Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 18: The king of Drum Kingdom

Hello to my favourite readers! Hope you're enjoying this wonderful time of ghouls and ghosts and I'm glad you're here to enjoy it with me! Tricks and treats all around as the Strawhats and Sakura continue on their adventure in the Drum Kindgom. Even when sick it's hard to keep this girl down! 


Sakura gazed out as Sanji and Luffy chased Chopper, their figures disappearing into the icy corridors of the castle. She let out a weary sigh, marveling at her patience in enduring the antics of friends whose temperaments clashed with her own. However, her current state of health left her with little choice but to endure their exuberant energy. Trapped in her bed, Sakura was left alone with her thoughts until Kureha, made her presence known. Settling herself at the small coffee table that seemed out of place in the room, Kureha eyed Sakura with a mixture of amusement and disapproval.


"I don't appreciate you trying to tempt my reindeer out to sea, little girl," Kureha admonished.


Sakura shrugged, genuinely curious. "Well, he seemed interested. Isn't he free to explore if he wants to?"


It was a sincere question, stemming from Sakura's desire not to step on the old woman's toes, especially while still under her care. After all, they hadn't yet confirmed another means of descending the mountain, and Sakura remained in the crucial stages of recovery. She was going to have to find a time to slip away and get her crewmates to agree to it. 


Kureha let out a cackling laugh. "No, I suppose not, but it's never that simple."


Sakura offered a light smile. "He just looks like he wants to see the outside world."


The elderly woman sighed, her expression weary. "Chopper's desires clash against his deepest fears."


Confused, Sakura sought clarification. "What does that mean?"


"He bears a scar on his heart, one that can't be healed with medicine," Kureha explained, her words carrying an air of wisdom.


Sakura grasped onto the fragment of understanding that she could glean from the conversation – something had happened to Chopper. Restricted to her bed, she patiently listened as Kureha began to recount the tragic past of her reindeer assistant.


"From the moment he was born, Chopper was deemed an abomination due to his blue nose. Even as a young calf, he was forced to trail behind his herd, relegated to the outskirts. And when he consumed a Devil Fruit, he was permanently banished. Lonely and desperate for acceptance, Chopper descended from the mountain, assuming a human-like form. But to the villagers, he appeared as a strange and frightening creature, they assumed he was a Yeti and in their fear, they resorted to their usual response when confronted by perceived threats – they attacked. Chopper endured a life of profound solitude for a long time," Kureha narrated, her voice tinged with sorrow.


Pausing, the old woman's smile became stiff, accentuating the wrinkles etched upon her face. "Can you pirates possibly hope to mend the scars etched deep within his heart?"


Sakura clutched the blankets tightly, her knuckles turning white. "He doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, does he?"


She had witnessed firsthand the profound impact that scars could wield. It had been evident in so many of her friends. 


"There was only one person to whom Chopper could open his heart, a long time ago. His name was Dr. Hiluluk, and he gave Chopper his name, treating him like his own son," Kureha continued, her voice filled with reminiscence.


Sakura listened intently, captivated by the depth of Chopper's past as it unfolded through Kureha's storytelling. The reindeer had initially been born with the peculiar quirk of a blue nose, rendering him an outcast. His consumption of the Hito Hito no Mi Devil Fruit further isolated him, as his attempts at communication with the humans of Drum Island resulted in disastrous encounters, leaving him wounded by their bullets. It was then that the quack doctor, Dr. Hiluluk, came to his rescue, bestowing upon him a name and taking him in as his friend and "assistant." Despite Hiluluk's intentions to heal and help others, he proved to be a terrible doctor, unfit to be called one according to Kureha. She recounted how he would visit sick villagers, only worsening their conditions with his misguided remedies.


Curiosity piqued, Sakura inquired, "Where were the other doctors?"


"The king of this country, Wapol, banned all doctors except for the twenty under his direct jurisdiction. The people could not seek medical assistance without the king's permission. Of course, any king who would do such a thing, fully aware of the suffering his people would endure, possesses little conscience when it comes to making them beg," Kureha revealed, her voice filled with disdain.


