Chapter 14: Chapter 14: An Omega's Distress
Chapter 14: An Omega's Distress
Himuro had began his day finding himself entangled in the warm embrace of the ogre, one who was nicknamed the Guardian of Yosen. Himuro had sighed. He wedged himself free from the ogre's grasps, had stepped into the cold-tiled bath house. To his dismay, his chambermaids had been waiting for him, had undressed him and bathed him. Himuro had cursed under his breath as the chambermaids had their way with him. Bathing him in the most fragrant waters and soap, dressing him in the finest kimono. The pendant with the Murasakibara insignia had clung loosely around his neck. Himuro sighed as he wandered around the palace of Yosen after his chambermaids were done fussing over his appearance. Himuro had never dreamt that one day he would become the wife of a spirit. He walked around the gardens, his hand was stretched over to the back of his shoulder. He fingered over the marred skin, where his mark was located. Even now, after almost a century, the gashing marks of his husband's teeth and claws were still evident on his skin. Himuro knew, the marks would never disappear.
He was the wife of the heir of the Murasakibara clan, Murasakibara Atsushi.
He had strolled around the gardens, had spotted the devil master's wife sitting on a bench, staring idly at the koi fishes in the pond. He fastened his steps, had walked over to Kuroko's side. Himuro had admired Kuroko's beauty upon meeting each other for the first time. His beauty had taken his breath away. He had admitted, Kuroko's beauty was rare, otherworldly, even among spirits. Kuroko who inherited the dormant genes of his ancestors, possess the divine characteristics of the Kuroko family. That ethereal appearance, pale complexion and the small, delicate figure had seemed to be godlike. Himuro would buy it if Akashi would announce that Kuroko was a descendant of the heavens one day.
"Good morning, Kuroko-kun." Himuro had greeted. "What are you doing in Yosen? Are you even allowed to be here?"
Kuroko had wore his usual insouciant expression. His reply was apathetic as usual. "Good morning, Himuro-kun. Are you lost? This is the gardens of Rakuzan." He had tilted his head to his left, was puzzled at Himuro's words. Himuro had took a quick glance around. Sure enough, just like Kuroko had said, it was the gardens of Rakuzan. Since Yosen was the nearest to Rakuzan, he must have walked right into Rakuzan territory without thinking. Himuro had noted the chains binding Kuroko's legs. It must've been Akashi's doing. What an uncharitable thing to do. Himuro had sighed. Kuroko didn't display any signs of disquiet feelings, nor harboring lamentations of being robbed from the capital of his hometown.
Although the were born during different times, they were omegas. The world's most delicate humans. "I'm not allowed outside Rakuzan." Kuroko gave a small chuckle, massaging his abdomen. Himuro had sat down next to Kuroko, joining him on the bench. The gardens were tranquil, a liberation from chaos and war. Himuro had wondered. Why do humans like to hurt each other? The contradicting freedom they seek, Himuro felt Kuroko would be the one who could cleanse the malice of humans. Kuroko would be capable of accomplishing a feat he had failed to do so. Kuroko possess the rare special ability that comes once in a millennium.
"Is that because of the master?" Himuro had questioned.
Kuroko had smiled as he flipped a page of the book in his hands. "Maybe so. I could've left if I have ever wanted to. Love, maybe? I didn't want to admit, to be honest. I've come to love the empire and the people here. I'm sure the people here would be saddened if I had left. I'm such a weak person." A breeze blew, blowing the pages of Kuroko's book. "It's okay for you to be yourself, Himuro. Don't fight with Murasakibara so much. He may not appear like it, deep down I'm sure he misses you. All those years, waiting patiently for your return. He appears to like you a lot."
Himuro had flinched. He was startled. Just like the rumours, Kuroko was capable of seeing into the depths of your concerns and anguish. This is the priest of the Kuroko clan.
"As expected. I can't hide anything from the priest of the Kuroko clan." Himuro gave a small laugh. "Akashi is very obsessed with you. So much you can't even walk properly without him. Is your love worth all that pain?" Kuroko had nodded. Without Akashi, Kuroko knew he wouldn't survive. He wouldn't be here without Akashi. He was alive was thanks to Akashi. The pair of omegas had continued watching the liveliness of the koi fishes in the pond, hurried steps had stumped in their direction.
"Tetsuya! Didn't I tell you not to leave your room? What if something happens to you?" A frantic Akashi and his chambermaids had appeared before them. They were panting and exhausted from searching for Kuroko ups and downs.
