Chapter 13: Chapter 13: The Man Who Came From America
Chapter 13: The Man Who Came From America
Kuroko's deadpan expression had never failed to impress the mortal prisoners of Kirisaki Daiichi. Kuroko had been dressed neatly by the palace chambermaids assigned by Akashi. His pale delicate skin had gleamed a healthy vibe in the morning sunrise, his kimono was fresh out of the dryer and his soft silky hair was combed and was put in place with the familiar hair accessory belonging to the Akashi clan. The refreshed appearance of Kuroko Tetsuya had made the couple wondered what the devil master had done to the heir of the Kuroko clan. It was abhorrent. There wasn't a day the excruciating traumatic memories of their throes were bygone, buried into the depths of their minds. Discontent is the first step in progress, though as former overlords of the former Kirisaki Daiichi, they must practice the practice of extreme discretion towards the reformation of Kirisaki Daiichi's ruling power. Discretion is the better part of valor. If they were not vigilant, all their hard work would have returned to vanity.
"Speak," Kuroko had said.
Hanamiya and Mayuzumi had realized the pitiable fate the Kuroko clan had been entrusted. It was their fate that had destroyed the innocent life of the man named Kisaragi Amaya. It was also their destiny that had destroyed their bloodline, as if self-destructing their godlike powers blessed by the heavens, were feared by humanity they had vowed to protect. The couple had glanced at each other. As the final ruler of Kirisaki Daiichi, Hanamiya Makoto had made the final decision. It was the final act of the Kirisaki Daiichi's monarchy. "Kuroko Tetsuya, we will entrust the legacy of Kirisaki Daiichi to Teiko. Destroy or prosper, it would be your will. We believe your decisions will ameliorate the current rulers and cleanse the darkness haunting over Kirisaki Daiichi. The source of the abnormalities the Kuroko clan have often spoken of, although Mayuzumi had often preached and warned the people of its dangers, none had heeded his advice."
A chambermaid had placed Kuroko's favorite warm vanilla tea in front of him. Kuroko had sighed as he picked the hot cup of tea and its matching saucer tea set with his small delicate hands. "Why? Are you that eager to become Teiko's prized prisoner? To be fawned by the spirits of Teiko, the ghosts that haunt the vast lands, the empire blessed by the heavens?" Kuroko may be a former human who was robbed of his humanity by the treasured master, Kuroko was a vital existence that possess the experience of a thousand generals. An impossible feat, but Kuroko Tetsuya had made it happen. A miracle no one had seen in the last thousand years. Not since Kuroko Tetsujin had died. The world believes Kuroko Tetsuya was his legacy, the protector of miracles and the oracle of humanity.
He was blessed with tremendous strength, a gifted child ordained to one day become part of the hidden realm. Humanity had failed the Kuroko clan. Without their assistance, the day when humanity will be overrun by spirits and evil were not far off. The insistent unwavering perseverance and pertinacious were palpably reflected in Hanamiya's clear gray irises. It had taken a considerable amount of consideration for Hanamiya to reach the conclusion of his final decision
"If that is your wish, I will gladly comply." the quiet gentle voice had spoken.
Akashi had loomed over his wife, pulled a pregnant Tetsuya into a deep embrace. Akashi's gentle hands had unconsciously trailed to his wife's imperceptible bulging tummy. The other pair of couple had observed how possessive the devil master of Teiko can be when his beloved wife is involved. They had made a mental note to never oppose the great master of Teiko ever again after Amaya's incident. Standing in the master's great presence had confirmed their doubts. Humans were more devilish in nature than spirits could ever be. After all, it was the human's evil nature that gave birth to myths and legends, the genesis and origins of spirits. Kuroko had crooned his head over his shoulder and scowled at Akashi's looming figure. Akashi's tight embrace had made a mess out of Kuroko's immaculate kimono, the loose collar had revealed pairing mark, the brand of the Akashi clan was burnt deep into the back of his neck had glistered proudly.
"Don't make decisions as you wish, Akashi. The empire has their hands full on the damaged properties made during the war." Kuroko had an inscrutable expression which had often amused his husband.
