Chapter 17: The Reindeer and the Witch
Hello everyone! I'm back with more drama and more chapters for you! It has been a hectic week. From mountains of work, to my sister convincing me that our house was on fire-not kidding, I'm finally able to post these new chapters.
Hope you enjoy!
Sakura was unable to endure the remainder of her journey conscious. She couldn't even stay awake long enough to see Luffy pull Sanji from the snow but when she finally woke up again she felt like a feather.
A weight pressed down upon Sakura's forehead, both cold and relieving. As she gradually lifted herself, her body creaked like rusted metal joints, protesting against the effort. Blinking through groggy eyes, Sakura found herself in a warm and cozy room, its stone walls emitting a sense of security that made her question if this was all a dream.
Her gaze fell upon a peculiar sight—a creature perched at a desk, covered in hair, its height akin to that of a toddler. It wore a pink hat, but what caught Sakura's attention were the antlers gracefully emerging from its head. The creature, sensing Sakura's wakefulness, turned and hopped off the chair with an awkward grace.
"A reindeer?" Sakura croaked, her throat strained from the ordeal she had endured. The creature, startled by her voice, jumped back, knocking over a stack of books in the process. It scurried away, seeking refuge just behind the entrance, though its positioning was slightly askew. Sakura could see the fear in its eyes, the way it regarded her as if she were a predator ready to pounce.
"Easy there, I'm not going to hurt you," Sakura reassured the trembling creature, her voice barely more than a whisper. In truth, she lacked the strength to harm even a fly, her body was still weakened from the ravages of the infection. The situation felt unreal as if she were caught in a dream or drifting through the threshold of an otherworldly afterlife.
"Where are Luffy and Sanji?" Sakura's words came out more as an earnest plea than a question. She knew they were there, right? Sanji had been taken out by the blizzard, but she remembered Luffy venturing into the snow to find him, bringing him back before she succumbed to unconsciousness.
The creature realized its awkward positioning and hastily switched positions, though Sakura couldn't resist teasing, "A little too late, don't you think? But cute try."
"Shut up, human!" the creature retorted, its voice carrying a mix of annoyance and vulnerability.
Sakura's curiosity couldn't be contained. "Oh wow, what's your name?"
Taken aback by the question, the creature stuttered nervously, seemingly unsure whether to share such information with a human. Before it could respond, Sakura interjected, "You were the one who helped me, weren't you? My fever has gone down."
Before Sakura could insist on getting out of bed, another voice filled the room and the little creature took the chance to run out. The door swung open, revealing a woman dressed inappropriately for the harsh winter weather. Dr. Kureha, an enigmatic figure holding a bottle of booze, greeted them with a mixture of nonchalance and curiosity.
"Ah, so you're finally awake huh girl?"
"Um, who are you?"
"I'm Doctor Kureha. Call me Doctrine,"
Doctrine examined Sakura's temperature with her hand. As a doctor herself, Sakura held a deep respect for medical professionals, and she was grateful to this eccentric 'witch' for saving her life.
"Ah, my friends…I want to know are they alright? Where-
"Both of them suffered some serious injuries. The idiot with the straw hat who climbed the mountain to get you here had frostbite, tore off his fingernails clawing up here,"
"Luffy! Is he okay?"
"Those friends of yours are tough, they're just sleeping now,"
Relieved to hear that they were safe, Sakura's attention returned to the cause of her ailment. Kureha revealed the existence of the Kestia, a poisonous tick carrying dangerous bacteria. Sakura listed the symptoms she had experienced, admitting her ignorance about such a creature.
"It's because they were supposed to have died out," Kureha explained cryptically, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. She wondered aloud where Sakura could have encountered such a menace, jesting about an ancient jungle that lay beyond the horizon of imagination.
Sakura confirmed her encounter in a distant swamp, ticking off a few of those malevolent creatures. Kureha commended her resilience, marveling at the fact that Sakura had endured such excruciating pain. Normally, a person bitten multiple times would succumb within a day, but Sakura persevered.
As Sakura listened to Kureha's words, she couldn't help but ponder her capabilities. If she was to continue sailing with her companions, venturing further into the treacherous Grand Line, she needed to be ready to face even more daunting challenges.
Kureha looked at Sakura's arm, "It seems you were bitten several times, should've keeled over a day ago. You must be tough to survive this long,"
Sakura gave an awkward chuckle, shinobi weren't weak to poisoning, it usually took an overdose or advanced poisons to do any harm. They weren't immune though.
