Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Aberrant of Chaos
Chapter 12: The Aberrant of Chaos
It was a collection of aberrant of chaos that had plunged and dyed the world darkness and evil. The military force of humans that Amaya had assembled had lost, bowing at the feet of the spirits of Teiko. The clan of fox spirits led by the miracle Kise Ryouta were sensitive to spiritual changes had taken note of the darkness the soul of his enemy had been dyed black. Kisaragi Amaya was a soul that had been tainted by evil, the evil incarnate of the Will of David, the nemesis of Sacred Symbols of King Solomon. King Solomon who embraced wisdom upon reaching enlightenment had foresaw that the aberrant of chaos would one day plunge the world into a sight of darkness. Kisaragi Amaya was the perfect vessel to host the evil incarnate, the Will of David, his only objective is to vanquish the arrogant will of King Solomon.
Kuroko had realized the truth of his uncle when he was just a child of five years old. Kuroko Tetsuya was extraordinary. A young child was powerless against the world ruled by adults had no means of repudiating the evil that had haunted the world. Albeit the Kuroko clan were veterans in dealing with paranormal phenomenon, none had realized the evil incarnate had snuck and taken control of the cursed Kuroko clan who had stood in their way again and again, without fail. It was the fate of the Kuroko clan to stop the aberrant of chaos each time the Will of David rose. As a small child, it was nearly paradoxical for Tetsuya to vanquish and purify the tainted evil. The clan was brought to ruins, leaving its fate in the hands of the last survivors, the half-siblings of Prince Kuroko Tetsuya and Mayuzumi Chihiro.
"Uncle Amaya, you have lost. Please leave. Teiko does not welcome you. You are not welcomed here." Kuroko was standing firm with Akashi's assistance and his beloved staff in his hand. Kuroko's staff had glowed with the holy light, bathing and purifying the field from clutches of evil, liberating humans into a world of progressive maturation with a positive overview. "Perish, Will of David. The world does not need you."
Amaya had clicked his tongue, braced himself against the gentle holy light that Kuroko had released, cleansing and purifying the battlefield from enthralment of malevolence. The miracles of Teiko and Seirin were silently observing the sagacious decisions their master and the Queen had come to. Kuroko had pointed his staff at his uncle. Chains had appeared and bound his hands and legs, disabling and robbing him of any movement. "You will not hurt another soul ever again."
Amaya had sneered at his nephews. Although born to different mothers, they still shared the divine blood of the Kuroko clan. "Hmph. Have you ever looked at the mirror? You have betrayed your kin, look at what you've become. An odalisque of the hidden realm, the sacrifice of capitulations, Queen of the vampire master of Teiko, Akashi Seijuurou. You are a traitor of humanity. What would your parents say?" His discerning eyes had noted of the insignia of the Akashi clan was adorned on the back of his pale blue kimono. That wasn't all. Kuroko's body had been claimed numerous times by the devil of the Teiko, the raging God of Knowledge and Wisdom. His mark was burnt into the skin behind his neck, along with the bite marks of his dominant. "You've put your family to shame. Are the both of you trying to become women? You are successors of the Kuroko clan. You capitulate to your captors, even swore vows of marriage. You are a masochist. Your parents would be so disappointed."
Kuroko had lacerated over the skin where the marks were burnt into, an everlasting mark he would bear on his body as long as he lives. The chains bounding his legs had clanked, along with the staff in his hands had recognized his uncle as the enemy of abnormality. "You have no right to talk about our parents. You led our family into ruins! You can't tell us what to do. This is the path we chose." Kuroko was supported by the strong grip of his husband, had massaged at the discomfort he had felt from his tummy. Just like any other day, the discomfort was gone as quickly as it had come. "It was your mistake for sacrificing me to Teiko twelve years ago. But I have not regretted once since you handed me to Teiko like a heavenly present on a silver platter. Sometimes it makes me wonder, who is the monster here."
Amaya had gritted his teeth. None of the soldiers and generals he had assembled felt they could dethrone Teiko and the elemental manipulator. They had panicked, terrified from pointing their weapons at the beloved spirit of King Solomon, the incarnate of light, great reincarnation of Kuroko Tetsujin. We weren't told our enemy would be an elemental manipulator! They had pothered silently, waiting for their king to make the next move. Their pathways were blocked by the brigade of the newly arrived military forces of Teiko and blackbirds of Seirin. Their Queen, Aida Riko had stood proudly, with her generals by her side. Riko had glared at the battalions of enemy soldiers.
