Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Farewell Vivi
I'm back everyone! And you know what that means, it's time for another chapter! A little update, I'm really pushing to get my stories prepped for when I leave so that all updates will arrive on time and I want to say thank you all for your patience and hope you enjoy!
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Luffy finally opened his eyes on the third day, fully recovered and thinking only about filling his empty belly with the fifteen meals he had missed, according to his math. The palace was more than eager to offer them the dining hall, and a huge feast to fill that long table meant only for nobility.
The palace guards witnessed something astounding that day in the royal dining hall, as the pirates took their table manners or lack thereof in front of the royal family and their servants. They were loud, boisterous, puerile, and chaotic. Their chewing was almost expressive, their plates were messy, and constantly being refilled and everyone had to be on guard at the table against their captain who had no qualms about using his rubbery arms to stretch over their plates.
"Luffy you take another thing off my plate and I'm going to stab you with this fork!" Sakura threatened, looking at Luffy's overstuffed cheeks. He didn't seem to pay much mind and went to steal from Usopp's plate, but this was already his second offense and Usopp had set up some measures that included flaming hot tobasco source over his food. That was a burning delivery to Luffy, but well warranted with laughter following.
"I've never had a meal like this before," said Vivi, her body shaking with laughter, finally free to drop her armor, and worries at this table with her friends and family.
"I can say the same," Sakura shook her head. Her last meal with her friends like this was far out in the distance, but even then the memory was sharp in her mind. It was a special tradition whenever they returned from missions to sit together for a meal, which nurtured their personal relations as well as professional. But they were never this energetic.
'Naruto would've loved this,' She thought, as her eyes trialed along everyone at the table at everyone. Her mouth curved into a smile, she hadn't realized extended to her eyes, it was one of happiness growing like a flower budding in the sunlight. She didn't realize that the rays caught the attention of the swordsmen next to her.
Zoro felt the clump of what used to be steak sit in his throat and started coughing, forcing the air to push the food through.
He banged a fist on the table, trying to dislodge the stuck piece, but it wouldn't budge.
"Hey, don't inhale your food if you're going to choke on it!" Sakura exclaimed, handing him a glass of water.
"It's your fault," he muttered gruffly, still catching his breath.
"My fault?" Sakura raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "How exactly is it my fault that you don't know how to chew your food properly?"
They began to banter back and forth, their voices rising and falling in a familiar rhythm. Zoro, amid his irritation, started to notice things about Sakura that had gone over his head before. How her eyes squinted slightly when she was annoyed, giving her a determined look. The roundness of her face gave her a youthful appearance that wouldn't be dashed easily with years.
Zoro found himself increasingly distracted by these little details. It was as if he was seeing her for the first time, and it left him feeling uncharacteristically flustered. And it really ticked him off. The only similar scenario he could place this kind of concoction of disruption to his psyche was when he first saw Tashigi in Logue Town, feeling like his deceased friend came back to life.
"Maybe if you weren't so busy yapping, I wouldn't have choked," Zoro retorted.
"Yapping?" Sakura scoffed. "You were the one who started this!"
"Whatever," Zoro finally said, trying to sound nonchalant and taking a gulf of his beverage until his cup was empty, "I need some more booze over here!"
Sakura rolled her eyes, turning back to her plate. She had already given up on correcting anyone's behavior in front of the royal family. Cobra didn't seem to mind, welcoming the pirates as honored guests. Usually when participating with VIP Sakrua was used to a more mannered decorum to uphold, but then again these circumstances were different than completing a mission for a client.
Soon their attention was turned to keeping their food down against their laughter as everyone continued to eat without inhibitions. Vivi couldn't help but laugh like all the weight had been lifted off her shoulders at this table. And more laughter ensured when Chopper and Usopp got on the table and started dancing around balancing plates and sticking chopsticks up the nose.
Their laughter was so loud and boisterous it reached the ears of the busy workers in the palace kitchen.
Following the chaotically cheerful banquet was a trip to the palace baths, which were just like any ordinary bathhouse, except filtered for royalty, with golden lion statues singing water into the large tub designed like a fountain and warm stone floors that would keep out any chill.
While it was just Sakura, Vivi, and Nami on the women's side, they could already hear the boy's ruckus over the partitioned stone wall.
"I hope your dad doesn't mind the rowdiness,"
Vivi shook her head, assuring Sakura, "He won't be bothered, it's a nice change,"
The girls settled into a routine for their bath, taking their towels and rinsing off together before turning to scrub one anothers back, all the while it seemed like the boy's side had gotten awfully quiet. Until Sakura felt their presence a little too closely and turned.
Glancing at the wall, there were all of them, from Luffy, Chopper, Usopp, Sanji, Eyelash, and Cobra, peering their heads over from the other side.
"What are you all doing!?" Vivi exclaimed.