Sakura's fists clenched, her anger simmering. "That's terrible."


Kureha nodded in agreement. "Indeed. However, when a group of pirates arrived in this country, causing chaos, Wapol fled with the twenty MDs and his soldiers, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves."


"How could someone who calls himself a king abandon his people like that?" Sakura seethed.


"Don't get too worked up little girl. Your fever will only rise," Kureha cautioned, her voice tinged with concern. Leaning back in her chair, the elderly woman continued, "Well, things may have turned out for the better with him gone, but I am still the only doctor left around here."


Sakura realized that the conversation had veered off course, refocusing on Chopper and his connection with Dr. Hiluluk. Eager to delve deeper, Sakura posed another question.


"Returning to Chopper and Hiluluk, what happened next?"


Kureha let out a heavy exhale, burdened by the weight of the story. "Chopper's brief respite from loneliness was tragically cut short. Dr. Hiluluk was dying, though he tried to conceal it from Chopper. When Chopper discovered the truth, he attempted to save him. Unfortunately, lacking medical knowledge at the time, Chopper was unaware that Hiluluk's cures were nothing but concoctions of a quack. Desperate, Chopper embarked on an arduous journey in search of what he believed to be a cure – a mushroom known as Amiudake. Little did he know, it was poisonous."


Sakura's hand instinctively flew to her mouth, shock and disbelief etched upon her face. "So... Chopper..."


Kureha's gaze held a grave intensity. "The story doesn't end there. It only grows more tragic"




Pain, misery, misfortune, and strife were woven into the fabric of every being's existence. At some point, all creatures were destined to confront hardship and discover the resilience within to persevere. Sakura had encountered her fair share of tragic tales, and like many of them, this one had touched her heart and threatened to shatter it. 


The poor reindeer had known little peace or kindness throughout his existence, and just when he had finally found a companion, that companionship was cruelly taken away. Dr. Hiluluk had cared for Chopper deeply, overwhelmed by the impact the reindeer had on his life. So much so, that he willingly consumed the Amiudake mushroom, aware that it was a fatal dose of poison.


Dr. Kureha recounted the heartbreaking truth to Chopper, initially met with denial from the reindeer. However, Kureha's words penetrated the depths of Chopper's being, as she explained that kindness alone was insufficient to save lives. True healing required genuine medical skills and training, a realization that resonated deeply with Sakura.


In the end, Hiluluk perished in an explosion of his own making, and Chopper arrived too late to intervene.


"And of course, before that quack died, he had to burden me with the promise to teach Chopper the art of true medicine. And here we are now," Kureha lamented.


Sakura lay back down, her gaze drifting to the ceiling. "Does this mean he is forever tied to this place?"


"Chopper admires pirates because Hiluluk held them in high regard. But if you wish to take him with you, healing his heart won't be an easy task," Kureha cautioned.


A few moments of silence enveloped the room before the tranquility was shattered by the abrupt entrance of Chopper. Sakura recognized him by the distinctive pink hat, though he no longer assumed his diminutive form, now resembling a true reindeer as he rushed in on all fours. Distress radiated from his being, and soon the reason for his turmoil was revealed.


"Doctorine, there's a problem! Wapol is back!" Chopper exclaimed.


While an intruder seemed to have entered the scene, Kureha remained as calm as ever. "Is that so..."


Sakura made a move to throw off the covers that enveloped her, but Kureha shot her a pointed look. "Don't you dare, girl."


Rising from her seat, Kureha addressed Sakura firmly. "You better stay in that bed. I'll be back to check on you, and if you've so much as taken a single step out of it, my medical fee will double."


"But it's-"


"Don't worry, Sakura-chan," Sanji appeared through the doorway, a tray in hand with a steaming bowl of soup and a comforting drink. It was evident that he had been preparing the nourishment for Sakura before the commotion had erupted. Placing the tray gently in her lap, he offered a reassuring smile. "Just rest. Your knight will take care of everything."


