Marvel: No Way Out

Chapter 1: There's a hole in the eart-sky?!

*Beep Beep! Beep Beep!*

Hearing my alarm go off, I wake up to see the sun slowly but surely getting pulled by Apollo across the sky.

I get up and pray to the gods with great fervor as I always do, altar and everything, never forgetting the most important one, Aphrodite for good looks of course! Then I change, drink my protein shake and brush my teeth before heading out on my morning jog with a water bottle while ignoring the shit on the couch.

Stepping out the door, I pull out my phone and earbuds, putting them on before playing a familiar song and pocketing my phone. Hearing the guitar and drums, I let myself drown in the music as I jog down my usual path, passing houses, apartments, old broken down construction sites that have been like that for 10 years minimum already, the New York City average really. But I don't pay attention as the sound washes over me, filling my head.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I'm close to something real, I wanna find something I've wanted all along, somewhere I belong." I murmured along with Chester. The sounds of the city, the pounding of my heart, all washing away to the beat of the drums, and the sound of a man singing about his deepest thoughts. The playlist continues, all a pleasant distraction to the world.

Getting back home at seven AM I take a shower to get the sweat off and start making breakfast for me and my family.

Putting two plates out the dinner table I go to my sisters room to wake her up.

Gently playing with her cheeks, she starts squirming before opening her eyes, and seeing me she instantly grabs my hands and pulls them off her face.

"I told you to stop waking me up like that!" She said with a pouty face that only made me want to mess with her more, so I did.

"But your so ugly, I'm just trying to make you as good looking as me." I say while playing with her cheeks again as she struggled to stop me till I allowed her to pull my hands off.

"If I even look close to you when I'm older I'll live with a bag over my head!" She exclaimed so I appropriately respond by drop kicki- Ehem! I mean tickling her! Obviously…

Anyways, after I stopped my tickling assault, I dragged her, literally, to the dining table where I let her held limbs flop onto the ground as I start eating.

She gets up on her own and starts eating too, but stills when she hears the piece of shit decide to walk among the living.

"So where's my food?" He slurs out, clearly hung over, as usual, and then a convenient *beep!* sounds out from the microwave.

"There's your food, enjoy!" I respond over enthusiastically with a grin, only growing wider watching him walk on while grumbling.

But turning back to my sister who still hesitated to eat, I lose the grin.

"Just eat, it'll be fine." I say firmly, and she gives a little nod before continuing to eat, but nibbling really. Seeing this I sigh. Though luckily our poor excuse of a father soon left. "Alright, what do you say about going to downtown?" I asked her enthusiastically.

"You remembered?!" She asked excitedly.

"Of course I do, I always keep my promises!" I said smugly, thinking back to said promise. At the time it was her birthday, and unfortunately, I was too broke for gifts, most of the money going into actually supporting us. Gods know that Harrison wasn't worth a damn.

So I promised I'd take her out where ever she wanted, and she said Osborn Industries, blissfully unaware of all the horrors that'll probably be coming from there soon, but it's not like I could deny my sister her wish after I promised to take her anywhere. As for her reason of wanting to go there? She's a science nerd, and Osborn being lead innovators in biotechnology has clearly taken her fancy, which brings us here.

"I'm gonna go get ready right now!" She said running to the bathroom to seemingly shower. I went ahead and cleaned up before getting dressed myself. And eventually after going through the packed and hot trains, we reached Oscorp.

"Hello there, I'm assuming you're here for the guided tour, Mr.?" The receptionist greeted us. 

"Thompson, Eugene Thompson. And this is my little sister Jessie Thompson." I said introducing myself and my sister.

"Thompson... ok hear you are!" She said scanning some badges at her desk before handing me two id sticker.

"Please wear these at all times while on the tour, and enjoy! You can join your group over there." She said, pointing off behind us where we could see a group of varying ages. 

"Thanks! come on." I said before bringing along my sister to the group. I handed her, her id sticker as I put my own on. I exchanged a quick greeting with the guide as he explained we'd be waiting a few more minutes before the tour began. So I just put on a earbud and played some music as my sister seemed too distracted with the building itself.

Eventually the tour began as we went through different labs and exhibits which I mostly tuned out, it was all surface level things, I knew that all the actual good and dangerous stuff was hidden. Though I wanted no part with the goblin or anything like that, so I'm more than glad that I didn't see anything actually noteworthy. 

