once upstairs, we took our positions. Brock had taken out two of the men at the stairs, and now Bobby and I waited for the command to eliminate the relaxed trio. It had to be done quickly, for Fox would fire at the same time as we attacked. Waiting for the command we set about executing it. I put a bullet into the extreme one, Panther threw a knife into the throat of the central one, and his neighbour on the right snapped his neck with his bare hands. He had a pretty creepy smile on his face at that moment. Reassessing the prospect of training together with Panther, I joined the climb up to the fifth floor.
Upstairs, we had no trouble taking out the two extra mercenaries, but the man in the good suit, who was splattered with Mary's blood, had only a couple of holes in his legs. Smoke was in delirium, she was drugged with a cocktail of psychotropics and Nick was in the process of determining what to inject her with to counteract rather than enhance the overall effect.
Having accomplished the main objective of the mission, we loaded into the quinjet and headed back to base. Pierce knew that the Strike's missions can be pretty chaotic. They go on the most dangerous missions without much in the way of cover and can be pulled out at any time of day or night. So the news of a week off after this mission was extremely well received, both by the newcomer and the core team. Rain finally had free time to fulfil his plans. And Blow can relax. Some will go bar-hopping, some will go back to their families, some will just enjoy a quiet moment, but everyone will use this time 100%, because they know that next time they might be unlucky enough not to come back.
Today was a normal day for Peter Parker. Tedious lectures and no psychos in technological armour wrecking the city. His side still reverberated with phantom pain at the memory of his encounter with Scorpius. Peter had never been as close to death as he had been at that moment. But he'd defeated that psycho so the town, and he himself, could sleep easy. Finishing his foray, Parker headed for his rooftop stash, where he kept his spare suit and a set of web-shooter capsules. Pushing aside the plates of metal that were impossible for the average person to lift, he found a letter lying in the middle of the stash. Opening it, he shuddered.
"Hello Spidey or should I call you tiger? We need to meet and talk. On the back of the sheet is a map with a meeting place. Come at exactly 22:00 alone."
Not knowing who it could be or how it revealed his true identity Spidey was gripped with fear for his loved ones. But quickly overcoming it he began to make better use of his considerable intellect. There were no threats or creepy demands in the letter, which was already surprising. They could just take someone he cared about hostage and use that to control him. But the letter only notified him of their possession of this information, but didn't even write back threats. What would happen if he didn't come alone or decided not to go at all? The teenager's mind immediately started throwing up a lot of unspecified but possible consequences that made him ready to rush to the meeting place right away. After calming down a little and suppressing his imagination, Peter decided to prepare himself.
Heading to the abandoned factory, which was the meeting place Parker took with him a set of cameras and his newly developed spider web bomb. If it was all a trap, he would be able to immobilise his enemies and escape. After hanging three cameras and setting them on automatic, enough for 2 hours, he decided to sneak in first. As he crawled in and hovered on the ceiling, he found a man in rather ordinary clothes. He was wearing a leather jacket and black jeans. The only unusual item in his wardrobe was a metallic grey mask hiding his face. The man just stood in the middle of the factory waiting for the guy. After hanging like that for about ten minutes, Parker decided to come down.
-What do you want? - Asked Spidey, landing a few metres from Pierce.
-"Well, you're finally down. I was beginning to think you'd made a nest up there. I called you down here to talk to you and make you a good offer. - Said Ryan, sitting down on a relatively clean chair.
-By the way, why the mask? It's just that I thought I showed that I knew your little secret. - Asked Pierce noting that it makes it much harder for him to catch the guy's emotions and adjust the dialogue.
-How did you know? - Asked Parker in a raised tone.
-Did you really think you were that good at hiding your secret? You've used that alley 20, 30 times. How many turns into the darkness do you think Parker has to make to get Spider-Man out of there in two or three minutes so that people stop mistaking it for a coincidence? - Pierce rhetorically questioned.
-In confidence, a lot of organisations know about you. Cameras nowadays deprive people of any semblance of privacy. But unlike the others, I'm not going to control you with this information. I just want to make you a favourable offer. But first, take a look at this. - Said Rain throwing a phone with an open website towards the spider.
