Lord of the Rings a Strong Gollums tale

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Sharing the load. (R18?)

"No please, you can't ram that huge cock up my ass, you'll ruin it for good! Noooo, please someone help me!"

Watching the beautiful defiled Elf moan out these words, Ailith was in disbelief at it all. She was already 33 years old and well travelled within the lands between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, and in her time she had laid her eyes upon many Elves. To see them for her was always such a privilege and to even converse with them from time to time.

To her Elves seemed so graceful, so beautiful and just perfect in every way like she had always wished herself to be. And yet she had from an early age been forcefully taken by that beast of a man that made her call him husband for 20 long years.

It was horrible and she could never forgive him for it, but she could at least understand it, for it was the way of the Wild Men. However this sight before her she could hardly comprehend.

How could one of the proud members of the Elven race be before her, head and tits pressed into the hard stone floor, butt up high and a puddle of cum and love juices under her as she begged this creature Gollum not to stick his fat cock into her ass. This Elf seemed so beautiful just like Elves were supposed to be, and yet she was being fucked like even her own brutish husband had never fucked her before.

Compared to this creature Gollum, this manly, domineering, all so muscular beast, her husband was nothing but a bitch. In fact her man had been so pathetically small compared to this creature, that his dick was like a small child's before this creature Gollums manly rod of flesh.

Just how could there be such a scene before her, it shouldn't have been real. Elves were not supposed to be capable of being fucked like this, their minds simply should have left for the afterlife long before this scene ever took place, and yet this Elves hadn't. Was it all a lie in the end then?

Well whatever the case was, she at least knew that she was a mother of two beautiful twins, and she couldn't just make them watch this. She couldn't allow them to witness an execution by dick, no way.

And so she bravely mustered up her courage before this Gollum, sat up straight and yelled to him.

"You filthy pervert, stop it! Can't you see that you're really going to mess up her ass if you stick it up there! You might kill her."

For a moment she felt brave for having said this, she could do this, she could stand up to this beast before her girls like a real protective mother.

But immediately as its gaze landed upon her, Ailith felt her confidence fall and shatter into pieces. It's beautiful big blue eyes were actually now looking at her, as one of its muscular hands held his fat rod of meat, and the other hand was a little sunken into the Elf's big ass.

It looked so fierce, it's dick so big and the once graceful Elf under him like nothing but a juicy piece of meat. Ailith knew not what struck her then, as her legs quickly parted before this beast. She lifted up her dress, revealing the wet puddle of love juices that was already beneath her, and then she showed him that she held no panties.

Now the creature Gollum was intrigued, as she then looked away and bravely decided to just then and there do the only thing that she could. She decided to sacrifice herself for the sake of that Elf's ass. She simply just couldn't let the Elf take all of him for herself, as a mother and an adult woman with needs, she had to share the load, right?

And so to her daughter's disbelief she then shyly muttered out her next words that were not lost on anyone's ears within the small badly lit room.

"Haven't you used that Elven pussy enough already you beast. Why don't you instead come here, and claim this tight human pussy of mine and leave her alone, you you, you pervert."

Saying it out loud Ailith felt so ashamed. Oh god, did she really just say that? Even her daughter's sitting right next to her had their mouths open wide as they looked at her in disbelief.

"Mother, what? You can't be serious? What about father?"

Yelled out the younger of the two twins named Davina, who's blue eyes were looking at her mother with such shock and concern as her mouth hung open slightly.

Seeing this Ailith grabbed the girls hand and smiled maybe more brightly than what she probably intended to do, and spoke with more excitement than she meant to, as she said.

"Don't worry Davina, my beautiful daughter, this is but a natural course of life. The strong take what they want, as it has always been with our people. And I will now get to feel this strong man take me just as the Gods surely have preordained it to be, for everything that happens, happens for a reason I believe. So fear not, but be brave and show a smile as I--..."

The sisters were totally lost for words just listening to their mother speak, when suddenly Gollum came. He pulled on their mothers legs, getting her away from the wall that she sat against, and as she lay on her back with her legs spread, the creature got in between.

The sisters then watched as the creature Gollum by the pure strength of his cock muscles manipulated his thing to move against mother's hole, as his huge body moved to loom over her, and without warning he thrust into mother, shoving his massive length within her pulsating wet folds that eagerly accepted him as he did so.

"Aaahhhh iah ni aaaaaahhhhhhh!"

Mother howled and without thinking grabbed her shocked daughter's hands for support.

Maud with one hand on her own gaping mouth just watched her mother being taken right there before her. Just like with the Elf this creature was ramming his length within mother, and she, and she was clearly loving every single second of it. And then as if to prove this, mother let go of their hands and actually hugged him, and that creature Gollum answered back by claiming mother's lips.

