Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 31: Chapter 31 The end of the storm

Hello Everyone! I'm a little late but today is this authors Birthday, and I've stepped away to celebrate for a while and now I'm going to celebrate with new chapters for you! Hope you enjoy

If you have any questions or you want to reach out Please do it through TUMBLR ONLY: tumblr.com/blog/katsura369 


The rain had returned, the war had ended and Crocodile was defeated, and yet somehow as Sakura looked at her friends scattered on the ground like petals, she felt it was too soon to call for a happily ever after. For that would assume a clean cut conclusion, but there were still many uncertainties to face, as this was life.


Didn't mean they couldn't grasp some moment of reprieve. Of course, Sakura knew her work was cut out as even the other ship's doctor was out of commission for now. She blew a puff of air, looking towards the palace. She could handle the combined weight of her friends, but she wouldn't look very dignified lumping them over her shoulders, stacked on top of each other because that was the only way she would be making one trip.


"Oi," Sakura grunted, sliding down the wall. Closing her eyes and just feeling the rain on her face. In any other situation, she would've looked for shelter or an umbrella. But now, this was the greatest reward after the drought. 


Sakura slowly opened her eyes to her friends scattered on the ground around her. Each of them bore the marks of the fierce battles they had fought, their bodies exhausted and bruised. She was about to start with treatment when her instincts brought her up.


 But before she could even start moving, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.


She turned her head and saw the marines coming in from all corners of the area attempting to box them in. Their arms raised, and guns cocked, ready to fire at any sign of resistance.

"Don't move straw hat!"

"We've got you now!"


Sakura didn't move, as instructed but she gave them all a nasty look that would cause a step back.

"Are you going to put up a fight against unarmed people? More importantly shouldn't you be dealing with the warlord that almost destroyed this country?"


It was quite a sting on the marines, knowing that they had made such a blunder and worst of all had to rely on pirates to deal with Crocodile in their stead.

"Stand down now men!" Tashigi came through the barricade of marines to the front facing Sakura and the other straw hats. The Marines paused, uncertainty flickering across their faces. The Marine captain's eyes were sharp.


"Back off," Tashigi ordered her men, her tone brooking no argument. "We won't be taking the Straw Hats into custody."


Some polite protests broke out amongst them, arguing that there wouldn't be a better opportunity to capture the pirates. Sakura would've been more than inclined to disprove that theory however she didn't need to as Tashigi insisted firmly that they would not be pursuing the straw hats, despite that more than half of them were already looking like dead ducks.


Sakura narrowed her eyes, suspicious of this unexpected generosity. "What's the catch?" she asked. "Why are you letting us go?"


"We don't have the right to capture you," she said flatly with a hardened expression. "Not after what happened."


Tashigi motioned for her men to disperse, and they began to retreat. She was about to leave when Sakura called out to her. "Wait, I need to ask you something."


Tashigi paused, turning back with a questioning look. The two women faced each other, equally perplexed. "What is it?"


"That Smoker guy, your captain... he told me I did something. I sunk a fleet."


Although the marine sergeant had a puzzled expression in her eyes, she answered flatly to the kunoichi, with a hint of malice in her voice. "Of course you did. The only known survivor informed us. He said you blew away the entire fleet in an instant while they were sailing in a storm. I don't know why you're bringing this up, are you trying to mock me for showing you mercy?"


"I'm not." Sakura clenched her fists, glaring back at the women and Tashigi knew from looking into her eyes, it wouldn't be possible to beat her in battle. The sight mirrors that of Nico Robin's when Tashigi attempted and miserably failed to free the king of Alabasta. Truly, this day had brought many shameful revelations.


Images of heavy rains, darkened skies, gray clouds, winds, and a roaring ocean of tumbling waves flashed across her mind like a broken slide projection. Grabbing her head until her skelp was pulled up with her hair, Sakura didn't say anything as Tashigi took her leave with the rest of the marines.


"While I'm letting you go this time, that crime still stands. There won't be a next time."


Sakura watched as Tashigi turned and walked away, the weight of her words settling heavily on her shoulders. She couldn't help but wonder, what had she done. And why couldn't she remember doing such a thing?


