Lord of the Rings a Strong Gollums tale

Chapter 6: Chapter 6, My precious.

Within the forest of Mirrormere, as darkness began to set a hooded Wildman ranger was horrified by all that he saw there. His blue eyes scanned the forest around him only to see more and more bodies.

It was a massacre, he had not believed the Stoor Hobbits at first when they had come to ask him for help, but they had indeed told no lie.

All around there were little child-like bodies of the Hobbit's to be seen. They lay in pools of their own blood with most having their skulls crushed and brain matter scattered all around over the forest floor from the brutal impacts that had crushed their heads. One he could see was up in a tree, his body having been impaled to a broken branch, under the body blood mixed in with piss could be seen, while the Hobbit's intestines hung loose from his open stomach wound.

Even dogs as well had been slaughtered along with some Hobbit women that were so short that they seemed like children to him. Pulling back his long blonde hair, he could see that they had been quite cute little things, but now their legs were horribly mangled, a trail of blood could be seen as they had tried to crawl away from their attacker desperately. And where they lay it was clear that some beast had smashed their heads in, while others had their necks ripped out by some beast it seemed.

Walking further along towards the East where the forest of Mirrormere ended, and some ways away in the distance, past the grassy plains there was the forest of Lòrien that hugged the river Anduin. There on the open field he could see more Hobbit's, these ones interestingly had arrows sticking out of their legs.

From what he could see the one who had shot the arrows was not an amature. This killer knew what he was doing, and he was good at it. He had intentionally immobilised his victims, made them suffer for a while as they had tried to crawl away in desperation, only to then get their heads smashed in by rocks.

However at one of the little ones corpses he suddenly stopped. The Hobbit's head was totally crushed, but his build, his clothes, and those ginger strands of hair that were still attached to his broken bits of skull and skin that lay in the grass were unmistakable.

Suddenly at the realisation of this his blood ran cold. He was Wiglaf Saewealdson, a warrior, he was the second in line to inherit his father's position as the head of the tribe, but most of all he was an experienced warrior, but even he couldn't help but be horrified by that what he saw.

His little Stoor Hobbit friend, from that little peaceful village of theirs called Eorcan was there before him. The Hobbit's little head was totally bashed in, and already being in the process of being eaten by the worms, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, the kind little hobbit was dead.

At the sight of it, and as his brain processed all the death that he had just seen. It was as if realisation suddenly started to hit him, his body shook uncontrollably, his eyes were wide as he looked at his friend. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't look away from his little friends corpse, and those worms that were feasting upon the Hobbit's brains, right there before his very eyes.

It simply seemed so unreal to him. It hadn't even been two days since he last saw him. Like always the little friendly Hobbit had kindly shared one free drink with him as he did with everyone.

He was such a curious fellow, always asking about peoples days and helping them out wherever he could. And now this kind soul lay motionless before him, the Hobbit's blood was touching his knees, as his own tiers fell into the Hobbit's wide open head and mixed in with the blood, brains and worms.

Suddenly then Wiglaf felt his stomach stir, as he gagged and then puked out his dinner upon his friends corpse.


Soon the smells along with the sight got even more grotesque. No more could Wiglaf look upon his friend or even think of burying him, instead he got to his feet and ran as he puked again some ways away.

For a few hours he ran and ran, constantly beset by uncontrollable gagging and some puking, as his mind kept flying back and forth, from the present to those scenes of the dead child-like Hobbit's, and there horrible dead crushed faces.

Oh God, just what had he even seen back there. He had heard the Hobbit's speak of it and that monster that had done it, but how could someone possibly be so cruel. And not just cruel to anyone, but their own former neighbours that he knew and were of his own kind as well?

He had heard that his real mother had died before his own birth, half eaten by Wargs, and from the corpse that beast had been born. That Smeagol that all now called Gollum, for Gollum was what he called himself. It seemed like a fictional tale to him at first, but having seen what he had seen now, he didn't doubt this to be the truth.

This Gollum was the child of death made manifest upon this earth. If it wasn't soon stopped then the river Anduin would surely run red, and all would be dead like those Hobbit's now were.

In the distance upon a small hill he could then see the light of his small home. A small hunting lodge where he now was raising his two beautiful daughters, and he could even smell his wife's delicious cooking as well, and see the smoke rising from the fireplace there.