Soon the two were sloppily making out before the sisters, as the Elf lay seemingly unconscious in the center of the room. Mother's clearly lustful moans and him slamming his flesh into her echoed throughout the somewhat dusty room, and yet she couldn't hate either of them for it, or be disgusted by their actions.

Maud knew not why, but for a while now her stomach had been feeling really hot and she could feel her lower lips leaking just like mother was. So she figured it to only be natural, maybe this entire scene before her was in fact just a natural course of life, like mother had said it to be. This was the gods will and the way things were meant to be.

And even her twin sister seemed to be feeling strange as well. Maud could actually see Davina biting down on her lip as she naughtily played with her own nicely developed tits with one hand, and used the other to play with her lower half. She had even gone as far as to lift up her own dress to give better access to her clearly wet lower lips.

Seeing it all Maud felt hot, she so badly wanted to rub herself as well, or have herself rubbed against something hard, but more than anything she like her sister could not help but be entranced by this Gollums back and forth hip motion. The way in which he kept fucking their usually so calm and happy smiling mother, who always tried to act tough, and was now merely a moaning mess before them was somehow so hot.

Unlike with their father, here Maud could see that there was no act, their mother was genuinely smiling, she was actually happy and not in pain despite taking such a large thing within herself. And as the two seemed to come to the peak moment, with mother moaning out and squirting out her love juices and Gollum pushing in deep as he released more of that seed, they then separated with a wet plop.

Even so his dick still stood erect there before them, covered in all sorts of wet liquids that seemed to be steaming off of it, causing their sweet smells to flood the room. Smelling it and seeing that thing, Maud felt at a loss, her head was spinning and mouth drooling.

Gollum then looked upon her, and she didn't know why, but just his mere look caused her to do as her mother had done. She laid back, spread her legs and eagerly looked upon him, something primal within her wanted him, this strong male to take her and make her his.

And to her great relief, he answered her immediately by coming in between her legs. His wide body blocked out the light of that light stone from her, making him seem like some huge black beast before her, still she wasn't afraid, but excited as she managed to then sheepishly say.

"Please be gentle with me, it's, it's my first time."

In the darkness she couldn't see it all that well, but she could see his nice perky white teeth as he smiled at her words and said reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Gollum knows what Gollums women want. Gollum will be good if you promise to be good to Gollum. So will you be Gollums woman now, and forever more, Gollum Gollum Gollum?"

Was he proposing to her? She wasn't sure as her mind was at such a loss, but had he done the same to mother as well? Well for her it didn't matter, for this man had plenty to gift them all it seemed, a lot more than she alone could ever surely handle, and so she smiled madly and answered him excitedly.

"Oh God yes, my Gollum! I will be so good, I promise, just as long as you're good to me and love me, hold me, protect me with those huge arms, fuck me and, and and maybe if you want you could ram that huge cock up my dirty ass hole!"

To this Gollum simply said.

"Of course."

As he then instead of ramming her, came face to face with her and stole her lips into a passionate kiss, her first ever kiss. And only then as she hugged his strong body and melted into the kiss did he slowly push his length within her.

"Mhhhh, uhh iih."

She let out small muffled moans as he gently took her first. Finally she had seemingly become a woman and now she understood why her friends spoke of it as such a good thing.

But even still, she couldn't help but feel that this was not right. Why was she just letting him do whatever he wanted to do with her? He had slain her father, and even if he hadn't been a good father, he had still been her father and now she was basically just this murderer's war trophy. No she couldn't let this be.

Breaking away from the hot kiss, Maud panted for breath as she wrapped her legs around him, and then assaulted his thick manly neck with little kisses. She figured that as revenge for what he had done, she would suck him dry and make him fall on the floor like the Elf bitch. She would defeat him with love as he had done to the Elf and mother.

And to her surprise he didn't resist as she pushed him to the side and mounted him. He merely watched her with wide eyes and played with her decent sized tits, as she rode him.

Although her riding did fall a bit short as she couldn't pull herself up high enough. Instead he pulled on her nipples and made her body quiver in pleasure, her pussy squirted all over his dick, moistening it up, as he then grabbed her by the waist and began moving her up and down his length.

No more was she bouncing on him out of her own will, but he was making her bounce, until he finally released his hot seed within her. With lust she moaned out and weakly fell upon his strong chest.

She was totally defeated, for now at least and could only watch as he pushed her off and moved on to Davina. Her sister was such an obedient and submissive thing.

When presented by his cock, no words needed to be said, before Davina was already on her knees kissing his cock submissively as she looked up at him. The two then did their woes as she had done with him, and then to prove her love to him, he commanded her to clean his cock with her tongue and mouth, and she did.