Akashi had sighed. "What are you doing here when you're supposed to be resting, Tetsuya?" Akashi had gazed into Kuroko's clear blue irises. "You even bribed your chambermaids. What were you thinking? Tetsuya, you're not fatigued. You're pregnant." Akashi had glanced at the apologetic faces of the chambermaids Kuroko had dragged along with his whims. Kuroko's scowl had answered all Akashi's questions. Kuroko had refused to lay down doing nothing while the people of Teiko was busy restoring their beloved empire to its original state. Kuroko felt he had rested enough. It had been almost a month since then. Although it was hard for him to move around as days pass by, it wasn't impossible. He wasn't an invalid.
"You will?" Hanamiya had questioned the Teiko master. His answer had seemed improbable, knowing his bad habits, they knew Akashi already had else planned in mind. He was the perfect embodiment of a leader, the highest paradigm of the chosen 'king', the epitome of the emperor who will unite the world. The devil master of Teiko once had a different name. He was revered by the messengers of the heavens as a sacred being, a blasphemy by humanity, and treachery by the spirits. He was once called The Crimson Emperor, he who gaze from his throne with blazing irises, the burning crimson red eyes as red of the moon of the Night of Walpurgis. His eyes cursed the fate of humanity, those who gazed into the darkness of Teiko shall never be able to return. People who wield divine power often preach, do not stare into the emperor's eyes. If you see him, run!
"Calm down, Tetsuya." Akashi had sighed. "Teiko will be reclaiming that piece of land which we had given to humanity several centuries ago, for the sake of peace." Akashi's words had calmed Kuroko considerably. Kuroko had incapacitated and sighed. "After all, that man is returning. Kirisaki Daiichi will be left in his hands." Akashi had offered his wife his hand, Kuroko's staff was swiftly kept securely within the depths of his kimono. Kuroko had huffed, the growing heat spreading through the surface of his cheeks, taking his husband's hand all the same.
"It appears that you can't defy his words, Tetsuya." Mayuzumi had teased. "You've fallen hard, didn't you?"
"Shut it, Chihiro nii-san. You're now part of Teiko, speak for yourself." Kuroko had scoffed, before he was swept off his feet by his husband. Kuroko's smirk had pushed Mayuzumi over the edge. "Hanamiya had practically handed Kirisaki Daiichi along with all its collateral to Teiko. Including you."
Murasakibara had looked up from his work through the kitchen window. He was the miracle left in charge in dealings of the food industry, ordered by their master, Akashi Seijuurou. The kitchen crew had always respected Murasakibara for his efforts. The arrival of Kuroko Tetsuya had increased his motivation to create new menus for his small appetite. Kuroko's worrisome small appetite had motivated Murasakibara to dive into a world of nutrition research, eventually publishing health journals of his own and successfully making Kuroko to come to like his food. The kitchen crew had paused their work to watch the strange behavior of their chief, an unworldly behavior which was unbecoming of the man nicknamed the absolute ogre, one that they had not seen in ages. Someone had entered into Teiko's territory. The restored barrier had often served as Murasakibara's eyes. He can see everything within the barrier and detect people who go through the barrier, friend and foe alike. The barrier is capable of detecting ill intentions of foe, the goodwill of friends. Murasakibara had sensed a newcomer had entered into Teiko's territory. A figure of a young man he had not seen in ages. It was a man Murasakibara had yearned for, the raging love that he had left behind and buried deep into the depths of his heart. It had been ages since his heart had died, its survival was blown to life when Kuroko Tetsuya was offered as a sacrifice.
The man had an appearance that looked out of place. He was dressed in a pale-yellow sweater and black jeans, a blue cap was worn over his head, a purple messenger bag was slung over his left shoulder. The glare of the radiating afternoon sun had prevented onlookers in identifying who was the mysterious man that had trespassed the impenetrable barrier so easily and so effortlessly. The barrier had not recognized the man as a foe had granted him entrance, revealing the great doors to the legendary empire of the beloved heavens, the lands of Teiko.
"I'm back, Atsushi." The man had whispered.
Weaving through the crowded streets and the ongoing process of the empire restoration, his existence was nil, vanished unnoticed easily by the people who had focused themselves with the aftermath of the war. He had observed and wondered the kind of enemy Teiko had faced was strong enough to invade the legendary empire blessed by the heavens. It was the first time the impenetrable barrier was broken into, the great entrance was breached and the empire was invaded. The people had pooled their resources and rebuilt the lands they have loved. It was their home. The homeland of spirits. The newcomer had found himself in front of the heart of the Teiko empire, the Palace of Rakuzan. Stepping through the elegant doors of the palace, he was greeted with the servants and the miracles residing in the palace. The servants had offered to take his luggage to his room, had handed the servants his messenger bag he had slung over his shoulder.
