Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 15: The Sick Medic: Attack at Sea

Hello everyone! It's good to be back again. A lot's been happening in the world of One Piece, and I'm over the moon excited! I've mentioned that there are some other projects in the mix and soon you'll be able to follow me up on them.

Remember to check out my tumblr for any new updates or if you're interested in commissions.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Sakura was beyond frustrated with her friends. She had escaped to the deck, wrapped in a blanket, hoping to redirect them toward their goal of finding a cure for her illness. "You people are just making my health worse!" she ranted, her voice echoing against the ship's hull.

Sanji begged her to go back to bed before she fainted again. He was worried sick about her, especially after he couldn't get her to eat anything. But Sakura knew that she couldn't just lie in bed and wait for a miracle cure. She needed to convince Vivi to take back her words so that they could return on their course to Alabasta. Not taking their chances searching for an island that couldn't be tracked with their log pose.

As the snow fell heavily on the ship, Luffy and Usopp were shoveling it away, but they quickly abandoned their task to usher her back inside. Sakura was touched by their concern, but their constant fussing was not getting them closer to Alabasta.

Zoro, on the other hand, kept his distance, and Sakura was grateful for it. She didn't need anyone hovering over her or trying to force her to eat or take medicine.

"Are you warm enough Sakura?" Nami asked as she tucked the sheet under Sakura's chin.

"Couldn't you just leave me to lay in the snow?" That was one of her motives for leaving in the first place. Even in her condition, turns out a kunoichi was still a lot for the crew to handle. She tried moving around on her own, and leaving the bed even though she was instructed to stay and rest. Zoro even suggested they just strap her down, that earned a good punch.

Of course she realized that her condition was affecting her strength and she became very disoriented after that.

Vivi gave her the thermometer, and Sakura came to dread it. Her fever continued to rise, along with her failing condition. This wasn't going to go away on its own.

"We'll find an island soon," Vivi promised.

"Vivi, I told you it's not going to work, you might not-

"Not be able to find an island, because we can't track any with the log pose and we only have the one pointing us to Alabasta, yeah we heard it," Nami shushed, pushing Sakura back down.

"I'm not exactly off point. It's just common sense,"

"You know what else is common sense? Letting yourself be taken care of when you're sick," Nami huffed.

"Sakura-chan don't you want to eat something? I've prepared a broth for you, it's light and warm,"

She felt bad for Sanji, he had tried making three different meals for her and she just barely had the strength to take a few bites of what she would've devoured like a wolf any other day.

"I'm sorry Sanji,"

The gentle swaying of the ship had lulled Sakura into a state of half-sleep. However, the sudden jolt brought her back to reality, causing her to sit up straight in her bed. The sound of Nami and Vivi's squeals filled the air, along with the flapping of Karoo's wings. Sanji sprang into action. In one swift motion, he lifted the entire bed with one arm and balanced it under his leg, all while maintaining his balance on one foot.

Sakura's heart was pounding as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Sanji's voice boomed through the cabin, demanding to know what was going on outside. Nami, rushed upstairs to investigate the situation. If it was a storm, she needed to redirect the ship's course to avoid any danger.

The tension in the air was palpable as the group waited for Nami's report. However, their anxiety was quickly replaced by terror when they heard her piercing shriek. Sanji, darted out of the room after her, leaving Sakura and Vivi behind.

"Vivi, look after Sakura," he called out, his voice filled with urgency.

Sakura moved to sit up, but Vivi held her down, "No, Sakura you can't go outside. I know it's frustrating, but you have to stay in bed,"

Having patience and keeping still wasn't one of her stronger attributes. While she may have lectured on the importance of patience, she did not enjoy the practice. And standing idly by had become a vice for her.

"The others are all up there, I'm sure they can handle whatever-

The sound of guns firing was loud and sharp with a reverberating echo that lingers in the air, alarming the girls in the cabin.

"That's it," Sakura grunted, forcing herself to her feet.

Sanji leisurely brought the cigarette to his lips, his eyes barely acknowledging the encircling guns pointing at him from every direction. Behind those firearms stood a group of men, clad in matching gray winter coats and pants, a huge ship from where the men appeared created an ominous presence casting a shadow over the Merry. Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp found themselves surrounded by an immense ship, dwarfing their own vessel.

