Chapter 16: The country without doctors
YAHOOO! Let's go guys! So I took a short vacation last week after two years and I have to say I'm feeling refreshed. I'm also looking forward to watching the new One Piece. I don't know what to expect but it's nice to have something to look forward to after dealing with so many of life's adversities
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Sakura lay in the bed, her gaze fixated on the ceiling as she struggled to focus her vision. The world seemed to blur and waver before her eyes, a disorienting dance of shapes and colors. Each passing moment brought with it a growing difficulty as if her very sight was slipping away like sand through her fingers. It was a cruel irony, she thought, that after all the battles she had fought, it would be a mere infection that threatened to claim her life.
Death held no fear for Sakura. The countless missions and close encounters in her world, the war that had raged, had numbed her to the trepidation of mortality. She had seen too many patients slip through her fingers, too many lives extinguished without a moment to ponder their final thoughts. How many had considered her their last hope for survival, and how many had she let down? And now, here she was, rendered helpless and dependent on others to save her in the field she had devoted herself to—medicine.
Though unspoken, Sakura understood this truth all too well. She had underestimated the unfamiliarity of this world compared to her own and the time it would take for her to adapt. The pirate ship that had granted her refuge could not conjure an antidote for her ailment; she could barely summon the strength to walk, let alone focus and analyze for a cure. She needed another doctor.
Suddenly, a sound pierced through the air, one she had come to recognize all too well—a gunshot. Sakura's heart quickened with worry, propelling her out of bed and up the stairs, her weakened body fueled by adrenaline. With determination etched upon her face, she hoisted herself onto the deck, overlooking the scene.
Vivi was there, her voice filled with concern as she urged Luffy to cease his reckless fight, assuring him that she had only been grazed. The princess was on her knees, bowed before the people surrounding them, her voice tremulous yet resolute. "We won't dock, but please, call a doctor for our friend!"
Her worry deepened, compelling her to push past her frailty and venture onto the deck. "What's happening?" she inquired, her voice laced with urgency. But her presence was in the background as all her crew mates became more concerned with the dozens of people surrounding the ship on either side of the land.
"You're not fit to be captain Luffy! Not everything can be fixed with recklessness! What will happen to Sakrua if you fight here?"
Vivi's words cut through the air, chastising Luffy for his unfitting leadership and emphasizing the grave consequence—Sakura's life hanging by a thread. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the frigid air.
The ship was stationed between a narrow strip of water, encircled by the icy embrace of snow and frost. Sakura had ventured out with no protection but a pajama top and pants, her bare feet turning red from the unforgiving cold. It was Usopp who spotted her first, his concern guiding him to her side as he rushed over, tucking his arm under her own for support.
"Sakura!" His exclamation brought the attention of the others "What are you doing out here?"
"Idiot, I told you to stay in bed!" Zoro scolded, his words laced with both frustration and genuine worry.
"Who did it..." Sakura panted, she glared up at the men standing over the Going Merry, "Who hurt Vivi!?"
Despite her own pain, Sakura's fiery determination blazed in her eyes as she glared at the men responsible, demanding to know who had dared to hurt her. Sakura rushed to her side, her hands alight with healing energy, ready to mend her wound. Yet, even in her valiant effort, Sakura's body betrayed her, wavering in faltering steps before collapsing.
"Hey, Sakura, come on!" Usopp's voice carried a tinge of panic, his grip tightening as he fought against the fear threatening to consume him.
"Get her back inside, it's freezing out here!" Sanji's commanding voice resonated, urging the crew to action.
Sakura gave her last demands before losing consciousness, "Don't….hurt….my friends,"
Sakura awoke once again, this time engulfed in the warmth that surpassed the confines of her fevered body. Her surroundings had changed—a small hut sheltered her fragile form. As her groggy gaze surveyed the room, she noticed the familiar figures of Luffy and Usopp, who were being scolded by Sanji for their reckless antics in the snow. The crew had gathered here, with the exception of Zoro, who remained behind to guard the ship alongside Karoo.
