Infinite Recall

Chapter 4: 4)Wolfriver

"Mother, did you really have to name me after some old man who disappeared? I hope you realize there's probably no one that compares to me," Dio declared as he flipped his hair. Currently, he was thirteen years old and had no idea that he reincarnated as some boy whose parents named him after his past life. He had gray hair and blood-red eyes. It was an unusual combination, but such was the fate of a boy with perfect memory. "I know you told me about how great his memory was and all, but do you think it's as good as mine? Of course, there's not a chance,"

"Shut your stupid face and get ready," Luna replied with a straight face. Her personality complemented her looks, unfortunately, that wasn't always the case, It's said that the child isn't the only one growing, and it was true. Luna behaved completely different when she was with Dio, she was a friend and, at the same time, a mother. "We're going to another city so we can put that memory of yours to good use,"

"Stupid face? I feel for you, Mother dearest. It seems time truly is the deadliest poison," Dio said with a dramatic expression on his face, the second he finished those words, he moved his head to the side to dodge the water ball his mother shot at him. "I highly doubt that there's anything a school can teach me. Even if most of the students my age can use tier two magic, you should know that I've already stepped into the realm of the third tier," 

"The realm of the third tier?" Luna snorted, "you have next to no knowledge about magic and spells. Not to mention the stages and the existence of mana. All you've done so far is memorize different spells and use them repeatedly. Sure, that's impressive and all, but that's not enough. Now shut it and get ready, unless you want me to show you what the "realm of the sixth tier" looks like?"

"Okay okay…." Dio pouted and went into his room. It wasn't messy but it certainly wasn't spick and span. However, the area around the mirror was definitely clean. In fact, there was a good circle from the mirror that had nothing, not even a single speck of dust.

His room was just like every 13-year-old who lived in a fantasy magic world who was the reincarnation of a sad soul that was a reincarnation of the greatest mage to ever exist. It had the words, "If I were you, I'd wanna be me too," etched onto different parts of the room. It was amusing, even though it was Dio that did that; for some reason, he felt like he had heard it somewhere before. 

"I pity the fools who don't have my memory," he said while buttoning up his shirt, 'I don't really, but whatever. Just in case someone's watching me through a crystal ball or something,' he thought to himself not even a second later.

Other than the mirror and the writing on the wall, Dio's room had books scattered all over the table, and by the looks of it, he had already finished each and every one of them more than two times. 

'It makes sense. If I were behind a magical crystal ball, I'd want to spy on me as well. Albeit it does give me the creeps, it's understandable to want to do so,'

Dio's parents, Luna and Drake Wolfriver, named him Dio Aethereus for only one reason. It was so that one fine day, their precious son would grow to become as strong as the sorcerer supreme who once ruled the world. It was unusual for anyone to do such a thing; the power and fear behind the name was such that no family would feel truly comfortable with naming their child after the lost king. However, Luna and Drake weren't concerned with such trivial matters, they didn't care if their surname would be pushed back to after the word Aethereus, making his full name Dio Aethereus Wolfriver.

They were adventurers, both of them, although there was a time when both of them almost retired. It was after Dio was born. Thankfully, Theo, Drake's father, stepped in and chose to look after him. However, after the first few years, Dio had no issue taking care of himself. Although there were still some things he couldn't exactly do, but as long as the food was made, he could manage.

Dio spent most of his time reading books. While most of the children spent time reading storybooks, Dio found himself obsessed with books about mana and magic. It was weird. He had never before touched a book about spells and the mystical energy of this world, however, the second he felt the book's cover, he felt something inside him click. It was as if one of the locks deep inside him had finally opened.

As the years passed by, he made it his habit to read the books thoroughly. After a certain point, he could finally test out what he learned. Although, initially, when Theo discovered this, he was more than worried. He saw a 6-year-old child trying to meditate and gather mana. While it's not uncommon, it's mostly a practice within the noble families. However, that wasn't his worry. Theo was aware of Dio's obsession with books, but to go right ahead and try it without the guidance of anyone was dangerous.

It was only after Dio looked at his grandfather with puppy-like eyes and said, "I thought….at least…Grandfather would *sniff* *sniff* let me try this….*sniff*"

'Fck…..' Theo internally grasped his heart. He couldn't refuse his sweet little grandson. There was no way he could, especially not if the child was as cute as Dio. 'Ah what's the worst that could happen?'

What Theo very conveniently pushed aside for the sake of his grandson was the fact that the worst that could happen was the explosion of the mana core. Since mana was still a topic that remained confusing to many, it shouldn't be surprising that it's not exactly as simple as breathing. 

"Well. Grandfather really did spoil me quite a lot," Dio said as he finally finished dressing up. He smiled as he recalled memories of his younger days. 'Good old days,' he thought as he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. 

"Who am I kidding? I'm way cuter now," Dio smirked as he turned around. Red sparks danced around his feet, "Mother of all. Shall we take our leave then? Unless you don't want to. In that case, I fully understand,"

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