Izumi Miyamura: Xover

Chapter 58: Izumi Miyamura: Xover - Chapter 57

"Did you have to poison me?" I asked as I lay on my gurney in the nursing station.

"Stop crying, you broke my aura and knocked me out. Besides, the poison should have left your body by now," was the dry response from Taylor who was lying on the stretcher next to her.

"Wow, first you poison me and then you show no remorse? What a good fiancée, should I be careful and keep you from entering the kitchen so you don't try that again? " I scoffed once again, Taylor snorted.

"You don't let me in the kitchen anymore, so I wouldn't change anything," she replied playfully. "I can poison you in other ways," Taylor added. I gasped audibly.

"Confessing your misdeed, my fiancée? I will never fall into your trap" I said loudly, Taylor snorted again.

"I have my ways to get you to... let your guard down," Taylor hummed, I glanced at her and smirked.

"Are you trying to seduce me? Set a honey trap for me, darling? " I asked mockingly, Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, we're going back to the insect lines? How unoriginal." Taylor replied before smiling at me, "Besides, I know my 'honey trap' works." Taylor's voice dropped an octave as she looked directly at me. I looked right at her.

"You think so? Why don't you give me a demonstration right now? " I purred in her direction. Taylor's pupils dilated slightly, almost looking like she was about to stand up.

"No sex in my office!!" Recovery Girl exclaimed, appearing beside us before striking us both with her staff. We both let out a cry of pain. Really, even with the aura shield that staff really hurt.

"We're sorry Recovery Girl." We said at the same time before lying back down on our beds once more, Recovery Girl just snorted.

"Actually, this is the fourth time I've had to separate them, I know the teens are horny all the time, but I was hoping that whatever injuries they had would at least slow them down long enough to wait out the tournament, not do it in the infirmary" Recovery Girl growled in annoyance, both Taylor and I laughed awkwardly.

"In my defense, it's not something I can help, really, Taylor was completely hot while we were fighting in the arena" I retorted in my defense, Recovery Girl looked at me with a very unimpressed expression. Taylor was about to say something, but with a single look from Recovery Girl she immediately shut her mouth. Recovery Girl snorted once more.

"Just keep the flirting and sex talk to a minimum!" Recovery Girl said in annoyance.

"Yes Recovery Girl" we said in unison as we sighed.

"By the way, you have your hair tied up," Taylor pointed out curiously. My eyebrows raised slightly and my hand went to my head. I groaned loudly. "I guess that wasn't planned." Taylor said amused.

"No, I... I don't even remember when I tied my hair, too late to regret it." I said reluctantly, Taylor hummed lightly.

"It was before our match, you didn't have it tied up against Todoroki. Besides, is it really that bad that you went out in public with your hair tied up? " Taylor asked with a shrug. I wrinkled my nose.

"A little, I know what I look like, not to be arrogant or narcissistic but I do look good, I had it on a leash for a while in high school and drew a lot of unwanted attention from girls. It was really annoying. They didn't do anything you should worry about but the constant flirting and asking me out was getting more and more annoying. So I took to wearing glasses and keeping my hair down, it made a lot of girls take a step back. I was close to stabbing someone" I snorted derisively.

"That's... that's not right," Taylor said with a frown, I could see Recovery Girl also frowning. I dismissed her concerns with a wave of my hand.

"Don't worry, it's not that I'm self-conscious about the attention I get or have any trauma from the constant invitations, it's just that I like my solitude and my small circle of friends. I thought they would give up after I rejected so many girls, but it seems they were able to understand that I wasn't interested in anyone at the moment." I said simply while shrugging my shoulders.

"So I only wear my hair on special occasions or when I feel like looking good. I know I stand out, and now I'm going to stand out even more. I'm sure that stupid nickname Present Mic gave me will stick with me for the rest of my career," I said grumpily, the last thing I wanted to do was check social media to see pictures of myself all over the internet.

"If you're okay with that," Taylor said simply, though she still looked slightly worried. I nodded. We both stayed silent for a few seconds as we stared at the screen placed in front of our stretchers.

"Hey, Azula and Todoroki are finally dating," I said as I looked at the TV, where Present Mic was introducing the two of them. Taylor hummed lightly.

"Who do you think will win third place?" Taylor asked curiously. I wrinkled my nose.

"If Todoroki keeps having her existential crisis, Azula will easily win. Otherwise, she can go anywhere." I shrugged. Taylor frowned.

"What if Todoroki uses her fire side?" Taylor asked, it was my turn to grimace.

"I wouldn't change anything, fire wouldn't be a problem for Azula, unless Todoroki decides to use it at its full power or has learned to control it properly, which is impossible at the moment, her fire won't be able to even come close to Azula. She has a better chance if she focuses only on her ice side like she was so willing to do from the beginning, obviously, as long as she can keep her focus on the fight and not her own thoughts." I pointed as if it were obvious. Taylor nodded.

"her ice seems strong, her fire is just as powerful?" Taylor asked. I nodded.

