Izumi Miyamura: Xover

Chapter 57: Izumi Miyamura: Xover - Chapter 56

Flame Dance, Dancing Flash, Clear Blue Sky, Sunflower Thrust , one form after another, one of us would start one and the other would copy the exact same movement. No one ever gained an advantage, we were evenly matched.

I saw it, my smile growing as I looked inside Taylor's body. Sun Breathing was taking a toll on her body. There were few people who could handle the bodily strain such a sword style generated and Taylor, despite all the progress she had made, had been done in a little over a year, I still wasn't ready.

Sun Breathing was the strongest, most versatile, and most effective among all the breathing styles, so in theory it could be adapted to anyone who could master it, but that's the problem, not everyone could master it. And Taylor wasn't one of them yet.

Her muscles were screaming for her to stop, but Taylor didn't give in, she kept moving no matter how much her body begged her to stop, she was completely exhausted.

Unfortunately, I was no better. My artificial respiration from blows was crude and couldn't manage the exactness over my body that it normally could, so the poison in my blood hadn't stopped. In fact, thanks to my increased circulation due to full concentration breathing, the poison spread throughout my body much faster.

Oh, that would do, if she could just keep me standing for a few more minutes, all the poison would be burned out of my blood. But I wouldn't have that time. My fingers were starting to go numb, I couldn't feel them, the paralytic or muscle relaxant Taylor used was stupidly strong.

I guess we had to finish everything in the next attack. Taylor seemed to understand that. Shusui's aura expanded once more and her Haki hardened even further. My deranged smile grew. I let my Conqueror's Haki permeate Enma for the first time. It was different, and Taylor noticed it, but still, she moved first.

Dance .

We both used the same attack once again, hers came from below, mine was the traditional downward strike. I gripped the sword tighter, I put more force into my attack, my Haki permeating every sword. My sword generated friction, the friction generated heat, the heat generated fire. And suddenly my sword burst into flames.

A dragon head formed for a few seconds as my attack descended.

Taylor gritted her teeth and gave everything she had into her attack. To my surprise, her sword also generated fire, though it could barely be counted as sparks, but still, it was amazing.

Our attacks collided.

The world seemed to shatter for an instant, our swords met in the middle and fought for supremacy. Black cracks began to form in the sky. The stadium was shaking completely.

I had a crazed smile on my face, my ears were ringing and I pushed even more Conqueror's Haki towards Taylor, Enma gained a green aura and the strength increased exponentially. Taylor clenched her teeth tightly.

"AAAHHH!!" Taylor screamed in effort, she was resisting my attack, her Haki was improving by leaps and bounds, there was nothing like a fight to make Haki grow, and this was no exception. Her Haki resisted my attack for a few long seconds, but unfortunately Taylor had a limit while I hadn't reached mine.

Shusui was repelled. I deflected the attack at the last moment and Enma passed by Taylor. My attack grew like a giant crescent, the ground was razed and headed towards the crowd. All Might appeared in front of the stands.

"SMAASH!!" All Might coated his fist with Haki and hit my attack head on. My attack was resisted, even without me providing any more aura or Haki, my attack tried to continue its path, but All Might didn't retreat an inch.

Finally, my attack faded away after another few seconds of struggle. I sighed in relief and turned my gaze to Taylor, she was still standing with Shusui in her hand, her braid in her hair had completely come undone and her long hair was covering her face. She was still able to keep going so I was too.

Sun Breathing: Thirteenth Form .

Form after form, we both continued to attack each other, our swords kept meeting in the middle. Taylor's body was screaming for her to stop, I could see it shaking from a distance. Mine was just as battered, the poison had finally paralyzed most of my muscles, it was at its peak and the blows I was giving myself in the chest to artificially breathe were quickly losing their effect.

I stumbled slightly in the air, barely able to feel my leg, and braced myself for Taylor's arrival only to be surprised when she didn't take advantage of the opening I had given her. To my surprise, Taylor had tripped as well. In exactly the same way… huh ?

I stopped completely, slowly stood up, Taylor did exactly the same. I grabbed Emma from side to side, Taylor did the same. I looked at my body and understood everything.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are amazing Taylor!! " I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Taylor copied my movements exactly, but without making any noise. Once I calmed down I looked at All Might who looked confused "this fight is over All Might, announce the winner." I said simply with a huge smile. All Might's eyes opened widely.