Never had he been as relieved as he was now to get back home, and as he opened the door and entered, he was glad to see that his family was there around the table all safe and well. They were all looking at him with those innocent blue eyes of theirs, as their clean unbloodied blond hair of theirs seemed to shine within the fire light.

His girls were already at marrying age, just like those dead little hobbit women laying there within the forest probably were, now having been robbed of their futures by that beast. His wife was young as well, and so pretty as she smiled at him and happily said.

"Welcome back home deer, please sit down and I'll grab a bowl of hog stew for you."

Wiglaf was in shock, how could it be? It wasn't fair, why were they so happy and alive when his friend along with all those others were all dead? Did they have no compassion, did they not care?

Suddenly his Wildman blood boiled within him as he closed the door, walked before his woman who looked at him with confusion. She was the daughter of his former enemy, she was his price of war, and yet she smiled at him uncaring and unknowing of the way in which he had cut her father down long ago. And now she didn't even care about his friend's death! This woman was cold to him, she probably never even loved him to begin with.

In rage Wiglaf raised his left hand, and then without warning smacked his pretty wife to the floor.


The girls seeing this were in utter shock as their mother yelled in pain and they yelled to her.

"Mother, noooo!"

In rage Wiglaf roared.

"You selfish woman, how is it that you don't care? How can you be so cruel, so stupid and naive! They are all dead and rotting within the forest as you sit hear smiling and eating happily uncaring of their fates! How dare you! How fucking dare you!"

The woman held her hurting cheek as she lay on the floor, blood seeping out her mouth. Though Wiglaf didn't care as he pounced on the woman, his fists raised to give her a beating.

The two teenage girls hugged each other in fear as they screamed.

"Aaahh, no stop it father, noooo!"

While their mother tried to in a panic plead with him.

"Please no, you can't do this, not in front of the children, not again! Please noooooo!"

Her husband was not gentle or good, or really good at anything except fighting and hunting. But this was something new, never had she seen him like this, she felt so lost on what was even going on right now. And as Wiglaf was about to strike her hard, she could only cover her face in fear before him with tiers in her eyes as she screamed for dear life.

However just then Wiglaf stopped as a sudden knock was heard, followed by three more slow knocks.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Wiglaf was confused. Who could it be at this time of night, he wondered?

Getting off his wife his rage seemed to turn towards the person behind the door, as he grabbed a woodcutter's axe from next to the fireplace and walked to the door. For a moment he stood there, until a single light knock was then heard again.


This for whatever reason seemed to piss him off as he raged at the person behind the door, while slowly pulling the door open.

"Who the fuck is banging at my door at this time of night!"

However Wiglafs rage quickly turned to stunned confusion as he looked at the half naked creature before himself. It's blue eyes were big and looked to him with a coldness that sent chills down his spine. He could see his own reflection within his bold head and could not help but notice his skin that was pale like the dwarves and his bulkiness was like theirs as well. The creature before him was full of muscles and yet it's ears were like that of a fair Elves, except even longer.

Truly this creature, whatever he was, seemed like a one of a kind being to Wiglaf that left him in awe. However then its mouth moved and from it surprisingly retarded words came.

"The great me before thee, that is I, would want to have a look at your belongings, your clothes, your chickens, your blankets, your little cart, your everything, along with your women, Gollum Gollum Gollum yes. Gollum want, so give Gollum now or be taken from by Gollum. Gollum need to build strong Kingdom and a mighty army, yes yes, Gollum Gollum Gollum."

Hearing the creature's retarded words, Wiglaf eyes widened and got a bit blood shot, as he took in a big snif of air and roared at the top of his lungs, with spit flying down onto Gollums face as he said.

"So you're that Murderer, come to die by my axe? You psycho retarded fuck, die!"

Gollum wanted to deny this, he wasn't a murderer or retarded, it was self defence. And what he was doing now was just him borrowing from others as all, but before he could argue his case the man raised up his axe clearly intent to split him in two like fire wood.

The three ladies seeing this soon to be scene of violence screamed in terror and absolute fear. The two pretty younger ones hugged each other for comfort, while the woman on the floor covered her face in shock.

Seeing this all Gollum felt like impressing them all with his cool strength, as he then grabbed the man's axe wielding hand stopping it in place, and with his other grabbed the man by his belt. Then to all except Gollums surprise the tall man was lifted up into the air, Gollums huge chest muscles bulged out, his 8 pack abs seemed to be screaming with power, as his huge biceps seemed like hills, his neck was thick like an entire cooked chicken, he was powerful.