Sakura opened her mouth to respond, but her words died on her lips as she cast her gaze down to the food before her.


"I don't recall giving you permission to use my kitchen, boy," Kureha interjected sharply.


"I've prepared something for you as well, madam," Sanji responded, his words laced with a touch of formality.


At the mention of "madam," Sanji was promptly sent flying headfirst into the wall by a swift kick. Sakura contemplated whether she should simply wait out this peculiar spectacle.




"So, the king of this country is back to try and reclaim his throne..." Sakura mused, her thoughts clouded with contempt for the pitiful excuse of a ruler she had heard about in Kureha's tale. How could he possibly believe that he could return after callously abandoning his people to fend for themselves and fleeing at the first sign of a pirate attack? The audacity of some individuals was truly difficult to comprehend.


Luffy and Sanji were bound to embroil themselves in this matter, Sakura knew. Who was she kidding? They were probably already in the midst of it. As she lay in bed, the sounds of the outside world barely reaching her ears, Sakura finally mustered the strength to move. She rose from the bed and made her way to the nearby bookshelf, where a few titles caught her eye – medical books that she could make use of.


"If I want to serve as the crew's doctor, I need to stay updated on the existing ailments of this world," Sakura murmured to herself, shaking her head at the direction her thoughts were taking. Surely she wasn't expecting to become a pirate and sail with them throughout the treacherous Grand Line? Was she entertaining the notion of staying with them indefinitely? No, of course not. That wasn't it.


Yet, they had become her true friends. Perhaps, if Chopper decided to join their crew, they wouldn't have to worry about losing their only medic. Sakura pondered her predicament, grappling with the uncertainties that lay ahead. 


"I don't even have a way to get back," 


The memory of how she arrived in this world eluded her grasp. The only clue she had was the mysterious presence of the devil fruit, a potential link to Kaguya and her ability to traverse dimensions. 

Theoretically speaking, Sasuke was the only one she knew of in her world who would have the ability to travel through dimensions because of his eyes. However, the likelihood of Sasuke appearing in this realm was slim, and Sakura felt a pang of sorrow as she contemplated the absence of her former teammate. She did not know his fate or anyone else's. She didn't even know if they managed to take down that woman. Or what became of her world. 


In other words, she would have to navigate this situation on her own.


Just as she was lost in her thoughts ready to drown in the overwhelming sea of emotional turmoil, the door swung open on the other side of the room, causing Sakura to drop the book she had been holding. She braced herself for a scolding from Kureha, only to find Luffy standing there instead.


"Luffy, what the heck are you doing?" Sakura questioned, a mix of surprise and relief washing over her.


He rubbed his arms in a futile attempt to ward off the biting cold. "It's freezing outside, and I need a coat!"


"Are you helping the doctor and Chopper deal with that Wapol guy?" Sakura inquired, concern lacing her voice.


Luffy nodded. "Yeah, that metal-mouthed guy showed up again, and I'm gonna kick his ass. But I need a coat!"


Sakura sighed, recalling how Luffy had carried her up to the mountain peak without bothering to wear a coat himself, resulting in frostbite. He even ran through the snow in his sandals. 


  "Just take mine," she offered, extending her hand to him.


"But it's ugly," Luffy protested, his childish pout on full display.


"I'll be sure to tell Nami that, since she's the one who let me borrow it," Sakura retorted, causing Luffy's pout to deepen.




"Would you like me to lend a hand?" Sakura asked a flicker of determination in her eyes.


"Nah, we can handle it. You just stay in bed and get some rest," Luffy insisted.




"Stay! Okay, see you!" With that, Luffy rushed out of the room like a gust of wind, eager to rejoin the battlefield. Sakura was left in his wake, a pout forming on her lips as she reluctantly obeyed his command.

For about five minutes. 




Sakura, feeling somewhat better (though the truth was far from it), decided to venture out of her confinement and take a peek at the battlefield. Everyone else had headed to the village, leaving no other backup behind. Sanji, still nursing his injuries, remained out of commission.


