Lord of the Rings a Strong Gollums tale

Chapter 9: Chapter 9, Possible plan's for new Resident's?

In days long gone, before the first age, when the two trees shined upon the world and gave it life, instead of the sun which was not then yet made. Fëanor the greatest Elven smith and wielder of magic within his time crafted the Silmarils.

Three great jewels they were in form, bright much like the lights of the two trees and capable of giving life upon the land, if the trees were ever to fade away. For Fëanor was a wise Elf who had predicted the falling of the trees, and so long worked and borrowed the lights of the trees to create the three stones.

They were his contingency plan in case the Gods trees ever were to fail them. And fail them the Gods trees did and his stones became vital for all. But eventually they were stolen and from hand to hand they went, until finally they were all lost.

One was cast within the deep oceans, one deep within the earth, and the last to the sky where it still shines down upon the land as a bright distant star. And within these three places they remain forever lost, and are now overshadowed by the sun's brilliant light that the creator himself bestowed upon all, since his children were incapable of solving their own problems themselves.

Still Tauriel residing in Moria now felt that she was in fact living under the lights of the Silmarils now. And not just one light, but hundreds of their lights that now dotted the walls and pillars of Moria.

And through these lights just like with the Silmarils life had begun to grow and prosper. With the lead of Gollum, they had begun to transport soil from around the Mirrormere and into the second hall.

While from the high sealing droplets of water fell to moisten up the soil. And as seeds were planted upon the soil, they had indeed to her amazement began to grow under the lights of the light stones.

Like so the once empty second hall had started to gain colour and life. Even within a small fenced off area covered with dirt, Chickens now also walked around searching for worms hiding within the dirt.

Truly it was quite a wonderful sight to see under the world. And not only this was amazing, but it had quickly become apparent to them all that the plants didn't merely grow as normal, but they grew ten times faster than they should.

Already on the 6th day after planting their strawberries were already bearing fruit, and were nearly ready for eating. Just like their other plants were also growing like never seen before in any other place.

Even within Lòrien that's soil was enriched by Galadriels magic that was enhanced by her ring Tauriel had never heard of such spurts of growth. But some plants would still take much longer to grow fully to an edible form than the strawberries, so for a time strawberries would be what they mostly ate.

However soon as their second week of living within Moria began, and as their bellies were being filled with plenty of tasty strawberries they realised something huge. For they realised that these strawberries were not just tasty, but bigger, redder, more nutritious and better in every single way, just like everything else seemed to be growing to be under the light.

Tauriel had even started to see her slightly tan skin becoming even fairer than before. The same held through for the others as well, and Gollum's shaved head had begun to grow golden strands of hair.

Tauriel could hardly believe her eyes, she swore that Gollum's hair had been blonde before. But no matter how she looked at it, she could only see Golden hair atop his head now. Indeed his man seemingly was something more than a mortal being, he was a true God it truly seemed.


Gollum was happy. His Kingdom was developing nicely. Food was almost secure, their living quarters within the guard house were now fully lit up and furnished. Four beds of stone that were well covered by blankets they all had, along with a table of stone lined with stone chairs where they sat and ate their food together.

Outside the guard house they cooked their food and had a fireplace built. The chicken fences were always there close at hand as well, as was their cart that they could always take outside to gather more resources from there.

Although he already was planning to have trees be grown within Moria so they would not need to venture outside to gather wood. Ditches made of dirt and stone that would travel around the second hall were also under way, along with plans of building a pool of water within the center of the hall.

Though he did not plan to make any mere fountain there, but a real deep pool. He imagined the ditches along with the pool to be dug deep within the floor one day, so that plant life from the rivers could be made to grow there, and maybe one day even fishes could be found there as well.

Like this Gollum hoped to secure all their basic needs within Moria. But even still security was lacking and so on the second week of living within Moria he set off to cutting wood, and building wooden walls to secure the second hall.

He would make gates leading to the other passages as well and close them off like so, since he didn't know what lurked within the darkness there. And before the bridge of Khazad-dûm he would make tall wooden walls from a top which his women could fire bows upon their possible invaders who would attempt to cross the bridge, while he planned to hold the bridge on his own to make sure that none got to his walls to begin with.

Though the two sisters Maud and Davina were still quick to turn there gazes to the deep darkness of Moria. Their curious young minds seemed unable to stand still and yearned to see what the darkness of Moria held within it.

So sadly in the name of security he was forced to forbid them to go explore the darkness. In time he would surely go there with them, but he didn't dare to now go too far in fear of outside invaders in his absence coming to claim his home. So for the time being Gollum's focus was on securing the second hall before everything else.