"So what's going on?"

With a calm demeanor, Luffy replied, "We're under attack."

A man with a metallic jaw caught their attention. Astonishingly, when he sank his teeth into the metal of a knife, it yielded effortlessly, allowing him to swallow the shards as if they were soft morsels.

His voice dripped with skepticism, "Are you really pirates?" He then took a bite out of the hilt of a sword, consuming it whole. "It's hard to believe a pirate crew would consist of only five individuals. Here's the deal: my men and I need to reach the Drum Kingdom. Do you happen to possess an eternal pose or log pose?"

Sanji responded nonchalantly, "Nope, never even heard of the place."

Luffy interjected with impatience, "Just leave already, we're in a hurry."

"Very well, I suppose I'll have to settle for your treasure and this ship. But first, I'm feeling rather famished." With an unnaturally wide mouth, he proceeded to take an enormous bite out of the ship's side, devouring wood and metal alike.

"Our ship is not your personal buffet, so cut it out!" Luffy commanded.

"Wapol-san doesn't appreciate interruptions during mealtime," one of the man's cohorts interjected.

"Shut up!" Luffy's fist swung, initiating an all-out brawl.

Sakura's voice pierced through the chaos, her surprise causing Vivi to loosen her grip and allow Sakura to observe the pandemonium unfolding across the entire ship.

"What in the world is happening here?"

"Who are these people?" she inquired, her eyes fixated on the man who ravaged the ship, his jaw unhinging like a snake's, an unsettling spectacle that even the reptiles would envy.

"Hey, you! Stay away from our ship, you bastard!" Sakura shouted, fueled by her determination.

Observing the man's unusual ability to devour the ship, Sakura deduced that he must have consumed a devil fruit or that this world harbored more bizarre individuals than she initially anticipated.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like that!" the man retorted, incensed by Sakura's defiance.


Harnessing her chakra within her fist, Sakura launched a surprise attack, striking the man's metal jaw with a forceful blow. The impact left a dent, and the subsequent kinetic energy propelled him away from the ship and into the distance.

"Nice one, Sakura!" Usopp praised, offering her a thumbs-up.

Zoro frowned, questioning her presence, "Idiot, what are you doing out here?"

With a hint of annoyance, Sakura replied, "You're welcome," feeling her energy drain as her steps faltered. "Uh oh..."

"Sakura-chan!" Sanji swiftly scooped her up as she stumbled, succumbing to unconsciousness.




The aftermath of the skirmish remained unseen, her friends recounting the swift dispersal of the intruders, who had followed their leader out to sea. Unfortunately, as Sakura stirred awake, she was met with a newfound anguish, surpassing the depths of her prior discomfort.

Her pajamas clung to her body, drenched in a sheen of perspiration. Her disheveled hair cascaded in waves around her face, which bore blotchy patches, evidence of her physical distress. Looming over her were Luffy, Sanji, and Vivi, two of them wearing concerned expressions while Luffy twisted his countenance into the visage of a clown contorting a balloon. He playfully knotted the tips of his ears above his head, twisted his chin into a knot, and curved his nose into a half-loop.

"Come on, Sakura, laugh. Don't you find this funny?" Luffy implored, his antics causing a chuckle to escape Sakura's lips, momentarily alleviating her pain.

"Look, she's smiling! Sakura's getting better!" Luffy exclaimed, a glimmer of hope emerging in his voice.

"No, Luffy!" Vivi interjected, exasperated by the captain's antics as she attempted to keep a watchful eye on Sakura.

Overwhelmed by weakness and exhaustion, Sakura struggled to keep her eyes open. Sanji, ever by her side, urged her to eat something, his voice permeated with genuine concern and worry. Feebly, she shook her head in refusal, but he persisted, his determination breaking her resolve. Eventually, she acquiesced, allowing him to spoon-feed her some nourishing soup.

"Please, Sakura-chan, just a little. Regain your strength," he implored, his plea filled with earnestness.