"Oh. I've been found." Kuroko had closed his book shut and grabbed his staff next to him, slowly approaching the master of Teiko. He had cupped Akashi scowling expression in his delicate hands. "It's fine, Akashi. I'm not going to die from the morning breeze." Himuro had stood frozen on his feet, as if anchors had plunged deep into the earth, preventing him from taking a step forward. He was petrified in his steps.
"What is wrong with you, Tetsuya-sama? You know very well that it is not good for your body! You're pregnant! Please be more self-conscious around you." His chambermaids had reprimanded Kuroko. Her words had turned Himuro into a shell of husk. He was plunged into a state of stupor. Kuroko was pregnant. That must be the strange feeling he had felt from the younger omega. There was another life growing deep inside the smaller omega. Kuroko had a stronger sense of personal control than he had thought. He had underestimated Kuroko.
"Oh, so you're pregnant." Himuro had smiled. "Congratulations, Kuroko." Kuroko had nodded, flushing crimson, warmth was welling deep inside. He was embarrassed that people had acknowledged his pregnancy. He still hadn't readily accepted that he was already months pregnant with Akashi's child. It would be soon when he has to give birth. Providing Akashi with a child was an exuberant event, and was graciously celebrated by the people of Teiko. He was loved fondly by the people of Teiko. Kuroko was an important existence to the empire of Teiko. He knows well what it means to give birth to Akashi's brethren. He had capitulated to the spirits of Teiko, tossing away his identity as a human.
Akashi had scooped Kuroko in his arms. "Let's go back. You need to feed." He had sighed. "You should go back too, Tatsuya. Atsushi must be worried about you." Himuro had nodded and bowed, out of respect for Akashi. Himuro had turned on his heels towards the kitchen, where all the foods and ingredients were taken from. It was where he knew he would find Murasakibara. He and Murasakibara had shared a bond for a long time. Himuro had decided it was time they should face each other, as fated pairs. Although they were bonded, they were afraid of taking the next step. Murasakibara had been timorous, Himuro had refused to be bound by destiny of fated pairs. And just like that, their stubbornness had drifted them apart. Since then, eighty years had passed. The people of his clan had aged and returned to earth. Only Himuro alone remained, in a cursed body as a spiritual creature, who would walk on the lands in the arms of the ogre of Yosen, Murasakibara Atsushi.
"Atsushi!" Himuro had walked into his husband's office, hugging his gigantic figure from behind. Murasakibara had turned his head. The sight of his wife in his office was a first for him. He had blinked, rubbing dust away from his corneas. The loud crackling sounds of the pyre in the fireplace had gave them warmth and comfort. Murasakibara had put down his papers and quill, turned around to return Himuro's embrace. It wasn't a dream, Murasakibara had assured himself. This is the reality. He couldn't believe there would be a day when his dear wife would step into his working place. The last time Himuro had stepped into Murasakibara's office was over eight years ago. It was when Himuro was still just a small child.
"Suya-chin. What are you doing here?" Murasakibara had questioned. Himuro had shrugged. The happy news he had received from Kuroko was something joyous. Murasakibara had worn a perplexed expression. "What are you talking about? I told you yesterday, didn't I? Kuro-chin is pregnant. We have to be careful if the blackhole suddenly attack us. Kuro-chin and Mayu-chin are probably the only one who can fight against that thing. Aka-chin knows very well. Only the spiritual strength of the holy spirit can stand a chance against such malice creatures."
Murasakibara had pulled his wife into his embrace. Himuro had nodded. "You're right. I didn't stand a chance when I was sent to subdue them in the states. I guess this is a job for the Kuroko clan. I can't compete with that." He had sighed. "It makes me think like having a child isn't so bad." Murasakibara had stared at Himuro. The Himuro clan didn't possess such tremendous prowess, strong enough to even subdue the malice miasma spreading like some epidemic illness. The Kuroko clan were once revered priests, guardians of the Gates, who had given birth to strong elemental manipulators. They wield godlike powers. They specialize in vanishing arts. The Himuro clan was different. They specialize in the use of combination of spiritual powers and martial arts.