To do this he had along with everything else began gathering many regular stones which he converted into light stones. While he would have wished to make thousands of them and make all of them powerful enough to light the entire of the second hall, he sadly lacked the power to do so. At best he could make stones as bright as torch lights.

Still with every stone made he felt his power grow ever more. And with all his chipping of wood and loving of his women he quickly felt his strength and stamina growing as well. And with the smashing of stones to create the ditches for his waters to flow, Gollum felt his bones harden along with his skin and muscles also. Even his anger that had seemingly damaged his brain had begun to fade away with the love he received from his wives, and so his head had also started to clear up.

Due to this his speech had become more clear, and he managed to calm himself down enough to sit and look within himself for answers. And indeed within himself he saw the depths of his core of light.

Three layers there were to it, the outer edge was Golden and strong, the middle a raging red that screamed with power, and within the center of the light there was a brilliant pure white light.

Looking within them he then felt them answer his curiosity back and soon he found himself becoming truly one with the light within himself. The golden light was quick to swoop within his bones to make them strong, while the red made his muscles strong, and the white holy light infused itself with his heart and cleared his mind as well. And now around his heart there was a brilliant core of light protecting his heart from all harm.

And the further he delved within his powers, the more he could feel himself becoming one with them. Soon his veins, his intestines, his blood and all were coated with the light and became one with it.

Gollum felt tough like stone, his power was like that of a raging bulls, his skin felt leathery like a Wargs, and yet his skin was also fair like the elves, and even his body felt light like them as well. However he in fact wasn't light, his steps were heavy, his body wide and tall almost like Tauriels now, and his stamina great enough to fuck his women to a blissful sleep before him.

Gollum felt good, Gollum felt like a King, like a true God of Moria indeed. He gave life to the dark and bred it within his women, and it was good. Still Tauriel along with Ailith and the twins seemed uncertain of his plans as they all gathered around the stone table.

"This will not be enough Gollum my precious, we will need more hands if we are to build anything of significance in a reasonable amount of time here."

Tauriel said this to him, which the other ladies nodded to agreeingly. Though once Tauriel spoke again they didn't seem too pleased.

"I say you go out there again my precious, take from those wild men, and bring their women here. Do this whether they like it or not, and in due time as with Ailith and her daughter's you will make them bent to your desires."

Shaking her head at these words Ailith had then been quick to say.

"No, that's just wrong. Lady Tauriel, while it is true that Gollum our love helped us in the end, and we certainly didn't mind his actions at all. What you're now talking about is basically kidnapping and Gollum defiling women against their will to get more people into Moria. That simply I just cannot agree with, and the women you speak of will surely not accept. Sure some might, but with such actions you risk creating a group of extremely angry women and whoever their relatives are to possibly come one day and make war upon us."

Ailiths words made sense to Gollum, though Tauriel didn't seem to agree, but managed to hold her anger as she asked.

"Well what would you suggest he do then? Just go out and ask people to join us, hmm? Well I for one refuse to have any Wild men or anyone else in great numbers to be brought within these halls where they will surely soon begin preaching about their own so called gods and their vile traditions. I simply refuse to listen to their blabbering or to even try and attempt learning their languages, knowing Elvish and the Westorn languages is enough for me. And most of all, the blood of the inhabitants of Moria I wish to keep pure, not like it is there within the world outside. Here only Gollum and whoever he chooses as his wives will be allowed, and no one else, no vile wild men especially, or any other men than Gollums own offspring are allowed, I refuse."

Tauriels word's none seemed to disagree with, but still Ailith was quick to give them all a suggestion that none there except her knew of. With a knowing smile Ailith then said.

"Hmm, well I understand that you as an Elf might not know of this. You see unlike elves or the other races, we humans have perfected sinister, but useful ways of gathering population and workers to lands lacking of those things if need be."

Listening to Ailith all gathered around looked curiously upon her to hear this great solution of hers, and so seeing them all now listening to her she happily continued by saying.

"Money, yes money is the solution. Coins of copper, silver or even gold can solve all our problems with ease. And since I can see that these halls have for long lain untouched, I can guess that here loads of coins are just laying for us to take."

Hearing this Tauriel was quick to ask.

"What do you mean woman? How is any amount of coin going to get Gollum wives to help him populate these halls. You know that there are no mercenary bands of only women out there for us to hire and keep here?"

Ailith merely laughed lightly as she heard this, and was quick to explain further.