"ARE YOU GIVING UP YOUNG MIYAMURA??" All Might asked confused. I shook my head and pointed at Taylor.

"Taylor passed out 59 moves ago" I said with a huge smile, All Might stopped stiffly and looked at Taylor who was standing pointing at me the same way I was pointing at her.

"BUT... HE'S STILL FIGHTING." All Might said without understanding.

"I know," I said cheerfully, "but Taylor isn't conscious, you can check on her if you want." I said simply. All Might frowned slightly, but nodded. He walked over to the completely destroyed ring and approached Taylor.

" YOUNG HEBERT, CAN YOU STILL PARTICIPATE? " All Might asked softly, well, softly for him. Taylor clearly didn't answer. All Might immediately became worried. "YOUNG HEBERT?" he asked once more, Taylor still didn't answer, her face was completely covered by her hair. All Might apologized softly and brushed Taylor's hair away.

And there it was. Taylor had her eyes closed, her expression completely peaceful, as if she was sleeping. All Might's eyes opened wide and he quickly checked Taylor's vitals. He sighed in relief when he finally noticed that she was completely fine.

"HE'S UNCONSCIOUS." All Might finally said. "THE WINNER IS IZUMI MIYAMURA!!" All Might finally announced, it took the crowd a few seconds to understand All Might's announcement before they exploded into screams, the stadium rumbling much louder than any of the previous times. I smiled and raised my fist. Something that Taylor imitated.

I looked at Taylor fondly, I should put an end to this. I walked over to Taylor and started killing the unnoticed bugs on my clothes. Taylor stopped after each bug she killed until she stood completely still.

"Good job Taylor, you can rest now." My words were like an off switch, Taylor's body fell like a puppet that had its strings cut. With some effort I caught Taylor before she fell to the ground.




I sighed once more, I guess that stupid nickname will haunt me for a long time, damn you Present Mic. I looked down at Taylor in my arms and let myself fall to the ground. My feet finally gave out. I'll have to wait for the poison to leave my system before I can move. I let Taylor sleep on my lap.

"YOUNG MIYAMURA?" All Might approached me, I looked at him and raised an eyebrow in his direction. "DO YOU KNOW HOW YOUNG HEBERT KEPT FIGHTING EVEN AFTER FALLING UNCONSCIOUS?" All Might asked curiously, I smiled slightly at him.

"Part of her quirk." I said honestly, "It's… more of a side effect and a coincidence than anything. If Taylor suddenly falls unconscious, her bugs follow the last order Taylor gave them, without discrimination. It can be very dangerous if she gave a very vague or dangerous order." I explained, All Might grimaced as he seemed to understand that it could go very wrong very quickly.

"The only thing that's new, is that I didn't really know she could do it with her body, maybe it was just pure stubbornness, but the last order I gave her was to keep fighting me, and that's what she did." I said with a huge smile. All Might looked surprised.

"THAT… IS AWESOME." All Might finally said, and I nodded. Our conversation was interrupted by the robots arriving with stretchers. I sighed tiredly, but stood up as I lifted Taylor up. This whole fight had really worn me out. And I was extremely happy. It had been years since I could let go in such a way. Even if it was just a portion of my full strength due to the paralyzing poison, I still had to push myself to the limit in order to fight with all I had.

It was amazing.

"DO YOU NEED HELP, YOUNG MIYAMURA?" All Might asked, I shook my head. I could easily drag Taylor, even when I was almost completely paralyzed. I carefully placed Taylor on the stretcher with the robots before dropping myself onto the one next to it.

I was actually impressed with Taylor's use of poisons, it wasn't something I was expecting, but the paralysis was getting annoying, I just hoped I could regain feeling in my limbs quickly. I felt the robots take us to the infirmary, I almost wanted to close my eyes and sleep but I stayed awake with some effort.

My tired eyes noticed something on All Might's hand, blood. I stopped stiffly as I looked at it, All Might was trying to hide it and he was doing a good job, I only saw a few small drops. But there was definitely a wound on his fist. My smile appeared once again. I was able to hurt All Might. Not on purpose, but it was enough to know what level of strength I was at. I couldn't hope to fight someone equally powerful.

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