"Suya-chin, what did you say?" Murasakibara had blinked several times, his unwavering gaze piercing into Himuro's own unsettled gaze. He just had to reaffirmed the words of his mate had said. Himuro had shied away from Murasakibara, his husband wouldn't allow that. He had pulled Himuro into his strong arms, had captured Himuro into an inescapable trap. Murasakibara had wanted to hear those words one more time. He had waited for Himuro for a long time. An interminable longingness for Tatsuya's feelings to become one with him.
Himuro's facial expression had experienced the erubescence of tinting with roseate colors of blush. The joy of having a child of your own.
"Are you sure?" Murasakibara had asked. Himuro had nodded. It was time for them to step forward into the future too. They cannot afford to be beaten by a youngster several decades younger than them. Teiko is also his home. He had long tossed away the hometown of his city capital. He had learnt from Kise that first-class singularities who are born as human experience extreme misfortunes. It was unfortunate, the master of Teiko had sent elite teams in search of them each cycle when spiritual mediums of Teiko sense of their reincarnation into the world. Spiritual mediums like Kise believes that first-class singularities were spiritual creatures who wield tremendous strength, went against the rules of the heavens. It was their punishment their souls had to bear. It was because of their unlimited love for humans, they were cursed with misfortunes.
It's a sad story of a powerful deity reduced to a mere human because of their unconditional love.
Akashi sighed as he lay Kuroko on the king-sized bed of their quarters. He had taken off his heavy coat and joined Kuroko under the soft covers and pillows on their shared king-sized bed. Kuroko had struggled and resisted against Akashi's embrace. Akashi had pulled Kuroko into the close proximity, barely milimetres from each other. Kuroko had frowned and glared at his husband.
"What do you think yoú're doing, Akashi?"
"And what do you think you're doing, Tetsuya? You've barely fed since you woke up from a coma. You need blood. Don't make me repeat myself." Akashi had scowled at Kuroko. "The Akashi family are the genesis of vampires." Akashi clawed at his neck, his long razor-sharp nails had pierced through the soft, delicate skin of his neck. Dews of rich, thick crimson blood of the purest vampires dripped from the wounds of Akashi's neck. The strong smell of a pure blood had filled the air, petrifying Kuroko. Kuroko's clear cyan pastel blue irises had turned crimson red, just like the appreciation night of the devil. Yes, just like the crimson moon on the night of Walpurgis Night. Kuroko's insides had quivered and pulsed with tremors. The tingling feeling of hunger thirsting for blood had resurfaced.
Come to me, Tetsuya. Take my blood. Drown deeper into the depths of my blood so much you can't forget the taste of my blood. The blood of a pure vampire. Drink more, so much that you can't survive without me.
Akashi's clear vermillion irises had glowed, illuminating the beastly vampiric nature of the Akashi family. Kuroko had worked hard eluding Akashi when it was feeding time. His elusiveness had served him well, was especially effective after their marriage four years ago. It was a sin he had to countenance for falling in love with a vampire of the olde, a pure vampire. He was the devil master of Teiko, the heir of the family possess the purest blood of vampires, the Akashi Family. Kuroko was cursed to live feeding on the fresh blood of his husband, as a vampire who walked the lands as a member of the darkness. Their marriage had robbed Kuroko of his humanity, opening the gates of 'eternity'. For once, Akashi was thankful he was born as a pure vampire. A vampire of the Akashi family.
Kuroko had lost to the vampiric desires his body had harbored. He lunged at Akashi, had licked at the blood dripping from the wounds Akashi had made. Kuroko's vampire fangs had elongated and pierced its razor-sharpness into the blood artery located at the neck. Thick, pure vampire blood had trickled from the wound. Akashi had blenched as Kuroko plunged his fangs into his partner's neck. Akashi's expression of excruciating pain had transformed into pure pleasure. The pleasure of his other half taking his blood. Akashi had smiled, the satisfaction his blood pleasing the needs of his pregnant wife.
Kuroko's irises had returned to normal after he had his fill of Akashi's blood. "S..sei..." Kuroko had blinked, the realization of reality had dawned on him. His palms were still firmly grasping onto the layers of his husband's fine fabric of his kimono when he had plunged at Akashi due to his hunger. Akashi had cradled Kuroko in his arms. "Did I...?" Kuroko didn't dare to imagine what had happened those minutes he had zoned into blank space. The trails of blood and razor-sharp claw marks were ample evidence of Kuroko's berserk.
