Lost and Longing.

Chapter 124: :)Ch124

His smile turned curious and he adopted a tone he would use when speaking with a very young child, "If you are such an expert in all workings of Magic, or the 'the Force'," Harry said, using his fingers to show air quotes. "Why don't you outline for such a primitive as me exactly what is impossible and possible?"

Harry waited for several moments with an overly interested and wide eyed expression and was met with silence before he shook his head sadly, not giving her a chance to talk, "If you define what is impossible you are putting limits on something you clearly don't even begin to understand."

He turned back to Ahsoka and as a parting shot over his shoulder, though this one seemed to encompass both women. "Kind of shines light on the arrogance of calling yourselves 'Masters' when someone who is still a novice is able to do things you believe 'impossible' with a week or two of decent instruction."

He shook his head slightly and moved to go back to Ahsoka who was focused on a rock and seemed to be attempting to mold it into the form of a ship of some sort. However, Harry was stopped by Shaak Ti's voice. "I apologize, Mr. Potter."

Harry turned this time his expression showed surprised and he raised an inquiring eyebrow inviting her to continue.

"I was surprised, and forgot my own lessons. I did not mean to offend," Shaak Ti explained with genuine remorse in her voice. She may not trust Harry fully, and still have some rather large suspicions, but she also realized that she had offended him and was in the wrong.

Harry waved a hand with a small smile, "No offense taken. It's not your fault that you've been indoctrinated to view the universe in such a limited perspective. It can happen to anyone really. Happened to me when I was a kid too. All you need to avoid such things in the future is to simply keep an open mind and don't accept something as gospel because someone told you."

Harry turned again and observed Ahsoka. After some initial struggles she seemed to be working her way through the small pile of rocks, as it was quickly dwindling. He didn't see the reaction his words caused on the Jedi Master's face as she looked at Aayla who shook her head slightly, telling her friend confronting the issue at the moment wasn't in their best interest.

Harry glanced back once more toward the two Jedi. "Night time is coming. I won't send you back out into the jungles. When night falls the danger in the jungle magnifies, especially with hunters who track body heat. You can be my guest overnight if you'd like."

Aayla frowned and looked around. Nothing seemed to have changed. The blue flames continued to light the area, they hadn't changed, at least not in any noticeable manner. "Harry, how did you know it's almost night down here? There is no sunlight."

She was half expecting another answer of 'magic' and was somewhat disappointed by his more prosaic answer.

"You can tell by the temperature beginning to drop," Harry replied as he headed back over to where Ahsoka was looking in the bowl of creatures that were moving over different miniature objects. He left the two women to their own devices.

Aayla shook her head slightly at her friend, "As I mentioned... he's not... the biggest fan of the Jedi Order."

"I… could hear the disgust in his voice, but couldn't even sense the emotion behind the words." Shaak Ti observed, a frown on her face. "Not anger. Not even annoyance."

Aayla nodded a little bit, "I haven't figured out how he's doing that either."

Harry was back focused on Ahsoka who had filled the small bowl with small animals, models of star ships, though the last few rocks had been turned into what looked like colored glass, and Ahsoka was sitting cross legged holding the last rock in her hand looking at it speculatively. "Harry, is it possible to trans… transfigure something permanently?"

"You just got started and you're already exploring advanced transfiguration theory? Talk about over-achieving. Took me years, I think over a decade in fact, to get to that point." Harry chuckled a little bit and sat back down next to her in a cross-legged position, "The honest answer is that I don't know."

When Ahsoka looked at him surprised that he didn't have an answer, he shrugged apologetically but didn't seem sorry.

"The idea of permanent transfiguration is a little tricky. I told you. Intent, will or focus if you prefer, and power. The more power and will you cast with the longer your intended transfiguration lasts." Harry explained comfortably, "Now after a certain point you get to things that are practically permanent."

"I'm not sure what that clarification means." Ahsoka confessed.

"I'd be surprised if you did. Like I said, advanced theory," Harry explained as he chuckled and leaned back on his hands looking thoughtful and comfortable explaining the concept, "Well, if you put enough power into your casts, your transfiguration may last years or decades or possibly longer. Those are things I consider practically permanent. And yes I've experimented with it."

His pose and countenance turned thoughtful, "There are also runes you can inscribe into things that essentially freeze them. Which can make things permanent at least to the best of my knowledge. But, unless you're trying to make sure enchantments last long after your death, after a certain point it hardly matters."

"Now, the important question. Since I doubt you're interested in mastery level theory at least not for the purposes of this discussion, why do you ask?" Harry asked, a curious expression on his face.

Ahsoka shook her head slightly, she was surprised at how knowledgeable Harry sounded sometimes. Especially given that half the time it seemed like he took nothing seriously, even when she might otherwise consider a situation serious. Harry seemed to have his own measuring stick when it came to serious, and it was one that didn't seem to match anyone else's.

Still, the ease at which he explained concepts and theories made him seem like a professor, but the manner in which he did it made him imminently more accessible. Ahsoka shook her head before she replied, "I would be interested… but I was hoping I'd be able to make one of these rocks into a crystal."

"Hmm. That, again, is a subject in higher level transfiguration," He replied with a slight grimace, wondering if getting the books would help in this case. He hadn't been sure if he would need them given the amount of control Ahsoka already exhibited when working with Magic due to her Jedi training. "The short answer is yes, you can turn things into crystal or other gems, though most times their properties can be skewed and warped a bit. It also requires an incredible degree of focus."

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