Chapter 3: Today is a new day but there is too much Sunshine
Damien woke up coughing hard enough that he though his lungs would jump out of his chest. He didn't feel the black oil in his lungs but the startling memory awakening made it feel like it was just seconds ago. He quickly calmed himself after a minute the pain in his head not helping at all.
"Damien, Are you ok?" a voice from the hall called to him with quick urgent footsteps towards his room. Damien recognized the voice easily, it was his Uncle Simon he had taken over the company after my parent had died when He was four, he was his guardian, caretaker, Most trusted confidant, and his best friend.
"I'm fine sorry just had some water go down the wrong pipe," Damien yelled to his Uncle Simon to stop him from coming in. Hearing the footsteps stop and walk off with no follow up He let out a Sigh of releif. His thoughts were a little muddy so He crossed his legs and sat on his bed as if he was meditating to sort his thoughts out for a moment.
After a few more minutes the pain subsided He noticed a few changes. His eyesight felt clearer than normal the world looked more colorful. He felt more intelligent and stronger than His usual six-year-old self. He started to sift through his memories. Well, The good news God delivered on his promises. The bad News He delivered on his promises. An armada of bloodthirsty aliens was on Earth. He did the math in his head pretty quickly it's 2002 now the garde ship came down in 1999 after that The mogs came soon after but Damien was born on September 19th, 1996. So Damien would be one year younger than John.
The new memories of books, movies, and shows popped into His head and what stood out the most was a beautiful girl's face and finally the conversation with God and the Devil. It was very dissociating knowing about a past life version of you. He was happy not to have that guy's memories other than the good stuff. His thoughts quickly changed to worry. Three books from His past life were real.
There was no way He could know which ones at least they'd thrown him a bone with Lorien's legacies, He could plan around that. His brain flip-flopped back over from excitement to worry on one hand, He'd grow up to have Super Powers and he had the safety cushion of being insanely wealthy So as long as He planned well his future safety was guaranteed. Sure He's not going to have powers for a whileas garde don't unlock their powers until hit their teenage years but He could still tell the future since the plots of the books were all sitting in his brain.
On the other hand, a sense of anxiety washed over him not knowing which other books the world formed what if it was some horror movie or because of the plot of the other ones the mogs are set up to win this time around such worlds Like say Dark tower where a demon kidnaps kids with the shine sounds pretty similar to Loric's TK imagining all the loric kids dying before even having a shot to take down the mogs sends a shiver down Damian's spine. It's crazy how many children stories are about evil people hunting powerful kids down or what if the books are even more destructive Then an alien invasion like a zombie apocalypse. Damien starts spiraling Falling into worst-case scenarios.
He pushed those thoughts out of his head his newly increased intelligence helped him focus on the positive Thinking about the other gifts that He had been given. The devil proved that his ego was astronomical by making Him look exactly like him from His memory He was a perfect miniature of Tom Ellis. Though He was a bit tall and big for a 6-year-old if you didn't know you would probably believe was 8 or 9. Probably god's superhuman body at work. Though he wasn't this strong or smart before maybe some of god's gifts have been with him since birth. Maybe it's what God said about synchronizing with the energies of the world.
He starts thinking about Lorien Legacies Operating on the assumption that the other worlds won't interfere between Garde and Mogadorians IT wouldn't take much for him to make sure all the garde stay alive this time really he knows every mistake that the garde make to get caught he access to nearly infinite resources and he could secure a power base big enough were he wouldn't have to worry about whatever world was out there.
Though it would be difficult it would be nearly impossible to gain the trust of the cepans as well as the Charm that keeps them safe if He just flew around picking them as soon as one of them meets another the charm that keeps them safe would break. Saving the Garde themselves wouldn't be too hard but saving their cepans as well now would be a bit more difficult. His company was trillion-dollar conglomerate He could definitely operate beyond the scenes without the government or the mogs knowing, money turns a lot of heads but he'd have to be careful He'd need high-level trustworthy subordinates.
Though it would be hard, either way, He had the resources and knowhow to help the garde save the world he couldn't just sit on the sidelines, could he? He starts thinking of the other gifts taking stock of his assets thinking about what would work for him right now and He remembers the devil's status gift.
