Like Deadpool in the DC Universe.

Chapter 6: Raven?

After his "unnecessary rescue scene," Blade looked at Raven with anticipation, waiting for another reaction… but he didn't expect what he saw.

Raven quickly turned away, trying to hide her expression beneath the shadow of her cloak, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling—just a little. It was barely visible, almost nonexistent, but Blade was annoyingly observant… and unfortunately, he loved messing with moments like these.

Raven (calmly, trying to hide her flustered state): "I'm getting us out of here… this place is irritating me."

She started gathering her energy, magical circles forming around her as she opened a dark portal leading back to Earth… but she was still keeping her face hidden beneath her cloak, avoiding looking at him directly.

Blade (placing a hand on his cheek, pretending to be shocked): "Wait, did you see that, dear reader?! She smiled! Yes, yes, this is NOT an optical illusion! The terrifying, gloomy, heartless Raven… just SMILED!"

Raven (closing her eyes in frustration, trying to ignore him): "Shut up and go through the portal."

Blade (hands behind his head, walking lazily towards the portal): "Oh, of course, I'll go… but I will NEVER forget this! A historical moment, I should write a book about it! Or maybe a song! 'The Mysterious Witch's Smile!' Huh? Huh? Sounds cool, right?!"

Raven (groaning, hiding her face deeper into her cloak): "I swear, if I could, I'd send you straight to hell."

Blade (laughing as he steps through the portal): "Girl, I literally just came from there!"

Meanwhile, the Titans stood waiting, eyes filled with anticipation… Would Blade and Raven make it back? Robin stood with his hands on his hips, tense with worry. Beast Boy was trying (and failing) to break the tension with stupid jokes, while Cyborg monitored his scanner for any energy signatures.

Suddenly, a massive portal ripped open in the sky above them, causing everyone to look up cautiously.

Beast Boy (shutting his eyes quickly): "Oh no, no, I'm NOT getting sucked into another dimension again—nope!"

But instead of sucking in any innocent souls, something—or rather, someone—came falling out of it at full speed.


With a loud crash, Blade slammed into the ground, leaving a small crater behind. He didn't move for a few seconds, as if his cinematic journey had finally come to an end… but of course, this was Blade—he didn't die that easily.

A single hand weakly rose from the hole, waving.

Blade (muffled, from inside the crater): "I'm okay… just need five minutes… or maybe five hours…"

Raven silently emerged from the portal, hovering above the ground before landing gracefully. She didn't say a word… just pulled her cloak tighter around her face and walked straight to Robin's ship, stepping inside and sitting in the corner in complete silence.

Cyborg (glancing at Robin): "Uh… was that Raven just now? Did she just—did she just run away?"

Beast Boy (narrowing his eyes suspiciously): "Weird. Super weird. Blade definitely did something over there."

Blade (finally standing up, dusting himself off): "Me? Pfft, please, I'm a sweet, innocent angel! I didn't do anything except, you know, save the day! Oh, and maybe kill a skyscraper-sized demon, but whatever, details! Point is, I'M BACK!"

Robin (crossing his arms, glaring at Blade): "We'll talk later… but first, tell me—why the hell did you two fall from the sky?!"

Blade (with a fake serious face): "Alright, so we had a perfectly stable portal… but Raven, in all her royal, mysterious wisdom, decided we needed a more dramatic exit! I thought I'd land like a badass ninja, but instead… I hit the ground like a goddamn super-powered trash bag!"

Raven (inside the ship, muttering under her breath): "You were the one who jumped first, dumbass…"

Blade (cupping his ear, pretending not to hear): "Huh? Did someone say something? I could've sworn I heard a soft, delicate voice~?"

Raven (burying her face in her cloak): "Fuck you…"

Blade (grabbing his stomach, pretending to die): "Oh god… I see the light… is that you, Margherita Pizza? Come to me, I've been a good man… okay, half-good… okay, nobody believes that, but I deserve a last meal!"

Beast Boy (laughing hysterically while morphing into a cow): "Hahahaha! Dude, I can't—STOP! Did you just say pizza appears before you die?!"

Blade (hand on his heart, fake tears in his eyes): "Of course! Isn't that what happens to everyone? Some people see their loved ones, some see a bright light… and I? I see an all-you-can-eat buffet!"

Raven (quietly, staring out the window): "I wish I could just see darkness instead of this bullshit…"

Beast Boy (morphing into a shark, laughing weirdly): "Bro, you are officially the only person who can turn the end of the world into a goddamn comedy show!"