-What is it? - Peter looked at the page without understanding.
-The patent for your web. -It's a patent for your web. It was filed a couple of months ago. - Said Pierce, shocking news for a teenager.
-But how? - was all Spidey could ask.
-What's the breakdown period of your glue? Five, six hours? You've been leaving samples in giant volumes every day. And even a little research time after a year can yield results. Do you know how much this company is now making off your development? - Pierce asked with undisguised pleasure.
-A couple of hundred million a month. - Raen surprised the teenager.
-How much do you make from your photos? -A couple of hundred a week? A couple of hundred a week? How much do you pay for groceries, electricity, water, taxes? All these burdens you could have lifted off your poor aunt's shoulders a long time ago. They'd only give you a couple of million, but that money would solve a lot of problems for your family. But you're the hero. - With each successive word, Ryan's guilt increased.
-I was saving lives. - The boy tried to object. He didn't realise he'd become the fallback in this conversation.
-The same way you saved Conors? - Pierce asked with a sinister smile.
-What do you mean? - Parker asked in surprise.
-Your dear professor is sitting in one very unpleasant place right now. And I can assure you that he is not there for treatment. Kurt has almost created a new super soldier serum. I'd even say improved it. What country wouldn't want an army of Kevlar clawing monsters that can heal fatal wounds in seconds. They probably already have the formula, and a good sample on which to experiment with control options you so nicely provided them. And you can tell the family that he's a danger to others, etc. Don't believe me? Ask his wife after this conversation when she last had contact with her husband. - Told of the tragic fate of mentor Peter Pearce.
-You need trusted people and a place that allows you to balance your night and day life. -You need a place to live. Tell me, have you ever imagined your future? Who'd give a good job to someone who's systematically late for work? And why would your dear Merry Jane connect her life with someone who doesn't have a normal job and who runs every night risking his life by wearing...spandex? - Pierce asked, not very confidently at the end.
-Your web, by the way, makes very good body armour. But you, as I realise, haven't even thought about a safer place for your body. - Ryan sighed tiredly.
-Harry can help me. - The boy grasped at straws.
-Harry Osborne? That's funny. I'll tell you a secret, it's not Harry who runs the company, it's his father. And Norman is now a showman for the moneybags. - Pierce said with a sneer.
-"You've been in a couple of his shows. - Waiting for a puzzled look from under the mask, Ryan continued.
-The Rhino and the Scorpion. I think that's what the media called them. - Pierce gave the guy the news.
-You're lying! - Parker didn't want to believe it.
-Yeah? -Let's think about this mystery together. Which giant could afford a suit like that? Hammer? No, he's closed. Roxxon? Neither. They're in charge of pharmaceuticals and genetics. Stark? Well, he could, but why would he do that when he's got enough military orders for a couple of years? So that leaves Oscorp with their failed Hammer partnership and a lot of debt. If you go to Oscorp now and show your intelligence, Norman will go in there and milk you for all you're worth. They need a lot of money, so they'd offer you the best contract they could. Five per cent of all profits. And if you wanted to leave, Osborne, like a gentleman, would threaten your aunt with life on the street or an early demise. If he calmly unleashed a battle tank piloted by a convict onto the streets of the city and then stuffed a psycho into an exoskeleton, how much more would he give a damn about an old woman's life? - Raine described the true course of events.
-I'm offering you a job. Not Spider-Man, but Peter Parker. I'll give you a good salary and my lab. I won't mind turning a blind eye to your nocturnal escapades, but only if the city needs Spider-Man. Robbing a shop or chasing criminals should be left to the cops. It's their job, what they've been trained for and what they're paid to do. Lizard, Rhino, Scorpion and other fauna are your prerogative. I can also provide you with more acceptable equipment and a fair 50/50 profit sharing agreement. Oh, that's right, I'll also help you not turn into a six-armed, spider-headed monster. - Like it's a small thing, Pierce said at the end.
-Turned into what?! - The spider came out of his depressed state.
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