Chapter 8: Chapter 8. A new God is revealed?
Waking up Gollum found himself in complete darkness. His memories felt fuzzy as he tried to search them for answers, though no answers came. Instead he realised that there was something hard and warm within his pants.
Sticking his hand in there he then felt it, its surface was hard and sharp like a crystal. Pulling it out of his pants, he then poured his power within it, and as he did, it suddenly began to glow brightly like a star.
Quickly the darkness crept back and the world around was revealed to him. And around him he could see the mighty stone pillars of Moria that stretched up high and were placed in rows upon rows.
Truly the place was vast which always amazed him greatly. However it was silent as well, with only the quiet dripping of water to be heard within the distance.
Walking along, he quickly then found himself having come to the bridge of Khazad-dûm, and that's when he realised that he had in fact been within the second hall just then.
But Gollums wondering thoughts were quickly ended as the earth suddenly began to tremble and the sounds of thousands of bare feet running could be heard. They were coming, he realised then, but it was too late.
Looking to the other side of the bridge he could see a mass of naked women coming for him, as they chanted.
"Gollum we love you, Gollum we want you, Gollum we want all of you, Gollum give us more, more, more!"
Already at the mere sight of them running and their tits bouncing Gollum felt his balls clench up in fear. His balls were scared to give these women what they wanted, and so he ran.
"Noooo, leave Gollum alone, Gollum don't want anymore women, Gollum no want to fuck, please don't suck Gollum dry, you'll kill us, you'll kill us, Noooooo!"
He screamed for deer life and ran as fast as he could, still it seemingly wasn't enough. The women were coming like a fast approaching tidal wave from behind him, and within the second hall they crawled down the stone pillars like ants.
All around he could see big Butts, tits and overall just curvy women coming for him.
"Gollum scared, Gollum must run, Gollum can't take this, no more, Gollum balls are too sore!"
He complained but the women kept demanding more, as they came for him. And soon to Gollums horror the exit of the second hall was shut by the mere mass of naked women.
He was trapped with women coming from all sides, and like being swallowed up within to the depths of the Anduin, Gollum was then totally swallowed up within the mass of women.
"Gollum nooooo want women! Noooooo, Gollum Gollum Gollum!"
On a nice stone bed with plenty of cloth on top to act as it's mattress, a pillow made of chicken feathers and under a nice comfy blanket Tauriel lay watching her man sleeping next to her.
"Go Go Gol lom, Gol lom Lom Lo Lom, Gol lom, Gollum."
The creature Gollum muttered out within his sleep as he twitched strangely and seemed to be giving the air kisses. Seeing his strange actions and hearing his retarded words Tauriel showed a gentle smile. Honestly she wasn't sure why exactly, but to her his retarded words and actions like catching fish with his bare teeth was just so sexy.
Damn she really loved this man and his retarded tendencies, and most of all she loved his cock, or what she meant to think about was that she loved how reliable Gollum felt. Yes that was it, she loved how reliable his manly muscles were, how big his cock was. No wait, that was the wrong thought again.
However thinking of it, Tauriel did wonder if Gollum was ready to gift her some more again? Though before she checked his dick status, one of the three women making food next to a fire called out to her.
"So Lady Tauriel, if you don't mind me asking, just how did you meet Gollum? Have you perhaps known one another for a long time, and just what was up with you being chained up? Did you have a fight or something?"
Turning to look at the three women Tauriel could see that the shortest of them Davina had asked this. Within the fire light the girl was indeed pretty, making her definitely worthy of birthing Gollum his army, of course she was merely a human and would never birth out such Godly beings like her Elven self surely would. Her children would rule, and theirs would help hers rule, that was how it was going to be.
Still thinking of this lesser creatures question a smile came to Tauriel's face as she then said.
"Well it's actually a funny thing, when first we met not too long ago, actually yesterday I do believe it was. Gollum had used his powerful right fist to knock me out. He didn't hesitate at all, and with nearly his full power bashed me on the bottom of my chin nearly destroying my teeth. Truly it was a manly show of strength from him, so sexy. And after that I just knew that I would do whatever to have him as my love, my husband, my precious one."
Hearing these words the three ladies seemed a bit stunned, but said nothing about it, as then Tauriel continued to speak.
"Oh and well the chains, well they were there as he didn't trust me, and worried that I would actually be mad about him raping me. But honestly he didn't rape me, In fact much like you I asked him to do it, to ram that fat cock within my deep, wet, slutty casm and take my purity. Which he did and it was great, much more than I could have ever hoped to get from anyone of my race."
To this the three ladies nodded agreeingly. Though Maud seemed to become intrigued as she asked.
