Chapter 122: Brief
“Let the work for the glory of Huashan continue!” Lin Yi said as he patted Hu De on the shoulder..
Hu De pressed the sutra to his chest and exclaimed:
“I will work even harder and make such a contribution to make the elder brother of all Hua proud of me.!”
Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction, jumped off his horse, and looked at the elders with flaming eyes.
“Work for the glory of Huashan and your efforts will not be in vain. Higher technicians await the worthy.”
They understood what he meant.
Now it’s their turn to support Lin Yi in the election of the head disciple, so that later he will support them. If someone else gets this position, then they will not see higher technicians in this life.
How could they give up hope? Especially after seeing with my own eyes the success of Hu De, a fellow expert born in the lower court. No one could resist such a reward, so one after another they exclaimed:
“Mister Lin, we will work for the glory of Huashan!”
Lin Yi smiled and went to another courtyard. However, without looking back, he added:“I will follow your progress.”
Having cast the hook, he was not worried that he would not catch anything. There were plenty of fish in this lake.
Both the elders and disciples clenched their fists, looking at Hu De with envy and hope for their own future..
Three days passed without events.
Having rested for this short period of time, Lin Yi shook off his fatigue from the capture of forty-nine cities and sat down at the table in high spirits..
The time has come to think about the final touches of the second phase of the plan and begin its implementation..
Occupation did not mean that the region belonged to them. This only paved the way to real power. As they say, it's easy to conquer a country, it's hard to keep it.
The first task was to completely stabilize the territory of the forty-nine cities and make them believe that living under Huashan rule was better than living in chaos. And everyone should understand this, not just people in the fist world.
There were no rare resources in the entire Hangzhou area. Only people. And Lin Yi, perhaps better than anyone in this world, knew what a large population was capable of.
Experts in the fist world ignored commoners for their weakness, but most experts were born within their ranks. However, all that local authorities cared about were taxes. They didn’t even mention helping their own citizens in jokes. R̃ÁɴóꞖЁ𝙨
And if you don’t invest anything, then it’s not such a shame to lose, so the strongest has always owned the territory. It could be said that there was no resistance. For example, he captured forty-nine cities with virtually no effort. It seemed completely obvious to people that if you defeated the strongest, then the city was now yours.
Lin Yi will never be so wasteful or so rude in his rule. He wanted to create a kingdom out of Huashan. Then, if not one hundred, then at least eighty percent of the population will support them out of love, not fear.
To do this, it was necessary to capture not the lives, but the souls of people in forty-nine cities - to create laws that would be useful to all segments of the population.
Therefore, Lin Yi’s first decision was to create an authority to ensure order and law to protect the lives and property of all segments of the population..
As a second, he planned to create schools in cities and villages. Students who are not good at martial arts will be able to test themselves in the sciences, and after training, join Huashan for those jobs that did not require strength. There is no point in wasting soldiers on bureaucratic work; ordinary people should become officials. However, in this world there is no place without martial arts, so the basic art of sword and fist fighting will be taught instead of physical education.
Those who achieve outstanding results after evaluation will enter the city government and have the chance to study bronze-level arts. Well, the best of them will receive an invitation to undergo training on Mount Hua - along the same path that Lin Yi took not so long ago.
Advancement level by level, like a pyramid, will allow everyone in forty-nine cities to get a chance.
Since these will be the first schools in the world, it will be possible to start studying there at the age of ten, but no upper limit was required. Let everyone do it, even sixty-year-olds.
The directors of the schools will be Huashan third grade experts, and teachers can be found locally.
Lin Yi hoped to turn the forty-nine cities into a real country where everyone practiced martial arts. Then, in a couple of years, everyone in it will support Huashan's rule. And in the era of wars, they will become the largest resistance force in the world, an area filled with martial arts experts. Even if they fail to hold Mount Hua, they will have somewhere to retreat.
