Chapter 50: MEMORIES - 1
Perseus POV -
if you are here then why did you not do anything about the condition of underworld. Why let it be in ruin? Why let the soul wander? ''
Hades said,'' I am just a shadow of myself. I do not hold any power. I think I am just here so that this place do not get shut off. Otherwise all the souls of the dead will stay on earth like ghosts.''
I said,'' So you can't do anything. Well I came here for this matter. I wanted to know if there is a way I can help this place get in order.''
Hades said, '' I never said I can't do anything I just can't control Underworld. I have a way with which you can help the souls of the dead.''
Anna asked,''And what is that way?'' Her voice is full of vigilance like she is expecting an attack anytime. Well we are in someone else's territory so I can't blame her.
Hades said,'' It's simple if someone can take the underworld from me he will become the new master and then he can control the underworld and all the souls inside will get there due.''
I said,''But we are just missing a very small detail, we do not have any God Of Death who can take over the underworld. ''
Hades smiled at this and countered,'' But we have the God Of Life.''
I did not understand what he is saying. I am the God Of Life but the domain of Life and Death are polar opposite. They are two different things. I looked at Anna and by seeing her expression I knew she understood. I tugged her sleave and asked,'' What he is saying? ''
Anna said,'' Percy underworld does not represent death only, it also represent rebirth and after life. And you are connected to both of it. So..''
She trailed of after that so Hades said,'' So when you will take the rule of underworld new divinities that are same in the way to yours or connected to yours will be born inside you.''
I asked,'' So we can developed new divinities. ''
Hades said,''Developing new divinties is very difficult almost impossible. What it will do will awaken the some aspect of your divinity. That will be related to underworld. And help you rule it.''
I asked Anna,'' What do you think? ''
Anna said,'' It is your decision. But remember I will always be there for you. ''
I took a deep breath and asked Hades ,'' So how will we do this? ''
Hades said,'' Well its easy. All I have to do to relinquish the last control of mine on underworld to you. But remember the moment you will be connect to this you will feel it.
You will feel the worst nightmere of your life. The worst memories you have will become even more terrible. They will try to corrupt you make you summit to their demands. They will try to turn you into the crueler version of yours.
Resist them. Otherwise you will lose yourself. Pick up a detail of your life. An anchor that will bind you to your this version. The more you will surrender the more darker your new domains will be. Understand. ''
It is just like the time I took a bath in river Stix. That time Anna became my anchor. My mortal point. It will be lie to say that I am not nervous. It is difficult to explain what I am feeling right now. Anxiety is closest I can say.
Anna grabbed my hand. She didn't say anything neither did I. After sometime I let go of her hand and said to Hades ,'' I am ready.''
Hades smiled but that smile wasn't warm or anything. It was one of those smile you give your friend when you knew he is going to get in trouble. And then it happened.
I suddenly found myself in the dark place. I try to keep myself calm but then a memory of my previous life came in front of me.
I found myself in the body of child me in my past life. It started with that Pig Gabe Ugliano. I experienced everything. His beatings, his insults and all the time he blackmailed me for money. I was just tempted to end him. They were wishpering in my ears to let go of my control. Just flick my finger and I can end him. I was tempted to do it. I can just make his life a living hell. But then I saw my mothers. The best womens in the world. Standing side by side in my vision. Sally and Frigga. The two women I can destroy the world for. The did not do anything just stand there and smiled at me and I felt my all fears melt away. They peotected me from all the discomfort of the world and allowed me not to lose myself.
Then suddenly all the things get dark again. I found myself in the same place as start. Then again a different memory came in front of me.
This time it was not a memory but a group of memories. I found myself witnessing the last moments of my friends. All of my friends. It started in the same order as I lost them. First Bianca her last words to me. Her last gifts to Nico. Then I found myself in the garden of Golden Apples. How Zoe died by the hands of her own father. How she was given the highest honor to be in the sky. Then it was the battle of lybernith. All the demogods died in that battle in front of me. All the demigods and monsters on the other side. Then came my others battles. I saw the sacrifice of Charles then Selina, lee Fletcher, huntress, Ethan, Luke and all others. Then my new friends and there death. This time they wishpered me to break the chains of death and bring them back to life. They wanted me to burn all the rules related to life and death. I almost lost myself when I heard my father's voice. The voice of Poseidon when he told me that all my friends will find there place in Elesyum. Then I saw the face of creator and remember that all my friends or even my enemies who died fighting for the right thing got what they truly wanted. A life of there dreams. I know that what happened might be for the best. Then I let go of all the resentment and pain those memories brought me. And found myself in peace.
Then I again returned to that dark place. I was waiting for my next memory and if I am right it will be the worse memory of my Life.