Chapter 2: Tom Ellis Stop fighting Morgan Freeman
'That son of a bitch. I just got capped by my best friend. What the fuck.' Damien thinks his mind filled with anger.
He looked down and found He was still in his own body plus he didn't have a bullet wound in His head. Though he could tell He was dead he didn't know how he knew, but it was similar to knowing how to breathe it was instinctive ingrained in his very being.
"hmm is this heaven? god, they should hire an interior decorator" He said to himself. He was in a creepy old cabin. 'This looks exactly like the cabin from the Evil Dead movies. oh shit am I in hell and they're going to make me live through 80s movies forever.' He thought to himself.
" I would have thought you would love this decor fighting demons along with a chainsaw hand feels like it'd be up your alley" a British accented voice chimed in from behind Him. Damien turned around to see Tom Ellis the star of the show Lucifer. He froze like a deer in headlights. He couldn't think for a moment as he stood shocked.
"what's the matter? why are you so silent all of a sudden? The devil got your tongue?" He smirked.
"so I'm in hell?"Damien said a bit quietly as if accepting defeat He wasn't a great person in my life but He was starting to improve and He did have a bit of a rough start." I guess it didn't matter."
"well actually you're wrong about both of those things my dear Damien it truly did matter and you are not in hell, "Lucifer said opening his arms like he was about to give a gift. he moved in close and Damien was unable to move "but I would really like to ask what is it that you desire?"
"I want to be loved, I want to live in the dreams like those in the books I loved in my last life, I don't want to be alone anymore, I want my parents to love me, I want Angie..." The raw answers spewing from His mouth unlike the show it wasn't his deepest desire it was every desire he currently wanted slipping from his lips uncontrollably his entire soul cracked open on the table while Lucifer hack at it with an axe. He couldn't stop every dream and every fantasy poured out of him to the feet of this cosmic being and the more Damien spoke the more his skin started to feel burning smoke emanated as from his skin.
"ENOUGH LUCIFER HASN'T THE BOY SUFFERED ENOUGH WITHOUT YOU SEEING INTO HIS ESSENCE." A deep grave voice emerged from the opposite end of the cabin He turned slightly and saw Morgan Freeman with his hand out towards Lucifer.
"Morgan Freeman?" Damien exclaimed loudly. The realization of who he must be came almost instantly. The two started to walk towards each other lucifer Called out a few insults at God who looked at him with a look resembling pity but also a bit of pain. As they spoke ignoring Damien's presence.
"WHY?" Damian asked in nearly a yell exploding after listening to two beings bicker and that word carried so much pain and anger at them them it held his resentment of his death, his resentment of his childhood why had he made him so socially inept? why when He finally had his shit put together had his best friend killed Him? Why could He only read about love in books but never experience it until He finally did just for it to be snatched away from Him?
The way they just looked at Him. He could tell they knew what He had meant by that question even if He hadn't said anything but one word.
"I'm sorry my son," God said a look of sadness on his face." you were supposed to live a long happy life along with your soulmate."
"I do play a part in that a demon got loose from hell and wanted to mess with the natural order a bit. It possessed Thomas after he left you at the restaurant, He went on a rampage killing many it wanted to kill you because you and everything its host body loved so the host could fall in despair so it could completely rob Tom of his soul" Lucifer said his face regretful." but he could have stopped him if he wasn't visiting other gods in the multiverse," he said pointing the finger at morgan freeman. God grimaced at Lucifer's shamelessness.
"On a positive note, Seeing your act of defiance saving Angie gave Tom enough power to wrestle control and take his own life with the gun so the demon got no souls even though many lives were lost," Lucifer said in a cold pragmatic tone showing how different this lucifer was from the show the cold indifference of life.
"look my son I can not send you back to your world as your soul has already ascended to a higher plane." God said choosing to ignore lucifer entirely." You can't go to heaven as well because you were never able to live out your life to complete the deeds you were meant to but you also were the one who stopped a demon and while your contribution was menial it deserves compensation." GOD says.
