Chapter 56: Izumi Miyamura: Xover - Chapter 55
I let my Conqueror's Haki surface. It immediately merged with Enma's aura and both of them completely overwhelmed Shusui's aura. Taylor gritted her teeth as she tightened her grip on her sword. She held on firmly.
To my surprise, All Might released his Conqueror's Haki, but it didn't clash directly with mine, he simply used his presence to protect the entire audience. Impressive.
Taylor kicked the ground and shot towards me. Shusui covered himself in Armament Haki as Taylor approached. I covered Enma with my own Armor Haki.
Sun Breathing: Dance vs Water Breathing: First Form: Water Surface Slash.
My downward slash met her horizontal slash. The clash between both swords shook the air, the ring, and indeed the entire stadium. Neither gained the advantage and the Haki slashes continued on their way. Mine was already cutting into the ground behind Taylor as he continued towards the stands. Taylor's also came out behind me.
All Might moved quickly. He first intercepted Taylor's punch, vanishing him before he crashed into the stands before disappearing and appearing in front of my attack, his arms turning black as he took the blow.
Incredible, All Might could use two types of Haki, I shouldn't be surprised, but he did.
But it was no time to be distracted. Taylor's bugs finally arrived. They didn't cover me, I knew it was useless. But they did cover her.
Taylor was completely covered in her bugs and soon the rest of the Ring was too. I cut down with ease any insect that came within my range. Whether in small numbers, or tens of thousands in a few seconds.
Taylor still inside her bugs headed towards me. She never left her bugs, instead her bugs were completely filling the place with their presence. A sword cut through them towards me.
So, hiding her movements and attacks to try to take me by surprise, good idea, but it wouldn't work on me, I could see Taylor as easily as always so I intercepted all her blows.
When Taylor saw that it was completely useless to hide behind her bugs, she started to attack me with them. But in turn she started to attack with more force. She went through form after form of Water Breathing, attacking at the same time as her bugs. In fact, she didn't care if her bugs were in the way, she just kept slashing.
I didn't stay still either, with Enma still imbued with Haki, my heavy slashes fell upon Taylor. Taylor did her best to defend herself, but my blows came mercilessly upon her. Each blow scratched more and more of her aura, breaking down her defense.
The aura in general was tough, very tough, but it was better at stopping blunt blows than cutting or piercing blows. The latter were capable of piercing through the aura if they were imbued with another strong enough aura. And Haki did exactly that.
Cuts began to appear on Taylor's body. One after another the wounds began to appear on Taylor's body, none of them lethal, Taylor was good at dodging attacks to her weak points, so they were all superficial, but the more they piled up, the more of a toll it was taking on Taylor, even if she was using Full Concentration Breathing to clot her wounds and prevent blood loss.
The exchange seemed to last a long time and not the few dozen seconds. Taylor's insects had been reduced in great numbers, the swarm was much smaller and just like Taylor's body, the Ring was full of cuts everywhere, the Haki blasts coming out of our swords left cuts everywhere. It was a good thing that All Might was defending the audience.
It was time to end this.
Wind Breathing: Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm ¸
If All Might could generate tornadoes with his fists by sheer force, who said I couldn't do it? I put all my strength and all my Haki into this punch, and punched down. Wind was generated due to the pressure and a whirlwind was formed. I generated around me completely wiping out Taylor's bugs around us eliminating all the bugs left in the ring. I could notice Taylor's disbelieving look and I could see a swarm approaching from the sky but I moved. I jumped towards her. I cut Once again with Haki, I could feel Enma powering up the attack.
Wind Breathing: Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind.
Taylor gritted her teeth, reinforcing her sword with Haki and raising it horizontally to meet my blow. Four claw attacks landed on Shusui with force. Taylor tightened her grip on her sword to prevent it from slipping from her hands. In one fluid motion, Taylor lowered her sword, letting my attack slide past her. The claws continued on their course before All Might met them head on.
I moved once more, but Taylor was already attacking. She launched a haki-enhanced slash in my direction. I covered myself with Enma, but the attack pushed me a few meters away. Once I stabilized myself again, I began my next move, but stopped when I saw Taylor.
My eyes widened as Taylor lunged at me. She had combined two breathing styles. Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunderclap and Flash for speed, and to my surprise, Taylor used Insect Breathing: Dance of the Butterfly: Caprice .
The speed of her Thunderclap was nothing to sneeze at, she appeared in front of me in an instant and used Shusui reinforced with Haki to stab in my direction. I prepared myself to receive her attacks when-eh?
Taylor used Sun Breathing: Fake Rainbow . My eyes followed the real Taylor a second slower than they should have, her attacks were already practically on my body. My body moved at extreme speed. I was able to deflect all the blows even though they were practically glued to my body.
