Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 22: Surprising Encounters

Welcome back my rockn' readers! I hope this month has been treating you well. 

You all know what time it is! New Chapter Time! 

This is dedicated to each and every one of you. I hope these stories bring more light into your lives! 



The crew found themselves in an unexpected predicament thanks to Luffy's spontaneous decision to explore, wandering off alone. 

Thus their intentions of a simple resupply were dashed by the ever-unpredictable actions of their captain. In the heart of the arid expanse, the crew had sought refuge, concealing themselves from prying eyes. 


Yuba was their destination, an oasis town that was acting as the base for the Rebel Army. According to Viv. However, crossing the desert posed its own set of challenges—limited resources, sweltering heat, and the need for suitable clothing. The latter becoming a bit of a contentious issue due to Sanji. 


Sanji, being the only member whose face remained unfamiliar to the enemy, could roam the town freely without raising suspicions. However, as the crew anticipated his return, they weren't prepared for the eccentric tastes that would manifest in the clothing he procured for the girls.


When Sanji returned, he unveiled his acquisitions – three beautiful two-piece outfits, adorned with frilly skirts and intricate patterns. The fabric seemed more suited for a grand celebration than a perilous desert journey. And for good reason. They were meant for dancer girls, which Vivi pointed out. Nami wasn't too disappointed, reveling in the aesthetic appeal, and even took the time to style her hair to complement the ensemble. The two still decided to put on the clothing, while Sakura folded it up. 


"Sakura-chan, why aren't you getting dressed?" Sanji inquired, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he beheld the outfit intended for her.


Sakura, holding the vibrant attire in her hands, responded with a deadpan expression, "Because I'm not exposing my belly in the desert heat, Sanji."


"I like these kinds of clothes," Nami interjected, turning to admire the frills and patterns that adorned her.

"I'd rather wear something like the guys' outfits. At least they're covered," Sakura remarked, eyeing the more practical attire the men were sporting. It was a full dress, with light colors and fabric. 


"NO, NO SAKURA-CHAN, THE BOYS LOOK LIKE BANDITS IN THOSE OUTFITS," Sanji passionately protested, emphasizing his point with a touch of theatrical flair.


"HOW ARE WE ANY DIFFERENT FROM YOU?" Zoro chimed in, his mouth occupied with a hearty piece of meat. The crew, ravenous and eager for a meal, displayed a stark contrast to the heated discussion about fashion.


"I'm not wearing this," Sakura declared, her tone firm and unyielding.


Vivi, ever the voice of reason, sighed, "True, this isn't very practical for a walk through the desert."


"Come now, Sakura-chan—"


"No," Sakura stated firmly, her resolve unwavering.


Zoro, ever straightforward, scoffed, "It doesn't suit you anyway."


"Huh?" Sakura was taken aback.


"The outfit," Zoro clarified.


Sakura huffed, visibly irritated, as she rolled up the clothes and tossed them towards Zoro's head. "Hey, what was that for?!" he protested.


"Idiot," Nami muttered, shaking her head.


Meanwhile, the crew's anthropomorphic doctor was in distress. The overpowering smell of the perfume Sanji had acquired rendered the poor reindeer immobile. Nami, in a mischievous mood, seized the opportunity to tease Chopper further, spritzing a bit more of the fragrance on herself to watch him squirm.


"And we still don't know where our idiot captain is," Sakura muttered, her gaze scanning the surroundings. "Should we just go and look for him?"


"But we can't go tracking through town with these supplies," Usopp argued, pointing towards the abundant spread of provisions.


"Divide and conquer," Sakura stated, offering a pragmatic solution to their current dilemma.




The air in the bustling bazaar of Nanohana was thick with the scent of exotic spices and the vibrant colors of fabrics and goods. Sakura, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper, each adorned in their makeshift cloaks, maneuvered through the maze of stalls. The midday sun beat down relentlessly, intensifying the challenge of their quest to find Luffy.

Although Vivi was familiar with the terrain, she remained behind with Sanji, to protect her identity as Alabasta's princess. 


They were walking around the bazaar area, trying to find Luffy and ward off eager sales pitches that seemed to be able to tell they were tourists. Usopp was almost suckered into buying an apple painted gold while the salesmen spun a story about how it would allow a person to live for a thousand years if eaten. 