"Her mother is Endeavor, if she could tap into the full extent of her fire side without any mental blocks, I'd say she'd be on her level once she gets going." I said confidently. Taylor hummed but stayed silent.

"Izumi..." Taylor said lightly, I glanced at her, she squirmed slightly before staring at me "just... thank you... for everything, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you." Taylor said completely seriously as she stared at me. She wasn't using her bugs to hide her emotions, but was simply saying it completely seriously.

"You're welcome, but don't worry about it, it was really a pleasure doing it." I told her honestly, she shook her head.

"I mean it. I… I don't know where I would be right now. I… You taught me how to fight, on a level I never dreamed of, your mother took me in and treated me like her own daughter, I got into UA through my own efforts, I finally have some really good friends in Ruby and Azula, even among our classmates. And most of all, I have you." Taylor never looked away from my eyes.

"I… I didn't think it was possible, you know I was in a bad place, and you just, made it better because you wanted to train me on a whim, I really don't know what you saw in me, but… thank you, for everything, I love you." Taylor said with complete honesty while smiling angelically. I sighed with a smile while looking back at her.

"I love you too," I smiled back at Taylor, "but…would it bother you if I said it was for the fight that just happened?" I asked with a crooked smile. Taylor blinked.

"Wait, you knew this would happen? Is your Observation Haki that strong? " Taylor asked incredulously, I snorted and shook my head.

"Of course not, I'm still limited to a few seconds if I try really hard. But no, not really, but… I saw your potential, it was really a treat to train you, like… 'let's see how far you can go, it could be fun'. And you didn't disappoint me." I confessed to Taylor before looking directly at her. "Was everything else planned? Of course not, a lot of it was my mother's fault to begin with, but I wouldn't change a thing, everything was fantastic. I love you too Taylor." I told Taylor without shame.

"Izumi…" Taylor murmured with a smile, now I smiled seductively at her.

"Now... why don't you come over to the table, and I'll show you how much I really love you?" I asked in a husky voice, Taylor's gaze changing once again to an expression of lust.

"for the love of-!!! Again?! They were having a beautiful time and they ruin it with sex?! And you started it again Miyamura?! " Recovery Girl moaned loudly, I let out a laugh "these kids nowadays" she growled.

"Recovery Girl, there's no way sex could ruin a moment like this, in fact, it would have made it better," I said mockingly, she snorted.

" Yeah ? Too bad, nothing will happen as long as they're still in my infirmary! " Recovery Girl grumbled. Taylor and I looked at each other while smirking. Putting the beautiful moment we spent together aside, we focused on Azula's fight once again.

The fight finally began.

Todoroki swung her hand and created a massive glacier that rose from the ground. Azula extended her fist forward and a massive flame erupted from her clenched fist and collided with the growing glacier, but it didn't stop it. Todoroki's glacier continued to grow, engulfing Azula and stretching into the sky.

"Looks like Todoroki's back in the game, that glacier is almost as big as the first one she made against that girl from 2-B that Azula hates." Taylor pointed out and I shook my head.

"Toph Beifong is her name," I pointed out before shaking my head, "and no… Azula is going to win." I said simply, Taylor looked at me and raised an eyebrow. In fact, I could also see Recovery Girl paying attention to me as she looked at the screen. A blue flame came out from within the glacier, freeing Azula.

Azula moved quickly, exiting the glacier and charging towards Todoroki, who began to create more ice in Azula's direction. Azula wasn't even competing against Todoroki's ice generation directly, she was just dodging. Only in some cases did she use her fire to avoid getting trapped or to clear a path for herself.

Azula let Todoroki continue creating large amounts of ice, pillars and spikes spread throughout the arena, Azula began to use those pillars to hide and then attack from a distance while trying to get closer.

Todoroki simply reacted, covering herself with her ice and creating even more in Azula's direction, preventing her from taking a step closer to her. Apparently she was fully aware that letting her enter her range was a bad idea.

"Azula seems at a disadvantage," Taylor pointed out again, sighing.

"Not really, Azula… she's just letting Todoroki tire herself out" I said as I looked at the screen "Todoroki has miles of trauma with her mother, Endeavor. It's obvious at first glance. She refuses to use her fire side, she practically hates her fire side, that's why she doesn't use it. That's why she became mentally unstable after her fight with Midoriya when she used her other half."

"And that's why I'm barely fighting you in the next fight." Taylor added and I nodded.

"Yeah, that must have caused her to have a bit of a mental breakdown. And she's definitely not over it. But like I said, she hates her fire side, but apparently, she also hates 'all' fire quirks, or at least has some aversion to them. She's angry, upset, and mentally unstable, she's not holding back in any way, she has no plan beyond overwhelming her with her ice."

"It's… inefficient. Todoroki her no control over her ice beyond its generation. She can't control it once it's created, so she always her to create new ice to attack. Azula is exploiting her weakness. If she only uses her ice side, Todoroki's body temperature drops considerably causing her to become hypothermic."