"Welcome back, Tatsuya." Murasakibara had gave him a small smile. The man Murasakibara had called Tatsuya had huffed and sighed. It must have been Murasakibara, who had realized his return, informed the devil master of Teiko and gathered the elite team of miracles their master had personally assembled. Tatsuya's silky black hair had swished in the air, the whiff of yesterday's shampoo was still evident in the air when he had excitedly jumped into Murasakibara's arms at the sight of his old pair. The miracles had pulled a face of disgust. It was exceptionally evident in Kise and Aomine. It had been a long time since Murasakibara was galvanised or prompted to commitment of any sort, after Kuroko Tetsuya's worrisome diet.
"Atsushi!" The pair had embraced each other.
It was the first time Kuroko saw Murasakibara's usual unmotivated and apathetic nature had been painted with colors by the man that had just arrived just seconds ago. He was Murasakibara Atsushi, the miracle of Yosen's partner. He had left Teiko under Akashi's orders and had finally returned upon completion of his mission. He was Murasakibara's pair, partner and one who was bound together by the vows of promise. Kuroko was tightly wrapped in Akashi's firm embrace, his husband had refused to let him down. Kuroko's scowl had carved a smile on Akashi's stoic demeanor. The drastic changes of Teiko in his temporary absence had intrigued the man named Tatsuya. He had noticed the additional member of their family had been the reason for the changes. The changes for the better. He glanced at Kuroko, taking in every detail of the man that was capable of making such changes that had dreaded the empire for eons. His skills were exceptionally masterful and adept. The rumors he had heard on the way home was true, although he had found it hard to believe.
His name was Himuro Tatsuya, the man who have returned from the United States of America.
"Welcome back, Tatsuya." Akashi had given Himuro a small nod. "I trust you have good news for me?"
Himuro had returned a nod, quenching their master's thirst for knowledge. Akashi's report would have to wait. Himuro was taken to his quarters. He was in need of a hot shower and some rest, after a long journey he had travelled. Murasakibara had sent some chambermaids from Yosen to assist his pair. Himuro had sighed. The sight of the familiar quarters had brought a tinge of nostalgia, everything was still the same as before. It had been almost twenty years since he had departed from Teiko, under Akashi's orders. Although they both were young, they both still bear responsibilities as Guardians of Yosen. Akashi's mission had left the relationship between the both of them strained and stranded when Himuro had left upon Akashi's orders. Deep down, they still yearned for each other. Their stubborness had proven otherwise. Himuro took off his blue cap, peeled off his sweat-stained clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket outside the bathroom, revealing his pair mark burnt into his shoulder. It was the mark of the Murasakibara clan, when his pair had marked him almost eighty years ago. It was the fate of omegas. They would carry the mark of their dominant alphas burnt into their skin. It will never come a day when the mark would eventually vanish. It was improbable.
Himuro had sighed as he stepped into the shower. He forgotten when was the last time he had such a relaxing bath. Murasakibara's chambermaids were waiting for him at hand and feet. Every part of his body was cleaned with extreme care. Although he had hated for being treated like a prince, Himuro was too exhausted to repudiate Murasakibara's whims. After the chambermaids were done bathing him, they dressed him in his old clothes, a dark blue kimono with the insignia of the Murasakibara clan draped over his haori. Himuro's silver necklace clinked, revealing the pendant of the Murasakibara clan. Himuro had blushed and turned away, gazing at the scenery of the vast horizons through the glass window of his chambers. The chambermaids gave Himuro a pleasant smile and escorted him to where his pair was.
"You still kept that," Murasakibara had commented when he saw Himuro's necklace chain glinted in the light as the pendant had fell out through the layers of kimono he had been dressed when his chambermaids had tossed him right into Murasakibara's arms with such force he didn't know such delicate women have. The growing warmth of his cheeks had increased from sheer embarrassment. Himuro had tugged at his necklace had tucked it back into the layers of the kimono, hidden from any suspicion. Murasakibara had caressed Himuro's soft tuft of silky hair. Murasakibara admitted that he had dearly missed Himuro too. "Say, are you still angry? Sorry for not contacting you for the past twenty years, Suya-chin."