"you could always come to hell but I doubt you're completely guilt-free the way you lived your life and that wouldn't be very pleasant for you." Lucifer chimed in with a smile.
"I will offer you reincarnation so you can achieve the karma you need and even give you access to the worlds you read of in your past life so that you can finally achieve your dreams of never being alone," God said.
'oh shit is he going to isekai me into a book world' Damian thought. The disappointment of not getting into heaven left him instantly.
Both god and the devil started laughing at him, his thoughts easily accessible to them His attitude towards them flipped at Gods words.
"Do I get Wishes?" Damian asked with a ridiculous smile that had never been on my face ever before that moment.
"No," God said. Damian's Smile dropped a bit at that.
"I'll give you a few gifts so the world is fun and you succeed in life and find the loved ones you crave.
First, The World You will go to will be a mixture of three book series you read as a child but I will only tell you the first which is Lorien Legacies and you'll have to figure out the other two. The timeline of the other two will be changed as well so even though you may figure out the worlds you will have to figure out the timeline and how it correlates with Lorien legacies. There might be a few other surprises thrown in but they will not have as big an effect on the world framework. The world will be much larger than you remember.
Second, I will send your soul mate after her death to find you in this world After your death Angie never found love never truly getting over that night she became a teacher becoming a great inspiration to many but never truly found happiness as she would have with you and as much of a boon as it to know your soulmate exists in the world it will be your tasks to find her.
Third, as you are fitting into the very structure of this world the different energies from all three worlds will rest inside of you seamlessly this may affect your background in this world. Though you will be born as a garde the effect of the other world will be something you will have to figure out.
Fourth I know how your childhood in your last life was and I want you to enjoy this life so I shall remove your memories of your last life except for the books movies and tv shows that you have consumed in your life, the one and only night you had with your soulmate in the last life and your time here in the ether. You will awaken these memories when you are six years old.
Five I shall make you the inheritor of a large company but since the trauma from your last parents is still evident all the way down to your soul you wouldn't be able to see them as anything more than strangers even if you have parents. But I will give you an uncle who will care for you. When you awaken your memories you can bestow him as your cepan and he will be given loric knowledge so that you have a faithful companion in this world.
Six I will grant you increased intelligence and your ability to Adapt, Learn, and train effectively.
lastly, I will give you a superhuman physique but you will need to train and make an effort to improve yourself." as God finished he looked Damian in his eyes.
"Is this acceptable my son?" He asked with a smile knowing that He would say yes. It was a lot to process his expression and emotions did backflips following his new gifts but He knew that He'd enjoy his new life and knowing that Angie was my soulmate calmed Him. Lucifer was creepily quiet throughout God's speech and seemed to be pondering something.
"I shall also give you a few gifts because this mishap was slightly my fault." lucifer said sounding exasperated.
"First I will give you the perfect appearance women will want you, men will want to be you
Second I will give you a way to keep up your progress kind of like a system but with no mission or inventory or store just stats and lets you see how your abilities progress but it will also let you scan enemies if you have to fight.
Third I think ill keep that a mystery but it will have to do with the other books that will be in this world." he said with a smirk that was really cool in the show but now it just looked sadistic like he had just taken the screws from Damian's chair and asked him to sit down.
God looked at the devil and he could tell they were talking but he couldn't hear what they were saying. Little scary two omnipotent beings talking about him right in from of him and he couldn't hear what they were saying and had no ability to speak up on his own behalf.
They seemed to agree about something and looked at Damian at the same time.
"We will be keeping an eye on you in this new life maybe throw you a few twists and turns," God said.
"Even though it was our negligence that bought you a second chance there will not be a third." The Devil said.
"Good-Bye my son," God said black liquid-like motor oil started seeping from the floors and sealings of the cabin.
"Goodbye Little brother," The Devil said. The cabin started to fill slowly with this dark viscous liquid until Damian could no longer move the liquid was thick and unyielding as if it was cement. God and Lucifer disappeared and the liquid level raised and raised until He drowned in the oily darkness.