Vivi approached Sakura, her voice filled with a mix of relief and worry. "You're awake! How are you?"
Sakura mustered a weak smile, her throat scratching her voice, "I'm fine Vivi,"
The girl's image blurred in Sakura's weakened state, but her unmistakable blue hair served as a testament to her presence.
Sanji hurriedly made his way to Sakura's side, "Sakura-chan don't worry we're gonna get you to a doctor!"
"I'm afraid there may be some issue with that," Sakura realized there was a new presence, he was one of the men that accosted them earlier. He had an imposing height and wore his hair slicked back, and a stern face.
"There's only one doctor, and she lives up there," Dalton directed them out the window, pointing towards the large mountains that towered over the snow country. The three mountains stood more like towers shaped like drums. "There's a castle located on the one in the middle, that castle lost its king and that's where our lands only doctor lives, Dr. Kureha. People here call her a witch,"
Sakura blanked, "One doctor in the whole country? And a witch?" That didn't sound promising.
"Actually she's quite excellent. I believe she can cure nearly every ailment. She's just somewhat of an eccentric and doesn't operate under regular means. She comes down from the mountains at random intervals, treating patients, and accepting whatever belongings they had as payment. She a140-years old."
'That lifespan surpasses Tsunade-sama," Sakura mused.
Vivi, puzzled by how someone of that age could traverse the steep mountains, inquired further. Dalton revealed that rumors circulated about Dr. Kureha using a sleigh pulled by some mystical creature, a tale that had birthed the rumors of her being a witch.
"Hold on, there's no way Sakura can endure a journey up those mountains, not in her condition!" Vivi said. Dalton echoed her sentiment, expressing concern for her well-being.
"Can't we contact her some other way?" Nami asked. "You can't tell me you don't even have a snail transponder?"
"I'm afraid not. Dr. Kureha isn't someone you can just book an appointment with. It's usually a matter of chance,"
Sanji stomped his foot, "We can't just wait around here, Sakura-chan can't endure much more of this,"
'Why don't they just start the eulogies?' Sakura was exhausted. So the woman she thought could be her savior, turned out to be a witch who would treat you on the off chance you managed to find her and then take whatever she desired from you as payment.
"I can carry Sakura up the mountain!" Luffy proclaimed.
"Say what!?" Nami exclaimed, "Luffy are you out of your mind!?"
"What's the problem?"
Vivi stepped in, "You can't expect Sakura to endure a climb up a mountain, did you see how tall it is?"
Not to mention it was ridiculously steep, covered in ice and snow, and looked like it had no space for baring or friction. It would be much harder to climb than a regular mountain.
"Listen!" All eyes turned to Sakura, waiting for her response after she found the strength to raise her voice. "I can handle that journey just fine. So I'm counting on you, captain,"
Luffy grinned, "Alright!"
"Don't worry about a thing, Sakura-chan," Sanji promised, his gaze unwavering. "I'll get you up there safely, no matter what it takes."
Sakura was deeply touched by the unwavering support and unwavering faith her friends exhibited. A surge of gratitude overwhelmed her, and she nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's do this."
Sanji took extra care in wrapping Sakura tightly against Luffy, ensuring that she wouldn't slip from his grasp.
Usopp, his voice tinged with urgency, warned Luffy with stern eyes. "Don't you dare drop Sakura, not under any circumstances," He felt he had to warn Luffy otherwise his reckless tendencies may kick in without him meaning to. There have been too many scenarios in the short amount of time Usopp has known Luffy for him to not give that warning.
Nami, her fists clenched, added her own threat. "If you drop her, I'll beat you senseless, Luffy!"
The trio of Nami, Usopp, and Vivi made the difficult decision to stay behind, acknowledging their limits in stamina and the realization that enduring the journey would be beyond their capabilities. And with the time crunch, they couldn't afford to be leisurely. They would await their return, hoping that Sakura's faith in this person atop the mountain would not be in vain. Sakura herself was caught between hope and uncertainty, and could only hold onto the fragile belief that this doctor held the key to her salvation. But even though she didn't have the equipment to properly analyze her infection, she had a good prognosis from experience. And it was dire. That's why she had entertained the notion of finding a cure herself, but her strength had faltered, leaving her in a state of reliance on others.