Himuro wrapped his hands around the ogre's waist and shook his head. "No, I was wrong too. Sorry, Atsushi. Regardless of what I did, I couldn't forget you, or the people of Teiko. Teiko is still my home." Small droplets of tears had dripped from Himuro's corneas. "Ah, I knew it. I still love you, after all that you've done to me."
Murasakibara had taken his pair into his embrace. "Me too, Suya-chin. Let's make up. For the past twenty years of absence." Himuro silently nodded as he buried his face into Murasakibara's chest.
They headed for the Throne Room after they had calmed down. Akashi and the miracles were still waiting for Himuro's report. They pushed the grand doors open, the miracles were seated at their designated seats around the round table idly. Kuroko was fairly surprised of Himuro's appearance. Kuroko had been slowly learning the culture and traditions of Teiko, including the Noble Families which stands behind their devil master. The Murasakibara clan was one of the grand Noble Families. The insignia of the Murasakibara clan Himuro had worn on his back had brought Kuroko a puzzled look.
"Akashi-sama, it's good to see you in great health." Himuro had greeted Akashi as Murasakibara had settled Himuro in his seat as a representative of Yosen before settling down in his own seat next to Himuro.
"Of course. Murasakibara has done an excellent job in providing the empire with sufficient nutrients and healthy food. Seems like the both of you had made up." Akashi had replied. "Now, tell me. What have you seen on the other side?" Akashi's words had startled the miracles, panic was evident in that short moment. Kuroko, with the observant eyes, had hypothesised that it must be a great threat for the miracles to react so strongly. Hanamiya and Mayuzumi who had been invited to the meeting were as clueless as Kuroko.
"Just like you thought, the other side had made its move." Himuro had begun. "Just when I had arrived on its surface twenty years ago, it was a scene of pure abnormality."
"That is very disturbing. Things are worse than we thought." Midorima had gently adjusted his glasses along the bridge of his nose. "Humans seek for vengeance. But they also seek for peace. I can't comprehend this contradiction."
"The core of abnormality is where the rift to the other side is. Currently, the core is right above the United States of America, just like Akashi-sama has predicted. The States is like a whole new world. Under the corrupted jurisdiction, the foreign land had been brainwashed, and fallen into depravity." Himuro's words had brought chills into the room. It was as if a second Amaya was birthed, amassing the miasma of evil. "They seeked destruction, yearned for nothingness, and longed for corruption. As if defying the preachings of heavens. I felt that the core was the genesis of abnormality. I tried my best, researching and looking for alternatives and getting rid of the impurity within humans isn't going to work. The earth was possessed by the misama omitted by the core. The black hole was drilled into the sky of the States. It was endless, if the core was to be left alone. The destruction of the core will lead us to answers we have seek for the longest time."
"So, Amaya was just a pawn?" Aomine had confirmed.
"I knew it," Kuroko had sighed. Akashi had pulled Kuroko into his embrace. The war hasn't ended. The miracles felt it was time they take back their world. Uninvited guests should return where they should be.
"By the way, pardon my rudeness, are you from the famous Kuroko clan?" Himuro had scrutinized Kuroko, taking in every detail that could tell him of his identity. He had eyed Kuroko's rare delicate appearance, the golden staff in Kuroko's hands and the silver ankle chains that had bound his legs. Himuro had chuckled softly. "I once heard Atsushi was finally motivated to actively make menus for a boy with poor appetite. It must be you, isn't it?"
Kuroko had blushed. "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya," Kuroko had bowed his head. Himuro was startled with surprise. He was the heir of the enamored Kuroko clan. Of all places, the Kuroko clan was now a prisoner of the Teiko empire.
"He isn't a prisoner, Suya-chin." Murasakibara had corrected Himuro's misunderstanding. "It's a long story, but he's now Aka-chin's dear wife. Kuro-chin is pregnant." Himuro was frozen in his seat. It was unexpected, for such a young boy. He had felt pity, for a boy to be locked within the lands of Teiko, where he should be seeing the world with vast possibilities, humans who need his strengths. "Aka-chin saved Kuro-chin from the humans. Kuro-chin almost died from their hands. He was given to Teiko as a human sacrifice."