The mystery of her actions hung over her like a dark cloud...




Vivi returned with her father and a group of soldiers to efficiently move the injured Straw Hats, carrying them to the palace where they could rest and be out of sight from the marines for the time being. Once they were safe in the palace walls, Sakura immediately went to rolling up her sleeves and treating their wounds, starting with her captain.


For the next twenty-four hours, Sakura worked tirelessly, treating the injured. Her friends each had their levels of damage, injuries that had worsened by pushing themselves to their limits while running around for the bomb and battling enemies. She stitched wounds, set broken bones, and used her chakra to accelerate healing wherever she could.


Once her friends were stable, she turned her attention to the rest of Alabasta. A makeshift medical ward had been set up since the hospital was destroyed by Crocodile's antics. The ward was a flurry of activity, filled with the injured and the sick. Sakura's skills were in high demand, and she worked through the rain-filled day, moving from one patient to the next without pause.


Night had already fallen, and time had passed two in the morning when Sakura made her way back to the palace. When she entered, Vivi was waiting for her with a warm smile and a hot meal prepared. The sight of the food made Sakura's stomach rumble, reminding her that she hadn't eaten. Surprisingly the smell wasn't enough to wake up her snoring group of friends who were only a few feet away from the table.

While there were many rooms in the castle, they all needed treatment, and to save Sakura time everyone was put in a single room, with a line up of beds against the wall that were so close, that some of them could reach out to the other between the gaps to kick and punch away in their sleep. Sakura found it incredible that even in a state of unconsciousness they were fighting.


"Thank Vivi. You didn't have to wait up for me,"


"No it's fine," Vivi glanced out at the window, covered in raindrops. The girls ate together in comfortable silence.

As the night wore on, the two girls settled into a quiet vigil, watching over their sleeping friends. The rain continued to fall outside, a gentle reminder of the battles they had fought and the peace they had earned, however fleeting it might be.




And that had officially been the last peaceful moment allowed to Sakura because soon after, like daisies in the summer field, everyone popped out of bed, wide-eyed, mouth, and eager to catch up as if they had been apart for a year. All except for Luffy who slumbered away in recovery.


That was how Sakura's day dawned, as she was jolted from her nightmare-filled sleep to Zoro and Sanji bickering, their voices bouncing off the walls as they attempted to reopen each other's wounds. Chopper was running around, his hooves clacking on the floor as he fretted over Luffy. While Usopp was jolly and boasting of his speedy recovery, crediting himself to the miraculous cure of his fractured bones. And Nami was trying to scream over everyone to lower their volume.


Sakura groaned, throwing the blankets off of her, trying to get their attention. "Hey, guys!"


Still, they didn't notice her. Finally, losing her patience, she screamed, "EVERYONE, SHUT UP!"


The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her. Sakura rubbed her temples and glared at them. "Eighteen hours of sleep, and you have this much energy?"




"You're awake!"






Later on, as the day progressed, Sakura and Vivi caught everyone up to what they missed during their long nap. The marines were still scouting the area looking for them of course they were denied any access to the castle. Sakura also explained Luyffy's current status as comatose, but that he would likely wake soon as his injuries were well treated. Though he was still combating a high fever, that concerned the two medics.

Sakura and Chopper were diligent in ensuring their captain was as comfortable as possible while he slumbered, but he had no trouble kicking and punching at everyone in his sleep, which led them to conclude the worst was over.


"Chopper, I am so glad you are here now, I was swamped."


Chopper blushed, doing his usual flattered smile and dance. "You're stupid if you think I'm going to be flattered by your compliments," he said, although it was clear he was pleased.


Usopp stared at them, "Does this mean you wouldn't mind if the rest of us were still asleep,"


"That's not what I meant, though you were making an uproar."


It had been a constant battle keeping everyone from leaving their beds straight away and running like normal. Their recovery time was remarkable even though they credited Sakura for her healing. Sakura still wanted her friends to at least take it easy for one day before going off the rails again. However, that just wasn't in the cards they were playing with. But at least they were doing it together, except for one.