"STATUS" Damien yells out a little loudly. The blue panel appeared in front of his face.
Name: Damien Swift Age=6
str:20 agi:20 vit:20
Int:250 charm: 250
Powers and Abilities=
increased intelligence-Super Big brain Stark Who?
increased learning/training Speed- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Smarter?
Devilishly Handsome- Women want you, men want to be you(beware some men will want to be with you as well)
Devil's secret gift-?
Cepan bestow- one-time use instant battle training for your guardian and partner say "Bestow Cepan" from God
Billionaire: Money is Power- Throw money at small problems it goes away
"What the heck are you doing in here?" Uncle SImon said a bit upset as he stormed into Damien's room concern written on his face, but when he looks over at Damien he gasped. The way his eyes followed the panel in front of Damiens face He could tell he could see it as well.
"you can see this?" Damien asked as He pointed at the screen. Even though He knew the answer. His eyebrows creased in irritated at the question.
"Of course, I can see it."He said with a note of indignation." What is it?"
At first, Damien wanted to lie but then He remembered that god said He could trust him and he'd be Damien's companion through this crazy world. This was interesting He wondered if it was because made him my cepan that he is able to see it maybe others would be able to see it as well.
"It's a status screen to evaluate my current strength," He said honestly. Simon gaped like a fish out of water for a moment at the nonsensical answer. Damien holds up his hand stopping Him From freaking out
"I know this is weird but there is a lot weirder out there so just chill out and sit down while I figure this out," Damien says which freaked His Uncle Simon out a little seeing his adorable six-year-old nephew talk liked grown 5 or 6 years in a night.
It was clear that uncle Simon didn't like taking orders from his Six-year-old nephew. But he did because he was in awe of the screen and wanted to figure out what was going on with his nephew who he found was acting strangely. Damien ignored Simon for a moment as he sat down at the desk chair across his quite large bedroom.
" What do those numbers compare to a regular person?" Damien asked the status page, He instinctively knew that the system wasn't A.I. based so he didn't expect an answer, but surprisingly a secondary page opened in front of the status page. It must respond to specific prompts.
Level chart:
Regular Humans/?=1-99
Superhumans/Trained cepan/?/=100-199
tk Garde/?(?)=200-299
full power untrained garde/?/?/?=300-399
battle trained Garde/?/?=400-499
Lorien elders/?/?/?=500-999
Seketras ra/ Pitacus lore/?=1000+
Level dictates overall combat power
'hmm, I must qualify for superhuman because my intelligence and charisma are so high. God said I would need to train.' He thought. 'can I look at Uncle Simons's status'
Name: Simon Swift Age=26
str:65 agi:65 vit:65
Int:120 charm: 120
Powers and Abilities=
Master Business Management: Can Manage a Business well
Sweet Talker: Good with Women
Great health: In pretty good shape for his age and occupation
Good hand-eye coordination: can catch a ball
Basic Martial arts: can take down maybe one guy if he sees him coming
Educated: I know lots about history, I know lots about biology, I know lots about science books I know lots about the french you took
(That's a joke that might fly over some of the reader's heads unless you are reincarnated or were alive during the 60s)
Billionaire: Money is Power
'That's cool it's able to scan off my thoughts I don't have to say anything thought
'what is my strength compared to a regular six-year-old?' Damien Asked the system. 'Am I able to hide system prompts from others?'
{Your physique is approximately two times stronger than a regular six-year-old.
Personal status mode on.}
The system answered with two new pop-ups. I saw my uncle's eyes go wide as the screen disappeared from his sight.
"What was that Damian?" he asked very seriously Damien could see the panic in his Uncle's eyes, which were very eerie for my usually very playful uncle. To Simon's eyes the status looked like magic or really advanced tech but either of those possibilities were enough to put him on edge.
He sat there in silence going through what could have just happened. While Damien messed around with the screen thinking about the possibilities of the future and wether to use the cepan bestow, finally he spoke as he saw the every growing look on His Uncle Simon's Face as if he was losing his mind, a look that was a mixture of confusion curiosity and worry.
"The world is about to change Uncle Simon someone has given us the chance to change the future before it happened and make the world a better place they also gave us a way for me to make you stronger so that you can help me make the world a better place" Damien knowimg that it wasn't exactly a lie but at most a half truth.
