Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 21: Arrival in Alabasta

Hello readers! I want to thank you all for your amazing support and all the love you've given my stories all this time. And I hope to continue to give you more stories that keeps you happy as readers.


Let's see how well Sakura and the Strawhats handle the situation as they draw nearer to the mouth of the crocodile. 


And if you have any queries for me, I'm available on the member's only discord: eKf48C8BtR


The sun's warm embrace enveloped Sakura as she stretched her arms out in relief, gazing out over the vast ocean. They were getting closer to Alabasta, and despite the impending threat of a warlord, outbreak of civil war, and the destruction of Vivi's entire country; their main concern now was reaching their destination without succumbing to hunger.


It was a dilemma brought about by the crew's voracious appetite, especially their rubber-stomached captain, Luffy, who had a habit of raiding the kitchen for midnight snacks each night. Despite having acquired a substantial amount of dinosaur meat, it seemed to vanish in a matter of days, followed by the giant bird that attempted to fly off with Luffy, only to end up serving them instead.


Sanji, the crew's cook, was seething with frustration. He had carefully rationed their food supplies to last until they reached Alabasta, but now everything was gone, and Luffy's face bore the telltale crumbs of his escapades.


In a desperate bid to secure more sustenance, Usopp and Luffy decided to try their luck at fishing, even though Luffy had already devoured the bait. Their unconventional approach involved using Karoo, as bait, much to Vivi's dismay. Who was livid when she discovered Karoo hanging helplessly on the fishing lines. 


"STOP FISHING WITH MY DUCK!" Vivi's voice rang out in exasperation, echoing across the deck as she

smacked their heads together. 


"What happened to the bait?" Sakura asked, leaning over the rails.


"Luffy ate it!" Usopp answered. 




"Usopp ate some too!" He argued back. 


In the distance, Sakura and Vivi noticed steam rising from the sea. This phenomenon surprised the majority of the crew aside from Sakura who was familiar with the science behind this but Vivi had rushed off to get Nami for insight. 


 Nami, explained that it was caused by a volcano beneath the ocean's surface and assured them there was nothing to fear.

"There are more volcanos under the sea than there are on land. A new island will be born over there, in about a few thousand years," 


"It's not food so I don't care," Luffy said. At the mention, he also thought to ask Sanji to cook them something, even though they were officially out of supplies but Sanji went back to the pantry anyway


They sailed through the billowing smoke, expecting to emerge unscathed on the other side and they did aside from inhaling a bit of the nauseous steam. However, as they cleared the haze, they realized too late that they now had an extra body amongst them.

A peculiar silhouette appeared atop Karoo. A lanky man with a face caked full of makeup, clad in a pink overcoat, and donning an outrageous blue outfit had seemingly materialized out of thin air.

"Who the heck is this guy?" Sakura was unable to hide her startled expression. 


The man in question was looking at Karoo just as surprised. "Why did I jump on this duck!?" 

He then lost his grip and dropped into the ocean, calling out for help and declaring he couldn't swim. 

"Do we fish him out?" asked Usopp. 






They eventually got the man back onto the ship, sogging wet and panting but otherwise unharmed. The strange cross-dresser's appearance had almost everyone alert and on deck aside from Sanji who was likely still scouting through the kitchen in hopes of finding something to scrap together for a meal for Luffy.



"Thank you for saving me! I'll never forget your kindness." He exclaimed before calmly making a request, "Also may I have a warm cup of soup?" 


We don't have any!" The crew collectively declared, emphasizing that their supplies were depleted, and they couldn't even provide for themselves, let alone a stranger who had spontaneously leaped onto their ship via duck.

Sakura, curious and amused by the man's outlandishness, couldn't help but voice her query. "What made you think that was a good idea?"

"Oh, what a cutie you are!" He squirmed, his flamboyance undeterred. "I was just practicing my dance routine when I saw that marvelous creature, and I just couldn't resist."

Of all the colorful characters she had encountered in this world, this man seemed to be on an entirely different level of eccentricity. But there was no one better at navigating odd situations and keeping things nonchalant than Luffy.

"So you can't swim?" Luffy inquired.


"No, see, I ate a Devil Fruit," the newcomer explained.


"What kind of fruit?" asked Usopp, curiosity getting the better of him.