As the warm broth cascaded down her throat, a soothing sensation enveloped her. At that moment, a flicker of hope sparked within her, a glimmer of possibility that she might find the strength to recover after all.

Forcing herself to swallow, Sakura caught sight of tears streaming down Sanji's face. His eyes overflowed with relief and joy, touched by the sight of her finally consuming sustenance. Soon after, Usopp and Nami descended the stairs, bearing a small bottle of fever medicine. In that vulnerable moment, Sakura was overcome by an immense sense of gratitude. Despite the arduous circumstances that surrounded them, her friends stood united, ready to do whatever it took to aid her recovery. It was a fleeting instant, yet one that Sakura would forever hold dear in her heart.




When night fell Sakura found herself roused from restless sleep in the depths of the night. The bed sheets clung to her body, drenched in the sweat that accompanied her relentless fever. Each breath became an agonizing endeavor, her chest constricted by the weight of pain. Even the slightest twitch of her fingers sent shockwaves of agony coursing through her weakened frame.

As Sakura lay there, she immersed herself in the symphony of nocturnal ocean sounds, the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves providing a backdrop to the gentle chorus of snoring that reverberated within the cabin's shadowed confines.

Her friends, scattered across the floor, slumbered deeply, granting Sakura a temporary respite from their ceaseless worrying. It was as if their presence had become an innate part of this space, persisting even in their sleep. Luffy, Usopp, Karoo, Sanji, Nami, and Vivi lay sprawled in various positions, transported into realms of dreams, yet remaining ever close to her side.

Recalling the last time they had stood united, engaged in fierce combat against insurmountable odds, Sakura found solace in their unwavering camaraderie. They fought together, not only for their own survival but also to protect the lives of their loved ones. A comforting embrace enveloped Sakura, and she couldn't help but marvel at the surprising depths of this motley crew. How would her friends back home react to the sheer presence of these individuals? It seemed unfathomable that they were pirates, their true nature masked beneath layers of camaraderie, loyalty, and compassion.





'My symptoms aren't improving,' Although Sakura had been against them finding a doctor for her before they got to Alabasta, it didn't feel like she would make it that far. Her own herbal blends weren't doing much of anything for her now either. She couldn't even fight her way out of bed that morning.

While she was confined to bed, Luffy was spending his free time making funny faces for her to smile at. Which was a welcomed distraction even when she couldn't give much reaction anymore.

"Bleh!" Luffy had turned his chin into a bow on his head and drew on his face with a marker to look like a clown, but even laughing had become painful. "Come on Sakura, look at this!"

"Luffy why don't you tell me a story instead?"

"A story? Like what?"

"That's usually for the narrator to decide…." Her mind must've been clouded because Sakura couldn't think of any topics off the top of her head.

Sakura found Luffy to be whimsical and airheaded, possibly more than Naruto; but the was certainly able to keep up morale just as well as her knuckleheaded friend.

"I wish you guys could meet,"

Her voice had come out too hoarse and broken for Luffy to hear her properly, "What you say Sakura?"

"What's going on Luffy?" Zoro came down into the cabin to check up on them, but he had to jump back when Luffy turned to face him with marker all over, and his face stretched out.

"What are you doing!?"

"Don't yell," Sakura groaned. "Luffy show him the faces,"

"Okay!" Luffy pulled on his face, his rubber body stretching to distort his expression in ways that made Zoro shudder.

"Cut that out!"

Sakura gave a little huff of a laugh. "You think this is funny?"

"Yep," Her eyes were already growing heavy and she couldn't keep a smile on any longer.

Luffy jostled her a little, whining for her. "Sakura, don't die!"

"I'm just resting, Luffy," Sakura sighed.

"I still have to tell you a story!"

"What story?" asked Zoro. Luffy stared at him for a few minutes longer than necessary before jumping up.

"I know! Let's tell Sakura how we met Zoro!"

Zoro frowned, "Why would we do that?"