"Ruler of Kirisaki Daiichi, is this your vision of victory?" Riko's voice was laced with an antagonizing tone had demanded the pathetic lord for answers.
Seirin had valued philosophies similar to Teiko, as inscripted in ancient tabloids. The rulers of Seirin were once descendants of martial artists. They utilize the ki within their bodies and transform themselves into swords for the sake of their king. They were impuissant in intercepting the tragic incident on that fated night nor rescuing the survivors from grasps of evil. Upon receiving the shocking news, the heir had been sacrificed to Teiko, Seirin had waited. Waited for the time when evil shall be judged. And now was the moment Seirin had waited, for a long time.
"We didn't have a choice!" Hanamiya attempted in defending his poor judgement. "Amaya was the advisor from my father's reign." The abrupt welling of aggravations within Hanamiya had spurred, pieces of puzzles had clicked together as everything had fallen into place. Hanamiya had glared at Amaya, his trusted advisor. But it wasn't the case anymore. "You murdered my father?!"
Mayuzumi sighed. Amaya had sneered. "You've realized it far too late, Young Master of the Kirisaki Daiichi." Mayuzumi had tried telling the lord who had held him captive, but his attempts were in vain. Amaya would often interrupt his efforts, preventing him from revealing the truth. Amaya had the pure souls of the heavens wrapped around his finger. Weak souls were fallen into deprivation. Kirisaki Daiichi was the only land left that had not fallen under Amaya's control. Under the divine protection of Mayuzumi Chihiro, ignorant souls had been under the pretense that he was a cursed child who was taken captive. "My mission is completed. We've destroyed Teiko, for the first time in a millenium!"
"We've...been tricked!" Hanamiya had stared at Amaya in horror. "It was also you who sacrificed Kuroko Tetsuya! You tried to kill him!" The humans had faltered, fell on their knees. They were at loss. They had committed a grave sin. Pointing their weapons at the messengers of heaven had meant rebelling against the Creator of man. Mayuzumi had embraced Hanamiya from behind, engulfed him into a passionate kiss. The soldiers and warriors had contemplated their sudden embrace with a strange look. Stains of lipstick was smudged on Hanamiya's lips.
Kirisaki Daiichi had been bamboozled. His advisor must have made it that Kuroko Tetsuya had harbored a curse that would lead to the downfall of humanity. Today, Hanamiya had realized the truth. Amaya had never revealed the true identity of the next elemental manipulator. The last elemental manipulator had perished in the last war between the alliance pact. He had played his final act in bringing peace to the world. Amaya had duped humanity. Believing the strange powers of the Kuroko clan would pose threat to humanity, Hanamiya had agreed to dispose the last survivor of the clan, the heir of the Kuroko clan, Kuroko Tetsuya.
Amaya had made a grave mistake. Hanamiya had noted Mayuzumi must have cognized to Amaya's dirty plans, and had countenanced to Amaya's pathetic whims. Mayuzumi had long discerned that sacrificing Tetsuya to Teiko would not resolve his pathetic Gordian knots. The wheel of fate and destiny had begun moving. Mayuzumi had believed that Kuroko's existence would have a vital role the world has in store for him. He had gambled on the trust that his half-brother would be the fated child in the prophecy the Wandering Seer had once prophesized a long time ago. There is no such thing as coincidence in this world. Everything is inevitable as chains of fate and destiny allows.
"Calm down, Makoto. Not everything was lost. We can still get it back." Mayuzumi had whispered in his lover's ears. "All we have to do is get rid of the source. Just like Tetsuya had said, we have an uninvited guest among us. The Will of David is an unwanted existence."
Kuroko's staff had clanked onto the solid ground. "That's right, Hanamiya Makoto. It's time you stand and become a perspicuous ruler, for the sake of your people. Kisaragi Amaya, your ill intentions are not needed. Perish." The soft golden glow had manifested itself into the depths of the earth. As if responding to the command of its master, it had enwreathed and encompassed itself around Amaya, waiting for its master's magic words.
