Marvel: Percy Jackson in Marvel(MCU)

Chapter 49: HADES

Perseus POV -

Souls. A lot of souls just standing there. It's like they are waiting for something that will never come. Anna took my hand and started moving forward. This is just like the underworld ruled by Hades accept there is nothing but endless souls standing there.

No Cerebus.

No Gates.

No Soilders.

We moved forward. I do not where she is going but I have always followed her. So I followed this time too. We crossed the souls and came in front of the river Stix. But there is no Charon no boats nothing. I asked Anna,''How will we cross? I can just control the river and take us to the other side. I can feel it. I can control it very easily if I may say so.''

Anna thought for a while and said, '' Yes I know you can control it because unlike Poseidon who is the God of Seas, You are the God of Water. So you can control every kind of water or liquid.

And no we will not control it. We will do it on the right and civilized way. The boat was controlled by Charon but we can guide it too. We just have to bring it out.''

I said, ''How are we going to do that?''

She said,''Bring out some Drachmas.''

Where will I get Drachmas now. Seeing my confusion she sighed and said, ''Seaweed Brain, you have all the treasures of the world in your treasury. Bring out a Drachmas from it.''

Ohh yes. I opened the gate. A golden portal materialised in front of me. I stretch out my hand a bring a Drachmas and gave it to her. She looked at me like I am an idiot. I said,'' Don't look at me like that. Do you have any idea how many things are there? A lot. If I sit down and started counting even then It will take me a hundred years to count it and by the time I am done it will upgrade itself. Because new things always appear in it. ''

She smiled and shook her head. Then she tossed the Drachmas in the river. Nothing happened for some time. When I started loosing my patience I felt something rising from water then a ripple came from the river and a broken boat rose from it.

Anaa and I got on the boat. There was nothing but a stick on the boat. Anna went up and picked up the stick. She started sailing the boat with its help. Then slowly slowly we crossed the river with the help of boat.

After crossing the boat we followed a single path that was available. It did not take long before we came before a Giant Palace. The palace is made of Obsidian metal. It is entirely black.

The palace was crumbling, there were cracks on it. The pillars were destroyed. Seeing this I know that the underworld is in truly bad shape. Anna said,''Percy whatever we are trying to find is inside this palace. So be ready for any surprises. ''

I was also curious about what is inside but I had a strange feeling. I said, '' I don't think we are going to be attacked.''

She raised an eyebrow in question. So I said,'' I don't know why but I have this feeling like we are not going to be attacked. But it's good to be ready.''

Then we cross the gates of the palace. Inside were as crumbling as outside. We followed a straight path and came in front of the second door. I felt a presence inside. A very very weak presence but it was there. I looked at Anna and I knew she felt it too. So I nod my head at her and then we moved inside.

Looking around there were chairs. Anna said, '' It is a throne room.''

I wanted to say something like No Shit Sherlock... But I held my tounge. She can pretty grumpy at a time like this. Then we moved forward and then I saw a figure sitting on the main chair. I swiftly moved infront of Anna to protect her. I did not feel any bad intention or emotions from it. But still I couldn't take any chance.

We were both looking at it when suddenly it spoke in a manly voice, '' Good reflexes boy. Never trust the unknown and always protect what you care for. You will become a great warrior young God.''

I asked,''Who are you?''

He chuckled and said in voice full of amusement, ''Well not a smart God.''

Anna suddenly pinched me and said,''Percy we are in the Greek Underworld. In the throne room. A man is sitting on the central chair and you are still asking who is he.''

I knew the answer,''Hades.''

She nods and he spoke,'' Right. Well you can get the clues.''

I asked confused,''Well you were dead weren't you?''

He said ,''Yes child I am dead. What you see in front of you is just a part of my consciousness that is here.''

Then Anna came in front and said, '' How are you here? I mean I never heard something happens like this.''

Hades replied,'' Even I don't know how it happened. It just did. After dying at the hands of Ares I thought I am going to die. But suddenly my consciousness came here. And became like this.''

I asked,'' I have two question can I ask?''

Hades nods his head so I continued, ''First - How the hell are you defeated by Ares. I mean You brothers are the big three. You were by far more powerful then him. You can even go tow to tow with my father so how were you defeated. ''

Hades,'' Yes we brothers were the big three. And we were more powerful then Ares. But who ever said that Ares was a fair God. In that battle he coated his blades with the most powerful venom found in the tartrus. When I fought with him I was unaware of this particular fact. When I got the information it had already cut me. While it wasn't life threatening to us Gods. But it did the one thing that Ares brought it for. It made us weak.

And that was all he needed. In a battle like this- A Battle Between Gods- a small mistake can decide who wins. And you know the result. And lastly While it may hurt my pride to say it but your father is more powerful then us. ''

Now I had the answer of my question. Well then I said,''And My second question is--

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