"Oh, but what do you mean Lady Tauriel. I thought that Elves are perfect beings, surely the men have it good just as Gollum does."
Hearing this Tauriel merely giggled, and soon as she explained further, the others soon began giggling as well. Though Gollum was disturbed, his sleeps were plagued by dark nightmares of naked women, and armies of Stoor Hobbit's with pitch forks and torches coming for his ass.
But most of all his ears were plagued by the happy giggling of women and some really weird girl talk. Unable to take it anymore his eyes then flew open to see the stone ceiling of the Dwarven guard house.
Quickly fear came to him, it was just like within his dreams, he was still in Moria, what if.... However his nose was quick to pick up the tasty smell of food and the sweet smell of his Elf there right next to him. He could also see that the lights of a fire flickering within the dark along with the white light of his light stone.
Turning to his side he was then met with the slender back of Tauriel, that gave him a feeling of ease. Tauriel truly was there, his woman was there by his side and it was no dream. And as to ensure it to be so, he put his arm over her, pulled her close and gave her back and neck many kisses, to the woman's surprise.
"Ahhhhh, my precious Gollum you're awake? Iikh, wait, AHH, that tickles."
Tauriel squeaked out in surprise as her back and neck were assaulted by kisses again and again. However Gollum didn't stop, the feeling of the light slender woman, an elf no less that was all his being within his arms was just too great.
The three ladies seeing this, also seemed surprised, but happy. However their happiness soon turned to jealousy and want, as they bit their lips. Ailith the mother of the three then was quick to say.
"Gollum my love, come eat. We have prepared chicken soup for you and eggs, they are sure to fill your stomach and make you fully regain your strength."
Hearing this, Gollum looked upon the women and was surprised to see them all there, and without their chains. In fact they were all looking at him not with murderous hatred, but with something else.
None of them seemed to be mad at him, or in any rush to get away from him? To see it quickly brought a warmth to Gollums heart. Had he truly been accepted by these four women now, had he finally managed to make some real trustworthy friends in his life?
Quickly kissing Tauriel's lips once, Gollum then climbed over the naked Elf woman and got out of bed. He too was naked, which earned him awe struck faces from the ladies and gasps, along with a slap on the ass from Tauriel.
Glancing back at the naughty Elf he could see her smiling at him challengingly. Now Gollum just felt conflicted, on one hand he would have liked nothing more than to have his way with his Elf wife again, but on the other hand he felt really hungry.
However then as to bring a solution to this problem of his, Ailith dressed within her simple dress came to hand him a bowl of soup with a spoon.
Taking it in hand he thanked her and sat down on the side of the bed, when Tauriel was quick to then get to her knees and begin massaging his shoulders. While the other three came to sit before Gollum with their own bowls of soup.
Then with great anticipation all the women sat still and held their breath, as Gollum grabbed his spoon, scooped up some soup within its wooden hold, brought it close to his lips, gave it a little blow to cool it, and then he brought it within his mouth and ate the contents of the soup there upon his spoon. And for a moment he seemed to dwell on the taste of it as he chewed it slowly, gulped it down then and ate it.
Pursing his lips Gollum then nodded his head in satisfaction and then said.
"Hmm, this is really good, Gollum likes."
And with those words all four women breath a sigh of relief, as Gollum asked.
"Which one of you made this, it's really good and not something I can ever recall tasting before."
Saying this Gollum was surprised at how not retarded his words all of a sudden sounded, and how relieved all the women seemed. All looked to him with smiles as the oldest of them said.
"I'm glad to hear you like it Gollum, as I believe we all are. For we all as your women did our own part to see this meal be made for you, our love, and our precious King Gollum."
Then from behind Gollum, Tauriel spoke.
"Indeed we all did our part, I for one gave the soup the spices I gained from trading with the men of the East when I was still within the Woodland Realm."
Maud then straightened her back, and confidently said.
"And I ventured over the bridge of Khazad-dûm, past the first hall of Moria and to the lake of Mirrormere, from where I gathered wood for the fire from the few trees and their fallen branches there, and I even gathered some mushrooms as well."
Davina the smallest of the three then also straightened her back as she told of her own part.
"And I gathered the chicken eggs and other ingredients we were missing from the supplies we brought along. While mother here, Ailith did the cooking and mixing of all the ingredients expertly as she always does."
Gollum hearing the name Ailith quickly realised that he didn't even know who these women were. They were his women for sure, and his wives now through the act of bonding, and yet he knew no more than that of them, and so he looked to Ailith and asked her.
"I see, so your name is Ailith then? Well I must apologise for Gollum seemingly forgot to ask you of your names. I guess my mind has been too occupied with thoughts of Kingdoms and such to realise that I should probably first get to know the ones who are to live within my halls, for this Gollum apologises."