Amaya had appeared to be extremely terrified of the holy light. He was au fait with the strength the familiar light was capable of. It was an elemental manipulator's favourite specialty, Purification. "Tetsuya...stop...please! We are still a family, right? Don't do this... Tetsuya!" Amaya's pathetic words were smothered and were turned on deaf ears. The generals of Seirin had environed around Kisaragi Amaya, all routes of escape had been nulled. Akashi and Kuroko's expression were frozen cold, harboring the deadpan expression Amaya had grew up hating all his life. His life had been nothing was a mistake. He was chagrined by the people around him, was often compared to his exceptionally capable sister. He was the shadow; his sister was the light. Much to his displeasure, the elders had often sung praises of his sister's achievement, although he had done a better job than his dear sister. Where have I gone wrong? Sister...
Riko had pulled on Amaya's collar, the fabric had closed the circumference, constricting his windpipe and air path. "What right to do have? You don't even deserve to be alive! You burnt down your whole clan, abused your nephews and sacrificed them for your benefits. You are not fit to be their guardians!" She had growled at Amaya. The fear reflected in his eyes had demonstrated the kind of life he had led. It was too late when he had realized his mistakes on his deathbed. He had spent his lifetime loathing and execrate the destiny of the Kuroko clan. Destiny had taken his dear sister away, right when he thought he had finally gained enough to surpass her this time. Kisaragi Amaya was just a powerless human. He wasn't strong enough like his sister to resist the temptations and goading whispers of the devil. That was the questionable identity of the ominous Will of David. "Well, it must be fate they had ended in good hands. It's the only thing we should be thankful of. Your cretinous plans had stimulated the course of fate and destiny."
Kuroko had sighed. He pointed his staff at his uncle. It was time. The light had slowly encroached and enwreathed itself around Amaya was so dense of divine energy that it was visible even to the naked eyes of humans and beings who do not possess spiritual powers. Kuroko and the people of Teiko were unfazed by the sight before their eyes. They were fully aware; it was the last moments of their nemesis. It was also the last moments of Kisaragi Amaya, the last blood relative of Mayuzumi Chihiro and Kuroko Tetsuya. Although he had spent his life harboring hatred and resentment towards everything, he was still their uncle who had once loved and taken care of them. His love was crushed into pieces when his partner who they had promised their futures together had perished in a war dispute. He had lost his trust in humans, had transformed into a different person.
O' great spirit of Sacred Symbols, hear my command. Be judged by the seven stars of heavens. Purification.
Kuroko had activated the spell, a chanting circle appeared at Amaya's feet. Kuroko's powers had heightened his uncle's levels of fear, increasing senses of trepidation and disquietude. Amaya's shrill screams had echoed through the vast lands of Teiko, as if a century's worth of abnormalities had been purified. The purification spell had obliterated and disassembled the construction of human flesh, everything that of the man once known as Kisaragi Amaya was reduced to ashes.
Kuroko had raised his staff. A single glow from his staff had repaired destroyed lands, healing injured wounds, reconstructed buildings, and cleansed the nauseating air of filth and darkness. The war was finally over. Observing Kuroko capabilities, he had stopped the war alone. The humans had finally realized the sagacity strength of the boy years ago was blessed with. The Kuroko clan wasn't cursed. They were a beloved clan of the sacred symbols which was blessed with divine power, ordained to protect the world from beings tainted by evil manifestations. That was the true purpose of the Kuroko clan.
The people of To'ou led by Aomine had cracked their knuckles and neck, waiting patiently for their chief's command. "So, what should we do with these poor souls, huh, Akashi?" Aomine had grinned widely, his deadly weapons were omitting a great deal of bloodlust. "Kill them? Kick their butt? Execution?" The miracles had sighed. The tengus of To'ou were veterans of martial arts, utilizing an aggressive style in taking down enemies who poses threat to Teiko and their master.
"Aominecchi, please don't be so aggressive! We should painless poison them to death for causing Tetsuya-sama so much trouble!" Kise had chirped in, increasing Akashi's rage towards humans for destroying his beloved empire. Akashi had been stifling himself from releasing his tremendous rage had owed to his dear wife.
Midorima had sighed. "Fools. You are not any better, Kise. Shut up. Everything is as our master wishes." He glanced at their master, closely scrutinizing his expression and predicting his next move. Akashi had been one who was well known for his strategist abilities, calculating each and every move, up to their victory. Murasakibara had nodded in agreement.
"I'll crush anyone who stands in Aka-chin's way."
Kuroko had sighed. It was finally over. "Thank.... goodness..." Kuroko had stumbled and staggered on his small feet, his staff had fell from his hands and collapsed in Akashi's arms. Kuroko had lost consciousness. The miracles had turned pale at the weakened sight of their queen. They have been startled and perturbed, had rushed to Queen's side. Midorima had conducted a quick examination, had sighed in relief. He had ordered Murasakibara to make some protein drink for Kuroko when he wakes. It was just exhaustion from using too much spiritual energy.
