Intertwined Destiny

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Akashi Masaomi

Chapter 15: Akashi Masaomi

Midorima strode into Akashi's study with a sealed letter in hand. Akashi had looked up from his work as he watched his advisor clicked his glasses with his taped fingers and settled the parched envelope in front of him. Akashi sighed as his cheek rested on his hand which was supported on the shiny, mahogany wooden desk. The desk was custom-made, carved by the finest wooden artists in Teiko Akashi had summoned when Kuroko had just arrived in Teiko all those years ago. The desk was a pair. The other half of Akashi's desk had belonged to Kuroko, which was placed in Kuroko's chambers, now Kuroko's study since he had moved into Akashi's chambers.

Akashi sighed as he eyed the envelope with great dislike. "And what do you expect me to do about this? Throw into the fireplace?" He asked Midorima with a bored glance. He had no interest in what the letter had contained. The seal on the envelope had revealed the identity of the sender. "You should know better than this. Especially when it comes to that person."

Midorima sighed. "Akashi, isn't it time to call a truce against him? After all, he is Teiko's highest vampire, and he is your father." Midorima knew that both Akashi and his father were extremely stubborn when it came to these matters. The squabble between father and son had often put poor Midorima into a tight spot. As Akashi's advisor and right-hand man, Midorima was skillful and efficient. It was one of the reasons why Midorima was chosen and had served many terms as Akashi's sole advisor.

"Let him come. I don't care. Teiko is mine to command. After all, I am absolute. He can come as he wishes. But I will not allow him to interfere with my business." Akashi had said. Midorima sighed. Akashi would not be able to escape forever. One day, the father-and-son pair would have to face each other. They had been at each other's throats for centuries, even after Teiko had taken in Kuroko twelve years ago. Akashi had refused to reveal Kuroko's existence and had absolutely no interest in seeking approval from his clan. Akashi had stood, laying his pen to rest on his pen holder. "C'mon, Midorima. It's almost time for our council meeting."

Midorima nodded, grabbing the documents as he trailed after his master. Today was the day of an annual council gathering between the royal sovereigns of the lands, which was held in the lands of Teiko. Only the guests of the sovereigns could enter the lands. Humans who attempted to enter the lands with ulterior intentions without permission were said to be lost within the labyrinth of Teiko and ultimately died of hunger as a result of going on for days without sufficient food supply. And this time, there was much to discuss about the Kirisaki Daiichi incident. Haste must be made, or it may become too late with the ignorant and naive fools who rule the human lands.

The council meeting involves Seiho, Senshinkan, Kirisaki Daiichi, Seirin, Shinkyo, Senshinkan, Josei, Fukada Sogo and finally Teiko. Akashi and his trusted advisor, Midorima Shintarou, were the last to arrive. The room they were using for their council meetings was one of their many rooms in Rakuzan. "Bastard, Akashi. You are the last to arrive again. Think about others who had to travel all the way here just for a council gathering." The sovereign of Seiho, Tsugawa Tomoki, had grumbled.

"Heh, this isn't anything new. Stop bitching and start the meeting already." The male monarch of Shinkyo had commented. "We don't have all day." Akashi gave a smile and took his seat. Midorima took his place, standing behind Akashi. Just you wait and see, traitors of your people.

"The agenda for today is reports of renewed contracts of Kirisaki Daiichi and Teiko, following the death of Kisaragi Amaya." Akashi began. Midorima handed him the contract between Teiko and Kirisaki Daiichi. "Here is the documented contract. Of course, this is just a copy. Any of you who are dissatisfied, you have no say in this. Your disagreement means nothing to me. This is between me and the king of Kirisaki Daiichi."

"Bastard. Is that what you've been planning?" The king of Senshinkan growled. Akashi was finally showing his true colors.

Midorima adjusted his metal-framed glasses with a soft click. "By the laws erected by the heavens, all of you were involved in the league of Kisaragi Amaya. Shouldn't we treat you with the same fate Kisaragi Amaya suffered?" The sovereigns had fallen silent at the reminder of Midorima's words. The sovereigns, except for Seirin, had planned a coup d'etat against the lands blessed by the heavens, the blasphemy of Gods. The king's expressions had darkened. They were guilty of assisting a mercenary hunter who couldn't care less about anyone but revenge on the Kuroko clan.

