Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 121: Complete Submission

The twenty elders of the Hangzhou Court sat at the same table, looking gloomy. Lin Yi said that he would capture forty-nine cities in the area with his army of five hundred. And I did it without her.

When news came of how he was defeating the strongest experts in the region one after another, they became increasingly gloomy. Now they didn't even want to move. They just sat there, silent, and looked at the floor..

Finally one of them could not stand it and said:

“I didn't expect him to be able to. Forty-nine cities now belong to the Hangzhou Court. So what should we do? Should we continue to fight against Mr. Lin? Or protect him? I don't understand.”

“In my opinion, there is no point in fighting against him. He single-handedly defeated forty-nine of the strongest experts, many of whom were stronger than us. And all our people are also on his side. If this continues, Hangzhou Courtyard will become a great place. We had so many useless people that we couldn't employ anywhere, and now we're facing a staff shortage..”

“That's right. It seems that Heavenly Sword is not as stupid as we thought. On the contrary, he is a worthy young man with a great spirit. Forty-nine cities now belong to him, how can we argue with this? And what's the point? If we give up, who knows, maybe he will give us higher sword techniques. Or even the Golden Sutra. Don't you want this? I want. Therefore I will obey him.”

“Yes, I want it too!”

“And accept me!”

“And me!”

The eight elders stood up and voiced their desire to submit to Lin Yi. The others looked at them with disgust, but then looked at each other with complex expressions..

“Well, since everyone thinks so, I give up too. The facts show that I was wrong. But there is still a chance to fix everything. I am sure there is room for mercy in such a great man. Besides, I was never against him becoming the head disciple. Maybe if we support him now, he will support us later?”

“Okay, I give up too.”

When the conversation came up about higher techniques, the elders themselves had difficulty holding back their saliva. There was no benefit in continuing to resist Lin Yi, and if he surrendered, then limitless prospects would open up.

In the end, they unanimously agreed on this.

“Since everyone has decided to surrender to Mr. Lin, then let’s get ready. How will we welcome his return? Oh, and when is he supposed to be back by the way? Does anyone know?”

Submission also had to be approached wisely. If you just start obeying orders, then it won’t be taken seriously. The elders may not have had good techniques or great ambitions, but that didn't mean they were fools..

Otherwise, they would not have discovered their inner strength after they were kicked out by Huashan..

They fought with Lin And only because they underestimated his abilities and were used to conducting business calmly and with an eye to the next ten years.

At that moment the servant opened the doors and exclaimed:

“Mister Lin and the others are back!”

“Already?! So fast?!” exclaimed the elders.

“Rather, we need to at least meet them normally!” the others shouted with alarmed faces and ran out into the street like schoolchildren after the last bell.

Deciding to obey Lin Yi, they were about to prepare a magnificent meeting to show loyalty to him, but did not even manage to go outside in time!


Bolt. Outside the Hangzhou Court there was a deafening roar of countless hooves pounding on the stone road, as if the heavens themselves were being torn apart. ŔäΝó𝖇Е𐌔

Five hundred horsemen approached step by step, all with joyful faces and proudly raised heads.

They saw fifty greatest fights and that was fifty more than in all their time in the Hangzhou Court.

Of course, they all wanted to take part in the battle themselves, but, as Lin Yi explained, their time would come a little later, when the conversation turned to holding positions rather than capturing them.

Five hundred horses and riders stopped at the gates of the Hangzhou Court.

Lin Yi stepped forward and ordered:

“Open the gate.”

Bai, Hai, and Xiaoyu hurried to carry out the order.

There was a click and the heavy gate opened, revealing to his eyes dozens of courtyard students standing on both sides of the entrance. At the same time, the elders came running, almost out of breath, and hugged their fists with their palms.

“Congratulations on your triumphant return, Mr. Lin!”

“You have proven yourself to be the greatest warrior of your generation.!”

“Welcome back Mr. Lin!”

They shouted and interrupted each other, craning their heads and trying to show off.

Bai, Hai, and Xiaoyu looked surprised. They rubbed their necks and looked at each other, trying to understand what was happening. The elders, who had mocked them so much, suddenly came out to greet them and vied with each other in praising the one who had insulted them so much?

They never expected that the elders would suddenly decide to surrender after their campaign.

Lin Yi also never thought that stubborn old men would suddenly tuck their tails between their legs and come running to him like puppies..

What could this mean other than that they recognized him??

These are thick-skinned people!

But nothing. He was still pleased. They will find a place in his plans.

If they had continued to stand their ground, the changes would not have lasted. He is here for only three months and after that everything would quickly return to the “norm” established by tradition.».

With the support of twenty second-class experts, the position of the Hangzhou Court should be strengthened. So, despite all the moral fluttering and disgust, it was good.

So Lin Yi smiled at them.

He was not a vindictive person, so he was not going to put pressure on those who admitted their mistake. Lin Yi folded his hands and said:

“Thank you elders.”

The old people smiled joyfully. They were afraid that he would not accept them - especially after such a failure with the meeting. However, now the weight has lifted from their hearts.

“Mr. Lin did a great job. It must have been very difficult!”

“Of course! Mr. Lin is a true hero. None of us could achieve the same!”

One by one, they came towards him and surrounded him..

Nodding to them with a friendly smile, he folded his hands and said:

“You did a good job too. As a reward I give you forty-nine cities.”

The elders burst into smiles full of ecstasy. Now they had no doubt that they had done the right thing..

Lin Yi smiled at them from the heavens he himself had ascended to.

At this moment Hu De arrived in time with the remaining people.

They left about a hundred in each city, so their number has noticeably decreased.

As he approached, Lin Yi smiled at him and said:

“Deputy Hu De, your help in capturing the territory was invaluable. I am one of those people who reward for help and punish for failure, and in these month and a half you have earned the best reward that I have. The Supreme Sutra of Huashan, Hunyuan Gong!”

Under everyone's shining eyes, Lin Yi took out a book with golden symbols from the bag and handed it to Hu De.

He stood rooted to the spot, but grabbed the book almost with his teeth.

Lin Yi stored all the information in the book in his head thanks to the system, so he no longer needed it. He took it with him precisely in order to reward the most worthy.

Traditionally, it was forbidden to take secret techniques outside the sect so that no one would lose them or pass them on to other people, so Lin Yi openly violated the rules.

But he didn't care. Compared to his achievements, who will pay attention to the law he violated??

He deliberately did everything openly: before this, ten third-class experts received the highest techniques from him, and now he transmitted the Golden Sutra.

There was no doubt that all the spectators would support the one who promised to give people at least some access to gold techniques.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Huashan students dreamed about them. With the support of such a crowd, Lin Yi's position would be very strong after he became the head disciple. At the same time, with this gift he won unquestioning loyalty to Hu De.

Now that he leaves the Hangzhou Court, he will definitely have at least eleven people who will do everything to maintain his success.

“Big Brother Lin... that's... yes... thank you!”

Hu De's hands were shaking so much that he forgot the words and in the end could only thank.

The elders watched, drooling.

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