Dalton, their guide in this treacherous landscape, cautioned them to head a different way up the mountain. He warned them of the lapins, giant snow rabbits that prowled the area. Sakura's eyes widened at the mention of these creatures, but before she could voice her concern, Luffy interrupted. His determination blazed in his gaze as he spoke with unwavering conviction. "We're in a hurry. Sakura needs a doctor."
Sanji nodded in agreement with Luffy's resolve. Without hesitation, he followed closely behind, their steps leaving deep imprints in the powdery snow.
The landscape unfolded around them, a vast expanse of pristine white that seemed both ethereal and inhospitable. The air grew thinner, and each step felt heavier than the last as the snow continued to deepen. The wind whispered secrets as it whistled through the icy peaks as if nature itself bore witness to their arduous journey.
Luffy's strength seemed boundless, his steps resolute, as if the very ground beneath him acknowledged his indomitable spirit. Sanji, ever the protector, watched over Sakura with unwavering vigilance, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.
Time seemed to blur as they ascended, minutes melding into hours, and yet their resolve never wavered. Each step brought them closer to their destination, closer to the enigmatic Dr. Kureha and the hope she represented.
The biting cold of the mountain air pierced Sakura's cheeks, numbing her skin as the wind whipped through the landscape. Flurries of snow danced in the air, their delicate flakes shimmering in the pale light. She strained to hear the voices of Luffy and Sanji, their words carried away on the gusts of wind, reduced to mere fragments of sound, distant and unintelligible.
Amidst the blizzard's embrace, Sakura's gaze caught sight of what she believed was a lapin, the monstrous snow rabbits that Dalton warned them about. The creature's head was similar to a rabbit's as were its facial features, but its body was like a polar bear big and heavy with strong paws and claws, it also had a mouth full of sharp teeth that indicated it was carnivorous. Its malevolent red eyes fixed on them, hunger driving its actions.
"Remember those 'snow rabbits' we were warned about?"
Sanji smiled at her, "Don't worry, Sakura-chan. I'll make sure nothing happens to you,"
A playful curiosity intermingled with their perilous situation as Luffy chimed in with a seemingly random question. "Hey, Sakura, is it true that women in snow countries have silky smooth skin?"
"That's what Sanji said,"
Sakura's brows furrowed "Well certain consistencies in climates can affect the pigmentation of the skin,"
"Told you Luffy," The light conversation went on while the two boys were working hard to doge the lapins that were coming out of the forest. They were relentless and Sakura was starting to worry about the increasing number.
Sanji was quick to take action and keep the creatures at bay, kicking them away but they were persistent.
In the midst of the snow-covered expanse, Sakura marveled at the resilience of her companions. They moved with an agility that defied the treacherous terrain. They leaped and evaded, their bodies intertwining.
The snow seemed to swallow Sakura's consciousness, dragging her in and out of slumber. The pain in her body fought against her desire to rest, keeping her on the precipice of wakefulness. It was a cruel irony, for in sleep, she didn't know if she would awaken again. Yet, the exhaustion gnawed at her, tugging at her eyelids with an irresistible force.
As the group ventured deeper into the snow-covered terrain, the blizzard intensified, obliterating the path ahead. Sakura squinted through the whirling white, catching sight of looming silhouettes amidst the flurry. Giant rabbits, their bodies as massive as bears, emerged from the haze, blocking their passage.
"There's too many…" She panted, shifting around against Luffy's back, "Let me…."
"Stay still," Luffy ordered, gripping the bottom of her knees. "You can't fight right now,"
The lapins lunged, teeth bared and claws slashing through the air. Sanji and Luffy stepped forward to defend their cargo. Sakura could sense the urgency in their movements.
"Don't worry, Sakura. We'll get you up there soon," Sanji reassured.