Hearing Gollums words Ailith along with the others seemed taken a back, seemingly surprised, but glad to hear Gollums caring words. Still Ailith was quick to try and wash away Gollums concern's as she said.
"No please don't apologise to me, I'm unworthy of such care, for I'm no one of importance. I have no family but my girls, and even the man I once had didn't know of my name, so you don't need to concern yourself with it. And just like that man, feel free to call me your woman or less, for I deserve no name and need no more."
Hearing such words Gollum felt confused, especially as the two other girls nodded at their mothers words, but also he felt an anger boil within his soul. In a firm tone he then spoke as if speaking out a command as he said.
"No, I Gollum refuse to do that. I Gollum am King, the King under the mountains and I will not call my women any less than their names. For me Gollum titles and names have meaning, along with what those titles and names entail. So please tell Gollum of yourselves and your tales, as we eat and rest till we start our great work on our new mountain home. Do this, for it is King Gollums command."
The women seemed once more surprised to hear Gollum's words. Though Ailith seemed a bit hesitant, and maybe a bit saddened as she then began to tell her tale.
"Well, what is there really to say. As you surely know, I am a member of the Wild people, and have lived my entire life between the lands of the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, close to the river Anduin which gives the forest's here and the rolling hills life.
And here within these lands my small tribe used to live in relative peace for a time. Sure some small conflicts and raids occurred between the tribes, especially during bad winters. But one certain winter, more cold like none before, and long as well, it all changed.
Food had become scarce and to feed the tribe our hunters had to travel further than they usually did. However others were forced to travel further as well, and so different tribes hunters met within the forests. And as all were hunting the same prey for their starving families to survive, conflict soon then began to emerge.
And this is when my husband's father came. Petty King Saeweald Morcarson Of Drownholt he is called, and a Petty King he is for he is nothing but a king of Tribes. He merely rules over his lands with axe and shield alike, using his raiders to gain great wealth and riches for himself. Nowadays especially the raiders, plunder and take anything of value that they can get their hands upon, and like so have begun to grow rich and strong in recent times.
Even now I can still recall the day when their men came to our village covered in armour. They wore chainmail and metal helms, and held finely crafted axes, round shields, spears and bows. My people didn't hold any armour, only a few wooden shields, crude spears, bows and axes.
Needless to say my people stood no chance, and so most of the men were killed, only a few younger ones were enslaved. While all the women and girls such as myself, were either made into their war wives, or sold off to the lands of Calenardhon, or the northern lands of Gondor or maybe even beyond.
Luckily I was allowed to stay close to my homeland, though the husband I gained for my beauty, while high in standing wasn't a good man. Still at least it was due to him that I later learned the truth about Petty King Saewealdsons source of strength.
You see it was not as if those savages actually made their weapons and armours themselves. Instead it was through the Northern lands of Gondor, or Calenardhon to be more specific from where they gained those weapons and armour. But that wasn't it in its entirety, as the Northern Gondorians themselves had gained their equipment from further beyond, somewhere far away from the West. It is not known from where exactly, but rumours say that many goods and loads of coin have found themselves within the lands of Calenardhon through the trading caravans of Hobbit's. Hobbit's hailing from a great Kingdom called the Shire.
And funnily enough I learned of all of this because it was my husband that had many of times tried to gain these Hobbit trading caravans help. You see he had wished to marry my daughters off to gain not only powerful allies, but coin to buy mercenaries and weapons as well. He had wished to see the throne of his father passed onto him, through the killing of his own father, brothers and all else, till he would have been the only one left.
But thanks to you Gollum our fates have now changed for the better. With us all sworn to you, I finally can live in relief knowing that I get to now watch my precious daughters grow old with me. For if they would have been sold to some unknown men of wealth I had always feared that I would never get to see them again, and for that and everything else I am ever grateful to you, my love Gollum."
Hearing the last few words, the two other girls were quick to nod their heads and begin to tell of themselves to Gollum as well. And from what they told him, it quickly came evident to Gollum that these three women had not been living happy lives thus far.
Constantly living under their strict and controlling father. Having no freedom to choose a future for themselves, and the chance to choose friends or really do much of anything outside their little hunting lodge had not been good for them. In fact them coming to Moria had been the furthest they had ever travelled within their lives.
Of course Gollum himself hadn't travelled far, but still it had been his own choice to do so. So to hear of these girls strict lives was quite sad to Gollum, especially as they were his women.
Still Gollum now felt greatly relieved that these women were now with him, and together they would build something great within Moria. However Ailith did seem quite concerned about what would happen when the King learned of his son's death.
