Chapter 196: Chapter 196
Finally launched Sorcerer In DC. Check my profile to find it or search for it. We already got three reviews and nearly 100k reads. It's really good. I would know. I wrote it.
"Alright, Children," Magneto announced, floating through the portal opening. "The formation is fairly rudimentary. The Avengers are on the offensive; my Brotherhood will provide assistance and run interference, and I will contend with that monstrosity in the sky. Any objections?"
We exchanged looks, but no one spoke. After all, this was what we trained for. Surprisingly, Matt took the lead despite his reluctance throughout training.
"Break off into teams of two. I'll stick with Peter, and you girls go off on your own," he said. "Yell if you need something."
We leapt from the top of the building into battle. Jessica, who took to her Extremis abilities the easiest, landed with an explosive impact, unleashing a wave of heat that knocked a few demons off their feet. She didn't let them get up, popping a horn's demon's head with her metal boots and hammering a demon dog's head into the dirt with her gauntlet. They were loosely modeled after Dante's and possessed some of the magic, allowing her to up her damage by 60% in a pinch.
She moved with the grace of a hyperactive eight-year-old, punching, exploding, body-checking, and suplexing anything she could get her hands on.
Yet, her brutality was no match for Collen Wings. She was a wraith on the battlefield, flitting around with precise cuts, stabs, decapitations, and kicks.
Matt was less subtle. His style was a mix of Jessica's brutality tempered by Colleen's grace. His batons struck like glowing hammers, cracking armor and chitin like glass.
I followed behind my all-star team, pitching in where I could. I stayed out of fights mostly, helping with a stomp here and a quick pull there. All that changed when my spider senses blared, warning me of a wave of fire coming in my direction. I flipped over the attack, flinging out my web, and grabbed the face of the attacker. I pulled, yanking him off balance and into the path of a pair of charging rock monsters. Dante called them Garoks. They were eight-foot-tall humanoid monsters with natural rock protection who could manipulate the earth.
The leading monster huffed and stomped on my attacker's head, killing him instantly before he turned in my direction.
"That's harsh."
I winced at the sudden violence, and he raised a hammer I didn't even realize he had until I saw it. My senses went into overdrive, warning me of the potential devastation if the hammer touched the ground.
I webbed it up, yanking it super hard. It almost flew from the lead demon's hands until two more demons joined the pair, grabbing the web and yanking me off my perch on a street light.
Yelena had warned me about that nasty habit—holding onto my web longer than needed. I twisted and landed with catlike grace, some distance away from them.
The second largest Garok stomped the ground, sending a wave of spikes in my direction. Two others swung their hands out, joining in. Uptorn asphalt and cars rocketed at me.
The world slowed down as my mind went into overdrive. I'd faced worse odds when I was training with Jean. I twisted mid-air, webs flinging out and snatching debris behind me. I sent it into the side of a flying car, knocking it off its path, then twisted, dodging two large asphalt chunks, and finally hopped just as a wave of spikes reached me. My web flung out and pulled me into the side of a building just in time. The lead demon chuffed like some kind of buffalo and then motioned to raise its hammer again, but I was faster this time. I springboarded off the building, webbing up the leader's legs, and pulled just as I kneed him in the face. I bounced off his falling body, twisting mid-air, web flicking out in rapid bursts.
It gummed up the movement of the trio remaining, allowing me to descend with an axe kick uncontested. It punted the head of a demon into the asphalt. Another one swung at me, and I stepped forward, sliding in between his legs, but not before webbing up his face. Coming up to my feet, I pulled. His head connected with the concrete with a loud crunch, and I finished him up with a generous spray of webbing, keeping him there.
While I was distracted, the last demon of the squad shoulder-checked me. My armor absorbed the damage, but it threw me off my feet. I transitioned to a flip mid-air, webbing up the hands and leg of my offender, and twisted him off his feet as I landed.
With a grunt, I pulled the demon my way, clotheslined him with a fist to the jaw, and proceeded to web him up, too.
The temperature behind me suddenly spiked as fire washed over me and a portion of the battlefield. Hundreds of demons perished, but I somehow survived, coming out with my armor glowing red, with a strange power radiating from deep within my chest.