"But Luffy said they could handle it..." Sakura mused, Zoro's words echoing in her mind. Odd as he may be, Luffy was still their captain, and his words carried weight.


Of course, Kureha's orders were clear: Sakura was to stay in bed. Yet, she found herself defying those instructions as well. Draping a blanket over herself to serve as a makeshift coat against the wintry chill, she mustered her determination and ventured forth.


Sakura had secretively stashed away a few medical books that piqued her interest. After all, she was a pirate now, and expanding her knowledge of medical practices was an essential step. A mischievous grin tugged at her lips as she contemplated the potential consequences of her actions. "That woman will try to kill me if she sees me stealing her things," Sakura acknowledged, shrugging nonchalantly. "Well, only if she catches me."


In reality, this was no time for Sakura to be idly resting. Vivi awaited their return, and the weight of their mission pressed upon her. With a newfound glint of determination in her eyes, Sakura forged ahead.


"I can't afford to be resting," she whispered to herself,




Buried beneath the weight of her exhaustion, Sakura felt as though she were trapped beneath an avalanche, struggling to claw her way to the surface. Nonetheless, she pressed forward, her eyes fixed on the prize: the exit that would allow her to aid Sanji and Luffy in bringing an end to the battle, enabling them to continue on their mission.


"If only this entire castle weren't shrouded in snow," Sakura lamented, her voice tinged with frustration. The snowy landscape seemed to obscure every distinguishing feature, rendering everything indistinguishable.


Huffing in exasperation, Sakura stomped through the halls, her steps deliberate to avoid slipping on the cold, unforgiving stone floors. As she proceeded, the sound of shuffling reached her ears, drawing her attention. Curiosity piqued, she followed the noise, moving with a lightness that betrayed her doubt that it could be Luffy or Sanji. Perhaps they had already emerged victorious?


Emerging into a spacious area of the castle, Sakura's gaze fell upon a grand pillar adorned with a spiral staircase. On the opposite side of the room stood a figure, and to her surprise, it was the same man she had delivered a powerful blow to on the Going Merry.


Wapol's eyes locked onto Sakura, recognition dawning in his gaze. "You're one of the Straw Hats!"


"And you're that metal mouth," Sakura retorted. "Through you'd be at the bottom of the ocean, guess I didn't swing hard enough," 


A surge of rage coursed through Wapol as he recalled the pink-haired girl who had struck him with such force that he had been propelled into the sea, nearly meeting his demise. Unbeknownst to Sakura, Luffy had encountered Wapol prior to their reunion, as Luffy had been endeavoring to transport her and Sanji up to the castle. Wapol and his men had sought to take their lives, but Luffy, with the aid of the Lapins, had fended off their assault.


"Attacking the king is a crime and shall be punished by death!" Wapol seethed, his voice dripping with venom. "This time, I will end you myself!" 


Sakura shifted her weight upon the cold stone floor, her stance firm. "What king? Last I heard the king of this country ran away like a coward, tail between his legs."


"How dare you!" Wapol's face contorted with fury, stoking the fire of Sakura's fighting spirit. She longed to engage in combat with this man, to teach him a lesson he would never forget, regardless of her current weakened state.


"Just you wait," Wapol sneered, pointing towards the door behind him. "Do you know what this is? It's the arsenal, and I hold the only key! Once I consume the weapons within, my Munch Munch Shock will transform me into a living weapon. No one will be able to stop me!"


Sakura's gaze sharpened as Wapol's words sank in. His devil fruit granted him the power not only to devour everything in his path but also to absorb and assimilate the attributes of what he consumed. Her eyes darted to the key dangling from the armor on Wapol's waist, a glimmer of determination lighting up her features.


Sakura sprinted towards Wapol, his mouth agape, ready to engulf her whole. The power of his devil fruit allowed him to consume his foes, but when their eyes met, a sudden surge of bloodlust struck him like an avalanche of bricks. Before he could make his move, Sakura swiftly lifted her leg and delivered a powerful kick to his metal jaw, propelling him into the air. In a daring maneuver, she swiped the key from Wapol's waist, right under his nose. However, the strength of her blow only sent him flying a short distance, and he landed unceremoniously in a heap of snow that blanketed the castle grounds.