The new passenger stood up, placing a hand on his hip theatrically. "Since I can't go anywhere until my ship picks me up, I suppose I could show you."


Unexpectedly, he raised his hand and thrust it forward, striking Luffy with surprising force, causing their captain to tumble backward and crash hard. The sudden aggression put everyone on high alert, with Zoro swiftly drawing his swords.


"Wait, wait, this is all just for fun, remember?" Everyone froze when they saw the lanky man had transformed into Luffy, bearing the captain's face and voice with uncanny precision. They were now looking at their captain dressed in the outrageous clothing of their strange passenger. 


"What the hell?"


"That's me!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing at his doppelganger.


"Surprised?" the other 'Luffy' laughed, then touched his face with his left hand and transformed back. "This is the power of the Clone-Clone Fruit."


Sakura had to marvel at the similarity of the devil fruit's power to the transformation jutsu rather than the technique itself. Since this was something they had to be able to accomplish before they could graduate from the academy. 


The man demonstrated further, touching each of them with his right hand and morphing into their likenesses one by one: Usopp, Zoro, Chopper, Sakura, and Nami.


"As you can see, I can mimic anyone! I can even change bodies too!" Nami, unappreciative of being used as an example when he opened up his top to emphasize his point, delivered a solid punch to the man's arm for his impromptu demonstration.


Sakura, Nami, and Zoro stepped aside, watching with measured skepticism as Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp became utterly captivated by this peculiar man, imploring him to showcase more of his powers. They eagerly requested that he continue with his performance. He obliged, changing faces for them with ones they weren't familiar with. Or so it seemed.


In the background, no one noticed Vivi's changing expression as a particular face passed through the transformations.


"Did anyone realize we didn't even get this guy's name?" Sakura wondered aloud as she observed the ongoing spectacle.


In the distance, a ship was approaching the Going Merry. It was a pink vessel adorned with a swan's head, and its distinctive decorations made it clear that this was the ship the stranger had been waiting for.


"It's already time to say goodbye? What a shame…" the man lamented.


"No, don't go!" Usopp pleaded.


"Don't be sad; journeys are always accompanied by farewells." With those words, he gracefully leaped onto the other ship, which began sailing away.


"Let's get going," the crew members urged.


"Yes, sir, Mr. 2. Bon Clay-sama!" they replied in unison.


However, as the ship receded into the horizon, the crew was left in shock, realizing they had just saved and danced with an enemy.


"MR. 2!?" Luffy exclaimed, perplexed.


"That guy is a member of Baroque Works?" questioned Sakura. 


Luffy looked to Vivi on the upper deck, expecting an explanation. "Vivi! You didn't recognize him?"


Vivi, overwhelmed with regret, sank to her knees, clutching her face. "I haven't ever met Mr. 2 or Mr. 1. I didn't know their powers either. But I heard Mr. 2 is a ballerina with a large frame who talks like a woman and wears a swan coat with 'Bon Clay' on the back."


Everyone gave her a deadpan expression, "How could you not know?!" 


"Vivi, what's wrong?" Nami asked, noticing that the princess was behaving a little too distraught in her opinion. 


"When he was showing his powers….one of the faces he revealed…it was of my father, Cobra Nefetari!" 


Sakura frowned, contemplating the ramifications of the encounter. Just how far had Baroque works infiltrated for this to happen? He admitted that he could only transform when he touched someone's face which was different from the transformation jutsu but Sakura knew the kind of damage a technique like that could cause if used correctly. 

"He got close enough to the king to touch his face? Can you imagine the kind of damage he could do if he decided to impersonate him?"


"I was just thinking the same thing," Zoro chimed in.


Nami interjected, "Not to mention, if he realizes we're also on Baroque Works' hit list, he can use that Devil Fruit power to transform into any one of us."


"Is it that bad?" Luffy asked, oblivious to the potential danger.


"Only if you don't mind your friends stabbing you in the back because they were impostors," Sakura answered, rubbing her temples. Her familiarity with various techniques like this stemmed from her training, and she was acutely aware of the risks involved.

"He can take on the identity of Alabasta's king. It's very likely that this is going to fall into their plan somehow and that does not bode well for us or Alabasta." Sakura said bluntly. 


In the midst of their concerns, Vivi's trembling figure drew their attention. She was evidently distraught.


