Chapter 2: Did the baby just show me the middle finger?
" Argggh"
" Yeees"
" Hardeeer "
The guy was thrusting his massive tool into the woman lying below him.
His whole body was sweating after around fifteen rounds of hard work.
" Deeper "
That earned a remark from him.
" Come on bitch do you want me to elongate my dick or what?"
The lady could not respond as her count was contracting around his tool, readying her orgasm.
She came in a moment.
" Cum already! "
She ordered the man.
The man ignored her and kept pounding mercilessly.
When he felt his climax getting closer he bit her left nipple hard as he released his load into her.
He remained still for a while maintaining his semi flaccid dick in her pussy to ensure that nothing went to waste.
Once he was done he rolled over and began getting dressed.
" We made it! " The woman shouted joyfully. " I can feel it."
The man remained indifferent.
" The last time you said that you had a miscarriage if my memory serves me right. Now don't spoil this with your foul luck. "
" Where are you going at this hour?"
The man ignored her question.
" This is the last time I'm trying. It better be a boy this time."
" The last time I checked science said that that should be your business not mine. "
" I don't care what your fucking science says. There's no way I'm going to live without an heir. "
" What will you do if it's another girl? "
" I'm kicking you out. "
" But you are the one at fault "
" I don't care. "
With that the man left in the middle of the night.
The woman rubbed away the tears that were threatening to form in her eyes.
' Why is he always like that? '
Her hand went to her belly supposedly to her womb.
' Please don't fail Mommy this time.'
In all those rounds he only came in her once.
In the final ejaculation the man released one million sperm into the lady.
Among the million sperms, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine of them had an ethereal label of X.
Only one had the ethereal label of Y.
The one with the Y label was actually the last one to leave the urethra.
' Ah shit. Seems I'm very late for this. '
The sperm thought.
' Who cares anyway. A baby is a baby right?'
At that thought the sperm began smoking an ethereal cigarette.
' Damn this man for only producing one of my kind. '
The sperm with the y had already given up on the race.
He knew that he stood no chance of winning after being the last to live.
' I can't out run myself either lest I break my legs and come out crippled.'
Then suddenly a bright blue light moving at an astonishing speed( let's say at the speed light ) came crashing towards the y sperm.
The sperm tried to dodge but it was too late.
The bright blue light carried with it all the desires of a perverted old man who had just died.
Those desires had a great desire to live and that wouldn't be possible because they had occupied a sperm that was the last in line of a million.
However they had a trick up their sleeves.
They moved at the speed they had arrived at.
To the sperms around it appeared as if the y one had teleported.
The y one arrived at the ovum just in time to find it surrounded by four strong x ones.
' Hello ladies. I think that spot belongs to me.'
' Go to hell.' And they went back to their business of trying to weaken the egg walls with the lactic acid in their acrosomes.
Three of them succumbed due to the effort but the forth one persisted.
The walls had been weakened enough for it to move.
It aimed to go inside the egg and fuse with the ovum but it was suddenly pulled out.
' Jeez girl. Ain't you in a hurry '
The y sperm was still smoking the ethereal cigarette.
' I guess it's time for me to occupy my rightful throne.'
' Aggh. Let go of my tail you girl.'
The y sperm then noticed hundreds of thousands of the other sperms approaching very fast.
' I don't have time for this. Seems I'll have to do this the hard way then.'
It pulled out an ethereal dagger and stabbed the head of the x one.
With no more hindrance it moved into the egg to fuse with the ovum.
' Hey ovi. Were you growing anxious waiting for me?'
' Why do you look so frightened? Is it this dagger? I'm throwing it away now. '
After throwing the dagger away the ovum finally smiled and opened up its arms for an embrace.
The two of them fused and formed a zygote.
The other sperms arrived only to find out they were late.
' Who cares anyway. The important thing is participation not winning. '
They all thought at the same time.
Then they began dying one by one.
Back to the zygote the bright blue light was now shining even more brightly.
The light stretched and touched the walls of the uterus then moved through the body until it reached the brain.
' Hey brainy. I have some instructions for you.'
" Who are you?" The brain asked in panic.
The voice ignored him and began giving out its instructions.
' First of all with this new baby we shall not form the head first but the reproductive tools.'
" Ain't that a rather odd demand"
' Secondly we shall not crave chocolate. Instead we want proteins like chicken breast or gizzard.'
It went on listing very stupid demands but the brain kept on nodding.
' Are my instructions clear?'
They brain agreed to them because it had nothing to lose.
' Oh! I almost forgot. Give the new baby a very handsome face and a body that can get toned easily by simply eating cholesterol.'
" But we can't do things that are not engineered by the genes. "
' That's why you are here to rewrite the Gene's instructions'
"I'll try my best"
' Alright. Byeee. It was nice chatting.'
The blue light finally died down and settled in the zygote.
Four months later in a hospital in Kraxuris.
" Can you believe it baeby. The obstetrician said that the baby is going to be a boy."
" Are you aware that I was present when he said that?"
" I thought you would treat me better after the ultrasound results."
The man was silent for a while debating whether he was actually in the wrong.
" I'm sorry darling"
He finally decided to apologise.
"We have three daughters, Ken. Don't you care about them? All you care about is a boy? "
" I do love them, Grace. It's just that I really do need an heir"
The man leaned forward and gave her a wet sloppy kiss.
" Let's not argue anymore. I can't wait to get home and give you a treat."
He said with a wink.
The lady blushed.
" Won't we be hurting the baby? "
" Come on. It's only four months old. Besides, we need to give the canal some exercise so that you don't feel a lot of pain while giving birth, you know?"
Five months later
" Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Arghh"
" It's almost there. Just push harder"
" Jesuuuuuuus"
" Well I don't understand what you want him to do but keep pushing."
After some painful pushes a fine baby boy finally came out.
" Woah! Woah! Woah!"
The midwife exclaimed and passed the baby to the doctor who also exclaimed while cleaning the baby before handing him over to the mother.
The father was also allowed to enter the room.
When the parents saw the baby they also exclaimed.
" Doctor is this some sort of a disease?"
The baby came out with some impressive size of tools for a baby.
But that's not what made them 'woah'
The baby's tool stood erect in that chilly morning and that too he came out already circumcised.
The Doctor was quiet. He had never heard of such a thing before but he couldn't just tell his clients that he didn't have an answer.
" As for the erection, I guess every boy wakes up with a morning wood and I don't think the other one is a health concern."
The doctor took the baby in his hands once more.
He was surprised that it had not cried.
So he slapped it's butt.
The baby stared at him angrily and lifted its tiny right hand.
" Wait! Is the baby showing me a middle finger?"
The doctor exclaimed.
" Oh yes it is" the mid wife agreed.
The parents were so happy to hear that it was not a health concern for them to be bothered about anything else.
"What do we call him?"
The man asked.
" Let's call him Alex."