I felt a slight twinge in my abdomen. I looked down, a cut. One of Taylor's punches had landed.
I touched the wound and immediately felt my fingers getting wet with my blood. My eyes widened in shock. Taylor had pierced my aura and managed to cut me. It had been a long time since I had bled in a fight.
My smile grew wider. Let my King's Haki explode outwards once more.
"HAHAHAHA, well done Taylor!!! Let's keep dancing!!" I exclaimed completely crazed with a deranged smile. I took a step for my next move when- huh?
My leg gave out, I completely lost strength in my legs and they couldn't hold me up, I fell to my knees quickly. My eyes opened wide. My body felt heavy, it felt slow. Like I was moving under tons of water.
Taylor didn't stay still, she took advantage of my stumble and launched herself once more. Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter . Once again she used Insect Breathing. I tried to throw myself to the side, but my body wasn't cooperating as it should. I was slow, I moved to the side, but not fast enough. Taylor's blow broke my aura again with effort and made a small cut on my right thigh.
I gritted my teeth and struggled to my feet. I immediately looked at Taylor in disbelief.
"You poisoned me" I said incredulously, it wasn't a question, it was a statement, Taylor was looking at me impassively before smiling slightly.
"Yes." She confirmed uselessly. I couldn't believe it. I had fallen right into her trap. Her insects, when she attacked from behind her insect curtain she cut down many of them. Taylor did it in such a way that she was slowly impregnating Shusui with insect venom. She then gave her all to scratch me lightly so the poison could take effect. It was really annoying, it certainly wasn't lethal, but it was paralyzing me, with my circulation increased by the full concentration breathing, the poison spread much faster than normal.
"He-he-hahahaha-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I started laughing out loud completely euphoric. My bloodthirsty smile appeared again, my blood was pumping like crazy, I could feel my heartbeat in the back of my head pounding hard in my chest "Well done!! Excellent!! I'm proud of you Taylor!! You couldn't beat me directly so you decided to lower me to your level!! Incredible!!" I congratulated maniacally with a huge smile, Taylor didn't say anything she simply advanced towards me once again.
No more small talk, huh? My body felt heavy, weak, unrecognizable, I hadn't felt this weak since... since I was a child. My body wasn't responding to my commands, I had to adapt, I had to get used to my body malfunctioning. At least the time until my blood burned Taylor's poison.
I focused on my blood, on my veins and immediately found the blood, it was just a matter of slowing down the circulation to prevent the poison from spreading further, then I would find a way to get it out of my system. But for now. I had to stay in front of Taylor while she was weakened.
I was loving every moment of this fight.
With a huge smile, I took a deep breath-"cough, cough, cough!!" I began to cough violently. My eyes widened once again.
"You forgot how to breathe?!" Taylor asked with a huge grin as she appeared in front of me once again, I clicked my tongue. Of course she was going to shove some poison into me that would give me trouble breathing. Well played Taylor.
I moved Emma while gritting my teeth due to the effort. Still, I managed to intercept all of Taylor's blows to defend myself clumsily. My movements were far from being elegant as usual, they were clumsy, sloppy and above all, slow.
The force behind Shusui was slowly pushing me back. I couldn't use full concentration breathing, I couldn't fully exert my strength, my entire body had weakened, I was completely at a disadvantage.
Taylor moved once again and my smile continued to grow. Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance , Taylor was using Sun Breathing, and very effectively, her speed and strength increased once again. While I was still weakened.
I smiled widely and began to breathe. I could feel my lungs closing up due to the poison, coughing was imminent, but I hit my chest hard. I could see it, I could see where the problem was, if I couldn't breathe properly, I would force my body to breathe in the crudest way possible. Hitting my chest to force my lungs open and closed.
The blow to my chest was heard throughout the ring, but I finally felt it, oxygen once again entering my body. My smile grew as I looked at Taylor who had an incredulous expression. Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance.
My attacks met theirs exactly. She had improved her combat level a bit with Sun Breathing, it wasn't perfect, she couldn't take full advantage of Sun Breathing, but to my surprise, she was executing it at a high level and I was weakened so we were now quite close in power level. Our blows collided and repelled each other at the same time as we continued. A copy of each other, the exact same movement. Neither of us got an advantage from the exchange.
I could see Taylor grit her teeth in complete frustration. She kept moving. I pounded my chest again, my lungs opening once more to accept all the air that was violently rushing in. Was I doing more damage to myself than Taylor was doing to me? Possibly. Did I care? Not one bit.
I was enjoying this fight like no other.
A/N: If you liked the story, join my patreon,, there are up to 10 chapters in advance, thank you.