"Hell no!" Sakura stomped her foot nearly cracking the tiles, as she re-wrapped her towel around her body. Her eyes were blazing in a rage they could almost see the fire in them, her fist raised with bulging veins.
Nami on the other hand was cooler than ice, as she stood up, and calmly said to them, "It'll cost 100000 berries each," Then she brazenly opened her towel, and watched as they all snapped back with bloody noses.
"NAMI!" Sakura and Vivi cried. Her actions not only got the boy's baths heated but cooled down the girls as well.
"Why would you do that!?"
"For money," Nami stuck out her tongue and Sakura could only groan in dismay, wondering how she intended to get that money from a camel, and reindeer and their crew members who couldn't spend a dime without their treasurer aka Nami.
Sakura then redirected her focus to the other side of the wall. "IF YOU GUYS DO THAT AGAIN, I'M GOING TO DROP THE ENTIRE BATH ON YOUR HEAD UNDERSTAND!"
Sakura heard some hesitant 'yes' followed after her threat.
"Little harsh don't you think?" Nami asked as she shifted over to the bath with Vivi, unwrapping the towel and putting them to the side. Sakura came stomping into the waters, cheeks puffed, and her lips almost disappearing from how thin she was pulling them.
"That's nothing! When this happened to my teacher, she broke her friend's ribs and ruptured his organs!" Sakura raised her voice so it could climb over to the other side and touch the boy's ears, eliciting fear.
Nami laughed, splashing up the water.
"How's your rebel army friend?" Sakura asked.
Vivi smiled, "Koza's going to be fine, thanks to your treatment."
"Yeah, it's great Sakura, now if you can just remember how many people you treated so I can write up the bill…."
"NAMI!" The two girls chastised their friend who playfully splashed water at them. They ended up having a bit of their own roughhousing, laughing all the while they chased each other around the baths that could be overheard by the other side.
When they calmed down and returned to the bath, Nami chose to address the issue that had been hanging in the air since the end of Crocodile's reign. As pirates, they weren't going to get much peace on land, but Vivi was currently tied to two choices.
"You can't make up your mind?"
Vivi looked at Nami with a puzzled distance expression.
"I'm thinking we might leave tonight." Nami elaborated. While the stay in the palace gave them more comforts, the marines were getting more active as the days went on and had already confronted the palace several times in an attempt to capture the straw hats.
Vivi's eyes were conflicted as if she was trying to look through a mist to see the answers, but Sakura knew this wasn't one of those times to find the answers by looking far.
"It's up to you Vivi." Sakura patted her shoulder.
With little time to spare anymore, Nami called a meeting once everyone was back in the room to discuss their next steps. But before they could get into the discussion, someone knocked on the door and a server approached, holding a snail transponder on a tray.
"Excuse me, straw hats. We've received a call for you,"
Nami quirked her eyebrow, "From who?"
"Someone saying they're Bon-chan," Exchanges of confusion went about the room. "He says you're good friends,"
Sanji picked up the top of the transponder snail, and the voice that came through did not go unnoticed by any of them. "Hello! It's me…." As quickly as he picked the end, Sanji set it down again with a grim expression. But the transponder started going off again, indicating another call. Luffy stretched out and grabbed it to answer.
"So it's you huh, what do you want from us?" He asked. "Mr.2"
"Straw hat that's definitely you! Yes I escaped and I want to keep it that way so don't call me Mr.2. If this signal is caught by the navy I'll be in trouble."
Sakura interjected, "If that's true can't we be traced as well? Hang up!"
"You sure about that? Especially since I have your ship?"
They immediately started hissing and cursing at the transponder snail. Usopp was especially enamored at the thought of the Going Merry falling into the hands of a baroque works agent. But Mr.2 explained that he would be waiting for the group with their ship intact at the upper part of the Sandora River. Although they were skeptical about the reasons he took the ship, no one argued about meeting up with him.
"Let's get ready to go," Luffy ordered. Everyone moved to gather their belongings while Vivi watched on, her expression twisted in uncertainty. Midway through tying on swords, picking up bags, and throwing together gifts, they turned to the princess.
"Vivi, we can give you 12 hours. Once we take our ship back on the Sandora River, we'll draw the ship near the Eastern Harbor at noon. We won't be able to drop anchor. If you decide to join us that's going to be your only change. We'll welcome you aboard, you can stay a princess or become a pirate."
It was a smooth journey back to the ship, Surprisingly. After climbing out of the palace windows, and getting hold of sonic ducks to ride through the desert, the straw hats arrived before the sun had even risen fully. As promised they were greeted by none other than Bon Clay, aka Mr.
As they unloaded their cargo onto the ship, Sakura gave a weary glance to Bon Clay. Who already put up a white flag on fighting, since there was no point in viewing each other as enemies anymore. Crocodile was out of the picture, Baroque Works were finished. When confronted with the reason he was still bothering them instead of escaping, since they weren't enemies anymore. That's when he revealed the navy had blocked off every port and they would have to try and escape through it together.