Though the Women's eyes then were quick to turn to Tauriel, as they then curiously asked the Elf of her past.
"Lady Tauriel, what about you? How is it that you ended up here? What of your parents and life amongst the other Elves? Don't you miss them?"
Hugging Gollum's back Tauriel seemed uncaring of their words as she lazily said.
"Pfft, don't be ridiculous. Why would I care about any of them now? I mean don't get me wrong, its not as if I hate them or something. I mean my life amongst the Elves of the Woodland Realm was great, but that's exactly the problem with them.
Life there is just too simple and boring. The Elves lack ambition, they merely take joy in living quiet simple lives within their woods and eating mushrooms. And after having watched it for quite some time now, and knowing of my people's history it has became evident to me that nothing is really ever going to change there.
So I don't care about leaving them, and well there was other things as well. Or well it's complicated, but don't worry about it, nobody there will miss me, and no family awaits for me there either. Now Gollum is my family, as I hope all of you will see him as such soon."
Hearing this Ailith and her two girls were quick to look upon Gollum as they said.
"No, don't worry Lady Tauriel, we too feel the same way about Gollum. We wish to be family with him and you as well."
While eating his food, Gollum felt a bit dumbfounded to hear all of this. Suddenly he had such a large family and possibly within them many new members growing as well. And seeing all of their hopeful eyes looking upon him, Gollum felt touched as he was quick to accept their affection.
"Umm, well worry not my loves. Like I already have said to each and every one of you, I Gollum most certainly see you all as my own. And with all of you I hope I can build a big family within this Kingdom of mine, a family big enough to populate this Kingdom. I Gollum and Tauriel have already spoken of this together, and like she, I hope you all will help me see this dream of mine become a reality. For you see, the truth is that what I truly ever have desired within this world is to have a family of my own. To have trustworthy loved ones close to me, to see them grow, to love and nourish them and to be accepted fully by them is something that I wish to have more than anything. Gollum has a dream, and Gollum wishes to share this big dream with the four of you that I love more than anything within this world, where I have no one else anymore."
Hearing these words the women all seemed to be touched by them, as they soon placed their hands upon Gollum's naked strong legs and swore their loyalty to him, while Tauriel hugged him from behind lovingly, letting him feel confoted by her bare chest being pressed against his back.
Though soon as if remembering something, Davina was quick to set her soup aside and rush to grab the light stone from the center of the room, where it merely lay on the ground. And as she rushed over to Gollum's side again, she handed it to him and curiously asked.
"What is this? I saw you carrying it around, but honestly I have never seen anything like it before, or even heard of such a thing."
Looking upon the light stone Even Tauriel seemed a bit perplexed, as she said.
"Hmm, well now that you mention it. You never did tell me what that is Gollum. It looks so magical, and yet you hold it as if it weren't anything special. And looking upon it now, the only tale that brings anything of similar design to mind is the old tale of the Silmarils, but surely that cannot be it? Can it, Gollum, my precious?"
Gollum knew not what the Silmarils were, but holding the light stone within his right hand, he knew that he could make this thing grow. If he merely poured more of his magical power within it, it's healing properties and light would become greater. He could even make it warmer or colder if he wished, for there was a connection between it and him, and he could feel it. He could feel that it would bend to his will and become that what he wished it to be.
And so without answering the ladies, Gollum poured his magic from his core within the white crystal and made it glow before them all. At the same time as he pushed more of his power within it, Gollum could feel himself becoming a little exhausted and see his right hand begin to glow a pure white.
Looking upon the pure white light, all then within that moment, except Gollum seemed to realise that they were not within the presence of a mare mortal creature, but a God.
And as this realisation came to them, Tauriel was quick to separate from Gollum, go sit next to the other women and there go down to her knees, as she looked up upon him and asked.
"So it is true, your claims of Godhood are no lie? You truly are one of them. You have been blessed by a holy light that rests within you Nd given you strength and the gift to give upon others life, through your healing light?"
Hearing the words, and seeing all four of them kneeling before him, a smile came to Gollum's face. He didn't think much of it himself, but liked the sound of Tauriel's words, to which he was quick to answer with a.
"Yes, I suppose it is so. There is a light within my core, a light of life, healing and strength to protect all that I hold deer within this world. It is a pure light, a holy light, the one and only Holy light of Gollum."
Then before them all the stone began to glow more brightly that before. Its light within the dark room was like a stars, and yet it didn't hurt their eyes, but healed them. They could feel a warmth come within their bodies, that made their bodies tremble with awe as they then all bowed before their new God in great reverence of his mighty power of Light.