"Where did Zoro go?" Nami asked, noticing the swordsmen had been missing for almost two hours. Anyone else it wouldn't be a concern, but they all had a sense of direction, and Zoro thought that North meant up.


Sanji shrugged, "Maybe he got lost going to the bathroom."


"He went to train," Usopp said, iterating he had seen Zoro take his swords with him. 


"Ah! But he's still injured!" exclaimed Chopper.


Sakura's eye twitched, and the palace seemed to rattle as she screamed, "THAT IDIOT!"




Zoro could see the palace from where he sat, deciding not to go any further than the outskirts of it. He sat meditating in the most peculiar light, carrying a weight not only mentally but also physically, as two large rocks balanced on his arms. He had to forget about the itch beneath his bandages if he wanted them to stay in that position.

His hardest battle yet had been against the Baroque work agent, Mr.1. Daz Bones A man who could turn his body into blades as tough as steel. Zoro didn't quibble about the semantics, knowing that all he had to do to win was learn how to cut through steel. That fight had brought out many revelations in his fighting form, a great improvement in his opinion. But not a constant just yet. It was like trying to balance on a thin rope, he could fall at any moment or it could snap. But he needed to make sure that rope was thick and woven into a bridge so he could cross at any time.


After all this time in this state, Zoro was finally beginning to center himself, wiping away the haunting images of his stupid captain laying comatose in that bed back at the palace. He was finally beginning to feel the breeze in the air and draw in on that feeling he held when his life was on a thread.


"Are you kidding me right now!?" And there went his concentration. Zoro's eyes twitched as he shifted trying to hold his balance of the boulders on him. But he could hear footsteps stomping towards him, usually, they were too quiet to even detect.


"What the hell are you doing Zoro?"


He felt the air cool as her shadow fell over him and opened his eyes greeted by their furious medic glaring down at him with a gaze as hot as the desert.


"Go away." He grunted.


"I just finished healing your ass. Why are you out here lifting rocks?"


Zoro opened one eye, clearly annoyed. "Mind your own business."


Sakura's eyes narrowed, hands on her hips. "You're my patient; you are my business."


"I'm training,"


"Really? Because it looks like you're trying to undo my work,"


Zoro's lips curled into a smirk, as he tried to brush off the feeling of her glare. "If it's such a problem, why don't you do a better job of healing me?"


Sakura gritted her teeth, her fists clenching at her sides. Then she did something surprising, she took a breath and seemed to swallow down and digest her agitation. "Okay, fine. Just don't overdo it. My healing isn't magic."


Zoro was taken aback by her sudden docility, but looking at her closely, he could tell that she had become lethargic. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing," Sakura replied curtly. She quickly shifted the subject. "What are you trying so hard for, anyway? It's like you're overcompensating for something."


Zoro's gaze hardened and the flicker of concern went out. "What does it look like? I'm training to get stronger. So I can cut through steel."


"You did that?" He did not appreciate her eyebrow raise.


"Yeah in one battle," Zoro turned his head away from her, sweat on his brow. "I need to be that sharp in all of the battles coming,"


Although he had shut the curtains to her, Zoro could somehow feel her gaze strengthening. He thought to ignore it, and let it roll off on his back but it was just stuck on his face. And for whatever reason it was becoming uncomfortably heated. Especially when he opened his eyes and had to snap back from the distance she had closed between them, kneeling to be face to face. He ended up dropping the rocks a little hard on his arms.



"What are you doing now!?" Sakura snapped, lifting the rocks like they were paper.


"Why were you so close!?"


"I wanted to help you!"


"Did you have to get in my face to do it!?" Zoro hissed back.


Sakura sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "I wanted to see how focused you were okay? Now are you going to let me help or throw another fit?"


The training was like breathing for Zoro, not as something that was too easy to do but as what needed to be done every day for the sake of growing, for the sake of his dreams. It was building a bridge toward the skies he wanted to reach, and he wouldn't appreciate others taking it lightly. However Sakura was different, he believed. If she could have that much strength and ability, then she must've had something worth accepting.