"Hold on," Zoro proposed, his mind already concocting a plan. "What Luffy said makes sense. We can't do anything about Mr. 2 transforming into one of us, but we can still prepare. In fact, it's a good thing we ran into him the way we did,"


Sakura tilted her head, intrigued. "You've got something in mind?"



The waters beneath their ship, once tranquil, began to churn unusually. Calm seas transformed into waves resembling a turbulent storm except there were hardly any clouds in the sky. A peculiar shadow emerged from the depths behind their vessel. The creature that appeared looked like a cat, adorned in fish scales with visible gills. It also towered over their ship like many monsters of the sea. 


"That is so strange," Sakura couldn't help but comment. "A catfish?"


"It's a sea cat!" Vivi exclaimed, identifying the creature.


Zoro and Luffy, driven by their voracious appetites, were the first to rush to the rear of the ship. Their eyes gleamed with hunger as they readied themselves to confront the peculiar creature, eagerly anticipating it as their first meal in four days. Sanji, too, dashed onto the scene, barking orders to ensure the creature didn't escape. The poor sea cat looked bewildered, backing away from the trio and their ravenous expressions.


"No!" Vivi intervened, administering a firm smack to each of them, sending them crashing into the ship's railing. "You can't eat a sea cat! They're sacred animals in Alabasta!"


Suppressing her laughter at the sight of the three boys, Sakura remarked, "So I guess that means we're getting close?"


"Yeah," Vivi confirmed with a hint of relief. "We'll be arriving soon."


"Hear that, Luffy? We'll be able to eat soon, so stop moping and don't bite the railing!" Sakura teased as she watched Luffy gnawing on the wooden structure of their ship on the verge of tears that his prospect meal just escaped.


Nami approached them, delivering more good news. "The wind and weather have stabilized, and we're entering Alabasta's climate now."


Zoro peered out into the distance, his sharp eyes scanning the horizon. "Those ships over there are definitely signaling that we're getting close to Alabasta."


On the distant sea, ships were drawing nearer, their sails proudly displaying the Baroque Works Jolly Roger symbol.


"They're probably the Billions," Vivi noted, referring to Baroque Works' elite agents. This meant that at least 200 of Baroque Works' finest were gathering, hinting at a likely upcoming confrontation.


"Forget them," Sakura suggested with a determined expression. "We should focus on getting to shore before they realize we're here."




As the crew prepared for their impending landing, they gathered ink and brushes to paint an X on their arms. This symbol would serve as a distinctive mark to identify one another, and they would wrap it in bandages after applying the ink. It was a simple yet effective way to ensure they could recognize each other amid any potential confusion.


Zoro took the opportunity to explain the reasoning behind this precaution. "So, to keep that okama from fooling us with his disguises, all you have to do is tell the person you're suspicious of to prove their identity. They have to unseal the bandages to show the mark. If they can't, then we'll know they're an imposter."


Sanji, with a smug tone, couldn't resist taunting Zoro. "A two-step identification system? That's almost too clever for you."


In response, Zoro's temper flared. "I'LL TURN YOU INTO MINCE MEAT!"


Luffy, unaffected by the exchange, chuckled. "That's Zoro, alright."


Sakura observed the crew's preparations from her vantage point on the ship, looking out at the land that was steadily drawing nearer. "We're getting close, everyone."


Luffy, ever the leader, stood up and extended his left arm. The rest of the crew instinctively followed suit, forming a circle around their captain. "Alright, from now on, no matter what happens, this mark on our left arm will be a symbol of our friendship!"




Sakura's brief absence from the cabin had hardly lasted two minutes, yet in that short span, the situation had taken an unexpected turn. When she returned, everyone was present, except for their impulsive captain. Luffy had apparently run out of patience and ventured into the bustling city of Nanohana on his own. And Vivi promised that the sprawling city's vastness was going to make it a challenge in locating him again. 


"Serioulsy?" Sakura sighed. 'After dealing with Naruto's antics, I thought I'd be used to this but Luffy's on a whole other level of…." 



Concern etched on Sakura's face, she reminded the others of a critical detail. "Luffy does remember that Baroque Works knows what we look like, right?" Her voice was tinged with worry. Sanji had taken great pains to ensure they were presumed dead back in Little Garden. Losing their element of surprise now could jeopardize their mission. "If our captain is seen, it'll be easy for them to realize the rest of us are here as well, including Vivi."