And as gollum turned his back to the ladies, they looked upon his rippling power that was so clearly visible there. With force Gollum dropped the man, stomach first upon his head, knocking the air out of him. And as he did this his back muscles seemed as if they formed a visible face of some demon there for the women to see, the sight of it made them all gasp, fear quickly turning to something not suitable for the occasion.

Gollum though did not flex for long as the man said to him.

"Damn you, you coward! Fight me like a real man, for blood and honour!"

So with that Gollum tossed the man into the darkness, causing the man to fall face first into the dirt as he rolled down the small flower covered hill before his home.

Seeing this Gollum merely glanced once at the women, winked at them like a bad ass and then calmly walked towards the man in the dark distance. And under the moonlight the two faced one another.

Wiglaf held an axe within his right hand at the ready, while gollum held his fists high. Seeing this Wiglaf seemingly happy about his clear axe given advantage, smirked as he said.

"Tonight I'll drink from your skull and feed your murderous flesh to my fucking chickens you bastard!"

Gollum in return beat his naked chest like a beast as he roared out.

"Only the gods can decide my fate, and I am a god, baby, Gollum Gollum Gollum!"

Wiglaf unfaced by these retarded words moved up the hill, axe in hand towards gollum. And like some woodcutter he grabbed the axe into both his hands, lifted it up high, and brought it down towards Gollum for a devastating wood splitting strike.

Gollum though merely stepped slightly to the left and turned sideways, as the axe then fell right before him, nearly gracing his huge bulge within his pants that his big dick caused to always be there, and with a soft plop the axe fell onto the grass.

Wiglaf seemed confused, his eyes were wide as if he couldn't believe that his signature power move had failed. Then within the next moment Wiglaf received a hard knee right into his face.

His grip loosened from the axe, and let go as he uncontrollably flew to the side and fell on the pretty little flowers that covered the grassy hillside.

Wiglaf felt as if his world was spinning when he then felt the creature Gollum come sit upon him. It grabbed a fist full of his long blonde hair, and with his other pushed down his left hand, as it suddenly brought its teeth down upon his neck and actually bit him.

In pain Wiglaf screamed like a girl.

"Ahhhhhhh, you animal!"

Using his right arm he pulled at the creature Gollum and tried to elbow him, but the creature though small was like an immovable object as heavy as a donkey and skin hard like leather. There wasn't even any hair or shirt to grab onto, he could merely helplessly hit at it, as it then ripped out a huge chunk of flesh from his neck.

Wiglaf could feel the metallic taste of blood within his mouth now. He wanted to free his left arm and use it along his free right arm to fight back, but his left arm was seemingly stuck, totally pinned in place by this creature.

Though as Gollum pulled back to spit out the nasty man flesh from his mouth, Wiglaf saw something. It was the creatures long freaking ear, and so with it in his sights, he grabbed it with his right hand and pulled it.

Immediately Gollums grip loosened on Wiglaf's left arm, letting him pull it free, as Gollum at the same time was pushed to the side. When Wiglaf then managed to mount Gollum in turn, like so flipping their roles around as he then crazily began hitting Gollum with his Wildman fists of rage.

The creature seemingly in shock still holding onto his hurting left ear totally failed to defend himself as he hit his face again and again. His fists fell down upon Gollum like the cabbages of an angry mobs would fall upon a nasty cow lovers face.

However soon Gollums hurtful expression turned to a grin as he laughed crazily and spoke while receiving a few fists to the face.

"Jaka jaka jaka, Na Na naa, yes yes, do it, hit me, break yourself upon my body! Come on, hit me harder, hit me like a real man you pussy, Gollum Gollum Gollum!"

Wiglaf didn't immediately get Gollums meaning, but as his fist landed upon Gollums nose, it actually hurt him like punching no other nose had ever hurt him before. It was like hitting a hard rock, the nose did crack slightly, but so too did something within his hand.

For a moment Wiglaf then stopped as he winsed in pain and yelled.

"Ahhhhh, fuck my hand!"

And with that Gollums hands shot forth, grabbed a hold of the man's head, he tried to pull him off, but it was too late. With force Gollums fat, muscular thumbs fell upon his eyes, and pushed down.

