Chapter 73: Ch 73. Purple Lightning x Seal based Lightning Armor
As Ron was in the training ground, in his hand, a small Chidori crackled with energy, its inside a brilliant white with arcs of blue lightning surging outward. In its purest form, natural lightning was white, the hottest and most intense manifestation of the element. However, the color of chakra-based techniques often varied due to the influence of the user's unique chakra and expression of nature. For example, when Yin Release was infused into Lightning Release, the resulting chakra often took on shades of purple or even black, altering its properties and behavior.
As Ron manipulated his Chidori, the white lightning gradually darkened into a light purple. Infusing Yin Release into the technique allowed for greater control and stability, similar to the way purple Lightning did, an evolution of Chidori. At the same time, on his other hand, a Chidori of black lightning crackled ominously. Both relied on Yin-type chakra but achieved different effects. The addition of Yin Release increased their lethality, but Black Lightning, in particular, gave the technique greater solidity, making the lightning more tangible and stable.
Kakashi's Purple Lightning, or Purple Chidori, had been developed by adding Yin Release to standard Chidori, enhancing its fluidity and control. Unlike the raw, piercing nature of the original Chidori, Purple Lightning retained its fast-flowing properties but became easier to control and direct at long range, thus could be thrown, like throwing lightning arcs. Black Lightning, on the other hand, could take on various forms and be shaped into ranged attacks, but it behaved more like a solid, lightning-forged weapon than a freely flowing current of energy. While both could be used without hand seals with sufficient chakra control, Purple Lightning was generally easier to wield and offered greater fluidity.
Ron contemplated his father's usage of Black Lightning and the fact that he never integrated it into his Lightning Chakra Mode. He speculated that this was due to its extreme lethality, training with Black Lightning in such a manner would be akin to stabbing oneself with solid lightning. However, he theorized that if someone in the future sought to enhance the intensity or particular traits of their Lightning Chakra Mode, Purple Lightning would be a superior alternative to Black Lightning.
The idea intrigued Ron. He envisioned a variation of the Lightning Chakra Mode that incorporated Purple Lightning, allowing the user to discharge lightning from their body while moving. With enough chakra control, this could function as a continuous offense, striking enemies automatically with discharges of electricity as the user advanced.
The concept took shape rapidly in Ron's mind, and with his exceptional chakra control, he immediately set about creating the technique. He reasoned that as long as he managed the flow of energy properly, he could avoid harming himself. At worst, only the outer layer of his chakra would transform into Purple Lightning, ensuring his safety.
Much like the advanced form of the Lightning Armor, which used Yin Release to form an even more solid protective lightning chakra, this new mode would extend lightning from the user's body, allowing for controlled discharges of electricity. Inspired by this principle, Ron even devised a rotational technique similar to the Hyuga Clan's Kaiten. By spinning rapidly while activating this form, a user could release lightning in all directions, creating a devastating area-of-effect attack.
Of course, such a technique as purple lightning based lightning chakra mode, required mastery of the advanced form of lightning chakra mode, required precise mastery to use effectively without hand seals. Ron estimated that most Elite Jonin-level shinobi could achieve this with dedicated training. However, for those lacking the necessary chakra control, he designed a set of hand seals that could be used to activate the jutsu, making it more accessible to skilled Chunin and lower-level Jonin.
For those who had already mastered Lightning Chakra Mode, Ron developed a specialized technique that required between three to one hand seals, depending on the user's level of chakra control. By using these seals, even those who had not yet fully mastered the mode could temporarily activate a chakra mode-based Lightning Armor. Upon activation, their chakra aura would momentarily flare up and solidify or rather gain more solid chakra characteristics, enhancing their defense. However, unlike Black Lightning, this enhancement did not darken their aura, as it was merely a passive application of Yin Release rather than an active nature transformation like Purple Lightning or Black Lightning, which was what normal lightning chakra mode, lightning armor was in essence just users used it without seals and this jutsu made it easy for others to use also.
Additionally, Ron devised a seal-based version of the Purple Lightning technique, and a purple lighting based chakra mode. This required more chakra and a greater number of hand seals, but both were structured in a way that allowed seamless mastery for those with sufficient talent and chakra control, talent and nature transformation talent to do it without seals.
When activated, the user's Lightning Chakra Mode would take on a distinct purple hue, and the aura around them would begin discharging lightning in all directions. As long as the user maintained the final hand seal of the technique, they could control the discharges with precision, directing the arcs of lightning as needed. However, if they released the seal, the discharges would become erratic and uncontrolled.
In this uncontrolled state, the technique could be adapted into a taijutsu-based rotation similar to the Hyuga Clan's Kaiten. By spinning rapidly, the user could unleash an indiscriminate barrage of lightning, striking anything within range. This made the technique versatile, offering both precision and overwhelming area-of-effect potential, depending on how it was applied.
Ron soon stopped and looked toward the setting sun, realizing it was time for dinner, followed by his afternoon physical training. With that in mind, he retrieved a standard scroll from his belongings. Applying his chakra like a key, he unsealed it effortlessly.
He flipped through the scroll, navigating to the section on lightning-based ninjutsu, stopping at Chidori, a technique he had previously documented. Next to it, he had written down Raikiri, making notes on their differences and use cases, including how Sasuke had wielded them. His notes also included advanced applications such as the S-rank Kirin, providing an overview of how to harness natural lightning for devastating attacks.
Now, with his recent research, he added new notes about Purple Lightning, also known as Raiton-Shiden, carefully recording its characteristics and potential applications. He detailed the necessary seals for performing the technique, similar to Chidori, but chose not to elaborate on additional derivatives. Ron figured that if a ninja was smart enough, they would naturally develop variations of the jutsu, much like how Chidori had multiple derived techniques, all of which he had already included in the scroll.
Next, he turned to the section on Lightning Chakra Mode, located under secret jutsu. These techniques were highly restricted, unavailable to the general shinobi population unless they had been cleared by the ANBU. However, in Kumogakure, nearly 99% of the village's ninja force had already been cleared, leaving only a minor 1%, consisting of shinobi with clean records but limited access due to their roles in non-combat or administrative departments. These individuals did not need high-level ninjutsu clearance.
Ron methodically added the newly developed techniques, Seal based Lightning Chakra Mode-Lightning Armor and Lightning Chakra Mode-Purple Armor. Alongside these, he included notes on their various uses and things like at what chakra control level and nature transformation level a ninja could use them without seals, but just as before, he refrained from spelling out every possible application. It wasn't his job to spoon-feed the shinobi of the village. He firmly believed in fostering creativity and independence. Kumogakure's ninja should develop and refine techniques themselves rather than becoming mere tools that follow instructions blindly.
Finally, Ron closed the scroll. The moment it was closed, the recorded jutsu were automatically uploaded to the village's archived scrolls, a system designed for efficiency, though the specifics of how it worked were a discussion for another time.
With that task completed, Ron stretched slightly, feeling satisfied with his progress. His thoughts shifted to Black Lightning. "I'll create the jutsus for it tomorrow. It'll be more fun!" he mused to himself, a grin forming on his face. With that, he turned and made his way back home, ready to enjoy dinner before his evening training.