Chapter 125: :)Ch125
Harry looked thoughtful as he considered it before tilting his head at Ahsoka. "Is this about the lightsword thingy again?"
"I was hoping to see about making myself a new lightsaber," Ahsoka agreed as she sighed a little bit disconsolately.
"Ohh.. right." Harry replied, remembering their conversation from earlier as he looked at Ahsoka thoughtfully.
She couldn't help shoot a glare over toward where Shaak Ti and Aayla stood a scant few meters away, "When they captured me before putting me on trial the Order took mine. And like a stoopa I didn't reclaim mine before leaving the Order," She spat the word out like an epitaph.
"Without my lightsaber, I feel, not quite helpless, but very vulnerable," Ahsoka stated as she looked over at Harry somewhat sheepishly. "And like you pointed out back on Coruscant, I am somewhat defenseless."
Harry looked at Ahsoka and scratched his chin thoughtfully. "And you said you just need a special crystal for it?"
"Generally a crystal that has some resonance with the Force." Ahsoka nodded in agreement, "Jedi mostly get their crystals from Illum. But I doubt we'll be just swinging by there anytime soon since it's rather out of the way. The rest of the stuff is fairly common. I wondered if I could transfigure a rock so I could make myself a new saber."
Harry could see the disappointment on her face before an idea occurred to him. Suddenly, he grinned as an idea occurred to him and said aloud, "Dobby?"
"Yes Master Harry?" Dobby asked appearing in a pop immediately, while ignoring the reactions of those around him. Shaak Ti still looked a bit startled, but only a bit, as she adjusted to Dobby's comings and goings. Still it was requiring a major mental shift for her, so she was adjusting slowly.
Harry grinned, "Go get those two trunks of old jewelry. We just labeled them this -"
Dobby popped back with the two boxes in his hands and promptly handed them to his Master. Harry looked at the two trunks the house elf deposited in his hands and squinted at the writing on them. He realized it was totally illegible and would be useless to him if he were ever searching. He was nearly certain that Dobby was doing that on purpose. "Dobby, which one of these belongs to which family?"
"Left is Black, right is Potter." Dobby replied shortly, but there was a trace of a smirk on his face, as if he knew what Harry was thinking
Harry looked between the two before he grinned. He turned to Ahsoka and set the trunk in his left hand down on the ground enlarging it as he did. "We're going to start with the Black family heirlooms." He ignored the start from behind him.
Ahsoka frowned, "What? I don't want you to destroy something of your family's…"
Harry scoffed. "Please, it's not like I'll ever wear any of it. This is from Tonks' original family before they kicked her mother out for dirtying herself when she married a filthy first generation wizard, rather than the one they had selected for her."
"That man, of course, was a proper wizard, the son of wizards who had sex with their cousins and sisters, just like all proper purebloods." Harry stated as he shook his head in disgust.
"But… they're mementos from that family?" Ahsoka ventured carefully. She was slightly uncomfortable arguing for the value of mementos, but she was well aware Harry had attachments, and didn't want to pretend otherwise.
"Yes… yes they are," Harry replied as he tilted his head and got a far off look in his eyes with a bitter smile on his face.
Ahsoka sighed after twenty seconds when she realized Harry had zoned out again. She snapped her fingers in front of his face.
Aayla exchanged a significant look with Shaak Ti who raised both of her brows.
Harry shook his head slightly before looking at Ahsoka with a slightly abashed expression, "Sorry, I just realized that almost everyone in the Black family would likely be spinning in their graves right now for even considering this."
"Harry, I'm not asking you to do this…" Ahsoka immediately protested.
Harry blinked and then grinned. "Are you kidding? I hope they're watching right now and screaming epitaphs at me from whatever corner of Hell they're in. It would certainly serve the whole pack of arrogant inbred idiots right to know that a so-called 'half-breed' in their mind was now going to start tearing apart their priceless goblin-made family jewels."
Without further argument he set the trunk on the ground and enlarged it, prompting a small intake of air from Shaak Ti. He ignored that as he opened the trunk and then groaned accompanied by a gasp from Ahsoka.
He'd only seen it that morning but he'd already forgotten how full it was.
He wondered how it might be best to sort through the jewelry. He had no idea how expanded the trunk was, it looked overflowing, and the downsides of expanded trunks was that the opening was going to make shifting the jewelry around hard. He was certain it was just jewelry, assorted gems and probably a few ornamental weapons.
He was about to try and start shifting things around when he stopped. "You know what? To hell with it." He said to no one in particular. With a wave of his hand the trunk began to tilt forward only to be stopped as Dobby suddenly appeared before it with his hand held out.
"Master Harry Potter going to get Black family jewels all muddy and then Master Harry too lazy to clean them off properly. So Dobby will need to clean them up. And Dobby is busy preparing dinner," Dobby stated as he pointed emphatically at the ground which was definitely dirty and still showed signs of their wand testing earlier in the day.
Harry grimaced a bit and shook his head, his tone turned apologetic, "Of course, I tend to make enough messes for Dobby as it is. Let's go inside."
He didn't wait for a response as he walked into the house under the smug gaze of a house elf with the trunk floating in the air behind him. Ahsoka hadn't hesitated at all following on his heels into the house. The two Jedi Masters, who continued to be observers, looked at each other and then followed along.
He walked into the house and directly to the same area he had been in earlier in the day when they had woken up. They were right next to a pair of chairs and a table, by an organized and an unorganized pile of trunks as well as other boxes and crates in the area.
The trunk abruptly tilted forward unceremoniously. With the ringing of gold and other precious metals in the jewelry clinking together a torrent of jewelry fell out of the trunk. However it did not even seem to slow when the spectators expected, instead more and more jewelry tumbled out of the trunk, creating a huge pile as Harry completely upended the trunk dumping out its entire contents.
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