"Is the treatment complete then?"
"Not yet. Normally it takes ten days to treat but with my medicine, you'll be fine in three days,"
That was too long for Sakura to just be expected to sit back and rest. "I'm not exactly normal either so we can cut that down to less than a day,"
"Not with the number of bites you have. Death was a guarantee for you until a few hours ago. Until the three days are complete you have to stay in bed,"
"I'm a medic myself, but I couldn't work on finding a cure. Though I promise I will be able to tend to myself after I leave here,"
As a medic, Sakura understood the perspective Doctrine had and she knew the effects of poison and the results of usually ignoring orders for bed rest. On the other hand, there were more important matters for her to handle, which was the mission to return Vivi to Alabasta.
Admittedly, Sakura was still light-headed and her body ached with each movement but it no longer felt like her ligaments were turning to stone so she was progressing well enough.
"Well not surprising you couldn't find a cure, that wasn't a normal infection. But even if you are a doctor, right now you're effectively my patient and the only time I allow my patients to leave my care is if they are cured or dead. Which do you prefer?"
Instead of answering, Sakura decided to switch topics. "Oh yes, where did that little…..
"Reindeer," Kureha said. "He's a reindeer and his name is Chopper,"
"Chopper…." So they had talking animals in this world too.
"You don't seem surprised, have you seen another talking reindeer somewhere before?"
Sakura shook her head, "Not a reindeer but talking animals aren't that unusual…right?"
Kureha looked puzzled, "Where exactly did you come from girl?"
Just as Sakura was thinking how she would explain this without looking like she had grown a second head when they were interrupted by a loud noise. It didn't take Sakura long to know that where there was chaos there was usually one of her crew mates close by.
"AAAHHHH SOMEBODY HELP ME!" A shrill voice cried.
Heads turned as Luffy and Sanji came crashing into the room being dragged through by the reindeer. They were clutching onto the poor thing and refusing to let go their eyes fixed hungrily on the reindeer. Despite their injuries and the ordeal they had just endured, the two pirates were bounding around with reckless energy.
Luffy's pursuit of the reindeer came to an abrupt halt when he noticed Sakura's awake form on the bed. He skidded to a stop and backtracked, his wide grin lighting up his face. "Sakura! You're awake! You're better?"
"More or less," Sakura replied, her voice a little strained. Truthfully, her body still felt stiff and heavy, but the fever that had plagued her seemed to have lessened, providing some relief.
Sanji had also joined Luffy by Sakura's side, concern etched on his face. "How are you guys feeling?" he asked, genuine worry in his voice. Both he and Luffy were bandaged up well, their injuries expertly attended to by the capable doctors present. Sakura couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that she hadn't been able to treat them herself.
"Do you need me to give you treatment?"
"It's great that you're worried for my sake, Sakura-chan, but don't you worry. As long as you're healthy, I will always feel well," Sanji assured her with a warm smile, that she couldn't help but return.
Meanwhile, Chopper, the reindeer, had been attempting to make a sneaky exit, but his efforts were in vain as his presence was immediately detected by the sharp senses of Luffy and Sanji. Before Sakura could warn them not to chase after the poor creature, they were already out of the room, disappearing into the distance.
"I'm so sorry," Sakura murmured apologetically, her gaze fixed on the door. "I'll go and tell them-
"Don't you dare get out of that bed," Kureha stated in a stern voice interrupted, cutting through the air, her presence commanding attention. Reluctantly, Sakura returned to the bed, realizing that she was still feeling dizzy and weak.
"For someone who claims to have a decent amount of medical knowledge, you certainly know less about taking care of yourself," Kureha scolded, her tone filled with a mix of concern and reproach.
Sakura sighed, realizing the truth in Kureha's words.
"Anything else you want to know?"
"About that little guy? The only thing I'd have a question about is why his nose is blue," Sakura replied nonchalantly, treating talking animals as something ordinary due to her experiences in her world.
Kureha chuckled. "Oh, he was born with that."
"I see. And the talking? You made it seem as if that wasn't a normal thing?" Sakura found nothing unusual about it considering the existence of talking animals in her world.
"Chopper is my assistant. And the reason he can talk is that he ate the Human-Human Fruit," Kureha explained matter-of-factly.
Sakura's curiosity was piqued. "So devil fruits can also be consumed by animals and give them abilities?"
"That's right. At least Chopper is proof that's the case," Kureha replied, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.