Blade (placing a hand on Beast Boy's shoulder, looking serious): "Listen, Green Bean, if I can't joke about death, then when can I? At my wedding? Oh wait, is this a proposal? Don't worry, just let me finalize the menu first!"

Beast Boy (morphing into a chicken, flapping wildly): "Hahaha! Dude, this is officially the best day of my life!"

Robin (facepalming): "Oh god… Cyborg, tell me he's not staying forever?"

Cyborg (shrugging, chuckling a little): "Honestly? After that fight, I think we might need him. Plus, let's be real—this dude is giving us next-level free entertainment!"

Blade (raising his hand excitedly): "Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week! Be sure to try my 'Sarcastic Death Experience' special, featuring: unnecessary skydiving, free bullet wounds, and constant death threats from a demon girl!"

Raven (covering her face with her cloak, mumbling): "I wish my father had just taken you with him…"

Blade (hand behind his ear, pretending not to hear): "Huh? Did someone say something? Oh, I thought I heard a hidden confession~!"

The team boarded Robin's ship and returned to the Titans Tower. After a few moments, they arrived and stepped inside.

Blade (standing in the living room, hands on his hips, looking around): "Alright, my fellow creatures of darkness and heroism! We saved the world, made it back to base, and now… I have a very, VERY important question. Possibly the most crucial question of my grand and glorious career as a mercenary and professional smartass…"

Cyborg (raising an eyebrow): "Let me guess… where you're gonna sleep?"

Blade (looking at him in fake shock): "OH MY GOD! Are you psychic?! Are you reading my mind?! Should I be worried?! Oh wait—hold on, I have a tinfoil hat somewhere…"

Cyborg (sighing, motioning for him to follow): "Come with me before I decide to make you sleep in the kitchen."

Blade (excitedly): "The kitchen?! You mean… near the fridge?! Man, I was about to say yes without hesitation, but alright, I'll check my other options first!"

After a few moments, Blade and Cyborg arrived at an empty room, directly across from Raven's.

Cyborg: "Alright, this is your room now. You can customize it however you want, but don't blow it up, don't turn it into a war zone, and don't make it a secret prison for your enemies!"

Blade (placing a hand on his chin, pretending to think): "Hmmm… so a small torture chamber is off the table? Fine, we'll find an alternative."

Cyborg (crossing his arms): "How do you want it designed?"

Blade (grinning sarcastically, raising his hands dramatically): "Alright, first, I want a weapon buffet on the wall. You know, a place to hang everything—guns, knives, grenades, and maybe even some weird weapons I pick up on my epic adventures!"

Cyborg: "That's insane."

Blade (completely ignoring him): "Second, I need a bed the size of a football field… not because I need it, but because I want to stretch dramatically when I wake up!"

Cyborg (raising an eyebrow): "What else?"

Blade (walking around the room, touching the walls): "I want a special shelf for my masks and secret gadgets… and another for my outfits, because I am very stylish!"

Cyborg: "Stylish? Dude, you wear the same damn suit all the time!"

Blade (hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt): "Ohhh! You wound me, man! What's next? You're gonna tell me I don't change my socks either?!"

Cyborg: "Do you?"

Blade: "Details, details! Let's focus on what's important… Can I have a secret door? Something like a bookshelf that opens into a hidden weapons room? Oh! And I want a spinning chair so I can turn around slowly and say, 'I've been expecting you…' like a true villain!"

Cyborg (holding his head in frustration): "I swear, dealing with you is harder than dealing with Beast Boy on a sugar rush!"

Blade (patting his shoulder): "Don't worry, buddy. Just think of this as an art project! We're creating a masterpiece!"

As Cyborg was thinking about the design, Blade noticed Raven entering her room across from his. She was still covering her head with her cloak.

Blade (hands behind his head, loudly, while looking at the reader): "Ohh, look who we have here! The mysterious princess, the queen of darkness, the master of deadly glares, and—"

Raven (cutting him off without looking at him): "Finish one more sentence, and I'll throw you into another dimension."

Blade (raising his hands in surrender): "Alright, alright! But admit it—you missed me back there, didn't you?"

Raven (quickly enters her room, slamming the door shut): "In your dreams!"

Blade (winking at the reader): "Did you hear that? In my dreams! Does that mean she dreams about me?! Oh man, looks like I'm making a real impression!"

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