Bon Clay had a ship with his subordinates ready to go but didn't want to tackle the navy alone.
"Why exactly are you bothering us?"
Bon stomped his foot, "What do you mean? Of course, we're friends that's why,"
"Yeah," Sakura had a clipped tone of disbelief.
"Do you know what would've happened if I wasn't on this ship,"
"The Marines might've taken it," said Nami as she calmly unloaded her bags.
"What really?" Luffy asked.
"Oh yeah, the navy's blocking every port in the country,"
Now it made sense why he was so eager to help out the crew, and Zoro was quick to call him out on it while Bon Clay was dancing away with Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp who thought he had done them an act of service. There was a better chance of escaping if there was more than one ship to take on the navy waiting for them.
"Alright get ready to set sail!"
Of course, things didn't go smoothly after they set out to sea, the new morning light provided excellent clearance for marines to spot the Going Merry and Bon Clay's giant swan headship when they tried to leave the harbor.
They had started off with deflecting cannon balls, and then the marines got creative and started propelling giant spear-like weapons that pierced through the ship. The problem was, the marine ships were able to maintain a safe distance from them all the while throwing attacks that would eventually add up to their ship sinking. A strategic formation, where they could attack from all sides with the crew in the middle made it even harder to escape.
Sakura and Chopper were working to fix up the ship, and Usopp managed to take down the ships on the South side with a lucky shot of the cannon.
Bon Clay was very eager to leap through this window, however he found that his new companions were less than willing.
"We can't leave yet,"
"What is the matter with you all? Is there some sort of treasure here that's worth risking your lives?" Bon exclaimed.
"We're waiting for our friend,"
Sakura watched the marine ships sail off after Bon Clay's ship in the other direction, leaving the Going Merry. It was an incredible tactic, and noble enough to warrant a newfound respect for the former Baroque Works agent.
Then she heard it; as they were sailing near the shoreline coming through another town of Alabasta, the sound of Vivi's voice echoed towards the ocean. She was making a speech addressing her country, snails were set all over so that her voice would be able to touch every corner of Alabasta. Just as it reached the royal and rebel army. She spoke about her adventure at sea, the islands she saw, and scenarios that defied reality. How she encountered a single ship that took her across the ever-swaying waves, reminding her that there was a light at the end of the darkness.
Most of the crew knew though that this was a code for her experience with them, and her expression of gratitude and fondness for the memories they had made. However, this was also a sign, that she wasn't going to step back on that small ship again and sail against the waves.
They were at the Tamarisk town when they overheard this speech and assumed it was being broadcast from Alubarna. However, Luffy refused to set off, despite the marine ships turning their attention back to them.
"Give it up Luffy," Sanji didn't even turn to his captain who was leaning over the ship's rails, "Vivi's on a different course than us,"
Her voice reached the ship again, only this time it wasn't through a microphone. They all rushed to the back of the ship, to see Vivi and Karoo standing on the water's edge opposite to them, waving at her friends. And for a moment they were preparing to turn the ship towards her.
"I came to say goodbye!" Vivi then took the handset "I can't go with you. Thank you so much for everything! I'd like to go on more adventures, but I can't ignore I love this country!"
Even from how far they stood, the change in her posture was evident, her shoulders shaking and lips quivering, tears flowing down collecting at her chin and falling with every ounce of sadness that was carried in saying goodbye.
"But if we ever meet again will you still call me your friend?"
Luffy was quick to attempt a reply, but Nami intervened, slamming him down to the floorboards. "Don't reply! The navy noticed Vivi. If we prove she's connected to us she'll become a criminal."
Everyone had their backs turned away from the coastline where Vivi stood, but Sakura could feel the girl's eyes on them. Looking for a response they couldn't give her. Luffy clenched his arm, staring at it.
"Everyone raise your arms," Although they were taken aback momentarily, they soon understood Luffy's intentions and moved to stand in a line together, their backs still facing Vivi.
Vivi felt her ribs shatter and pierce her heart when no one would respond to her, she failed to notice the marine ships closing in, her sole focus on the Going Merry. Dread filled her, thinking this was how they would depart, disappointed in her for choosing the land over the sea. That was wiped away when she saw their arms raised high for her to see. The long-sleeved clothing was pulled back to show their skin, and then the X was marked with ink that still needed to fade away.
In return, Vivi and Karoo lifted their marks into the sky to join the crew. It wasn't the farewell she was hoping to achieve, but in its own way, this was something far better than saying goodbye.
THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and Remember to stay strong!
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NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Reapers (Sneak peek on Tumblr)
-Commission: Demon slayer x My hero academia (PART 1 & 2)
Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) ( 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter (78, 79, 80)
-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams
-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter ( 33,34, 35)
-Crossroads of Fate chapter 24, 25, 26, 27
-Through the Looking Glass chapter 30, 31, 32. 33, 34
-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi
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