"Quit wasting time, and let's find Luffy," Sakura urged, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of their captain.


"Where would that idiot run off to?" Zoro inquired, a hint of frustration in his voice.


Sakura, struck by a sudden realization, proclaimed, "Food!"


Zoro frowned, seemingly incredulous. "Are you kidding? You're hungry now?"


Sakura scoffed, "No, idiot. Luffy was raving about getting something to eat. I bet we can find him at a restaurant."


"That makes sense," Usopp agreed, recalling Luffy's penchant for food-related escapades.


The trio ventured forth, Zoro keenly searching for any indicators of a restaurant. His gaze, however, was drawn to an unexpected sight – a man at a bazaar stand with a wide jolly roger tattooed on his back.


"That's from…," Zoro began, recognizing the symbol.


"Have you seen this guy?" the man inquired of the elderly woman behind the table.


She inspected the wanted poster and confirmed, "Monkey D. Luffy."


Sakura, Nami, Zoro, and Usopp instinctively moved closer, eavesdropping on the unfolding conversation. The potential threat of someone exploiting Luffy's bounty raised questions about their safety and the looming danger of being exposed to Baroque Works.


"I haven't seen anyone like that, but you can ask at the restaurant up ahead; the owner seems to know everyone," the old woman suggested.


The mysterious figure departed, leaving the crew to process the information they had inadvertently stumbled upon.


"She said there's a restaurant up ahead. Think Luffy might be stuffing his face in there?" Sakura pondered.


"You mean where the mystery guy flaunting Luffy's bounty is heading?" Usopp voiced his concerns. "Let's hope not! We can't get caught now."


"Did you see the mark on his back?" asked Zoro.




"That mark is—"


Before Zoro could divulge the significance of the tattoo, their attention shifted abruptly. Another familiar face appeared in the bustling bazaar – Tashigi, the swordswoman they had encountered back in Logue Town. Panic seized Zoro, prompting him to dash behind jars, and his companions followed suit.


"What's wrong with you?" Sakura questioned.


"That woman's here," Zoro explained, peering out cautiously.


Their collective gaze landed on Tashigi, accompanied by none other than Smoker. The marine captain dropped off two pirate bodies he had apprehended, marking their presence in this seemingly far-flung corner of the world.


"Did they follow us from Logue Town!?" Usopp exclaimed in disbelief.


"It seems like it," Zoro grimaced. "With the Marines here and this mystery guy, things can get ugly real fast." The convergence of Marines, bounty hunters, and Baroque Works cast a foreboding shadow over their covert mission in the desert.




Due to the appearance of these new obstacles, the crew thought it was better to remove themselves from the scene and regroup. Zoro was particularly eager to leave. Upon their return, they informed the others what they saw. 


 "What are we going to do now?" Sanji exhaled a plume of smoke, his brow furrowed.


"We've got to get out of here. We don't want the Marines finding our ship either. But we need to find Luffy first," Sakura mused, gazing up at the scorching sun.


As if on cue, the mutterings of a growing commotion reached their ears. The atmosphere shifted, restlessness and urgency hanging in the air. Footsteps echoed, and distant yells hinted at the imminent arrival of trouble.


"It's the Marines," Zoro noted, his expression tensing.


"Something's happening," Nami observed.


"They're probably chasing some idiot pirate," Sanji nonchalantly commented.


And then the realization struck them – the 'idiot pirate' being pursued was likely none other than their captain.


Sure enough, amidst the escalating commotion, they spotted Luffy sprinting across the plains.




Their calls reached their captain who didn't hesitate or think to call out to them. "HEY THERE YOU GUYS ARE!" and he bounded toward them, seemingly oblivious to the Marines hot on his heels.


"You idiot!" Zoro seethed. 


"Time to go!" Sakura grabbed supplies, and the crew hastily followed suit. The marines and Commander Smoker were closing in, chasing Luffy, who, in his apparent heedlessness, had led them straight to the rest of the crew.


"Great job, Luffy, you led them right to us!" Sanji chided as they ran.