And soon to Maud's awe that bitch actually started sucking him off. Davina's lips were wrapped around his cock as she without any help from Gollum swallowed his cock all the way to her throat, where Gollum then came in to help her as he grabbed her long blonde hair and forced his cock deep within her throat.

Maud could see her sister's throat bulge with the shape of his cock to be seen there, and as she watched this she noticed blood. Her virgin blood was on Gollums cock and her sister was actually sucking it all within herself.

Although the throat fucking didn't take long before Gollum pulled out, pushed Davina onto the floor and took her virginity as well. Soon mother awoke to see this sight as well, while the Elf seemingly still lay unconsciously on the floor.

But soon after it ended, mother already lay with her open legs pointed towards Gollum. That bitch actually wanted more, but Maude would not let her.

With sore legs she quickly crawled before mother, and as Gollum looked upon her again with a dick now covered in sister Davina's blood, Maud eagerly opened her mouth to him. Her tongue hung out, and then the fat not so hard of a cock as it once was landed upon her tongue and she hungrily started to suck him off.

Ailith seeing this was in awe at her daughter's actions, Maud totally stole her man just now. But soon to both the mother and daughters joy, Maud was pushed a top of her mother. And as she lay there with her mother's big tits as her pillows, Gollum took her once more, as her mother gently played with her daughter's tits.

Squashed between the two, Maud was moaning hotly, for her she felt like she was in Valinor just then. Never had she felt so filled, so fulfilled and close to her mother, especially as she was turned around.

Now face to face, the mother and daughter duo both drunk on sex, kissed each other with passion and loved every sensation of it. Soon Gollum came in her again, and then went to take her mother once more.

Davina also then after some time joined her family and quickly Gollum found himself in a strange situation. Pushed onto the floor close to Tauriel's sleeping form, he now had three beauties upon him. One hot mother sucked him off, as the twins were on his sides kissing and licking him all over. Curiously they explored every little bit of his body like wild wolves claiming their own territory by putting as much of their sent on it as possible.

And as he came once again, not knowing for how many of time, Gollums balls felt sore like never before. For Gollum this all felt so strange, never ever would he have thought of a day coming when he felt like complaining about fucking too much. But no matter how much he would have wished to keep on going, Tauriel had totally sucked him dry already to begin with, and now he had three really hungry bitches upon him, and despite giving them all two shots each, they seemingly wanted more.

Feeling the oldest of the three's amazing suction power on his dick, and that great tongue of hers rolling around his length. Gollum groaned as the two other girls kissed and licked his neck, and then he came again into the woman's mouth who eagerly took it all.

However it was as much as Gollum could give as he soon found himself fall into a deep sleep from exhaustion, with a huge grin on his face.

"Mmm, Gollum happy, Gollum King, Gollum swole, Gollum Gollum, Gollum."

Soon his words fell silent, eyes closed and hands stopped growping the two women's butts on his sides.

Seeing it Maud showed a victorious smile as she quietly spoke to Gollum and said.

"Hah, I guess even beasts have their limits in the end after all."

Mother Ailith though seemed sad as she desperately kept licking Gollums cock. While Davina was quick to try and fall asleep in Gollums side as she hugged his sleeping body tightly.

However the three were then suddenly alerted by the sound of a metallic collar being unlocked. The Elf somehow had gotten her hands on a pair of keys and now with them unlocked her collar.

And without a word said, the Elf tossed the keys before Maud, leaving Maud feeling conflicted as she looked at the keys before her and then back to Gollum.

Davina and Ailith too looked upon the keys, but hesitated. Soon they all looked to one another, and then to the Elf who was attempting to stand up. It seemed the Elf's lower half was quite tender causing her to have a hard time to just stand up.

Slowly the Elf then limped to the door, and there she then stopped and looked to the others as she asked them.

"Well, are you going to come help me make something to eat for our man, and clean this place up to make it livable, or are you just going to continue to sit there gawking at me?"

Hearing the naked Elves words a light of understanding came to the women then, as Maud quickly took the keys, freed herself and joined the Elf, as did the others.


Deep beneath the 7th level of Moria, a being of fire and shadow slept as it had done for thousands of years. Within the deep dark it stayed like this in fear of being discovered by those beings within the West. Already two of it's only brethren had been taken by them, and now it only remained and in fear of death hid away from the world above.

But little by little it started to feel changes take place within it's dark dreams. Strange voices had carried within its ears, corrupting its dreams of darkness to become once of passion and flesh.

And now through these dreams new desires and thoughts began to take shape within its head. The fear of death, and want of its own preservation started to be pushed aside and be taken over by wants and other needs that it had not felt or had ever fulfilled within its entirety of existence.

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