Hanamiya had ordered the thousands of soldiers they had brought for the war returned to their homeland. The tyrant ruler and Mayuzumi Chihiro had remained in Teiko. They had unfinished business with Kuroko, had made their decision to stay until he had awakened from his burnout of exhaustion. Akashi had been on the edge and was easily frustrated. The miracles and the people of Teiko had prayed for Kuroko's speedy recovery. Without the miracles, the people of Teiko had imagined how hard it must have felt for the miracles to keep their master's rage under the radars. It a was almost impossible feat to restrain their master's rage. The air was heavy with Akashi's intimidating and daunting aura.
It had been three days since Kuroko had collapsed. Akashi had rushed his wife for another health examination, had pestered his advisor again and again on Kuroko's condition. Midorima had ad nauseam informed Akashi of Kuroko's current situation. He had assured Akashi that the coma was only temporary. Kuroko will eventually return to the physical world. The heavens would not rob of an innocent life that time had yet fulfill its goal: the mission he was entrusted to. Only time could tell. The empire however had moved forward, rebuilding the empire that Kuroko had not repaired, with their own effort. The people had wished for their beloved queen to wake up to see a thriving empire bathing in the divine light of pure souls. It was their queen who had protected their homeland, an outsider who was given to their master as sacrifice. Mayuzumi and Hanamiya had realized. No one had resented Kuroko like the outside world resided by humans. He was accepted and loved for who he is. He was raised like a child who belonged to Teiko. The people of Teiko possess a pure heart.
Midorima had sighed as he pored over Kuroko's blood test results. He could not pinpoint the reason why Kuroko fell into a state of stupor. Kise had concluded with concrete evidence that Kuroko's body was recovering from the sudden loss of spiritual energy. He had otherwise questioned that elemental manipulators were loved by the spirit of the sacred symbols; they have unlimited spiritual energy at their disposal. Kise couldn't understand how could Kuroko had collapsed and entered into a stupor state was a mystery. Kise had guarded their master's room like a loyal dog. The usual dazzling light reflected in his expressions were gone, replaced by the somber expression. Midorima frowned as he flipped through books and research articles. There was only one explanation.
Mayuzumi and Hanamiya had sighed. "It must be hard. Waiting for their queen to return." Mayuzumi was in a daze, gazing over the vast horizons of the scenery from the well-furnished room they were given by the miracles in their master's absence. They had noticed the efforts Teiko had made in decorating the room. The colors, the carvings, and decorations were intricate, as if it was done for someone's sake. Hanamiya was surprised they had not tossed them into the cold prison located in the underground dungeon. Humans would not last three days down there. He wondered why Teiko still bothered providing their enemy hospitality. Mayuzumi opened the chest of drawers and found an old album. It was an album of Kuroko and Akashi, starting from Kuroko's first day in Teiko. Glancing at the room, Mayuzumi had finally solved the puzzle. It was Tetsuya's old room before he was engaged and married to the Teiko master. Tetsuya had lived in this room for the past ten years of his life. Mayuzumi saw the concrete evidence that Tetsuya and the master had spoken of the truth. Kuroko had been the happiest in Teiko. Teiko had become his home.
Kuroko had woken on the seventh day.
He was met with his husband's anxious expression, grasping his delicate hand firmly in both palms. His awakening from the week-long stupor had brought great happiness and gaiety to his beloved husband. "Tetsuya!" Kuroko was taken into Akashi's tight embrace. Kuroko had blinked in confusion at Akashi's possessiveness. "Don't be so rash next time, Tetsuya. I fear there'll be one day I won't be able to bear seeing you collapse like that. I might lock you up where you be the only one for my eyes to see." Kuroko had entangled and gently caressing his fingers among his husband's soft crimson red strands of hair. The miracles had entered the room, wondering what was the fuss about. Seeing Kuroko was awake from his coma, Aomine and Kise had burst into tears and jumped in joy. Midorima had whipped out his files. He had adjusted his metal-framed glasses with his index finger with a small click.
"Kuroko. There is something I would like to confirm. Do you know the reason why you collapsed?" He had questioned.