As Smoker prepared to launch an attack, a sudden burst of flames interrupted the pursuit. The same man who had been searching for Luffy emerged, parts of his body ablaze, signaling his status as a Devil Fruit user.


"You may be smoke, but I'm fire," the man declared.


Recognition dawned on Luffy's face. "Ace…?"


The man, now identified as Ace, glanced at Luffy with familiarity and disdain. "You haven't changed, Luffy."


As the marines closed in, Ace turned to face them. "Now's not the time for a chat. You guys head out; I'll catch up."


Luffy, still processing the unexpected reunion, quickly ordered his crew to move. "Let's go!"


As they made their escape, questions lingered. "Who is that guy, Luffy?" Sanji inquired.


With a wide grin, Luffy dropped a revelation that left his crew dumbfounded. "He's my brother."


The crew, astounded by this unexpected revelation, couldn't help but shout in unison, "BROTHER!?"


Luffy told the crew while they were making their escape about his brother Ace. He was also a pirate apparently and had left for the seas three years before Luffy did. At least now the crew knew that this person was considered an ally, technically speaking. Though he was another pirate from another crew. Ace gave them a chance to escape, from behind they could see a rise of smoke and fire in the city, so they knew Luffy's brother was occupying the marine captain for now. 





It seemed that the reprieve from the marines granted by Luffy's brother was all for naught as Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Chopper, Karoo, and Sakura managed to return to the ship without further incident, only to realize that their captain had gone missing once again. They were all so distracted by the goal of escaping that they hadn't thought to take a head count or look to see if the entire group was gathered together. They were quite a number after all and everyone trusted that they would be able to follow along until they reached the Going Merry. 


It seems they grossly misjudged. 


The ship cut through the waves, leaving Nanohana and its tumultuous events behind. A peculiar sense of deja vu hung in the air. Sakura's gaze flickered over the crew, each one mirroring a mix of frustration and concern. The chaotic departure, reminiscent of a rushed retreat, left them breathless.


"You have got to be kidding me!" Sakura's voice echoed her disbelief, eyes scanning the empty deck for the familiar sight of their captain. Luffy was missing once again. Everyone was trying to do their own thing to get them moving out to sea but they failed to realize until now that he was gone. 


"That stupid moron!" Zoro's shout conveyed irritation, and everyone shifted from their positions. Sanji, still at the sails, Usopp manning the rudder, Vivi and Sakura securing supplies – all halted when the realization dawned.


Nami, her fists clenched. "Let's get the ship out to sea."


Chopper, innocence etched on his furry face, posed the unspoken question. "Why are we leaving when Luffy isn't on board?"


"The marines will come looking for us at the harbor. We need to hide the ship first," She explained. "We'll come back for Luffy after." 


"No different than what happened in Logue Town," Sakura sighed. 


Vivi, casting her eyes out to sea, offered a solution. "There's a cove not far from here. We can lay low until things cool down and then return for Luffy. They won't find us there."


As the crew grappled with the interruption, Sakura's mind, was in a peculiar alignment with her knuckle-headed friend who had a knack for drawing them into predicaments like this. 


"That guy attracts trouble like a dead guy attracts vultures," Usopp remarked, capturing the essence of their captain's knack for chaos.


It appeared another quest for Luffy was on the horizon, an unintended sequel to their recent escapade. Just as the prospect of another wild search loomed, the ship jolted. A sudden force propelled them forward, and all eyes turned to the edge of the vessel.


It was none other than Luffy.


In a manner befitting his unpredictable nature, Luffy had used his devil fruit powers and catapulted himself onto the ship. His grin, unfazed and victorious, met the perplexed expressions of his crew.


"I'm back guys!" Luffy announced triumphantly as if he had achieved a remarkable feat.


Sakura's exasperation melted into a chuckle. "Captain, you really know how to make an entrance."




Luffy, having lost his crew in the chaotic chase, found himself once again in the company of his brother, Ace. As they relished in a brief catch-up, Luffy couldn't help but boast about his crewmates and the adventures they shared.


"I've got the best crew ever!" Luffy exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with pride as he recounted the escapades of his diverse and spirited companions.