"Kirisaki Daiichi is now part of Teiko." Akashi reaffirmed their questions. "There is no mistake. This is a request, made by the previous king, Hanamiya Makoto, his wife, Mayuzumi Chihiro and my wife, Kuroko Tetsuya. It has been agreed that Kirisaki Daiichi will merge with Teiko. Starting today, all humans will be chased out of lands of Kirisaki Daiichi. Everything. Including you nobles businesses in Kirisaki Daiichi is no longer legitimate."

The ruler of Shinkyo slammed his hands on the table. "How can you be so selfish? We have been living in those lands since eons ago! That land is the home of humans! Without us, the marine and agriculture will not survive!"

"There is no need for your contributions. The citizens of Kirisaki Daiichi will stay. But I can't say the same of people who enter Kirisaki Daiichi with the same mindset you possessed. I am certain your people adopted the mindset of their king. Hungry, greedy and lustful. Like a beast. The people of Teiko will have enough resources to contribute. Take this as your punishment for betrayal against the heavens. Know your place, humans." Akashi's heterochromatic irises take in every little detail of the monarch of the human lands. It was a disappointment.

"Hmph, don't be so proud because you have the Kuroko clan's successor as your mate. Don't forget, the people of the Kuroko clan once belonged to us! You stole them from us!" Shinkyo growled.

"No. Kuroko Tetsuya was given to us as a sacrifice twelve years ago by a man named Kisaragi Amaya. The result of things is the blessings of fate. The ulterior intentions all of you possess will be the downfall of your nation. I hope it will not be the cause of your downfall. Have a good day." Akashi stood from his seat. "Midorima. Please escort these guests to the entrance of the exit."

"Wha- we're not done!" The kings of Seiho and Senshinkan were furious. It was the first time that the kings were discarded by absolute demons like mere insects. They were often praised and hailed for their great achievements, no one was daring enough to be imprudent to the monarch. Humans value their lives. The people of Teiko were different. It was infuriating. It inclined that your achievements, your background, your power, everything means nothing before the overlord of Teiko, the devil master who had reigned over Teiko over eons of centuries.

The female monarch of Serin smirked. She had been watching the kings of Seiho and Senshinkan baring their fangs at the devil master of Teiko from the shadows. It was as if watching two little dogs baring their teeth at a wolf. They were already in the enemy's territory. Akashi could have killed them if he had been angered to no return. "You are too naive. You dug your own grave, representative of Seiho and Senshinkan. You should have done your homework before coming."

"Shut up, traitor of humanity. You sided with Teiko, a blasphemy of heavens. What do you even know? You are aiming for the rare powers they possess, aren't you?" Shinkyo glared at Seirin's monarch, Aida Riko, and her advisor, Hyuuga Junpei.

"We don't gain anything by taking their powers. That's not how it works. It's nothing great if you can't use that great power which all of you possess. Now, take them away, guards of Shutoku. I'm having a headache from their whiny voices." Riko waved her hands, shooing the disgraceful kings away. It was a shame towards the nation they represented. It sullied the great names their ancestor had created and formed for the future of humanity.

"Aye, aye, madam!" A man with sleek black hair, wearing the uniform of the Shutoku generals had winked. "We'll toss these people from our territory, don't worry!" His blatant words had set the kings to a whole new level of furiousness. The kings' expressions were red with anger, irritated of being belittled like a peasant.

"Takao! Stop playing and do your work." Midorima's strict voice warned as Midorima had returned to the meeting room to oversee the situation. "I asked you to escort them to the borders. Not playing with their feelings."

The man named Takao had pouted. "Isn't this what they have done to Kuroko-kun? Poor him." Takao took out a handkerchief from his pocket and began wiping the corneas of his eyes.

It pissed off Midorima to no end. "Stop your lame acting and get to work!" Midorima had kicked Takao, making him get on with his work. Takao had laughed. He enjoyed making Midorima pissed and irritated.