Kuroko had returned a questioning look at Midorima. "What are you-" Kuroko had winced slightly when the discomfort from his belly had returned. Kuroko had leaned back on his bed, massaging his tummy as the nauseating feelings had returned. The miracles had been extremely distressed when Kuroko was unconscious. They had pondered over the perfect pretext that Kuroko's health would abruptly deteriorate. Without Kuroko's deadpan cheerfulness, Aomine and Kise were lonely. They had missed spending time with Kuroko. They were personally assigned by Akashi to be Kuroko's bodyguards and instructors. They had watched and cared for Kuroko since he was a child. Murasakibara had missed coming up with new menus and making meals for Kuroko. The miracles were sad. They had patiently waited for the day their queen would open his eyes again.
Midorima had a dubious hypothesis after conducting a thorough examination. But observing Kuroko and witnessing the symptoms for himself, he was now convinced. His speculation had been proven true. "I had run some blood tests when you had collapsed. I couldn't pinpoint any reason why you would collapse. An elemental manipulator would have unlimited spiritual energy at their disposal. So, what makes you so different?" Midorima had deliberately questioned, flipping through the papers of Kuroko's test results. Observing the anxious faces of the miracles, Kuroko's infamous deadpan expressions and Akashi's
"Shintarou, what are you saying? Is Tetsuya developing a severe illness?" Akashi had demanded his advisor for answers.
Midorima had sighed. "Calm down, Seijuurou. I am not finished." He glanced at Kuroko's usual deadpan expression. "You ought to be more careful of your body. Your body doesn't belong to you anymore. You're already carrying more than one life." The miracles were stupefied, frozen in their seats. Even Akashi was stunned. He had stared from his advisor to his wife. "Judging by your expression, seems like you weren't even aware you have been one month pregnant. Did you not even notice your irregular heat cycles?"
"I'm...pregnant?" Kuroko could only muster enough energy to whisper, loud enough for Akashi to hear. He massaged his tummy with the knowledge he had received from Midorima was still registering into the schemata in his complex mind. The miracles had jumped in jubilation. They had waited patiently for their master to enlighten them with news of happiness. Murasakibara had settled a cup of protein drink in front of Kuroko. Kuroko had eyed the drink with full of suspicions. Murasakibara had assured it was for the sake of his health. He needed all the nutrients for his body to recover from aftermath of the war and provide enough food for his child. Akashi had smiled. Tears began leaking from the cornea of his eyes. He had taken Kuroko into his arms, startling his beloved wife.
"You can't say you wanna leave anymore. You are already carrying my child within you." Akashi had not experienced the joy of happiness in a long time, since his mother had passed away. It was a sight Akashi had yearned for the longest time; the moment he had decided to make the child he had raised for twelve years his. He had made this child his wife, and he had become the husband of the child he had held dear to the deepest core of his heart. His wife was filled with happiness to the brim, was heavily pregnant with his child. The miracles observed the happiness reflected in their master clear irises he had displayed. It has been far too long.
Kuroko had thawed the ice frozen deep within Akashi's core. He was revered as the sun that had thawed the ice haunting over the vast lands of Teiko a millennium years ago. It had taken Kuroko a mere twelve years for their master to fall in love with their sun, binding and making him fall in love, all was in order to make Kuroko his. He had made sure his wife could never survive without the warmth of his touch; his body was conditioned to become his wife for eternity. Kuroko had felt the warmth spreading from the tips of his husband's fingers, slowly igniting the fire within him. His love had drove him crazy, breaking the angelic wings of his pure soul, poisoning and dyeing his pure soul with the colours of himself had possessed, he would come to fall in love without the real realizations of his ill intentions. He would return into the arms of his love. The chains that had bound him into the eternity of darkness, a world only for the both of them. A precious love that had taught him important values of life and humans, he would never let it go after laying his hands on the beloved spirit of King Solomon, the incarnate of light, and reincarnation of Kuroko Tetsujin, a divine First-Class singularity who was blessed with unlimited spirituality. Anyone who would defy his orders would be punished. Even if it was the great vampire of the Akashi clan predecessor and its grand elders.
"Yes, Sei-kun." Kuroko was finally blessed with exuberance of contentment. He had wrapped his arms around Akashi's neck, pulling his husband into a passionate kiss.