Their camaraderie, however, was abruptly interrupted. Ambushed by Baroque Works agents eager for a promotion, the two brothers effortlessly dispatched the would-be assailants. The mismatched attackers, thinking they had an easy target, soon realized the folly of underestimating the brothers.


Upon returning to the harbor, Luffy spotted the familiar silhouette of the Going Merry. Without a second thought, he stretched out his arms and rocketed toward the ship, unintentionally knocking down Sanji and Chopper, who happened to be in his trajectory.


"Sorry about that," Luffy chuckled, looking down at his friends sprawled on the deck, their annoyance palpable. Sanji, ever theatrical, threatened dire consequences.


"One of these days I'm going to flay you,"


"Can you at least try to act like a captain?" Nami scolded.


"I'm sorry," Luffy's attention was drawn elsewhere very quickly. He started looking over the boat, "Where's Ace?" 


"You were with your brother?" asked Zoro. 




"And did you leave him behind?" Sakura asked skeptically. 


"I don't think so, but it's fine." Luffy grinned, putting a hand behind his head. "Ace is strong. I couldn't even beat him in a fight before he ate a devil fruit!" 


The revelation surprised his crewmates. Luffy, the indomitable force, admitting to being bested was a rarity.


"I guess the big brother of a monster is an even bigger monster," Usopp mused.


"That's right. I lost all the time," Luffy admitted nonchalantly, leaning against the ship's edge. "But I bet I could beat him now."


"I'd like to see you back that claim," Zoro challenged.


"Who can win what now?"


Ace's sudden appearance brought an end to the banter. Emerging from below the Going Merry, he landed on the edge with an easy grace. The crew marveled at his arrival, especially considering they were already out at sea. Sakura, ever observant, noticed a small boat on the other side.


'Did he come here in that?' 



"Hey Ace, this is my crew I was telling you about!" Luffy announced proudly, gesturing to his companions.


Ace inclined his head in a slight bow, a courteous smile gracing his features. "Nice to meet you, thanks for taking care of my brother."


"Oh no, not at all," the crew replied in unison, each offering a respectful bow to the older brother. Despite their recent gripes about Luffy, Ace's polite demeanor left them momentarily disarmed.


"He might be a bit too much for you to handle, but—"


"Not at all," they reassured simultaneously, their protests softened by Ace's charm.


"Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea," Sanji offered.


Ace declined with a polite smile. "No, that's okay. Don't do it on account of me. But I would like to ask, Luffy, what do you say about joining me and the Whitebeard Pirates?"


"Whitebeard!?" Usopp exclaimed, clearly shocked.


Luffy simply replied, "No thanks."


Ace chuckled. "Yeah, that's just like you."


The crew couldn't help but notice the vast difference between the brothers. While Luffy embodied recklessness and impulsiveness, Ace exuded a more sensible and composed demeanor. The paradox between them sparked curiosity — were they truly raised in the same manner?


"No way this sensible man can be related to Luffy," Nami remarked, echoing the sentiments of the crew.


"He's a nice guy who cares about his brother," Vivi defended, attempting to quell the skepticism.


"I wish I had a wonderful brother like that," Chopper sighed.


"Brother, I wish I had a wonderful captain like that," Sanji teased.


"Sanji!" Vivi exclaimed, glancing at Ace with an apologetic smile. "They're kidding."


"Sure," Sakura drawled, her tone laced with sarcasm.


Unfazed by his crew's comments, Luffy maintained his wide grin. "See! I told you they were neat!"


Ace chuckled, "Yeah, hey Luffy I've got something for you," 

Ace pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and tossed it to Luffy. As Luffy unfolded the paper, he found it to be blank. Perplexed, he asked, "What's this?"


"That piece of paper will bring us together in the future," Ace explained. "Do you not want it?"


"No, I'll keep it," Luffy replied


Ace tipped his hat to the crew. "Having a reckless little brother is stressful on this older brother's heart. But I hope you'll continue to take care of him."


Luffy sensing that this was Ace's farewell, sought for his brother to stay longer. "Why don't you hang with us a little longer?" 