Akashi scooped Kuroko into his arms. "If that's all, we'll be taking our leave first." Akashi had taken Kuroko into his embrace and exited the room. The miracles were left stunned and stupefied. It was a first time Akashi had dismissed the council meeting in such a hurry. Midorima had heaved a sigh and slumped into his chair, unable to comprehend his master and best friend's whims. Aomine and Kise were used to Akashi and Kuroko's whims, they had just shrugged it off as another mood swings of theirs. Hanamiya and Mayuzumi who were silently ghosting the corner didn't have any say in the meeting, Himuro's report had brought their attention of concern. And again, it had to do with the abnormalities of the world.
"We should get going too," Kise and Aomine had rose from their seats, stretching their tired bodies after long hours of meeting. "I'm hungry. Let's get some food, Ryouta." Aomine had yawned. Kise nodded in agreement. It had been almost four hours since their last meal time. He was famished too. Soon, one by one, the generals had filed out of the hall. Himuro had taken his leave to return to his quarters. He was exhausted, after all, he had just returned from his mission. That night, Murasakibara had taken his leave from the kitchen. His crew and people from Yosen were beyond shocked. They had realized that Himuro Tatsuya's return had made changes. Afterall, Murasakibara Atsushi rarely listens to anyone. He was an egoistic ogre who cares only for himself, until the devil master, Akashi Seijuurou and his fated pair, Himuro Tatsuya came along.
Their fated meeting had happened over a century ago, when they both were still young, innocent and wild. Himuro Tatsuya was a man born with misfortune, similar to what Kuroko Tetsuya had bitterly experienced. Himuro Tatsuya was born to a strong, influential priestess family who had served the Shinto shrines. The hold equal power to the Kuroko clan, however they do not possess spiritual abilities in executing holy purifications. As the long years passed, the people of the family had long forgotten their purpose and began warring for power and rights, succumbing and incapacitated to human weaknesses. They had struggled like a pure human. Although Himuro and Kuroko were born in different times, the strife had not changed. Humans had never changed. First-class singularity like Kuroko and Himuro had decided that humans would never change, they were selfish creatures who only cared for themselves.
An old influential family, one of the Nobles, often societal rules matters the most. Their children did not experience love. They were taught to be exceptional. They must excel in everything, to please those egocentric people of noble and royal blood. The gender biases were extreme. Giving birth to males were forbidden. His family ancestors had often preached and protected the divine traditions, giving birth to males were a blasphemy. A sign of defiance against the gods. The birth of males will call upon the misfortune of bad luck and evil. His parents were horrified upon the discovery their child's gender at birth, had abandoned him as though he had not existed. No one had tried understanding nor cared for him. They had forced him into women's clothing, dolled up in priestess ancient kimono, his ears were painfully pierced with decorative earrings, jewelry was forced on every part of his body and his face was painted with makeup. It was suffocating. It was then Himuro Tatsuya's fated encounter with the egoistic ogre of Yosen.
Murasakibara Atsushi was an ogre who had protected Teiko for a millennium. None had dared to tread upon the legendary divine lands blessed by the heavens. Upon Akashi's orders, Murasakibara had reluctantly set on a journey, 'to search for a pure soul'. Kise had a divination, had pinpointed a poor soul in the human lands. Kise had extrapolated of the improbable possibility of a first-class singularity child was born in the hands of humans. Often first-class singularities experience bitterness at the hands of callous humanity. Their existence was rare. Possessing worldly abilities, they belong to different worlds. Humans may call it a curse, but in Teiko, it was a blessing from the heavens. Himuro Tatsuya was no different. Murasakibara had easily found Himuro effortlessly, the bond between them had played a major role and yearned for each other. They had felt the passion tugging at the edge of their heart, yearning for each other's touch. The humanity's treatment towards Himuro had ignited the rage within the unmotivated ogre.
An old bloodline with long history of priestesses, the lost traditions had rendered them powerless against the ogre. "You have defiled your pure soul, tainted with ill intentions and selfishness of your clan. You do not need this child, yes? I will be taking this child with me. You will have no one to succeed you, Himuro Tetsuna." Mursakibara had cradled the injured child in his arms. "You will never see him again, and your poor bloodline shall die."
