Loyal Lies

Chapter 7: The Bullies

The classes were back in session since the storm had finally passed. Thankfully, there weren't many casualties, though I made a mental note to ask Grandpa later about volunteering to help those affected.

We were sitting in the school pantry when Ezekiel brought up the topic I'd been trying to avoid. Yue was busy gushing about her latest K-pop obsession when he cut in.

"Hey Auri," Ezekiel leaned forward, his eyes serious. "You never really explained what's up with this new butler your grandfather assigned you."

I stirred my drink to buy some time. "Like I told you before, it's just for extra protection. You've seen how Steven's been acting lately, right? He's turned into some kind of obsessive maniac."

I carefully avoided mentioning that night I got blackout drunk. That blurred memory still made me uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm here," Ezekiel straightened up, puffing out his chest slightly. "I can protect you at school."

Yue, who had been quietly sipping her milkshake, suddenly choked. I caught her wide-eyed look. I knew about her longtime crush on Ezekiel.

"I appreciate that, Mr. Student President," I said quickly, throwing Yue a subtle glance. "But you're already swamped with responsibilities. I don't want my drama becoming another item on your to-do list." I turned to Yue, hoping to include her in the conversation. "Right, Yue?"

"R-right!" she sputtered after recovering from her milkshake incident. "You're... you're really busy enough as it is, Ezekiel."

"Don't be ridiculous! You're never a burden. That's literally what friends are for. If you need help I'll be there."

I looked at my two best friends and grabbed their hands. Bringing them together on the table seemed like a good idea until I saw Yue's face turn fifty shades of red.

"You guys are the best" I grinned. "Seriously."

"Right back at you" Ezekiel smiled while Yue just nodded. She was probably still processing the hand-holding thing.

"Oh by the way" Ezekie broke the moment. "Did you hear about Steven? He dropped out."

"He what?"

"Yeah. Just like that. No explanation or anything."

I frowned. It didn't make sense. The guy had been practically stalking me a few days ago trying to get back together. And now he just... vanished?

"That's... weird" Not that I missed him or anything. Good riddance actually. But something felt off about the whole thing.

"His social media's dead too" Ezekiel added.

"Well" I shrugged trying to sound casual about it. "At least I can finally have a normal uni life again."

But there was this weird feeling in my gut that wouldn't go away. Like when you know something's wrong but can't put your finger on it.

Later that afternoon I caught up with Silas in the parking lot. He was already waiting by the car looking proper as always in his butler uniform. I swear the guy never had a single wrinkle in his clothes.

"Hey Silas. Got some weird news today" I said sliding into the back seat. "Steven dropped out of school."

"Is that so milady?" Silas started the engine. I could see his eyes in the rearview mirror and there was something... different about them. "Isn't that wonderful news? No more pest hovering around you."

I hugged my backpack closer. "I mean yeah it's great but... something feels off. You didn't know Steven like I did. He was always so proud. So obsessed with getting revenge when things didn't go his way." I stared out the window watching the trees blur past. "He's not the type to just... give up and disappear."

Silas stayed quiet for a moment. Just when I thought he wasn't going to respond he spoke up.

"Perhaps he finally learned his lesson, milady. Some men do grow wiser with time."

"Maybe..." I muttered. But I couldn't shake this nagging feeling that there was more to the story. Steven might have been a jerk but this sudden vanishing act? That wasn't like him at all.

Just when I thought things would finally calm down with Steven gone, his fan club decided to make my life hell instead.

It started with the small stuff, like death threats in my locker and some creative graffiti about what a horrible person I am.

Whatever. I could handle that petty nonsense. But today? They crossed a line.

I was in the bathroom when someone dumped what felt like a dumpster's worth of garbage into my stall. The smell was enough to make my eyes water.

"This is absolute bullshit!" Yue was fuming while helping me change into her spare uniform. "They can't just get away with this!"

"I know, but right now I just need to get out of here." I wrinkled my nose. "The shower room's under maintenance and I smell like I've been dumpster diving."

At least the professors were understanding when I asked to leave early. But just as I was heading out, a group of girls blocked my way.

"Oh my god Miller, is that your new signature scent?" I recognized the girl immediately. She's the woman from that night at the club. The one who'd been all over Steven. She was surrounded by a group of equally smug-looking friends. I didn't know that she's a student here.

"It really suits you" she sneered while her friends giggled.

I tried to walk past them. All I wanted was to go home and take the longest shower of my life. But then she stuck out her foot and next thing I knew I was sprawled on the floor.

"Hey!" I snapped. The hallway was full of people pretending not to see what was happening. Nobody even moved to help.

She towered over me with a smirk. "This is what you deserve, Miller. After what you did to Steven? I'm going to make sure you suffer until you drop out yourself."

That's when it clicked. The threats, the garbage- it was all her doing! I was about to get up and show her exactly what I thought about her threats when a familiar hand appeared in front of me. I looked up to find Silas standing there, looking every bit like he'd just stepped out of a magazine cover.

"Milady." He helped me get up before draping his coat over my shoulders. "Are you alright?"

"Oh my god" one of the girls whispered. "He looks like a celebrity!"

Silas turned to them, his smile pleasant but his eyes ice-cold. "I couldn't help but overhear your... conversation with Lady Aurora." His tone was perfectly polite but something in it made them step back. "I do hope you understand that threats and physical harassment are serious offenses."

"We were just-" the ringleader tried to speak, but Silas cut her off with another chilling smile.

"Perhaps we should discuss this with the school board? Or would you prefer I contact your parents directly?" He tilted his head slightly. "I'm sure they'd be very interested in their daughters' behavior."

I'd never seen a group of girls disappear so fast.

"You didn't have to do that" I muttered as he led me toward the car, though I was secretly glad he showed up.

"On the contrary milady" he replied, opening the door for me. "I believe I did."

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