"Azula, she just has to force Todoroki to keep using her ice until the freeze on her body takes effect, she's dodging and trying to get into her range so that Todoroki can defend herself. She's using very little of her fire and much less in Todoroki's direction, but when she does use it, it's so weak that really if Todoroki were in her right mind, she'd see that none of her flames would reach her for several meters before stopping. Azula is avoiding heating up Todoroki's body, but is provoking her to cover herself with more ice."

"And the more time passes, the angrier Todoroki gets and starts using more ice. It's just a matter of time until Azula can get into Todoroki's range and she's too slow to stop her."

Explain in detail. Both Taylor and Recovery Girl looked at me for a few moments before looking at the screen closely. True to my words, Azula was repeating the process over and over again. She kept constantly moving, dodging all the ice Todoroki could throw at her while still trying to get closer, which Todoroki would avoid with a large glacier towards her.

Her fire was only used when she was far away from Todoroki and when she used it to attack, it was in short, weak bursts that practically ended when they hit the wall that Todoroki undoubtedly created to protect herself.

And it was working, Todoroki's body was starting to slow down. The arena was already completely covered in ice, but that didn't stop Azula, in fact, she was thriving with all the obstacles in her favor. She was slippery, she moved completely unpredictably for Todoroki and she used the ice to her advantage, sliding down the spikes or the ground itself when she had the chance.

Until she finally saw a gap to enter. Azula stopped abruptly, her hands spun in a circle with her fingers extended, channeling her lightning, Todoroki reacted immediately and created a huge wall to protect herself, just in time for Azula to launch her lightning at the wall, destroying it completely.

Azula didn't waste any time, she took advantage of the fact that Todoroki's vision was blocked and ran in Todoroki's direction, who reacted once her vision cleared, but too slowly, she created an ice in Azula's direction. Azula used her fire to melt Todoroki's attack and continue advancing.

Todoroki panicked as Azula was practically next to her, she tried to create another ice wall, but she was too slow. Azula's blow landed on her right shoulder, the side that used her ice. Even so, the ice wall continued to grow, trapping Azula's hand.

That didn't stop Azula, her flames exploded from her hand and the ice was destroyed with ease. Todoroki was barely able to react by creating ice beneath Azula's feet, but the blows came much faster on her body before she fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Azula looked at Todoroki on the ground for a few seconds before sighing and beginning to use her fire to free herself from her prison that had reached her hip.

"You were right." Taylor hummed, I smiled arrogantly at her.

"I'm always right," I said mockingly. Taylor rolled her eyes.

"If it'll let you sleep at night," Taylor snorted and I chuckled.

"That aside, Azula got lucky, Todoroki her a lot of raw power, and normally she would be smarter with its use. And when she can use her fire side without restrictions she will become a different monster. Azula will have to improve a lot if she wants to keep up with Todoroki in the future." I said honestly, Taylor snorted.

"With you teaching her how to use a sword? Yeah, he'll be able to keep up easily." Taylor said as if it was obvious. I smiled widely at her before pulling out my phone.

"Well, now that the fight is over, we can't keep Ruby out anymore," I said simply as I looked at my phone. I had been texting Ruby not to invade the infirmary ever since our fight had ended. The only reason she hadn't come until now was because I had told her that we were completely fine and that she had to stay in the stands to support Azula. But since that wasn't the case anymore...

"IZUMI!!" Ruby slammed open the door to the infirmary.

"No yelling in my living room!" Recovery Girl shouted, Ruby stopping stiffly before giving her an apologetic smile. Recovery Girl grumbled quietly as Ruby approached our stretchers.

"Izumi, Taylor! They're okay! " Ruby exclaimed happily.

"Of course, Taylor's poison is finally completely out of my body. I can move properly now." I said simply, Ruby sighed in relief.

"And my aura is already starting to recover. So I'm okay too, just a little sore," Taylor said softly, in fact, she was sure her muscles were screaming from overexertion, but it was all her pain at her feet as her aura and Recovery Girl's quirk worked to improve it.

"I'm glad" Ruby said with a smile "by the way! Congratulations to both of you! " Ruby squealed happily, we both smiled at her.

"Thanks Ruby." We said at the same time.

"By the way, Azula should be arriving any moment!" Ruby added, just as she finished speaking the door opened. To our surprise it was the robots with a stretcher carrying Todoroki on top of it, lying there unable to move. Then Azula appeared.

"Alright Miss Todoroki, you're not the first one I've dealt with Miss Azula's 'chi block', I'll use my quirk on you, this will decrease the time it would take for you to be able to move again." Recovery Girl explained calmly, then her lips spread and she kissed Todoroki's head.

"Izumi, Taylor, I see you're okay," Azula said as she approached us.

"And you too, congratulations on third place." I congratulated Azula, Azula smiled slightly, which could well have been a smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you, congratulations on first place, and to you for second place, Taylor." Congratulations Azula, Taylor nodded with a smile. I looked behind Azula to see Todoroki, who was practically ignoring everything around her with her eyes closed.

"Recovery Girl, are we ready to go?" I asked the heroine, who turned to look at me and frowned.

"Let me check them one more time, but they should be well enough to go to the awards ceremony by now." Recovery Girl said as she walked over.

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