Ace shook his head, "Meeting up with you was just an added bonus. I'm chasing after someone. He used to be a member of the Whitebeard pirates, my subordinate. He calls himself Blackbeard now. He committed the worst crime you can commit on a ship. Killing another crew member. As the division commander, it's my responsibility to see that he meets his end. If it weren't for something as serious as that I'd never sail all the way back the other way on the Grand Line," 


Then he gave a grin up at Luffy, "Luffy, the next time we meet, is when you're at the pirate's top," 


Their heartfelt exchange was cut short when they noticed several ships closing in on them, all bearing the Baroque Works Jolly Roger on their main sails. The ruckus caused by Luffy had alerted the bounty hunters, and they were now closing in for an attack.


"We're gonna have to fight here after all," Sakura noted, preparing for battle. However, Ace intervened.


"Leave this to me. I'll handle them," he declared, jumping off the Going Merry and onto his small boat.


"He's going alone?" Nami questioned.


"And in that dinky boat too?" Usopp added.


Zoro, arms crossed, reassured them, "I wouldn't worry about it."


"You really think so?" Sakura asked him.


"They don't let just anyone become the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates," Zoro replied.


"Who are the Whitebeard Pirates?" Sakura inquired, reminding everyone that her knowledge of the pirate world was still growing.


"One of the strongest pirate crews in the world, with an even stronger captain," Zoro explained, shedding light on the formidable reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates and their captain.


The spectacle of Ace's fiery prowess left the crew in awe. His hands transformed into dancing flames, earning him the well-deserved moniker, Fire Fist Ace. The intense heat radiated from his blazing fists, and as he charged toward the approaching ships, a fiery inferno followed his every movement.


The flames grew more intense as Ace neared the vessels, and the crew witnessed the destructive power of his Devil Fruit ability. The ships, once menacingly advancing, now became engulfed in a sea of fire. Panic ensued among the Baroque Works members as they scrambled to evade the rapidly approaching flames. Desperation filled the air as crew members leaped overboard, abandoning their burning vessels to the mercy of the sea.


In the blink of an eye, it was over. Ace stood triumphant, the once-threatening ships reduced to smoldering wreckage. The sea around them sizzled, the remnants of the fire dissipating into the salty water.


Sakura, usually composed in the face of battles, found herself stunned by the sheer display of power. The magnitude of control Ace exerted over fire was beyond anything she had witnessed in her ninja life. In the shinobi world, manipulating elements required intricate hand signs, precise chakra control, and extensive training. Yet, here was Ace, turning his very body into an inferno with seemingly effortless ease.


The comparison between ninja jutsu and Devil Fruit's abilities intrigued Sakura. She pondered the extent of the powers these fruits could grant. If executing a jutsu of similar magnitude, a ninja would need an extraordinary amount of chakra, surpassing the capabilities of an average shinobi.


She absentmindedly examined her own hands, wondering about the potential abilities granted by her hypothetical Devil Fruit. The allure of the unknown sparked curiosity within her. What could her powers be, and how could they be harnessed? 



ALRIGHT THAT'S ALL FOLKS! If you want to know more about what's to come just check out my TUMBLR PAGE. 




"Just… it must be nice to be as strong as you are," she confessed.


"Huh?" Sakura's brows furrowed in surprise.


"Even though we're both girls," Nami continued, "you can protect yourself and others. You're even able to heal them when they're hurt."


"I can't do that. I can't even protect myself well enough not to burden my friends during battle. I don't want it to impact this mission. Not when there's so much on the line for Vivi. So I was hoping that this might be able to make up for my lacking," 


Sakura gave a small scoff, and smile sitting down in front of Nami, "Believe me, I know how it is. Those feelings of weakness. When your struggles are not the same as others but the obstacles are. And all you can do is either stand back or be in the way," 


Nami looked at Sakura, "No way, you?" 


"One thing I learned about being a woman, is that we have to be strong. Or the world is going to trample us," 


If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my Tumblr where you can join as a member. 


MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember)


-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 57, 58, 59


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams


-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 23, 24, 25


-Crossroads of Fate chapter 15, 16


-Through the Looking Glass chapter 17, 18. 19, 20, 21


-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6


Public post 15 FEBRUARY 


-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 57


-Crossroads of Fate chapter 15


Well that's it from me, I hope you look forward to the next chapter! See you lovelies! 

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