"Yes, Boss~" Takao had laughed. Takao signalled his men to escort the kings to the entrance of the portal. "Give me a kiss when I get back, kay, Shin-chan." He gave Midorima a wink and disappeared down the corridor.

"So that's your mate, Midorima Shintarou." Riko had burst into a fit of laughter. "Of course, you're an alpha, after all. The king he is going to escort is going to be a handful. Be careful." Midorima nodded. He knew that very well. It was why he returned after Akashi had dismissed Midorima for the day. Midorima understood how relationships work; after all, he and Takao often go through an ordeal of dramas daily.

The kings had clicked his tongue as the guards of Shutoku escorted them to the entrance, led by Takao. They were extremely displeased that Takao was an omega, a man who was mated to one of the miracles. Takao was the mate of the advisor of the master of Teiko, Midorima Shintarou. Takao had eyed them with a frozen stare. The sovereigns couldn't believe a submissive could be this aggressive. It shot chills down their spines.

"Walk with your legs, not with your mouth. I could kill you on the spot if you don't mind. Akashi would welcome you with open arms. Teiko will then dominate the human world, leaving humans at the mercy of the God of Wisdom and Knowledge." Takao had threatened the kings. The kings were not used to walking long distances. They hated the council meetings held every year. They couldn't ride the carriages and were forced to travel on foot. Takao scowled at their pace. These people are like pigs. Takao was very well aware of the fate of omegas at the mercy of these people. Takao was fortunate enough to be born within the lands of Teiko, an omega from the lands of Teiko. His marriage with Midorima Shintarou was an arranged marriage, but fate decided to play its part. Midorima and Takao were fated partners, bound to be together.

Misfortune was harsh on omegas. Kuroko and Himuro were at the mercy of these pigs. Takao decided it was time these people were at his mercy in exchange. As they reached the borders where the gate to the human lands was located, the kings were tossed through the portal like dirt.

"Goodbye. We will part from here." Takao had an evil glint reflected in his eyes. He didn't mind if they got lost and died from hunger. "Have a safe journey home, Your Highnesses." I hope you starve from hunger and die. It took them one hour to travel from the Palace of Rakuzan to the borders of the entrance. One of its main cause was the fat asses of these monarchs who had grown pampered from their fortunate and wealthy lifestyle. Fucking pigs.

"Bastard...!" The ruler of Senshinkan growled as the portal closed; the pathway to Teiko was replaced by a mass of labyrinth. The kings knew they would be choosing an early death if they chose to go through the labyrinth just to curse the guard who mistreated them. The devil master would not care; the people of Teiko would not believe the words of a liar and a traitor. The risks were not worth the cost of their lives. They turned their backs and continued onto the path leading to the human lands. The path was still a long way to the main road. They had to reach the main road to get transport back to their respective palaces.

Kuroko woke to the bustling chaos in the castle. He blinked, carefully folded his blankets and peeled off the heavy kimono he had worn to bed. He glanced at the space beside him. Akashi had been busy these days. Kuroko felt he shouldn't be disturbing Akashi. He grabbed his walking aid and steered himself into the bathhouse. The chambermaids assigned to him and rushed after Kuroko in a panic. They feared that if something had happened to Kuroko, they would be speechless about what they should say to their master. Kuroko was their master's partner, his wife, and was carrying the child of their master. Kuroko was someone delicate who should be treated with the utmost care.

"Tetsuya-sama! Please wait!" They had scurried after Kuroko, his kimono becoming loose and undone, barely hanging over the edge of his pale shoulders as he walked himself with great elegance into the bathhouse. It was a beautiful sight. The people of Teiko had often wondered, why was Kuroko born human? If Kuroko was a soul who was born within the lands of Teiko, his life would have been much happier. He was a sacrifice offered to the emperor of Teiko. Kuroko was loved dearly by the residents of Teikou. Kuroko had placed his walking aid next to the entrance and had slipped into the clear waters of the bathhouse. He slipped off the layers of the kimono and tossed them onto the cold, stoned tiles of the bathhouse. His chambermaids had sighed, retrieving his tossed articles of clothes from the floor. They had wondered what had happened to Kuroko. It was their first time seeing Kuroko walking into the bathhouse. Although Akashi had the bathhouse made for Kuroko, it was the very place where his fate was sealed. His delicate figure had outlined the shadows of an omega.

