In Marvel As Dante

Chapter 195: Chapter 195


After relaying Dante's instructions, I strolled into the bottom floor of Shaw International. Dozens of men and women mulled about, dressed in business casual attire, and security guards watched them like sentries, rooted in place. It was hard to believe we were in the same city with the way they carried themselves. I looked up at the many cameras dotted around and took a page from Dante's book.

One of the security guards walked up to me.

"Can I help you with something, son?" he asked.

"Tell Sebastian Shaw his son is here to see him."

Orders came through the earpiece they had on, and they led me up a side elevator reserved for VIPs that took us straight to the penthouse. The guard led me to a floor crawling with mutants and men in power armor. The bulk of them seemed nervous, as if in preparation for a fight.

I saw the reason why when I came to the very important-looking double doors at the end of the hall. A Greater Demon with Density Affinity. My eyes bulged, and I almost attacked instinct, but he simply passed me a curious look that lingered, and I could feel my breath catch the slightest bit, not out of fear of losing.

My meeting with Shaw might end before I even got a word in.

He could likely feel my strange demonic energy.

He looked eerily similar to the Garok, except leaner, with darker natural rock armor and a swishing tail that ended with a maul.

Thankfully, he kept whatever concerns he had to himself for now. I made a mental note to kill him on my way out just to be safe.

The doors eased open, and I walked in without my escort to a room straight out of some cheesy action flick.

The meeting room was a large amphitheater-like structure with a door at the lowest level and four tables at the highest. Three of them were occupied.

At the center sat my father, Sebastian Shaw, the Black King, one of the most infamous businessmen and mutants alive.

Emma Frost, the business mogul and certified hottie, sat to his right. She's the one I was the most afraid to go up against if a fight ever broke out. As if it wasn't bad enough that Dante wanted me to go easy on her, she was also a Telepath, and quite the bitch, if Regan's words were anything to go by.

The seat to his left was empty, and at the very edge of the room, partially buried in the dark, was Azazel. There have been rumors that he's Kurt's Dad, but the Teleporter always chickened out whenever I pressed him. I think he doesn't want to know, really, and who could blame him? The old man was as they come.

"Rin. I suppose a meeting is long overdue," Sebastian Shaw spoke, his voice booming, echoing off the walls.

I looked around. "You should tell your Contractor you want your money back."

"I take it you don't approve?" Emma asked.

"It's like you're beating me over the head with it," I rolled my eyes. "I get it. You're evil. Whatever."

Emma chuckled, looking over at Sebastian. "He must certainly take after his mother."

"I believe he does," Sebastian agreed, "but he gets his powers from me if the reports are to be believed. Energy absorption and adaptive development. Quite the mix."

I rubbed my chin. "Uh. Dante said you'd know this much. Who told you what I can do? SHIELD or Domina?"

Sebastian Shaw had the slightest tilt of his lips. "Hydra deserter. A curious mercenary named Sergei spoke of the abilities of potential mutant recruits. Suffice to say he's no longer with us."

"Did you kill him because you were mad or just wanted to cover your tracks?"

"What do you think?" Shaw asked, and I frowned slightly. It would seem that I never liked mind games much, nor did Azazel.

"Bond in your own time," he snorted. "What do you want, twerp?"

I cleared my throat and took a moment to gather myself. "To tell you to shut it all down. Your alliance with the demons, your invasion plans, everything."

Shaw gave me a full-on smile while the others exchanged confused looks. Emma seemed more concerned. Azazel remained unflappable.

"Did this order come from Dante, SHIELD, or you?"

I raised my brow at the question. I'd expected him to underestimate me. Most people did.

"Me," I said boldly. "The boss told me to handle you, one way or the other. I'd rather not have to kill my father, and besides, the demons' days are numbered. They have no idea who they're up against."

"So, he trusts you then?" he leaned in. "I suppose you're well accomplished for someone so young. I should've expected nothing less from a Shaw."

I blinked. "Did you just hear me?"

Sebastian's eyes twinkled with amusement as several wall compartments slid open, guns came to life, and an energy shield circled each table. I heard marching down the hall.

"Let me issue a warning of my own, Son, a first lesson, if you will. Appearances can be deceiving."

I smirked, summoning twin Demonic revolvers and firing them. The bullet burned through two miniguns, destroying them. The room turned white with bullet fire from all angles. I summoned my new bodysuit, letting the kinetic energy wash over me, energizing me even more.

For thirty seconds, I stood still before unleashing a wave of crimson energy that shut down all but a few cannons. A bullet here and there put an end to that as well.

"Funny. I was just about to say the same thing."

"He's just as good as I was," Sebastian said.

"Cocky, too," observed Emma. "And it appears the agent missed something."

"It was presumptuous to assume he would be completely reliable."

The door eased open, and dozens of soldiers came rushing in, none of them mutants. The Garok-thingy stood at the back, arms folded. He seemed content to just watch for now. The armored soldiers had various weapons—batons, spears, and guns.

Shaw tapped a button on his table and made a face as a strange energy hummed. They all did.

"A dampener?" I asked, a bit surprised. "I didn't count on you relying on the humans you're so quick to look down on to fight for you."

"I've never had anything against the industrious human spirit," Shaw said. "It's the sheep and lazy I take issue with."

I rolled my eyes, not even taking the time to point out the contradiction. "You know, I cut through a group of armored soldiers that looked like them a while back. Didn't even leave a scratch on me."

"Surrender, boy," crowed Shaw. "I am a man of mercy, but mine only goes so far. You have a dynasty waiting for you, boy. Aren't you tired of being another man's pawn?"

"Wow," I laughed. "You suck at speeches. I would've expected something more sentimental. Maybe using mom's memories against me." My confident smile waned slightly.

"You can have a family again, you know," said Emma with the softest twist of her voice, "someone to teach you about your roots and survival. And you know, Sebastian is not the only one who knew your mother."

I snapped my fingers. "Something like that." The air in the room grew heavier. "Maybe I will take you up on your offer when all this is over."


My Great Hammer materialized in my hand, and I exploded forward. The first strike pulped five people, the second sent another four twisting in the wind broken, and a kick paralyzed two more.

"He's immune!" Shaw roared, and Emma paled.

"How's that even possible!'

"I don't—"

They were all dead. The demon hadn't moved an inch from its spot.

"Ascendant," it rumbled, "but not one of Corvus's. Fascinating."


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