The horrified faces of Himuro's clan had reflected their true colors. They had valued rules and traditions above everything else. But Himuro Tatsuya was the only son of Himuro Tetsuna and her late husband. The loss of Tatsuya would leave the clan powerless, diminishing their spiritual strengths. Without Tatsuya, the clan had finally realized the importance of the cursed child. He could do things no one could, and their family had met its end at the hands of the darkness who lurks at night. The Kuroko clan had easily overtaken the Himuro clan, rescuing and purifying devils of the darkness. The Himuro clan finally realized their mistakes. Himuro Tatsuya was the last who had inherited their ancestors' strong divine prowess. The cursed clan were descendants of the heavens, were Guardians of the Gates. The Himuro clan had lost its purpose, had indulged in desires. Without anyone who had inherited their ancestors' tremendous strengths, the Himuro clan bloodline had died.
Murasakibara had returned to Teiko with a young child. Himuro Tatsuya was thirteen years when he was taken into the mystical empire of Teiko. Himuro was provided with a hot bath, new clothes and fresh food. Himuro had stared in a daze as he was dragged along by the gentle touch of the chambermaids. That night, Teiko had a feast, celebrating an additional member of their family. They had teased Murasakibara, his fated partner had returned to his side, the only one who could paint colors in Murasakibara's unmotivated colorless world. Many have tried, countless had failed. Akashi had believed the child Murasakibara had brought was child Teiko would need his strength in the near future.
Kise had sighed after Himuro was escorted to his new chambers to rest. Murasakibara had offered him the chamber next to his, where he resides, in the palace of Yosen. "Such a poor boy. First-class singularities are often treated badly especially when they were born into noble bloodlines. Humans thinks they're cursed who brought forth the evil of misfortune. It's as if humans were cursed to hurt their kin. Even after so many years, humans are still the same. They can't accept someone who possess special gifts blessed by the heavens. It's just pure envy."
"You sensed it, didn't you?" Aomine had yawned. "That boy will become Murasakibara's mate. He's still a child though."
"Human children grow faster than us, Aomine. I'm sure Akashi had something planned when he reaches adulthood. It's pointless to bore over this." Midorima had sighed, ushering them to their respective quarters.
Himuro was fifteen when he had finally understood what had happened to him, what his family had done to him, and how he could have died if Murasakibara had not set on a journey in search of him. The passion behind their cluster of feelings, was a 'bond' between two fated partners of an alpha and omega. Fated partners aside, Himuro had matured into an adult in the past few years he had spent in Teiko. There was no longer any signs of trepidation of sadness and fury reflected in his eyes when he was brought into the lands of Teiko. Himuro had begun spending time in the kitchen learning of the world outside that Murasakibara and his people do, acquiring the right ingredients and securing successful business trades, everything Yosen do was for the sake of the people of Teiko. The young child Himuro was had, Murasakibara had carefully raised since the day he had took him in. Their love was something nothing could get in their way. Himuro and Murasakibara had fell in love, even without the aid of their bonds of fate. Himuro was also a valuable existence Teiko would never return to humanity, the Himuro clan. The remaining strengths the grand elders had possessed had led them into the lands of Teiko. The devil master of Teiko had refused, for he believed Himuro was someone who belong to their world. The world of spirits.
"You had never treasured him. Your clan had only cared for the influence and power, lost the perspicaciousness of your ancestors when they had formed the Himuro clan. You are degenerates of your ancestors. The way you are, will never be capable of dethroning the Kuroko clan. They still stand the strongest, bearing the purest souls in wielding power. They aren't like you." Akashi had sighed. "Besides, you'll have to consider his mate. You know by nature, no partners can live without each other. I suggest you leave them alone, and don't ever return here. If you ever do, I don't know what I'll do." Akashi's eyes had narrowed, hinted the bloodlust behind his intense glare. The terrified faces of the Himuro clan's grand elders had reflected personal regrets and lamentations. There is no way to take it back once you have chosen your path. Destroying Tatsuya half-dead wasn't a decision Himuro would be forgiving and foolish to accept their conditions.
A year after that, Murasakibara Atsushi and Himuro Tatsuya had entered a vow of marriage. Himuro Tatsuya was eighteen. With the next cycle of his heat encroaching on the single-digited days, Murasakibara and Himuro had consummated on the third night of their marriage. Himuro's body was marked, the insignia of the Murasakibara was burnt and scarred onto the smooth surface of his shoulder. He had become the mate of the Guardian of Yosen, the protector of Teiko, and a part of the elite team of miracles personally chosen by the devil master of Teiko. Himuro's humanity was robbed from him, granting him an everlasting life as one who resides in the spiritual realm, opening the doors of 'forever'.
That day, Himuro Tatsuya's fate was sealed.