Akashi had sighed. This was why he wanted to feed Tetsuya more often. Former humans like Kuroko was vulnerable to vampiric beastly instincts. The vampire bloodthirst was inevitable, enslaved to become servants of the darkness, creatures of the night. But Kuroko's recalcitrance was something else. It was like an unmovable acquiescence. He had inevitably escaped from his husband's iron grasp each time his incarceration of suppressed bloodthirst liberated had rolled along. Kuroko had miscalculated this time. He had overestimated his capabilities. Kuroko had entered a berserk state, the progressive growth and development of the child from within Kuroko had hungered for blood, triggering Kuroko's protective vampiric instincts and mechanisms as he harbored the unborn child as a mother. Each time Kuroko had lost control, his memories of when he had frenzied faded. Kuroko had known, he had yet again lost control of himself.
Kuroko had a fairly good control over his vampire instincts, had learnt to restraint them over the years he had been confined in Teiko. He was extremely inexorable, and was impossible to deal with when it comes to blood. He had recurrently discountenance Akashi's blood, much to Akashi's dismay and trepidation. No vampire can survive without blood of their mate. Kuroko had finally lost control. He was a beast who lust after human blood, which was how vampires had survived since the ancient times. Kuroko was special. There were two main reasons why he had lost control that night. First was due to the night of the full moon, vampires have weaker control over their vampire instincts. On the night of full moon, they transform into their true form to protect themselves and their unborn child from danger and harm. Secondly, pregnancy of an omega had triggered his suppressed instincts he had buried deep within himself, liberating a promise he had vowed many years ago.
It was a miracle Kuroko had survived years without blood. But it was different now. Carrying a child, Kuroko's body would start craving for blood.
"You have to feed, Kuroko." Akashi had lectured his wife. "You're the wife of the Akashi family, bearer of the purest vampire blood. And you're pregnant. Don't be so obstinate. Our child needs blood to survive."
Akashi had pulled Kuroko into his arms, caressing the firm and supple cheeks of his dear wife. "You don't have to worry. Losing control is mediocre. Vampires survive on blood to survive afterall. But you are different. You're carrying a child. You should know better what is happening to you. Didn't the chambermaids educate you on that?" Akashi arms had slid down towards Kuroko tummy, reached for his wife small baby bump growing within him. "Don't be afraid, Tetsuya. I'm the father. I, too, wish for my child to be happy and healthy. Depend more on me. The both of you are my pride and joy."
It's been almost four months since he had woken from his coma and finally discovered he had been pregnant with Akashi's child. Ever since he was declared pregnant, the people of Teiko had experienced a very frantic state. Myriads of people were congratulating him. Chambermaids waiting upon his hand and feet. Red rice was served every morning. He was prepared nutritious and luxurious meals everyday for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Aomine and Kise were ordered to bodyguard Kuroko, had followed Kuroko wherever he went. Kuroko had sighed. He wished the people had slowed down at a more relaxed pace. He just wanted to be left alone. Kuroko had scowled at his husband's smug expression. It was evident Akashi had been enjoying the endearing sight of his wife being pampered and being fussed over everything.
The celebration had lasted a week. The people from Yosen, leaded by Murasakibara and Himuro had an exciting time creating menus for Kuroko and the beloved people of Teiko during the week-long gracious celebration. It was a sight of an extreme variety lush of resplendent cuisine personally prepared by the Chief of Yosen, Murasakibara Atsushi. Yosen had served the signature delicacies of Teiko and Kuroko's favourite foods of his homeland. It was a blessed haven. It was a joyous night. They danced. They sung. And they drank all night long. And on that night, Kuroko officially became the devil master's spouse.
He had surrendered himself to his dominant partner, the devil master of Teiko, the heir of the Akashi clan.
Himuro had observed how Kuroko had held his head high, had bravely faced his challenges and presented himself to the audience with strong self-confidence which he had lacked. Himuro felt a sudden surge of courage welled from within his insides. Kuroko had inspired the encouraging support as a fellow omega. Omega are fragile, and easily distressed. Kuroko's strong self-confidence had sent shivers down Himuro's spine, seeing the accomplishments of the couple which happiness was etched onto their smiles. Kuroko had showed his fellow omegas to believe they have the strength to achieve their own happiness. Although Kuroko was bonded to Akashi without his holistic understanding of mates and bonding, the couple who were forced together had come to love each other. His strength to overcome challenges had motivated Himuro, to become a better pair with his bonded partner so that one day they would be capable of leaving the sadness between them behind and achieve happiness just like Akashi and Kuroko.
The decision was theirs to make.