Chapter 126: :)Ch126
There were all sorts of gemmed items. Ahsoka noted that there was a large number of jewelry pieces. However there were all sorts of other items, models, weapons such as bejeweled swords, knives, as well as gloves, and what looked to be pieces of armor as well. Things continued to tumble out of the trunk as Harry floated it upward in the air, making room on the ground for whatever was in it.
All three women stared at the gigantic pile filling the area that was nearly chest high and several meters wide of jeweled pieces. Clearly the contents filled several times the size of what the trunk appeared capable of holding, as the pile was quite high and resembled a mountain. "Okay, first… what kind of crystal are you looking for here?"
When he got no immediate response he glanced back to Ahsoka who was eying the pile with a mixture of trepidation and awe.
Harry was completely ambivalent to their reactions and was about to reach down and grab a particular large and gaudy diamond necklace, when he stopped himself, "Damn," he said aloud before backing up.
He turned to Ahsoka, "Don't actually touch anything with your hands yet. If you see something you really like now, use your Force grabby abilities and pick the item up. Some stuff in here is cursed," Harry grimaced as he explained.
When she didn't make a move to grab anything immediately Harry stepped back and stretched out his hand toward the pile of jewelry, and closed his eyes. Ignoring the indrawn breaths from the women behind him. He surrounded himself in magic and then reached his magic into the large pile of expensive jewelry pieces. Pieces of jewelry began flying off the pile in two different directions making two smaller piles.
Shaak Ti drew in her breath sharply. She could feel the Force wash over the area, including herself. Harry was practically radiating power, and it was coming off him in waves. It was the most bizarre and potent sensation she had ever experienced, like it was sensing her existence in the Force, making some sort of determination and then moving on. One glance at Aayla told her that the other Jedi Master was feeling the same thing.
Yet even sensing the Force he was putting off, made it seem like it was coming from a void as she couldn't sense anyone at the center of the Force. It seemed to radiate from the blank space that Harry should have been.
However Ahsoka didn't realize anything of the sort, she felt the Force wash over her but wasn't aware of anything deeper, her focus was elsewhere. She hadn't even really looked closely at the pile except to marvel at its size, instead she was focused on Harry's face as watched as his eyes softly glowed an emerald green. She could tell that the two Jedi master's couldn't see it from their vantage point, but she only had one word to describe it. "Beautiful."
Once the original pile had been completely separated into two piles, a larger and a smaller pile, Harry moved to the smaller pile, keeping his hand stretched out, the pile once more began to shift, albeit much more slowly as piece by piece separated themselves into two further small piles.
"What are you doing?" Ahsoka ventured, her tone very tentative, unsure if it required Harry's absolute concentration, or if he was able to speak.
"I'm separating out them out into three piles. The big pile are all unenchanted, or enchanted with positive effects. They're not registering to me as cursed or with any spell to hide curses from my senses. This other pile is all cursed items. I'm further splitting that up into two piles, one with curses that can be simply dispelled but need a second look before doing so, and one with the curses engraved into the pieces themselves via runes or blood sacrifice." Harry explained, his voice slow as his focus didn't waver from the jewelry pieces in front of him.
"Blood sacrifice?" Ahsoka echoed, sounding vaguely ill. She didn't know the specifics, but the words were fairly self explanatory. Shaak Ti and Aayla had both moved a little bit closer to the objects were equally as horrified on their expressions, and exchanged worried looks.
With a jerk of his chin Harry indicated the pile of items he was still sorting. One of the pieces floated up out of the pile to hover in front of them. The piece was an amulet of several dark gems around a center gem colored an unattractive milky red, all set in a large and elaborate silver setting.
Harry's voice was soft, though the piece seemed to shimmer slightly in the air giving off a slightly orange glow as it hung there. "This one… has a spell around it to hide it from standard dark spell detection spells. Probably so it could be either worn around or gifted to other witches or wizards without them realizing it."
Harry's voice was musing as he was examining the magic of the item closely in order to figure out the exact enchantment as they spoke.
"Can you reach out and sense it Ahsoka?" Harry asked curiously, he had yet to determine the enchantment though he could tell it wasn't a pleasant one. He was wondering what Ahsoka was capable of sensing.
"Huh?" asked Ahsoka eloquently as she started out of her examination of Harry's eyes and peered at the piece. She tried to reach out with her senses as she had been taught. But she had trouble sensing anything over the feel of Harry's magic surrounding the piece.
Realizing this, Harry reduced the use of his magic on the piece and used it only to hold the piece in the air by the necklace chain. He left the piece hanging in the air and diverted his attention to the pile and returned to sorting the pieces into two smaller piles.
Ahsoka was able to feel shook her head, she wasn't able to tell it had any feeling one way or the other. "I don't sense anything."
"I sense that it has been touched by the Force, but I can sense nothing else," Shaak Ti spoke up softly her eyes closed in concentration as she focused on the piece as well.
Harry shook his head before he said, "Let me break the concealments on it, then all of you try again."
He let his magic engulf it once more. The jewelry piece seemed to shimmer again as Harry exerted a bit of effort and with his magic broke through the concealing enchantment.
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