Wiglafs eyes shut and were pushed back into his skull. He screamed as they cracked, broke and smashed to bits, till Gollums fingers and nicely trimmed nails went down into his squishy brain.


The man screamed at the top of his lungs like no victim of Gollum had ever before done. Seeing it all was the man's wife who watched the scene with a mix of horror, disgust, but strangely enough awe at the creature Gollums strength. Already the woman's wild people instincts were making her legs weak as she watched her abusive husband get abused.

Though Gollum was no monster, he was in fact a merciful man, and so he merely kicked the now blind man away. In silence he watched him fall to the grass and then weakly roll down to the bottom of the small hill, where he then got to his feet and roared.

"You bastard, I'll brake your fucking legs! Now where are you, you coward!"

Standing up Gollum then looked down upon the man and said.

"Chill out warrior, you fought well, now you can die in peace, Gollum Gollum Gollum."

Wiglaf heard this but seemed to be having a hard time making out from where the sound was coming, as he tried to taunt Gollum by saying.

"Less talking, more fighting!"

Though Gollum didn't answer and merely watched as the man charged blindly into the dark distance, where he quickly stumbled and fell for the final time.

Around the warrior flowers were beautifully growing, as the blood from his eyes and neck turned the bases of the flowers red.

Nodding his head, Gollum said a quick prayer.

"May your blood sacrifice bring about a good harvesting season, my enemy of war, peace. Gollum Gollum yes, Gollum win."

Then Gollum turned back towards the house and there he saw the older of the three ladies on her knees looking at him. And as their eyes met the woman's body seemed to visibly shake in fear, but still she seemingly lacked the capability to move as she merely kept watching him with great anticipation.

Walking to the axe that was planted into the soft ground, Gollum pulled it out, and with the axe in hand he slowly, and menacingly walked before the woman.

In fear she looked up at his now blood covered huge figure that towered over her and seemed so much wider and stronger than what she was. And though she knew herself to be taller than him, she in that moment felt herself be so fucking small like a bug before him.

The two younger ladies seemingly stuck to their seats watched in silent fear, as Gollum then spoke to them all.

"Now, I will have all your loot and your lives as mine to do as I please, or you can all die and become one with the flowers like that man. Now choose your fates wisely women, yes yes, Gollum Gollum Gollum."

The woman along with the two younger ladies were hesitant, and seemingly lacking in understanding of what was happening. So a few more short commands Gollum then gave, until finally the three obediently did as he said.

Soon all the food, the blankets, the pillows, even chickens and all else of use that could be carried on the family's hand drawn wooden cart or carried by hand were taken. And with Gollum carrying a huge sack of seeds on his left shoulder, and holding the axe in his right hand, he drove the three ladies into the forest of Mirrormere.

The two younger ones held torches in hand as they helped their mother push the cart while quietly in fear following Gollum up the mountain valley. From there they followed the small river all the way up to the lake of Mirrormere, from where they could almost already see the Eastern gate of Moria.

The ladies were seemingly exhausted from the long climb up the steep slope of the mountain valley, but still the oldest of them nervously said that she was alright. However Gollum did let them rest for a moment at the lake side, where they drank some water and huddled close together while keeping a good distance away from him.

Though as Gollum looked at his bloody reflection in the lake again he was surprised to hear the oldest of the ladies ask him shakily.

"So, wa wa, what are you planning to do with us? Will you claim us three for yourself as my husband once did to me?"

With all the three ladies looking straight at him for an answer, Gollum felt a bit lost. He merely wished to clean himself, why were these ladies in such a rush to know their fates so soon.

In slight annoyance, Gollum pulled down his pants revealing his big flaccid cock without shame to the three that all gasped in shock, but they didn't look away. They merely covered their faces, gasped and squeaked, as the oldest of them said.

"You you, you beast! Will you not at least take us to your home at least?"

Gollum though merely shrugged as he said.

"What are you talking about woman. I'm merely cleaning myself. And I suggest that you do so as well now that you still can, Gollum Gollum Gollum."

After saying this Gollum casually walked to the lake uncaring of their stares. Though as the three ladies saw him swim further into the lake and then dive under, the second youngest of them looked to the axe.