It was as if the scene was ripped from a painting.

Kuroko slowly immersed himself into the warm waters. The waters were clearer than any mirrors he had seen; the reflection on the waters had reflected every feature of his delicate figure. Kuroko's small hands had reached for Akashi's mark beneath his pastel blue hair. The scars Akashi had made during the night of their consummation. Kuroko had belonged to Akashi since that day. Kuroko smiled. He had never regretted his decisions. It was his choice to remain in Teiko as the wife of the devil master who rules vast horizons of Teiko. It was also his choice to give up his life as a human. On days he was granted freedom, Kuroko had spent hours fingering the marks burnt into the delicate pale skin on his neck. Kuroko had adored the marks his husband had made.

Kuroko sighed as he continued soaking in the warm waters of the baths. The purple bath salts the chambermaids had put in prompted the waters to change colors, turning into various translucent colours. The colors were calming and adorable. The colors of the waters appeared serene and divine, as if the waters were blessed by the spirits of the water. It was as if the waters were a piece of sleek glass, small ripples had appeared, made by Kuroko as he enjoyed his time in the bath. He leaned against the tiled stone bath, massaging the emerging bulge located at his stomach with scented lukewarm water. Kuroko was almost five months pregnant now.

Kuroko was immersed deep in thought and had not noticed the silent movements of his partner joining him in the bath. He had sneaked behind Kuroko, slid into the lukewarm waters and wrapped his arms around his beloved around his waist from behind. Akashi had taken Kuroko into his arms and placed his hands protectively around their unborn child growing within Kuroko. His actions had startled his pregnant wife, drawing him back to reality. It was unorthodox for someone like Kuroko, who possesses the extraordinary sharp abilities of scrutiny and discernment. "Sei-kun," Kuroko had cuddled closer, seeking the warmth of his husband. Taking a pause, he blinked at Akashi. "Why are you here? Didn't you have business with the council this morning?"

"It's over, Tetsuya." Akashi gave Kuroko a small grin. "Are you surprised?" Kuroko silently nodded. Of course, Kuroko would be surprised. It had barely been two hours since he had awoken that morning; the council meeting was dismissed before the clock even struck ten. Kuroko was curious of the council agenda. Kuroko pouted. Akashi wrapped his arms tighter around Kuroko. "There is no need for you to be present, my beloved Tetsuya. You are pregnant. You need to feed and rest for our child."

"Of course I know that." Kuroko had looked away. Akashi stood, Kuroko in his arms as they stepped out of the waters. Kuroko and the master fussed around and panicked when Kuroko had tried to dress himself. Akashi chuckled. He knew of his wife's obstinate behaviours, which never changed ever since he arrived all those years ago. It was a rare sight which had not changed regardless of the number of years that had passed. Akashi was dressed in his traditional crimson red kimono, the color of the glorified Akashi clan. Kuroko was dressed in a pastel teal blue kimono, a colour which matches the rare colour of his hair blessed by the heavens. Akashi had smiled had Kuroko was fussed around as the chambermaids had dressed him, perfumed him, trimmed and painted his nails, combed his silky hair, his supple skin was deliberately cared with the best skincare products and painted with light makeup, jewelry hanging on various parts of his body and the traditional hair accessory of the Akashi clan glinted, shone brightly under the tufts of his hair.

It was a daily routine that Kuroko was forced to go through every day. Kuroko had remembered himself telling off Akashi he did not like being fussed like a woman, Akashi had refused, claiming to be a master's privilege of amusement. Kuroko sighed for the umpteenth time after glancing at his reflection in the mirror. The chambermaids had bowed and exited the couple's chambers after Kuroko was finished dressing. Akashi and the chambermaids had made sure that Kuroko's appearance was perfect everyday each morning after Kuroko had taken a bath in the mornings.

