Chapter 3: Babyhood
The midwife, still in shock, leaned in cautiously. "Uh… should we swaddle him?"
The baby yawned, still rock-hard. He stretched his tiny arms and, to everyone's horror, casually scratched his balls like a seasoned old man waking up on a Sunday morning.
At this point the midwife and the doctor were considering a serious change in careers.
' I guess it may be time for me to retire.' The doctor thought.
Ken was filled with joy after finally getting an heir.
" Just look at him, Grace. He seems to have inherited my good looks. "
" He'll surely cause many sleepless nights to girls when he comes of age," Grace added with a chuckle.
The two of them left the hospital in a hurry to go and celebrate the occasion with some hot session.
For the first three months, baby Alex was a menace.
For instance he did what is termed selective Crying.
He didn't cry like normal babies.
He only did it when it benefited him, usually when a hot nurse walked by and thus were forced to lift him and press him towards their chest in the process.
" Ah baby! You are supposed to suckle on my breasts not fondle them otherwise you'll die of hunger."
" Stop biting my nipples Alex. They are super sensitive. "
Who knew that an heir would come packing so much drama.
The next few months were even more menace.
Alex learned how to crawl pretty fast and soon enough he was walking and running around.
" Ah! Alex, you shouldn't walk into the bathroom when I'm taking a shower. " His elder sister remarked.
At night he would pretend to fall asleep in his little bed only to wake up and open his eyes once his parents began one of their many sessions.
No! Alex was not a pervert.
In fact he was not to blame for anything.
If anyone was to be blamed then it was the universe for choosing him as the host to their pranks.
Soon enough Alex was old enough to join school.
At school Alex learned something else; fighting.
When another kid did as much as step on his toe Alex would respond with a fist rather than crying like a usual baby.
His first class teacher was a fairly beautiful lady with moderate curves.
She soon learned that Alex was a shy boy who couldn't maintain eye contact.
In Alex's defense, keeping eye contact is such a difficult task especially since boobs don't have eyes.
Alex was expressive, funny and friendly.
He was also very touchy but being a kid that was considered very cute.
At one point Millie ( His first class teacher ) was moving around the class checking out each kid's drawing when Alex suddenly stretched his hand and touched her ass giving it a soft squeeze.
Millie was startled but quickly recovered from it.
" Now kid you can't go around doing that. You need to check your surroundings carefully before you stretch. "
Alex gave her a warm smile in response.
Did I tell you that Alex was very handsome.
At just four years some six year old girls were having a crush on him.
All the girls in his class liked him but he didn't pay them much attention because most of the time his eyes were fixed towards the upper grades section.
He was always wondering when he would grow up and finally get to join them.
One day his father bought him a very big counter book.
" Look son, I used to have a similar one when I was around your age. Now I want you to fill it. "
Alex quickly picked up the pen ready to fill the book with all sorts of stupid ideas.
" Hey, not so fast. The thing is that you only get to fill it with things that you own. Let's say for example I buy you a toy car and you decide to write it there.
Afterwards you are only allowed to write toys in there and nothing else.
So the trick is to write something that you are sure you will get in plenty in the near future enough to fill this book.
Do you get the drift son?"
After a lot of consideration and reckoning Alex took the pen and wrote on the book.
He used two lines.
Ken picked up the book and looked at what his genius son had written down.
He laughed out loud at the site.
" Ain't Millie your class teacher or something and Natalia is our maid right? What's their significance? Have you decided to write down people under my payroll or something?"
Alex stared at his father intently before giving him a sinister smile.
Then he brought his index finger to his mouth and made the shh! Sign.
" Alright son. Your secret is safe with me. " Ken replied while imitating the gesture of zipping his mouth.
" Baby why won't you let me wash you."
" I'm old enough to shower on my own Mom. "
" Are you afraid that your mommy will see you naked dear? But I have done that ever since I pushed you out of my pussy. "
" Why have you never told me that I was brought home by the cat before Mommy?"
" Never mind. "
" Baby why is it that every time you take my phone to play games I'm always receiving a notification from Chrome to close all incognito tabs? "
" I don't know mommy. "
" Come on Grace, he is just a kid. "
" Now who the hell ordered baby oil using my credit card!!!"
" Mommy, it's for my skin. After all, I'm the only baby around here. Actually I read an article that said jelly will do damage to my skin."
" Okay baby. "
" Baby what are you doing with your hands under the sheets?"
" Mommy I'm scratching my balls. They're really itching. "
He had such an exciting childhood but let's skip all that for now and go to the time when Alex reached teenage hood.
I'm on my knees begging for your chapter comments.