"No Lady Tauriel, I'm not speaking of anything that expensive. What I mean is women from brothel's, we can buy as many of them to come here as we wish I believe. From what I have heard the big cities of Gondor are full of them, women willing to serve a man as much as he pleases, as long as the amount of coin is right. They supposedly are more than happy to take a man's seed uncaring of giving birth to a bastard born child if they are paid well. And yes I know it might sound ridiculous for a woman to stoop so low in life, but I heard it from my husband once and saw his face as he boasted of these things to a few friends of his at our home long ago, and there was no lie to be seen on his face then, only a wide grin. Plus I heard that the Wild men have even sold many of the Woodman tribes young girls and women in recent times to the slave markets of Gondor as well, so there has to be many of them there. And if anyone is more than happy to be bought by a reliable strong man, then I bet those poor girls are. In fact they if anyone would probably be more than willing to follow our love Gollum here and become Moria's new loyal residents. So that's my plan, slaves and brothel women, plus coins and our problems of numbers will be easily solved. Women will be plenty and I'd imagine you Tauriel would be happy with that?"

Hearing Ailiths explanation, all around the table were stunned. Tauriel especially seemed disturbed by this as she asked.

"Wait, you cannot be serious? What you speak of sounds like something highly immoral and just pure evil. The men of Gondor last I heard are not Black Númenóreans, they do not serve the dark lord. They are good and righteous people who fight against the darkness, and protect Middle-earth from the evil men of the East who there follow those dark gods of theirs."

Ailith hearing this merely shook her head, and said.

"Sure that is partially true, the Kingdom of Gondor does defend the west from the constant raids and attacks of the evil men of the East. But it is also true that constant warfare does not merely take lives, but also coin from the kings treasury. And as such the Kingdom is most likely forced to use some unsavoury measures to keep their people happy and the coin flowing in, or this is my guess. Plus I heard that it isn't even all that long ago that the Kingdom completely outlawed human sacrifices done to prisoners. So you can imagine that other dark things have also happened, and still happen within the Kingdom as well."

As Ailith said this Tauriel along with the twins seemed disturbed, while Gollum listened to this all with great interest. Ailith has never been to Gondor, but if the things she had heard of the Kingdom were true, then Gollum wanted to see it one day.

Still for Gollum all that Ailith said sounded so alien to him. The Stoor Hobbit's like Gollum himself always kept to themselves, and didn't bother themselves with the world outside their little caravan homes.

In fact after what he had done, he wouldn't have been surprised if the Stoor Hobbit's in fear of his wrath had already packed up and began to move further West in search of safer lands again.

Though now Gollum no longer cared for his former brethren, he didn't care for those small people and their small women, no he liked her women big, and so his thoughts quickly turned to Gondor, which he very much would have liked to see one day.

And he didn't just want to see these slaves and brothel women, but he wanted to see their form of governance, how society, religion, buildings were built and all else, he wanted to know of it all and how it worked. Maybe he could use this knowledge then to make his own Kingdom within Moria great as well. Although human sacrifices he did not see logic in, but maybe if they were those evil Hobbit's or Orcs, now that he could understand.

But whatever the case, Gollum felt now more informed than ever before. Truly having many wives was a blessing as they all had something to gift him besides their love, not that he really needed them to have such things, but it was a good bonus.

And while that day no agreements were reached as Gollum refused to leave Moria when its defences were weak. It like many of their other conversations during the time they spent together were always interesting for Gollum to listen to.

Truly spending time together other than in bed or while working was nice. All of them got along, Tauriel was respected by the three others, Tauriel in turn accepted them, and they all loved him it seemed, and Gollum was happy for this all. So life within the underground of Moria was peaceful and good.


At the same time a Wild man from Drownholt was riding upon his horse to go see his friend living at the outskirts of their Kingdoms lands. However as he arrived at his friend's home all he found was a mostly eaten corpse of a man laying in a field of flowers before an empty home.

No real signs of struggle could be seen that the Wild man could recognise. Although he could see tracks of a heavy cart moving towards the south where Lòrien was.

Seeing it all the man felt lost. He imagined that maybe his friend's home had been attacked by their enemies, but the Elves weren't their enemies, right? The Elves didn't care about the Wild men, unless someone were to do something grave to insult them. And then again the Elves would not take human prisoners, especially some three women who surely had no real value to them.

So instead the man's eyes turned North. For him it seemed that the obvious culprit here was the Wood men of Mirkwood, but then again they were not ones who would without a good cause cross the river Anduin to the western side. So perhaps the Northmen of Rhovanion, those horse lovers, or horse Lords as some called them were to be blamed here.

Gritting his dirty crooked teeth the Wild man then quickly grabbed the mostly eaten corpse from the ground. Tossed it upon his horses back and then rode back southeast, over the river Anduin and towards his Kings town of Drownhold.

There behind tall wooden walls with palisades and a mote before it was the halls of their King. The town was not big compared to the Gondor cities. But it still held vast fields around it that fed its 1 thousand inhabitants, men and women all who could be armed and made to fight whoever had killed his friend.

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