Sakura observed Wapol as he struggled to recover from the impact, his hand gingerly touching his dented jaw. "You insufferable Straw Hat! How dare you! Just you wait until I get my hands on every weapon in the arsenal. Then you'll be sorry!"


Raising the key triumphantly, a stern expression settled upon Sakura's features, challenging Wapol to continue his futile efforts. "What?"


Wapol's jaw dropped open in disbelief, but before he could utter another word, his tirade was cut short by the arrival of Luffy. The pirate captain appeared slightly worse for wear, his borrowed coat tattered and torn, much to Nami's future dismay. Yet, Sakura was relieved to see that Luffy's injuries were not severe, devoid of any significant wounds.

"Luffy are you okay?" 


"Sakura, what are you doing?" 


Sakura shrugged, "Just checking out the castle. And then I came across this guy," 


Luffy turned back to him, "Oh right, I'm still supposed to beat you up!" 


Realizing that his perceived advantage had crumbled, Wapol made a hasty retreat, dashing towards the spiral staircase encircling the colossal pillar. "This isn't over!"


"Come back here!" Luffy demanded, hot on his heels.


Sakura huffed in exasperation, her breath forming a small puff of air in the chilly atmosphere. "These guys..."


"Sakura-chan! You're safe!" A wave of relief washed over Sakura as she looked down to find Sanji slowly crawling towards her, his hands scraping against the ground.


"Sanji, what the heck? Why are you crawling? Is it because of your injuries?" Sakura knelt, concern etched upon her face.


"Oh, my sweet angel, you're concerned for me?" Sanji's eyes gleamed with infatuation.


Ignoring his enamored ramblings, Sakura formed hand seals and channeled chakra into her hands, intending to heal his wounds. His back injury remained severe, exacerbated by his immediate rush into action upon waking up, which had set back his treatment under Kureha.


"That was so stupid of you!" Sakura scolded him. "You were so close to worsening your injuries. Do you have any idea how dangerous spinal damage can be?"


Sanji's gaze remained fixated on Sakura as she healed him, a hearts-in-eyes expression adorning his face. "Oh, Sakura-chan, you're even more lovely when you're angry."


"I must be freaking gorgeous, then, because I'm pissed!" Sakura delivered a light smack to Sanji's head, aiming for one of the few places left untouched by injury.


"Where did Luffy go?" Sanji scanned the surroundings, rubbing the forming bump on the back of his head.


"He chased after that bastard king, up the stairs," Sakura gestured towards the towering staircase.


"That stupid mouth?" Sanji hissed. "He didn't harm you, did he?"


"Oh no, I gave him a good dent in that big mouth of his," Sakura grinned.


"That's my girl!" Sanji exclaimed proudly.


A loud noise akin to a shockwave resonated from the tower where Luffy had pursued Wapol. Concern flickered across Sakura's face. "Was that a cannon? I should go—"


Sanji swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. "It's alright, Sakura. If Luffy is up there, I'm sure he'll take care of it. You've just recovered, and I don't want you falling ill again."


"Perhaps, but—"


"I know you're strong, but you've got to trust that the rest of us have your back as well."


Sakura appeared taken aback but eventually broke into a smile. "I think Zoro said something similar."


"That moss head? What did he say? Don't worry, Sakura-chan. I'll kick his ass out to sea if he makes you angry. Just say the word!"


A chuckle escaped Sakura's lips at Sanji's declaration.


The adventure will continue on the 30th October but that's all for now! 



Except for this little Sneak Peak of Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 19!


"You don't want to come along with us?" she inquired, genuinely curious.


Chopper fell silent, his gaze drifting down to where the rest of the pirates—Nami, Vivi, and the boys—were searching for Sakura.


"I really thought you would be interested in joining the crew. We're a little rough around the edges, I admit but there's never a dull moment," 


  "It's not that I don't want to go with you... but…


Sakura sighed, her understanding gaze meeting his. 



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