One thing I did notice off to the side though, a room full of spiders, hidden behind a code locked door. Seeing it made me think to Peter Parker, who at this point already has his powers, and his uncle ben gone, yet they're still here... odd. Of course the thought of being Spider-Man had crossed my mind on various occasions, but thinking to that one version who developed cancer and died, I didn't want to risk it.

So I just continued with the tour, not really caring since this was for Jessie anyways, so I'd put with it. Then it ended, as my sister rambled on about all the things she found interesting during the tour as we walked down the street, looking for some spot to get food in our own little world. But then I noticed something strange, everyone around was standing still, which if you know New York, you know people don't do that. 

"Wait Jessie." I say calmly pulling out my ear bud while turning to see what everyone was looking at, which was, up?...

"Fuck..." I said staring into the sky, as something that shouldn't be there is... a portal to stars and space, and coming through it were small figures as Iron-Man blew up some, but all while darting through them.

"I think it's a banksy." A guy said next to me, but I ignore him as I swiftly pick up my sister and start running as fast I can.

"Brother? What's wrong?" She asked anxiously seeing my face, but I didn't stop to answer, no breath was going wasted was the simple thought in my mind as I ran, mentally screaming, heart pounding.

'How could I miss this? How? HOW?! FUCK!' I repeated mentally.

'Need to get away. No hiding in buildings with how much destruction is going to happen... Subways! Nearest station... three blocks out... I can make it.' I mentally calculated, at this point Jessie kept asking questions, clearly worried, but so was I, but I kept going, kept running, knowing the only thing between her and death would probably be me, until she said something that made me look up. 

"Watch out!" She screams as I turn to see 3 chitauri on their weird little glider things headed straight for us. Without thinking I dodge to the side as a blast lands where we just were, and it flies past, but one jumps off in front of us.

As it stalks towards us, I try and get up, but a sudden wave of pain strikes from my ankle, and I collapse back down as my heart is gripped by a seemingly invisible, frozen hand. The sight of my sister crying, as this chituari looked almost amused, raising its gun at us, it was overwhelming. Looking at the cold metal barrel, I did the only thing that came to mind, and covered Jessie with my own body, praying to every god I had before, for some type of miracle, some strength maybe, from the likes of Ares, or Hanumen.

And then as I closed my eyes, there was a sudden crash where the chitauri once stood, and looking back, I couldn't help but be surprised, because, well, here's The Thing.


First chapter, tbh idk I'm going to release this or not, but if your seeing this then obviously it means I have! I may be a familiar face to some, tho honestly I hope most have forgotten about me so I can get a clean slate, I know that's near impossible unless I start a new account, but I feel like that's the easy way out. So hello to all! Those new, thank you for stopping by and taking time out of your days, and for those who remember me, your failed prodigal author has returned.

I know I've dropped a lot of stuff, mistakes I've made in writing them honestly just ate at me, even if others didn't see or highlight the flaws, it ate at me too much. I've tried, under different accounts, barely, but it felt wrong, and deceiving, and I only enjoyed one as much as I did on the ones on this account, even if I dropped them I still love them.

On that note I have aspirations to return to them, I feel like my ideas were decent but not executed at the level I wish, like Wisteria-Sensei who has inspired me to write again. Seeing her quality of work was like seeing someone grab out and reach what I always wanted, I couldn't help but imagine my ideas with her level of peak writing, and it made me envious, but not in a bad way. More like, I want what she has, but I know I'll never reach it if I don't even try, so here I am. Now don't misunderstand, I have mad respect for her and her writing, and if you haven't checked out her stories, what are you doing?!

But I also aspire to reach the top like she has, but I also know that's somewhat unrealistic, at least for now, but being a broke college student is a great motivator to try any and everything. So on that note, depending on how well this does, I may or may not continue, and I have thoughts of p4treon if I find somewhat success, but I won't do it if I know I won't upload as much as would be deserved to you all. I won't let hard earned money go wasted on the likes of myself for nothing in return, so that's a promise I intend on keeping.

But onto the actual story/ies(sorry if this feels dragged out but I feel like if I don't say it now it'll all go unsaid), again depending on how this is reciprocated I may or may not continue, but also I will guaranteed be uploading another book, but each chapter will be the first chapter for would be books, it would be me putting my ideas out there, and again depending on if people are actually interested or not I will upload the first chapter of the story of interest as it's own book. As for past projects, again, I loved them, still do, possible plans to revisit them, some would be slightly changed in some aspects, other kinda completely revamped, but yeah that's enough yap.

So this isn't straight up MCU, and I will be taking liberties narratively, though of course actual mistakes are a possibility, but most of the time it's probably not going to be... hopefully.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.