Kuroko was taken into Akashi's embrace, his staff was carefully folded in the hems of Kuroko's kimono. Servants bowed in respect as they passed through the grand hallways of the Rakuzan castle. The familiar doors of the library came into view. Akashi placed his wife comfortably in his favourite seat next to the window. Food was already placed on the table, along with the books Kuroko was reading yesterday. Aomine and Kise were on standby duty and were loudly bantering with each other. Kuroko chuckled at the scene. Kise's fluffy, golden ears perked, and Aomine's sharp, pointy ears sensed the footsteps of their grand master.

"Good morning, Tetsuya-sama!" they had greeted cherrily at the sight of their queen and their master walking into the library.

"Good morning, Kise-kun, Aomine-kun." Kuroko smiled gently. Akashi nodded. He planted a small kiss on Kuroko's pale, delicate skin and gave his pastel teal hair a few ruffles.

"I'll see you in the evening, Tetsuya. Have fun." Akashi stood, his crimson kimono swishing behind him. "I'm counting on you, Kise, Aomine." Aomine and Kise nodded, and Akashi's appearance diminished from sight. As the emperor who reigns over the vast lands of Teiko, it was also understood, the heavy burdens of Akashi's responsibilities.

Kuroko reached for the first book in line on his table, his breakfast was ignored. Kise had taken away Kuroko's book. Kuroko glanced at Kise, his deadpan expression trying his best to determine the cause of Kise's appalling behaviour.

"Tetsuya-sama. You have to eat your breakfast first." Kise had advised, scolding Kuroko like a mother hen for the umpteenth time. Kuroko pouted. Aomine and Kise didn't bat an eyelid. This was a child they had taken care of since he was a child. The human child was showered with love by the residents of the netherworld. Aomine and Kise know by heart what Kuroko would do, including not eating breakfast. His bad habits had often triggered Murasakibara's switch, throwing Himuro into intermittent fits of laughter.

Himuro had walked in, wearing a pale yellow sweater and black jeans. A pale purple haori bearing the Murasakibara clan insignia was draped over Himuro's delicate shoulders. Behind him was his mate, the ogre who earned his nickname through the contributions of his hard work. Murasakibara Atsushi, The Impenetrable Barrier. Unlike Akashi and Kuroko, Himuro and Murasakibara did not favour wearing the stuffy traditional kimono. Himuro settled himself in the seat opposite Kuroko. Murasakibara placed the tray of food on the table. The tray had contained the breakfast menu for that morning. Kuroko eyed the tray of food. What was different from Murasakibara's everyday breakfast menu was the pickles. The tray had coffee, milk, toast, eggs, ham and pickles. A variety of pickles. The vanilla milkshake was an extra made daily for Kuroko. Kuroko was showered in happiness at the sight of vanilla milkshake.

"That's quite a variety of pickles," Aomine commented, eyeing the variety of pickled food Murasakibara had brought. Kuroko nodded, agreeing with Aomine. Kuroko had figured pickles must have been Himuro's favourite food.

"They're not for you." Kise had stepped on Aomine's shins with his boots.

"I won't eat them! I hate pickles! Stop bullying me, Kise!" The tengu chief had complained. The pained expression from Aomine's hurt shins had earned soft chuckles from the omegas.

"Be good and eat your food, Kuro-chin." Murasakibara baritone monotonous voice drawled. He gave Himuro a small kiss and left to attend his duties as one of the miracles, and as the Guardian of Yosen. "I'll see you later, Suya-chin." Himuro had nodded, blushed, turned crimson red in embarrassment. Himuro wasn't used to Murasakibara's intimate behaviours.

"Seems like things got better, Himuro-kun."

Himuro blushed. "Ther ...There's nothing between us!" Himuro was flustered. "Let's eat. The food is getting cold." Himuro took a plate of pickles and poured himself some milk from the jug.

Kuroko smiled as he reached for his vanilla milkshake. "There's nothing to hide, Himuro-kun. You are, after all, the mate of Murasakibara Atsushi, the Guardian of Yosen." He flipped a page of his book as he slurped happily on his favourite drink. Himuro blushed, the colours of erubescence tinting the growing warmth of his cheeks. He took a bite from his pickles and a mouthful of milk from his cup.

