Chapter 5: 5)Thresh Old
"Alright, you're father's waiting for us at the school," Luna and Dio stepped out of their home and proceeded to follow the road. "Now then, what's the name of the city we're going to?" she asked just to make sure he knew what he was getting into. Although her real intention was to catch him lacking so that she could give him shit later.
"The city of Thresh Old, and the school's name is Hexora. Once I'm chosen, which is obvious, I'll be spending the next three years living and studying there. Potentially learning a lot. The Headmaster of the school is said to be good friends with the principal of the Lost Supreme Academy, which is where you hope for me to end up after this school," Dio said with a straight face. He had no intentions of letting someone else decide his story. Although his mother's idea did sound quite enticing.
"Urgh. Nobody likes a know-it-all," Luna complained. "Besides, you are free to do as you want. I just assumed you would want the best place to put that brain of yours to good use." Luna stopped walking and looked at her son. "I mean it, Dio. You have no idea how lucky you are to have such a gift….You'll understand what I mean once you're lessons begin…"
"..." It was slightly weird for his mother to suddenly get serious. They always joked around with each other, but Luna always kept it real when she had to, and Dio understood that. "Yes, mother. Of course…." He smiled as he gestured for them to continue walking.
"You know, you're not the only one with a gift. Alex is incredibly talented as well. Hey maybe it has something to do with the neighborhood and not you," Luna said as she thought of Dio's childhood friend.
"I don't understand, how can something not be about me. Besides, Alex doesn't have a memory as good as mine,"
"Yes, but she's sharp and is good on her feet. I'm surprised the two of you never dueled it out. It's pretty common for kids your age to do so," It wasn't at all. After adapting to Dio's talent and personality, Luna had a tendency to overlook certain common facts.
An example of this would be all the times when she forgot that kids Dio's age have barely touched upon the second tier. While Dio was already in "the realm of the third tier". It could be considered her adapting so that her child doesn't grow up to be too overconfident. Although, that wasn't turning out too well.
"Duel it out? First of all, it's not all that common. Most kids our age were still running around in their undergarments or something. Second, Alex and I would never get into a fight. Honestly, I don't see us fighting any time soon at all. Maybe, just maybe, if we were forced into it, then we'd have no choice but to do so," Dio accounted for all the different possibilities.
His friend, Alex, was indeed strong. She was annoyingly witty and nearly right all the time. This was something that he found irritating, although, secretly, Dio appreciated that side of her, but at the same time, that was something he would probably never admit.
Dio had the one thing that broke the entire system of magic. Perfect memory. However, that only meant potential, whether he put it to use or not is something that depended entirely on him. Alex on the other hand, was good at making critical choices, she didn't have an arsenal of spells in her mind, but she would always make do with what she had. One had God-given talent, and the other, tenacity.
He spent the majority of his life growing up a little further away from the main cities, tiny towns and villages were popular in the continent of Adrenia, and this was reflected in the safety and lack of warfare. It took them roughly 10 minutes to reach a station where carriages were parked. An elderly man with a warm smile raised his hand to get their attention. His eyes spoke of something more comforting than just familiarity, they had a sense of expertise.
'Time will do all,' Dio nodded to himself, noting the social expertise their carriage driver had.
"We're here, Young Miss…." It took them roughly an hour and a half. A simple forest was all they had to cross. Monsters were no issue, considering that the only ones present there were mutated wild boars or something that Dio could literally one-shot. However, the main reason a single creature didn't even dare to approach them was because of Luna. Just her presence was enough to scare away lowly field monsters. After all, she was a mage who had stepped into the sixth tier.
"Strange…." Dio muttered and put his hand to his chin.
"What is?"
"He mentioned the word Young, and I noticed you were the subject. Found it odd," he truly was courting death.
"Thanks for that, Will. I can always trust you," Luna said as she got down and tossed him a silver coin, completely ignoring Dio's nonsense. Was it because he was leaving? Was this something that most families experience? If she truly was in a good mood, then it would explain her giving Old Will an entire silver coin for a short ride. Moreover, a ride that had no danger with a passenger like Luna.
"Of course, madam Luna," Old Will replied as he graciously accepted the coin. The only reason Luna gave him a silver coin in the first place was because of the friendly relationship they had. Old Will was their general carriage rider even back when Dio's parents were in their prime work years.
"Woah…." Dio muttered under his breath. He was truly mesmerized by the city of Thresh Old. He expected to see a group of elitist nobles trod along the streets, sneering and flaunting their identity. However, his first view was a jostling street where the civilians and local vendors seemed to know each other well, every homemaker rushing about with a basket in their hand, worried about possibly missing out on a bargain.
In the middle of the enormous street was a large tiered water fountain with a singular crystal embedded into its foundation. A popular spot for performers such as beast tamers, Dio noticed the tamer making rings of water before commanding his pet pig to jump through them. On the other side was a person with an abnormally large hood and a crystal ball, stealing away a good chunk of those homemakers before they achieved their bargaining. He didn't know what was happening there, but Dio was sure it wasn't magic.
The color was bright and rich. Yellow, green, red, blue, and a mix of every color took over the corners of the street. The smell of cinnamon buns was floating around, the sound of chatter and laughter exploding. Dio could feel all five of his senses explode with stimulus at the same time.
He wasn't overwhelmed, but it was a different feeling; it was something he had never experienced. "Color…..if only….." Before he could finish those words, another voice called out to him.