Now if only he could look her in the eye without drifting into pointless fog.


"What do you want me to do?" He conceded.

With a decisive clap, Sakura didn't even need to ponder, she told him to stand up, "Now take a deep breath in, and close your eyes." He did as instructed, "Block out everything but my voice,"


"Hard enough to ignore that shrew voice of yours-arg!" He felt the skin of his back pinch together as Sakura squeezed it between her fingers.

"Just block out the pain," He could hear the smile in her voice. Sakura walked around him, taking his hand and placing it just above her chest, "Now focus. Steady your breathing, equal breaths in and out, no lagging, follow me,"

Zoro understood she wanted him to breathe in sync with her, but he noticed equally that as she followed her pattern, it was smooth, unbroken, and deliberate in its control. It felt odd, being as aware of your breathing. It felt even more off knowing he was breathing in sync with her. But Sakura didn't let him think about it too long.


"Good, keep it up. Your eyes are closed, everything is dark. I want you to picture a dot of light in that darkness, keep it the same size in your mind, and focus. Think about that exact moment you drew on the power to cut through. I want you to draw an invisible string starting from that dot leading out into the dark,"

Whatever odd instruction Sakura gave, Zoro followed. "Now take your sword," He placed his hand on one of his swords, eyes still closed. He could hear everything, his own beating heart, the winds, everything had become hyper-focused. So when Sakura breathed out her order, he already knew what to do.

"Now strike!"


Zoro opened his eyes as he swung his sword. The slash went through the air, visibly cutting it, as small kick-ups of sand cleared a path from the sheer force of his slash. Force that managed to reach a rock out in the distance and cause a break in it, a clean one.

"Wow, not bad,"


The swordsman was still staring out at his work. Zoro took another slash, this time with more confidence. The sensation returned, sharp and clear, as his blade sliced through the air with precision. He felt that elusive power sync with his movements once more.


Sakura folded her arms in satisfaction, "You picked on the trick quickly. It should be easier for you to draw on that power now."


Zoro couldn't hide his excitement. "How did you know a trick like this?"


Sakura stepped closer, her expression turning thoughtful and Zoro realized he might be standing on a mine of hers that could detonate.


But she walked around to one of the rocks he was using as weights, "My power is all about precision and control. When I throw a punch, I'm molding my energy into my fists and then releasing it on impact which gives this result." Sakura put her palm on the rock and pushed lightly with barely any force and yet the rock cracked and collapsed.


"Wait, so it's not actually monster strength?" 


She shrugged, "I suppose technically. My master taught me control for my healing techniques, and I apply it to my fighting as well. I use it to strengthen my body. You're the one who noticed remember?"


He remembered asking how it was possible for someone with little to no muscle density to pull off that kind of raw strength.


"Oh, that's how you did it," Zoro scratched his head, realizing she had to do this every single time she threw a punch, keeping that kind of precision and control like it was second nature. "When you think about it, that's even more amazing than just super strength," He gave the compliment without meaning to.


"Thank you Zoro," Zoro felt something catch in his throat, and his body tense when he saw Sakura's mouth curve upwards, her eyes curl with her cheeks high, her hands behind her back and the sun catching her form. She seemed genuinely happy as if taking a compliment for the first time. But for some reason, it was eye-catching for him.

"Alright since I helped, you can take a break from training before I have to fix you up again."


Zoro watched her intently as she walked back toward him, unable to take his eyes off her. He could feel the paces of his heart quickening, an unfamiliar feeling making him uneasy.

"What is wrong with me?" he muttered to himself.


Sakura looked back, "Something wrong, Zoro?"


He shook his head, trying to compose himself. "No, nothing."


He didn't know what was wrong with him right now, but he didn't think it was anything good.

THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and Remember to stay strong!


If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my TUMBLR where you can join as a member. You can also get the update schedule to follow. As well as Fanart posts.


NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Reapers

-Commission: Demon slayer x My hero academia (PART 1 & 2)

 Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) ( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter (76, 77, 78)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter ( 32, 33,34)

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 23, 24, 25, 26

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33,

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6

-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi


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