Loyal Lies

Chapter 6: The Garden Tea

The heavy rain and strong wind slammed againts my window as I gazed outside. Classes had been suspended due to the storm, and I couldn't help but worry about the people living in flood-prone areas. The weather showed no signs of letting up.

A gentle knock pulled me from my reverie.


I smiled at the familiar voice. Silas was the only one who addressed me so formally. Everyone else simply called me Aurora or Auri, sometimes just "miss." I quickly ran my fingers through my hair, checking my reflection before opening the door.

Silas stood there, ever proper in his bearing. "I thought you might want something warm to eat, given the weather."

"That sounds lovely," I pulled my cardigan closer. "Would macaroni soup be possible?"

"Of course, milady. I'll prepare it right away." He gave a slight bow before heading downstairs.

When he returned, he carried a tray with not just the soup but also a glass of warm milk. The aroma made my stomach rumble.

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

"Yes, milady. I had my breakfast earlier this morning."

The warmth from the soup seemed to chase away the gloom of the rainy day.

I cradled the warm bowl in my hands, savoring the comforting aroma. "This is delicious, Silas. Did you make it?"

He shook his head. "I merely brought it up, milady. Our chef, Mrs. Chen, deserves the praise. I wouldn't want to take credit for another's work."

"Always so proper," I teased before taking another spoonful. "What are your plans for today? Since you don't have to drive me to school."

Silas stood with perfect posture near the doorway, hands clasped behind his back. "There are some household matters that require attention. The weather forecast suggests the storm might worsen, so I'll need to check the drainage systems and ensure we have adequate emergency supplies."

A crack of thunder punctuated his words, making me jump slightly. "Do you think the flooding will be bad?"

"It's possible," he replied, "I've already asked the groundskeepers to place sandbags around the lower areas of the estate. Better to be cautious."

"You always think of everything." The rain beat harder against the windows, and I noticed him glancing outside with concern.

"It's my duty to ensure your safety and comfort, milady." He paused, then added with the slightest hint of warmth in his voice, "Though I must admit, I take great satisfaction in doing so."

I smiled into my soup. That was probably the closest thing to personal sentiment I'd ever get from Silas. "Well, since I'm stuck inside today, perhaps you could join me for tea later? After you've finished your duties, of course."

"If time permits, it would be my pleasure," he responded with a small bow. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should attend to those preparations."

"Of course. And Silas?" I called as he turned to leave. "Please be careful out there."

He turned back, offering one of his rare, genuine smiles. "Always, milady. Always."

The storm had finally subsided, giving way to a stunning sunset that painted my room in shades of gold through the window. I was completely absorbed in my book when a knock interrupted the quiet.

"Who is it?"

"It's Silas, milady."

I opened the door to find him standing there in a different suit than this morning. He's wearing a perfectly pressed charcoal gray ensemble that made me suddenly conscious of my own appearance.

"Are you ready for tea?" he inquired politely.

My eyes widened in horror. The tea! I'd completely forgotten about our plans because I was too engrossed in my novel.

I groaned while looking down at my morning pajamas. "I'm so sorry, Silas. Is that why you changed?"

A hint of amusement flickered in his eyes. "Please take your time to prepare, milady. There's no rush."

I practically sprinted to my closet, hastily changed into a casual dress, ran a brush through my hair, and added just a touch of powder and lip gloss. When I got out, Silas was waiting patiently, not a hair out of place.

He led me to the garden where the golden sunset light danced through the leaves. To my surprise, a complete tea service was already laid out, complete with an array of cookies and petit fours.

"Oh no, Silas. I should have prepared this. I was the one who invited you!"

"Please, milady," he pulled out my chair. "It's my pleasure."

As he poured the tea, I caught an unfamiliar but lovely aroma. "This isn't our usual blend?"

"Very observant," he nodded. I could see a rare sparkle of enthusiasm in his eyes. "This is a special Darjeeling first flush, also known as the champagne of teas. It's picked only in early spring when the leaves are at their most tender."

I took a sip, savoring the delicate flavor. "It's wonderful. Though I have to ask, did you really change suits just for garden tea?"

"One must maintain standards, milady," he answered with utmost seriousness, but I caught the slight quirk at the corner of his mouth. "Though I must admit, your pajamas earlier were quite... memorable."

I nearly choked on my tea. "Did you just make a joke?"

"I would never presume to do so, milady," he carefully selected a macaron. "Though I must say, the teddy bears on your sleepwear were particularly distinguished."

I felt my face flush bright red. "They're pandas, actually," I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of discussing my pajamas over fine Darjeeling with my ever-proper butler.

"Oh, my mistake." He took a perfectly measured sip of tea before adding, "Did you know that pandas and tea share a fascinating connection? The Yunnan province in China, famous for its pu-erh tea, is also home to many wild pandas. The tea gardens often border their natural habitat."

"You really do know everything, don't you?"

"Not everything, milady. For instance, I'm still quite puzzled by your choice of bookmark. Is that a piece of bacon I saw earlier?"

I gasped. "It's a special edition bookmark that looks like bacon! Really, Silas, do you think I'd use actual bacon?"

"With you, milady, one can never be entirely sure," he said with perfect composure, but his eyes were definitely twinkling now.

The sunset painted everything in warm gold as we continued our tea, and I couldn't help but think how nice it was to see this lighter side of Silas, even if he did take an inordinate amount of pleasure in teasing me about my pajamas.

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