"We've decided to start over again." Himuro smiled, glancing at the beautiful scenery of the vast lands through the huge panels of window. "It's thanks to you, we were able to move on. Thank you, Kuroko Tetsuya."

Mayuzumi walked in, slamming the doors open. "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you, Tetsuya." Kuroko and Himuro had glanced at the panting Mayuzumi with a puzzled expression.

"Chihiro nii-san. What's wrong?" Kuroko had questioned, looking up from his favourite book. A huge shadow loomed over from behind Mayuzumi. Mayuzumi had felt chills of shiver down his spine.

" have a visitor...." Mayuzumi voice trembled slightly. Kuroko frowned. He just had to wonder who was his special guest, even his half-brother who faced their evil uncle all alone, while protecting him when he was just a child.

"Who is it?" Aomine had a grim expression on his face. Although they did not look like one, Kise and Aomine were generals of Teiko, miracles chosen by the devil master himself. They were assigned as Kuroko's bodyguards and were extremely well aware of any approaching dangers.

Kuroko had a dark expression. Himuro could sense the intense aura, too. He couldn't blame Kuroko. Kuroko was a specialist who was a veteran at reading and determining opponents' next moves. His astute judgment was one of his special qualities which had made the vanishing arts possible. Himuro did not possess the genius innate skills which Kuroko could perform. He watched as Kuroko observed the visitor with his extremely observant eyes; the famous deadpan expression was blatantly displayed.

"Why, don't be so tense. I am just asking this young man for directions." The man's stern face broke into a smile. Mayuzumi was pale, reverberated with shock. It wasn't just a humble request for directions. Kuroko was completely stupefied in his tracks. It was an appearance he knew so well. That crimson red hair, vermillion irises, everything about this stranger strangely reminded him of his husband. Kise and Aomine lowered their weapons at the sight of their guest.

"Akashi-sama." Aomine sighed. "If you needed any assistance, our master would have gladly complied with your request. All you have to do is send a proposal to our esteemed master, Akashi-sama." Kise had bowed. Kuroko had taken note of the slight discomfort Aomine and Kise experienced, reflected in their tone of voice when addressing the guest. He had guessed this man before him was an esteemed elite within the lands of Teiko. But who is he? Kise and Aomine had addressed him as Akashi-sama.

The guest had taken a glance at the library. It was empty, except for the two omegas, Kise and Aomine. The guest had frowned at Kuroko. Taking in the pale and delicate features both Kuroko and Himuro possessed, the guest sighed. "Is Teiko an omega's breeding place? Clearly, including the man who brought me here, we have four omegas in this room." Kise had flinched and was lost for words.

"I do not know the reason you are here, you are not to disrespect our master's guards. Kise is one of the generals ruling this land, Akashi-sama." Aomine had an extremely displeased look plastered on his face.

The guest had scoffed. He eyed Kuroko. "Judging by appearances, you must be related to the man over there." He pointed at Mayuzumi. "Oh, so I see. You are Seijuurou's mate. Hmm, I see." He massaged the end of his chin with his fingers. Kuroko was the ultimate epitome of an elemental manipulator, an existence which was said to be a myth. Seeing Kuroko with his own eyes, that man could understand why Seijuurou was so attracted to him. He was like a delicate sweet nectar that needed his protection. He existed only for the sake of his mate.

"Who are you?" Kuroko questioned, had demanded for answers. "You have trespassed into our territory, insulted us, belittling our capabilities and hurt our pride. We have the right of asking you to leave, don't we?"

"Oh? So he hasn't told you? Or has he no intention of telling you at all?" The guest had smirked, the sharp fangs of a vampire came into view. Kuroko was startled. Vampire? "Yes, youngling. Just as you have predicted. You must be quite something, to be able to deal with that impossible offspring of mine."

Himuro and Mayuzumi were beyond surprised and wide in shock. It was abrupt and fortuitous. An unforeseen incident. Kuroko never expected it would come to a day where he would have to face the grand elder of the Akashi family.

"I am Akashi Masaomi."

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