She was no fool like her younger twin sister, she knew what this beast had done to their father and she wasn't going to let him have his way with them, even if it was usually custom for such things to happen in their culture in times of war. Women were nothing but spoils of war, just like livestock, but she was no ordinary woman, she was Maud Saewealdson, blessed with the blood of the chiefs of the Gladden Fields, and she refused to be just some price to some savage man.

In rage Maud went to stand up, but was immediately pulled down by her much stronger mother, who looked at her fiercely. Maud wanted to complain, how could mother accept this, but without a word needing to be said and feeling her mother's strong grip on her arm she was quick to submit.

The truth was that they didn't know how to fight, their father had never taught them how to in fear of damaging their delicate little hands. Plus they were physically weak, merely bred from a young age to be their fathers tools to be sold off to the man who was willing to pay the highest price for them, usually that price being one containing merely caddle, like sheep or in some rare cases cows. They simply stood no chance against this beast, if even their father didn't.

Diving back to the surface Gollum looked to the women, but to his disappointment the three were merely sitting there in silence. They were no fun it seemed.

So with himself now cleaned, Gollum then led them forth into the Mines of Moria. Seeing its huge wide open gates the ladies hesitated, but with a single glance from Gollum they were quick to follow without complaints.

Still Maud was quick to look to her mother as she asked cautiously so as not to disturb Gollum.

"Mother isn't this Moria, the home of that demon, Durins bane?"

Hearing this Mauds sister along with Maud looked curiously to their mother, who answered with a simple.

"Yes, this is the place. The greatest of the old Dwarven holds of old."

Gollum though walking further ahead into the first hall did not fail to hear this. His ears were sharp after all, and so he looked to them and proudly said.

"Yes, that it used to be, but no more. Now this is my Kingdom, me King Gollum, the one and only true king under the Mountains. And you are now my new subjects and residents of Moria. Gollum Gollum King."

For a moment after having heard this the three actually seemed a bit excited. Had he truly defeated that beast within this place, was this wondrous place finally safe to be explored? To them all within Moria was a reason to be in awe, especially knowing that it all was supposedly now going to be their new home.

Although at the same time the vastness of Moria did seem quite scary, with only torches and Gollums light stone to light their path. But still they strangely enough found some comfort and safety within Gollum, as they ventured over the narrow bridge and into the second hall.

However as they unpacked their things and were led into a small dark room with a naked and chained elf there, their faces dropped.

In horror and with shaking legs they looked to Gollum with pleading eyes, but were quickly then forced into chains to await their fates. Maud tried to resist a little, she screamed and tried to push at him.

"No, let go of me, noooo! You can't do this, I refuse."

But soon she too, by the pure brute strength of Gollum was forced into chains. just like with the once graceful Elf they all merely found their necks collared, and collars chained to the walls.

Together the three sat in fear and silence sobbing in the corner, as Gollum then turned to the Elf.

Tauriel seemed to be totally out of it, she sat against the hard wall of the cell with her legs spread wide and white seed seeping out of it still. Her head hung low and arms were hanging lifelessly at her sides. She seemed to be unconscious and bite marks could be seen on her nipples, and many love bites dotted not only her neck, but her body as well.

Seeing the state of the woman, and having already seen Gollums thing, the women could already guess what this elf had gone through here.

And even still, Gollum once more turned his attention to the elf. He walked before her, crouched down, and placed his face right before her Elven ear, as he quietly asked.

"Did Gollum do well, my love."

With Gollum in the way, the ladies didn't see it, but an evil grin came to Tauriels face, as she in a whisper answered him by saying.

"Yes, my precious. You did much better than I could have ever hoped. With them our numbers will quickly grow, but be cautious my precious. They cannot yet be trusted. I must change their minds about you, and you must show them your overwhelming manly might my precious. Now pretend to wake me by giving me a long lick on my ear, and then force me to turn around and then take me like a beast from behind. Let's give these three bitches a show that they will never forget. Do it for me, my precious Gollum."

Hearing Tauriel say his name, a nameless beast roared to life within his pants, as he for the next three hours ravaged Tauriel like a beast before the three.

Lustful voices of the mind fucked, and already kind of before hand fucked up sadistic elf soon echoed through Moria. And the three could only watch, every single second and hot details of their actions as it all happened right there before their very eyes.

Soon Gollum would have his army, and Moria would be populated by many little Gollums, just as Tauriel had supposedly foreseen it within her twisted mind.

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