"Who, Damien?" he asked.
"A friend" Damien responded again. Technically not a lie but again not the whole truth but Damien felt that's what he needed to hear. He leaned back and sighed in exasperated acceptance. He put both hands on his face rubbing his temples. The worried look slid off his face morning into the more pragmatic business man serious expression that he had seen many times when he's on phone calls and in meetings.
"Do you trust his friend?"Simon asked his nephew. At that moment Damien knew he could trust his uncle if it had been any other person that saw some strange phenomenon and a little kid acting older than he is they would be freaking out assuming he was possessed but there his uncle is experiencing the weirdest 15 minutes of his life and instead of freaking out he was calm, collected and cool-headed.
"With my life," Damien said. Damien laughed to himself at the absurdity since it was God who gave him the life in the first place but his laughter only worked to raise his uncle's anxiety.
"Then what do we need to do" Uncle Simon said after a few moments deciding to go with the flow Probably just trying to figure out what the blue screen is more than believing Damien was going to save the world. Damien smiled glad that his uncle was on board.
"Bestow Cepan," Damien said and a white glow Enveloped Simon Lifting him up like a scene out of a superhero movie Damien got off of the bed with a sense of urgency but he didn't know what to do He was worried that something bad was going to happen to his uncle he reached out for him His hands burning against the white light like touching fire. He starts to hear foot steps coming down the hall.
As a very wealthy and influential Family, many people wanted to hurt them so they had their own private security team the head of which was currently in bound. Mike their head of security worked very closely With Uncle Simon while ike was my personal bodyguard. Just as they open the door the light stops and Uncle Simon's feet touch the Floor.
"Are you alright sir," Mike asks Simon. who nods his head his brow lined with sweat but looks exactly the same as a few minutes ago. Ike does a quick security check of the room and then they both make themselves scarce once again.
System Scan Uncle Simon again.
Name: Simon Swift Age=26
str:160 agi:160 vit:160
Int:170 charm: 190
Powers and Abilities=
GrandMaster Business Management: Can Manage a Business well
Master Sweet Talker: Good with Women
Great health: In pretty great shape for his age and occupation
Expert Marksman: can shoot the wings off of a fly
Master in Lorien Martial arts: kick Alien Ass
Master in Earthly martial arts: kick Human Ass
Basic Lorien History: I know there are nine elders and the planets gone
Basic Lorien Tech: I may be able to set up some traps but if you ask me to fly the plane we better get some marshmallows
Basic knowledge of Mogadorian History: industrialization sucks
Big brain on Earthly Education: Bill nye the science guy don't got nothing on this dude.
Trainer: I train the smart but ignorant
Billionaire: Money is Power
Negotiater- could sell water to a drowning man
'WOw he's so much stronger' Damien thought 'did the system just take a shot at me calling me ignorant.'
"Ugh... so the Mogadorians are Here?" Uncle Simon asked in a sad tone. He knew the answer but wanted reassurance.
"yeah, sorry to tell you" Damien sighed."we've got a lot of work to do if we want to make a difference." Damien walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen.
"We're going to need an army and you're going to need to get stronger if your thinking about running around that crowd."Uncle Simon said guessing that cepan's knowledge has him treating me as a trainee now instead of his baby nephew. Might have shifted his whole perspective on life Damien can't imagine his easygoing Uncle being ok with fighting in an intergalactic war but the experiences of anearly extinct alien people might have some side effects 'I'll have to keep my on him.' Damien thought.
"Do you know where the Nine are now?" he asked. WIth that question I know that god must have included the fact that i know the future in the data pack provided for my uncle Simon that will come in handy since it means he won't be too heavy-handed making decisions for me like usual meddlesome adults.
"Nope, but I know where they're going to be, "Damien says. "but for right now we aren't looking for any of the nine."
"Then what are we going to do?" He asks. A slight cracking on the kitchen table appeared underneath his hands due to his newfound strength.
"Well first, you need to get used to your strength I know we are rich but can't have you leaving piles of debris in your wake everywhere we go," Damien says causing a grunt from Simon," Then We need to find the Pilot and his ship,"
A smile burst onto my face in excitement. Uncle Simon Grimaced. Horribly Strange morning.