in Tayvat as the god of creation

Chapter 3: creation.

So, from reading every single detail the system (that is possibly sentient) has given me, here's what I've gathered:

I'm currently in a... trial life? I guess. Apparently, I'm supposed to build my strength and skills until I'm "ready." but not the, getting ready to be food ready. noo, no no.

If not that, then what am I getting ready for?

Well, that leads to the next thing:

[Fragment of Creation]Description: You are a part of the entity known as Creation. You are the driving force that brings things into existence. Right now, you are but a fragment of your true self. Become stronger to fully realize your true potential and take your place as one half of the coin known as the Universe.

Yeah... which is basically word vomit for: I'm a literal piece of the god of creation. Or maybe just an aspect? Dunno, kinda vague for no reason.

But the point is, I'm here in this world for the sole purpose of growth. Which, honestly? Great for me. Who wouldn't want to get strong in a world where people are out here yeeting mountains into the ocean?

(Cough cough, no referencing people here. No siree.)

And there doesn't seem to be any time limit, so I can probably spend my time doing jackshit, doing what I want while also getting stronger. which is a very good thing for me. as i have alot of shit i want to do. that doesn't involve puting an ass hole as king. Maybe get a partner?

Eh, too much work. But enough of that, I'm getting sidetracked.

The way I can grow is pretty simple - through the death of others. Like an RPG, every time I kill something, I get EXP, which I can use to upgrade myself. Either my skills or my level. That's... pretty much all there is to it, I think.

Oh wait - no, I forgot a few more things. the most important thing being.

I can create shit from thin air.

which is the effect for the fragment of creation title.

Effect: Using an energy source of your choosing - be it stamina, life force, or mana - you can will things into existence. The only requirement is that you have at least a basic understanding of the makeup of whatever you're creating.

Which basically means… yeah, I can craft weapons, armor, bombs, or even my mana nuke… hehe. Ahem. If I have enough mana… which leads to a bit of a problem.

See, that curse I was dealing with before? Yeah, it kinda followed me here. And thanks to the system doing something, it isn't much of a problem persay, just it's now embedded in my arm, sucking away at my mana like a parasite. Like a symbiote—except I get nothing out of it. Well, aside from slightly faster healing, which… isn't exactly worth the trade.

But it's not like I can just rip my arm off. I need that. So… you win, little curse in my arm. For now. At least it's not visible. If it was, I'd probably have already tried cutting it out.

Anyway, I think that's everything I needed to sort out. Time to get moving.

Mondstadt should be pretty close if I remember correctly. I just need to follow the path, pass through Whispering Woods (Or at least, I think that's what it's called), and Mondstadt should come into view.

Should be a quick trip.

Hmm… might as well take out any slimes I see along the way. They're a lot rarer than in the game, probably because they don't respawn and all that shit.

Should be a short walk.

I gazed down the long, straight path and sighed before using almost all of my remaining mana to create a simple wooden bat in my hand that could be mistaken as a thick twig. My grip tightened around the handle as I glared at my arm.

"Fuck, this curse is annoying. fucking leach."



A slime went flying, its body deforming from the force of the swing before splattering on the ground and dissipating into nothingness, leaving behind some slime condensate. Not that I could carry it with me—just like all the others.

[You have defeated a relatively weak opponent. You have obtained 10 EXP.]

EXP: 90

I severely underestimated a few things.

The most glaring one being how fucking far I needed to walk. I expected a couple of minutes, not fifty. But hey, I wouldn't complain… except there were literally no monsters. Like, none.

In those fifty minutes, I came across a grand total of six Hydro Slimes and three Pyro ones. That's it. Nothing else. It's crazy how empty it is.

To make it worse, the wind wasn't helping. I was still damp from that reluctant swim, and the chill was creeping into my bones. If only I was a little stronger—then I could've made a fire.

Oh well.

At least, I was finally in Whispering Woods.

After walking a bit more, I stepped into the forest, sticking to the path to avoid getting horribly lost.

Now, I was starting to miss the tracking system. Quite a bit.

but complaining about getting lost won't help me not get lost, so sticking to the path is my only option. At atleast my direction skills aren't that bad, unlike a certain green-haired swordsman out at sea. (cough cough, no reference here. nope)

Though, now that I thought about it, I probably should've taken at least some of the condensate, no matter how cheap. I was broker than Subaru with no plan at all. Right now, I had nothing to sell except for a literal wooden bat. Which… I mean, what good was that? Not much, especially now that it was almost broken.

"Sorry, Batty, but you need to be disposed of," I said sadly as I tossed the bat to the side.

Oh well, can't worry about it now. I guess I'll deal with it when the problem is stabbing me in the chest.

Suddenly, a voice called out from ahead as a figure jumped down from a small ledge.

"hey! you! are you an Inazumin adventurer? why are you all wet?"

Following the voice, my eyes drifted toward the source. a girl with chestnut-brown hair tied up into two high ponytails with red ribbons. amber eyes narrowing in my direction suspiciously and with curiosity, framed by a headband adorned with a pair of goggles perched on top. She wore a red and white outfit with gold accents, a short cape flowing behind her, and a vision pinned proudly to her hip.

Amber, The outrider.

A/N this is somethig have it nice. also some extra stuff that is not cannon but i think is funny.


Well, this is definitely not a coincidence, meeting her in the exact same way as the traveller. unless this place is ambers only place of patroll. this is sus.

[... don't act suspicous, don't act suspicious, don't act suspicous, don't act suspicious, don't act suspicous, don't act suspicious, don't act suspicous, don't act suspicious.]

You are very suspicious now. Was it you system?



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