The extremis in my blood was finally manifesting.
I heard the sky-shaking roar of the Eastern Dragon as his neck opened up with a spray of arterial blood. Something impossibly fast bounced off his flailing body and clung to the walls of a skyscraper that was miraculously untouched by the carnage.
The suit and sword had been a dead giveaway.
"Stop gawking at me and get up here," she yelled down at me as the Dragon turned her way and charged. She leaped off the building, web snatching to the tip of another skyscraper, and swung herself to relative safety on another building.
As the monster recovered, Magneto pounced, rapid-firing all twenty of the Adamantium knives Dante had lent him. They punched through the scales like Tofu, and the monster let off another roar, but this one was charged with energy. It swept through the demons, and suddenly, their strength surged, and a coat of fire surrounded their bodies. The Dragon had a similar coat, only his was several times thicker.
One pounced at me, but I was faster, folding it in half with a kick and lashing out with a full-powered punch. His head exploded, and I stumbled back. I hadn't meant to.
I sensed an attack coming, and my body moved automatically, flipping forward, narrowly escaping the downward swing of a Dragon Newt. His attack split the asphalt for several feet.
My wrist flicked outward, webbing up his face. To my utter shock, it glowed like I did. And three long seconds passed before it exploded, pulping the beast's head and bathing me in blood.
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man.
I stepped back, looking at my hand in horror.
My body moved again, ducking under the swing of a Garok with four arms. I sent it flying with a double kick to the stomach that thankfully didn't kill it, but I might as well have. I heard bone snapping.
I can't keep--
Something latched onto my back, yanking me from the field and depositing me on the side of the skyscraper.
I swung as soon as I landed. My fiery fist collided against a hard hand. It was Yelena's.
"Focus," Yelena said in her rough Russian accent. "Explosive Webs? Good. All I got were fire rockets. You think you can use it again on that thing?"
She pointed at the demon who flung his tail at Magneto. It rebounded off his electromagnetic shield, but I could see it was pushing him to his limits. With a roar, he swiped up, pulling dozens of cars, destroyed turrets, and light posts into the air, and sent it into the undersides of the monster.
It glowered at him and spewed even more fire. Magneto floated himself out of the way in time and closed his fist, calling back the Adamantium daggers he had launched into the beast's side earlier.
It's sides exploded in gore, its flying suddenly becoming unbalanced.
My heart raced, and my head hurt just taking it all in—the sights, smells, and noise. It was like being in one of those space battle scenes in Star Wars.
"I-I'm not sure," I said. "He looks like he's got the Dragon handled." I looked down below at my team, the rest of the Brotherhood, and the soldiers struggling to keep the invading force at bay. "They look like they need our help."
The perimeter around SHIELD HQ had shrunk again, and Tony and a few agents finally joined the fight. Laser fire streaked out, and the other members of the Brotherhood finally started pulling their weight.
Pyro was having a field day with access to so much fire and was dropping monsters left and right. The shapeshifter had retrieved a soldier blaster and was mowing down demons. Even Sabretooth was in on the action, but it wasn't nearly enough.
The demons just kept coming.
"You're wrong," she stated simply. "The Thunderbolts are still somewhere inside, and SHIELD still has their armored soldiers. Fury also called in Air strike and scrambled Soldiers. They should be here shortly. But all of them will die if—"
Near the entrance of SHIELD HQ, the air shimmered.
It was subtle enough that I almost missed it. Tilting my head, it looked almost human-looking.
"What is it?"
"I—I'm not sure. I might sound crazy here, but I think I saw someone invisible watching us. They just went into SHIELD HQ."
"Go after them now!" she commanded, and I shrunk back, slightly taken aback.
"Dante warned me of a spy. You need to stop whoever that was now!"
"What about the demon?" I asked. "You needed me."
Another wave of heat exploded from the demon. It was another breath attack that Magneto narrowly dodged.
It laughed. "You should be honored. Very few have seen my cloak and lived." Its voice was loud and grating, making my ears ring.
"That was what I was afraid of," she muttered, and I found my limbs shaking. Could I really leave her? Could I even fight this thing?
"Go!" she roared. "I have his phone number If I really need him."