That night, the married couple had the most peaceful sleep they had in years. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Akashi's mark scarred deep into Kuroko's skin was gleaming under the tranquil moonlight through the loose layers of his sleeping kimono. Kuroko, along with Akashi and the miracles had been very exhausted. Teiko had celebrated all night, a joyous incident of defeating the enemy they had been seeking for the longest time. The Will of David had been Teiko's nemesis since the genesis of man, Teiko was created with a sole purpose: to exorcise the evil abnormalities happenings all over the world. The people of Teiko was well aware, the Will of David will return once more. He will definitely return with a new host. It often takes years for the evil spirit to accumulate evil manifestation within humans, tainted their soul black. The host which will become the next medium for the Will of David will be granted exceptional control over evil souls who had fallen into deprivation. The people of Teiko had also celebrated the joyous news of their queen. An heir would soon be born. After a millennium since Teiko had descended from heavens, they had shedded tears of bliss, welcoming the ebullient news of a new heir of the Akashi clan. It was also the chaotic fuss the people of Teiko had caused, the predecessor of the Akashi clan had descended from the hidden realm, which was once known as the spiritual world.
Mayuzumi had lay on the bed, a light novel in his hand. He had picked the book off the shelf in the room. It was a book about the cute main character journeys in search of the true purpose she was ordained to do. She has been hurt badly, abused and betrayed. The way the main character strives to prove the people wrong had clicked a sense of familiarity within himself. This book had belonged to Tetsuya? Mayuzumi had wondered as he continued reading through pages of words. Hanamiya's masculine figure had loomed over his lover, pulling Mayuzumi into a deep kiss, their tongues were battling for dominance. The paucity of air was a prime mover of separation, athirst for air, an imperceptible trail of saliva had tailed through their pathways connecting to each other's entrance. They had panted against each other, their heavy breaths longing for air after their little make out.
"What are you doing?" Mayuzumi was a panting mess under Hanamiya's arms. Hanamiya had smirked. He had pounced on Mayuzumi. With his large hands touching his lover's sensitive skin, Mayuzumi had let out a small moan. Mayuzumi was embarrassed, rose colors had tinted the surface of his cheeks, the growing warmth were spreading like fire within him, unlike his usual deadpan demeanor.
A knock on the door had pulled them back into reality and hastily disentangled themselves from each other. Kuroko had appeared at the entrance of the elegant doors, the golden staff of Shakujo in his hand. The staff had returned to its dull state of just a usual staff. The rings of the Shakujo had vanished. Kuroko had been dressed in a fresh set of pale blue kimono by his chambermaids when he had woken that morning. Akashi had refused to leave his beloved wife alone, had personally fixed his soft hair and his hair accessory. Kuroko had come to pay a visit to his half-brother along with his trusted bodyguards Akashi had assigned to protect his wife. Kuroko had walked small steps, the chains binding his legs had weakened his muscles, incapacitated the full strength of his walking ability. Glancing at the impropriety of Mayuzumi and Hanamiya, Kuroko had returned them with an inscrutable expression.
"Oh. I'll come back later. You may continue what you were doing." were Kuroko's sagacious frank reply. He had turned his back, attempting to exit the room. His bodyguards had pulled him back on course.
"Tetsuya-sama!" Kise and Aomine had sighed. Kise had reminded Kuroko. "Remember why you had walked all the way here. Please don't joke around. Akashi-sama will be very furious." Mayuzumi and Hanamiya had attempted Kuroko in clearing the misunderstanding. Their efforts were in vain. There was tangible evidence displayed all over the room. Kuroko had stared nonchalantly at the pair. He eyed the fallen clothes, their messy bed sheets, disheveled appearance. The most plausible evidence they had was the faint hickeys on Mayuzumi's pale neck. Everything had pointed the truth of Kuroko's improbable extrapolations. Kuroko had chuckled.
"I'm sure you didn't come all the way here just to watch your brother's make out sessions, Kuroko Tetsuya-sama." Hanamiya had voiced. "It must have taken hours just walk down that long hallway, considering you bad legs. What have you come here for?"
Kise had guided Kuroko to an empty chair. It was the very chair he had often sat on when he was a child. The room was filled with loving memories of his special someone. Kuroko had fingered the carvings of the armrests. It was the secret room where he and his husband had often had dates. "I have come to hear the rest of your story, Chihiro nii-san." Kuroko had declared his motive. Mayuzumi and Hanamiya were fairly surprised. They both had shared a secret, not a soul was aware of the sins they had committed. The plans of Kirisaki Daiichi's future. The couple had exchanged puzzled glances at each other, returned Kuroko with an unlikely perturbed expression.
The battle the Kuroko clan had raged on for a millennium had finally come to an end.