A flicker of concern crossed Luffy's face as Sanji addressed him. "I don't want you fighting, Luffy," Sanji implored. "Sakura will feel every move you make, and it's going to hurt her."
Luffy's brows furrowed, torn between his instinct to confront the lapins and his desire to shield Sakura from further pain. He voiced his dilemma, his frustration evident. "So, what do you want me to do?"
Sanji's response was swift and decisive. "Dodge and run, but don't retreat,"
The lapins adjusted their strategy, launching a coordinated assault. Sanji and Luffy, their movements in harmony, retreated into the forest, seeking refuge amidst the thick cover of trees.
Navigating the treacherous landscape became a daunting task as the snow clung to their bodies and clumped beneath their feet, slowing their progress. Sanji's kicks lacked their usual force, impeded by the weight of the snow. Luffy, who had to steadily hold Sakura on his b back, found his movements restricted, his agility curtailed.
A pang of frustration coursed through Sakura's weakened body as she recognized the burden she had become. Her usually nimble presence was reduced to deadweight, hindering the progress of her friends. She yearned to be of assistance, to fight alongside them, but her current state rendered her helpless.
"Luffy put me down," she implored, her voice laden with exhaustion.
"No way," Luffy responded with unwavering determination, his voice brimming with unwavering resolve. "You aren't allowed to move, that's an order,"
Sakura's protest faltered as she caught a glimpse of Luffy's unwavering resolve. Despite his carefree demeanor, she remembered that he was their captain, and she was a member of the crew he commanded. At that moment, a surge of loyalty surged within her, compelling her to comply with his directive.
Their desperate escape from the lapins led them to an elevated cliff, a temporary respite from the pursuing creatures. However, Sakura's dread intensified as she spotted an ominous sight in the distance. The lapins were jumping up and into the snow but all in the same place, Panic surged within Sakura as she realized the impending danger.
"Get out of here, right now!" she cried out, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "They're going to cause an avalanche!"
Sanji's warning to Luffy reverberated through the chaos. "Luffy you have to protect Sakura!"
"I got it!"
Luffy seized Sakura, holding her close as they raced up to a cliff's face. But their efforts to avoid drowning in snow proved to be insufficient, and the sheer force of the avalanche propelled them into the air.
Luffy was able to find a fern tree to act as a snowboard and keep them above, but they were still heading downwards and losing their progress to the castle and the doctor.
"It's the damn rabbit's fault! I'm going to turn them into stew next time I see them!" Sanji didn't have to wait long because their paths were being closed in by the lapins, who had the skill to glide on the trunks of the trees too. With the avalanche keeping their momentum and the majority of attention occupied, the lapins resumed their attacks.
Luffy and Sanji were trapped between dodging, snowboarding, and trying to find a way to stop.
Unfortunately, there was another obstacle that they were heading towards. A rock with three torn-off trees stumps in its path.
"WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Luffy shouted. With the lapins right on their tail, the avalanche chasing them down the mountain and the rock in front, the three were heavily cornered.
In a desperate bid to shield Sakura from harm, Sanji propelled her and Luffy away, sacrificing himself in the process. He threw Luffy out of the way before they hit the rock.
Stretching his arm, Luffy clung to a sturdy stump of rock, watching helplessly as Sanji disappeared into the relentless onslaught of snow.
When the maelstrom finally subsided, Sakura, clung to consciousness, though she had been shielded, the avalanche had taken its toll on her. Luffy set her gently on the ground, leaving his hat on her.
He was saying something but Sakura didn't know what it was. Luffy then plunged into the snowy abyss, to look for Sanji.
Fatigue finally claimed Sakura and her eyes fluttered shut.
That's all folks! You know I'll be back soon with more updates. Join my tumblr to check out my schedule, and soon my other projects.
Here is what's currently available for members and what's to come:
Kunoichi amongst heroes chapter 49, 50. 51
Kunoichi amongst heroes movie part 2
Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 17, 18, 19
Through the Looking Glass chapter 16, 17, 18
Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Crossroads of Fate chapter 12, 13, 14
-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 49
-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 17
-Crossroads of Fate chapter 12