Sanji offered his perspective. "Well, knowing Luffy, he's bound to stir up some kind of commotion."


Nami sighed, exasperation evident in her voice. "He's also clueless about the bounty on his head."


Zoro, ever pragmatic, suggested they leave Luffy to his own devices. "Just leave him be. We should go and eat something as well. We can worry about the other stuff later."


Vivi, however, noticed something unsettling on the horizon—a ship bearing the letters "Mr. 3" painted on its side. 


Usopp stared at the ship, "He survived?"


"That ship can only operate with Mr. 3's Devil Fruit ability, so he must be here."


Sakura concurred, her mind racing with the implications. "Well, then he'll definitely be reporting to his boss that we're all alive. Which means we should get moving fast,"


"Relax," Zoro's expression grew serious as he summarized their predicament. "We were only going to be able to keep our heads down for so long."


Sakura, trained as a ninja, knew the value of shadows—their ability to shield you from harm and blind your enemies. However, she found herself among boisterous pirates who had little appreciation for subtlety and infiltration.


Usopp, always quick on his feet, reassured the group. "It's alright. I have an idea."




Under the relentless desert sun, the crew embarked on their covert journey through Nanohana. Usopp's initial plan had entailed concealing themselves beneath a vast tarp. Sakura didn't dismiss the idea but tailored it a bit, slicing through the tarp turning the material into rough-hewn cloaks. This way they were free to walk amongst the people while obscuring their identities. It didn't even come off as unusual due to the heat. 


Nanohana's character as a bustling port town was undeniable. Docks stretched out from the heart of the city, where ships of various shapes and sizes lay moored. Cargo was loaded and unloaded with a sense of urgency, creating a constant hum of activity.


The heart of Nanohana was a town with a bustling bazaar. A veritable sea of people swirled through narrow alleyways, merchants hawking their wares, their voices a symphony of haggling and commerce. Exotic scents and fragrances wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and barter. Colorful fabrics and intricate trinkets hung from stalls, their vibrant hues catching the sunlight, while vendors beckoned to passersby with captivating goods.


Despite their careful concealment, the crew couldn't shake the unease that came with their missing captain. Sakura's sigh carried the weight of their predicament, a reminder that their journey was far from over. As they navigated the maze of streets, their eyes darted anxiously, searching for any sign of their captain amidst the labyrinthine alleys of Nanohana.


'Where are you Luffy?' 



 That's all for now! You can check out the full month's schedule on my Tumblr. And EARLY CHAPTERS are available for members.


Of course here's something to look forward to as well: SNEAK PEAK! 

CHAPTER 22: Kunoichi amongst Pirates 

"Quit wasting time, and let's find Luffy," Sakura urged, 


"Where would that idiot run off to?" Zoro inquired, a hint of frustration in his voice.


Sakura, struck by a sudden realization, proclaimed, "Food!"


Zoro frowned, seemingly incredulous. "Are you kidding? You're hungry now?"


Sakura scoffed, "No, idiot. Luffy was raving about getting something to eat. I bet we can find him at a restaurant."


"That makes sense," Usopp agreed, recalling Luffy's penchant for food-related escapades.


The trio ventured forth, Zoro keenly searching for any indicators of a restaurant. His gaze, however, was drawn to an unexpected sight – a man at a bazaar stand with a wide jolly roger tattooed on his back.


"That's from…," Zoro began, recognizing the symbol.


"Have you seen this guy?" the man inquired of the elderly woman behind the table.


She inspected the wanted poster and confirmed, "Monkey D. Luffy."


Sakura, Nami, Zoro, and Usopp instinctively moved closer, eavesdropping on the unfolding conversation. The potential threat of someone exploiting Luffy's bounty raised questions about their safety and the looming danger of being exposed to Baroque Works.


"I haven't seen anyone like that, but you can ask at the restaurant up ahead; the owner seems to know everyone," the old woman suggested.


The mysterious figure departed, leaving the crew to process the information they had inadvertently stumbled upon.


"She said there's a restaurant up ahead. Think Luffy might be stuffing his face in there?" Sakura pondered.


"You mean where the mystery guy flaunting Luffy's bounty is heading?" Usopp voiced his concerns. "Let's hope not! We can't get caught now."


"Did you see the mark on his back?" asked Zoro.




"That mark is—"

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