The main thing is that there is enough lower-level staff - teachers. The organization must work non-stop and then geniuses will appear every day, adding to the strength of Huashan. Just two years, three at the most, and this territory will turn into a strong rear of Huashan.
Well, the third solution is to suppress the bandits. Too many of them were divorced, especially before the beginning of the era of chaos. There were camps on almost every hill, and pirates sailed along the rivers and seas. Go in any direction and after a couple of horizons you will definitely stumble upon bandits.
Commoners and even weak families of the fist world suffered from them every day, many were exterminated en masse out of whim or bad mood. We will have to explain that touching a hair on the head of a commoner in the territory of forty-nine cities is a crime against Huashan.
In addition, exterminating the bandits will help stabilize the government of the forty-nine cities and will be the fastest way to gain popular support.
Any fool will understand where life is better, when there are bandits at every step and only in forty-nine cities there is not a single camp in the entire vast territory. Then their population will also grow at the expense of residents of neighboring regions.
After finishing forming the plan, Lin Yi immediately called Hu De and gave the order.
The news about the creation of schools immediately received publicity, but he ordered silence about the extermination of the bandits. Instead, an order was issued to search for bandits and report on their location and approximate strength.
A few days later, schools began to be actively erected in all cities and villages. At the same time, Lin Yi received a report on all the known bandit camps.
He opened the map and saw what looked like a vile rash stretching across the entire territory of forty-nine cities. The whole map seemed to be covered in eels.
These bandits were like a timed bomb that would explode when the era of wars began. Moreover, many of them already had close ties with vicious cults, others firmly followed their orders and served as scouts. As soon as the war begins, it is the bandits, who were left alone and untouched for several years due to the activity of demons, who will become the main thorn in logistics and intelligence..
Bandits are worse than jackals. Animals killed to eat, and they killed for entertainment. Lin Yi could not leave these creatures under the sun of his forty-nine cities. Death or exile, but they had to leave these lands.
After drawing the map onto paper, Lin Yi immediately called a meeting with Hu De and all the elders.
When he decided to build schools, there was no meeting, they just found out what they had to do. However, now he had convened them, and this openly spoke of the importance of the task in his eyes.
Placing the card in front of everyone, Lin Yi roared loudly:
“Have you seen this map? Do you know what black dots mean? These are bandit camps. Can you at least count them? Who is the power here, Huashan or them? I am starting an operation to exterminate the bandits, we must cleanse our lands of this filth!”
People felt admiration from his fiery speech.
“Listen to my order!” Lin Yi said loudly, everyone straightened their backs.
He gave each of the elders a team of warriors. Dozens of third-class experts, one second-class each, and hundreds without inner strength were more than enough to destroy the camps.
“Grab your people and leave immediately!”
“That’s right!” the elders answered at once.
They have been waiting for a long time and finally their chance to show themselves has arrived. From the very moment the highest techniques became a reality, each of them only dreamed of this opportunity..
Only by showing themselves worthy could they receive martial arts. How could this chance not make them happy??
The elders almost raced out of the hall. As soon as the doors closed, Lin Yi said to Hu De:
“Your job is to monitor their progress. Report to me all significant successes and failures.”
“Got it,” Hu De nodded politely.
Having received the golden sutra, he began to look at Lin Yi as a god, listening to any words with the attentiveness of a believer who has heard an answer to a prayer..
“Go,” Lin Yi waved his hand..
He then looked at his three oldest subordinates and said:
“You have been following me for a long time and now your horizons are wider than ever. Do you also want to take command and go after the bandits??”
As soon as they heard about the chance to lead the armies, the eyes of all three opened wide and they nodded.:
“Yes, yes!”
“Okay,” Lin Yi nodded. “My five hundred best warriors are now yours. Separate them or go into battle together. I'll wait for the results.”
When Lin Yi also gave them his personal guard, the hearts of the young guys sank with excitement.
“Brother Lin Yi, just wait, we will never let you down!”
“Come on, I’m waiting for good news,” Lin Yi smiled, waving his hand.