"How interesting," Sakura mused, her mind racing with newfound knowledge about this extraordinary world she had stumbled upon.
Meanwhile, the distant voices of Luffy and Sanji echoed through the castle walls as they continued their pursuit of Chopper, prompting Kureha to decide that it was time to give chase. She armed herself with an array of weapons hanging on the wall in Sakura's room before setting off, leaving Sakura alone with her thoughts.
Since her strict doctor was no longer present, Sakura took the opportunity to stretch her legs, despite her body still being sore. Every movement caused her muscles to throb as if they were twisted knots refusing to untangle. She glanced towards the room where her friends were being treated and noticed various medical equipment scattered about.
Curiosity getting the better of her, Sakura approached the equipment and rummaged through the assortment of books on medicine. She felt an overwhelming urge to take them with her, realizing that she couldn't allow herself to be caught unprepared again. This new world was filled with unknown dangers, and she needed to arm herself with knowledge.
"I assumed it was the same as my own, even after I saw all these differences. I'm such a fool. It almost cost me my life," Sakura muttered to herself, a mix of frustration and determination etching her features.
As she closed the door behind her, a cool breeze brushed against her face, and Sakura's curiosity was piqued once more. She opened the door wider, revealing an entire area blanketed in glistening snow. "Now what's this?" she wondered aloud, her eyes filled with wonder as she stepped into the mysterious winter wonderland that lay beyond.
"Great, I'm lost," Sakura muttered to herself, her teeth threatening to chatter as the biting cold wind assaulted her face. She had ventured into the castle, hoping to find Luffy and Sanji, but the swirling snow and heavy winds had disoriented her. A small blizzard descended, its icy tendrils blinding her with a relentless blanket of snow.
Her body grew feverish once again, the warmth spreading through her veins, while her head felt light and disconnected from her weary frame. Sakura knew she hadn't fully recovered; the persistent ache in her bones resembled the early signs of arthritis. Despite this, she was determined to locate Luffy and Sanji, seeking their assistance in leaving the castle. However, it seemed that Dr. Kureha was intent on keeping her under close supervision until she was completely cured. But Vivi couldn't be made to wait anymore. She had already given her consent for them to seek out a doctor for Sakura and even when she knew her life had been hanging on a thread, she couldn't dismiss the guilt of forcing this detour.
Sakura continued to navigate through the castle, her steps faltering in the snow. Every breath she took sent a shiver down her spine, a chilling reminder of her fragile state. As she stumbled upon a room that had once been a throne room now covered in snow, her eyes fell upon a portrait hanging on the wall. The pirate who had recently attacked them grinned foolishly in the painting, his distinctive metal jaw unmistakable.
"I've got to tell the others about this," Sakura thought to herself, her mind racing with the implications of the portrait.
Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, rendering her unable to wander any further. She sank into the snow, seeking solace in its cold embrace. Sakura knew that once she caught her breath, she would gather the strength to continue her quest. But before she could regain her composure, a sudden, thunderous voice cut through the stillness.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Dr. Kureha's booming voice echoed through the corridor, sending a shiver of fear down Sakura's spine. In her hands, she brandished a mallet adorned with spiked balls on a chain, her eyes ablaze with anger.
Instinctively, Sakura scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest as adrenaline surged through her veins. Without a second thought, she broke into a sprint, desperate to evade Kureha's wrathful pursuit.
'She reminds me of Tsunade-sama when she's angry!'
"GET BACK TO BED!" Kureha's voice reverberated, but Sakura paid little heed, her focus solely on escaping the doctor's wrath. As she ran, she caught sight of Luffy and Sanji in the distance, their voices calling out to her. Chopper scurried alongside them, his tiny hooves skidding across the polished floor.
But Sakura's strength waned, her body betraying her resolve. The fever that had plagued her reared its ugly head, dragging her into the clutches of unconsciousness once more. Darkness engulfed her, a temporary respite from the chaos that surrounded her.
'Not again'
When Sakura awoke, she found herself back in the confines of her room, Dr. Kureha's stern gaze fixed upon her. Her body ached, a constant reminder of her vulnerability, while the silence in the room hung heavy with unspoken words. The tiny reindeer was rushing about the room, coming up to place a wet towel on her head.
The cold room seemed to close in on Sakura, its icy grip tightening as her fever surged once again. She shivered, her body aching with each movement. Chopper appeared by her side, concern etched on his furry face.
"I need to check your fever and see how your body is holding up," Chopper said, his tiny hooves gingerly feeling her forehead. "You've been bitten by so many Kestia ticks carrying the bacteria that you should've succumbed before the deadline."