Luffy deflated a little, "Because Sakura's sick, and she wanted to hear a story and maybe that'll make her feel better,"

"Luffy that's not how it works,"

"I wouldn't mind hearing it,"

She had the chance to listen to most of her crewmate's stories on how they ended up on board the Going Merry. Since she and Nami had spent the most time together and shared a cabin, they talked a lot. Nami told her about her home village Kokoyashi, and how it had been taken over by pirates who forced her from a young age to be their navigator. She was with Luffy longer than that but officially joined once her village was freed. It was Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp that helped her back then. She also heard about Usopp's village, where they were given the Going Merry for chasing out yet another group of pirates. And Sanji was in a similar case, in dealing with pirates that had attempted to take over the restaurant he had been working at most of his life.

Somehow Luffy managed to break through into all of their lives and told them to join his crew. According to Nami and Sanji, it was with quite a bit of brazenness as he wasn't someone that listened to refusal.

From what Luffy told her, Zoro was actually his first recruit to the pirate crew. Luffy had left his home to go out to sea and search for a crew before sailing to the Grand Line. He heard rumors about Zoro, who was an infamous bounty hunter at the time, specifically a pirate hunter. But he got into some trouble with the Marines and was crucified and left for dead. That's when Luffy showed up and told him to join his crew.

Zoro refused at first, but Luffy wouldn't let up.

"How unfortunate for you Luffy," She mumbled and Zoro cut in.

"Hey! I'm the one who should be saying that! He tried using my swords to bribe me to join him."

"That's because you got them taken away," Luffy said.


"Why you-

Zoro's would-be rant was interrupted by Sanji, who called out for an island and even though they were on the lower deck, everyone's heads turned. Luffy became elated, tapping his foot impatiently, but he stayed in the chair by Sakura's bed.

"Hear that Sakura!? Island! Island! Island-

"Luffy, why don't you go check it out to make sure?" Luffy dashed across the room, up the stairs, and out of sight. Silence fell for a minute before Sakura turned to Zoro. "Why don't you join him?"

He didn't look at her, "And let the others chew me out for leaving you alone?"

"It might make me feel better," Zoro laughed throwing his head back, Sakura thought that for a moment the fever was making her hallucinate.

'I can't believe he can laugh,' Admittedly, Sakura had become more combative towards Zoro than anyone else on the crew. She couldn't pinpoint the reason, aside from placing the blame on their poor first encounter that had left a sour impression. He also didn't seem to warm up to her as easily as the rest of the straw hats. But they were cordial when they haven't had as many interactions throughout the day.

It was easy to do when Zoro slept and trained most of the day away.

"You'll be back up to speed once we get you to another doctor,"

Another doctor might not even be able to help her. This infection was something new to Sakura and she didn't possess the right equipment or strength right now to inspect and create a cure for herself. Her medicines were barely staving off the fever but the periods were getting shorter and the symptoms were worsening which was what concerned Sakura.

There was only so far a body could be pushed against illness before it couldn't go any further.

'Don't need to worry them anymore,' They were already acting out of sorts because of her and they were on a time crunch, a vital mission to save Vivi's country.

This was a mission. And Sakura did not want to be the reason it failed. Especially with all these lives on the line, she saw no significance in hers.

'Especially when I'm just a girl that isn't meant to be here, to begin with,'

"I still don't think this is a good idea,"

"Well when Luffy sets his mind on something, it's impossible to steer him off track,'

Sakura sighed, "Still logically-

"It doesn't matter," Zoro interrupted, "Whatever you may want or anyone else on this crew wants, the one who has the final say is our captain. Ours, that means yours too. We follow through because he is our leader,"

She stared at Zoro with a piercing gaze.


"You just surprised me,"

They went back to silence, only realizing then that there was nothing but silence instead of the regular noises that followed all along the Going Merry in the day. Someone was always yelling at someone and there was typically something troublesome going on for the sake of entertainment but there was nothing.

"I'm going to get an update. Do not leave that bed,"

"Yes Sir," Sakura mocked.

That's all folks!

Remember to check out my tumblr if you want to see the schedule for future chapters or if you're interested in joining the membership, or writing commissions the links are available there.

I am also going to start posting some voice over specials that will be on my tumblr.



-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 48, 49, 50

-Kunoichi amognst Heroes movie part 1

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 16, 17, 18

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 15, 16

-Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 12, 13

Public post 15 August

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 48

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 15

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.