Sakura mustered a weak smile. "I'm a lot tougher than I look."
As Sakura scanned the room, she noticed Luffy and Sanji were nowhere in sight. They must have been exploring the castle or getting into trouble. Determined to make the most of her time, Sakura turned her attention back to Chopper.
"Hey, I was wondering," Sakura began, surprising the little reindeer, who had been on edge since their encounter. "What did you do to cure me?"
"Huh?" Chopper blinked, momentarily taken aback by the question.
"The medicine," Sakura clarified. "Can you explain it to me? I might want to create an accelerator for it."
Chopper seemed uncertain, his eyes narrowing as he considered Sakura's request. "Are you a doctor too?"
Sakura nodded. "Just like you."
Chopper's doubt lingered, evident in his hesitant response. "W-well, Doctorine already gave you her medicine, and she'll get mad if you say something like that. And don't try to get out of bed again or she'll hit you till you pass out."
Sakura chuckled, a realization dawning on her. "Ah, so that's why she's considered a witch. I suppose it makes sense now. She taught you medicine, right?"
Chopper gave a nod.
"Would you be so kind as to tell her that I can't stay here for three days? We need to get back out to sea."
Confusion furrowed Chopper's brow as he assessed Sakura's condition. "But why? The treatment usually takes ten, but with the medicine you received, you'll be better in three days. If you push yourself too hard, you'll pass out again. Your fever already escalated because you were running in the snow."
Sakura pondered for a moment, unable to divulge Vivi's true identity or their mission. "Well, it's not good for pirates to stay on land for too long," she offered coyly.
Chopper continued his examination, his inquisitive nature getting the better of him. "So, you guys are really pirates?"
Sakura nodded proudly, a touch of defiance in her voice. "Yep,"
"Really? Like pirates who have a flag?"
"And a ship too," Sakura confirmed "Do you like pirates?"
"No, of course not. Shut up!" Chopper retorted, trying to maintain a facade of anger.
Observing Chopper's reaction, Sakura watched as he hit a nearby bookcase, causing its contents to topple over. "I see. So you do like them," she remarked, intrigued by the reindeer's display of emotion.
"I said I don't!" Chopper's voice quivered with a mix of frustration and denial. "I don't want to go out to sea!"
Sakura's gaze softened, empathy radiating from her eyes. "But I didn't mention going out to sea. Do you want to do that?"
"What!?" Chopper stammered, taken aback by the suggestion.
Sakura rubbed her temples, contemplating the situation. "If we can get Luffy to stop trying to eat you, I bet he'd let you come aboard with us. We're already picking up passengers, and having another doctor on board would be beneficial."
However good Sakura was as a medical ninja, she didn't know too much about this world and the ailments it might carry, she had assumed it would mirror her own since this was another earth but that wasn't the case.
Her thoughts swirled with uncertainty. "And I don't know how long I'll be able to stay with them," she admitted quietly, the weight of her decision heavy on her shoulders.
"There's no way I can go sailing with a bunch of humans! I'm a reindeer, but I walk on two legs! Don't you even get scared when you see me!?" Chopper's voice quivered.
Sakura tilted her head, a reassuring smile on her lips. "Why would I be scared?"
"Because animals aren't supposed to talk!" Chopper exclaimed, his voice laden with the weight of past rejection. "I have a blue nose too..."
Sakura sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. "So what? I've met other talking animals."
Chopper's ears perked up under his hat, his curiosity piqued. He took a few steps closer, his guard slowly lowering. "Really? You have!?"
She nodded a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. "That's right. I've met talking frogs."
Chopper's excitement was palpable. "Huh!"
"And some were as big as a house," Sakura continued, her voice laced with wonder as if she was speaking to a child.
"No way! That can't be true!" Chopper's eyes widened in disbelief.
Sakura nodded, her smile unwavering. "Oh, yes it is! And a talking cat."
"What?" Chopper's voice trembled with a mix of awe and skepticism.
"And talking snails, and a fox," Sakura added, relishing in Chopper's fascination.
Chopper's skepticism wavered, a glimmer of hope shining through. "That can't be true!"
"It is, I promise," Sakura reassured him.
Before they could delve further into their conversation, Luffy and Sanji barged into the room, their hungry eyes locking onto Chopper. Realizing the imminent danger, the little reindeer bolted out of the room, leaving Sakura alone with her thoughts once more.