Marvel: The Beast System

Chapter 11: 11: Ero


Peter huffed for air, slumping back into the chair he was sitting upon.

"That, huff, that was the craziest experience I've ever had." Peter panted, a strange red liquid dripping down his fully naked body. It trailed his toned abs, then his muscular build before dripping down on the ground.

After a few seconds, he managed to calm down his raging nerves.

"Fuck…"He cursed, and stood up, thinking of taking a shower. But he stopped when he saw the mess around him. The cocoon was made of webs, flesh, blood, and a mysterious liquid. Right now, everything was on the ground, chair, table, and him. The smell was bad, this place needed to be cleaned thoroughly.

Peter would admit, he had run out of curses at this point.

He sighed and started cleaning. Though halfway through, his Spider-Sense blared. Peter's hair stood on end as he looked around vigilantly, for the source of this danger.His eyes instantly jolted towards the window, and just as he looked, something entered through the open window and latched onto the cocoon's remains.

Peter looked closely, and found out that these things were… spiders?He didn't know what was happening, and neither did he know if he should stop whatever they were doing. The spiders ate all the cocoon remains, and almost cleaned his room. Peter would thank them if it weren't for the fact that his Spider-Sense had started warning him again.

Peter was going to step in, and punch, or do anything, but it was too late. The spiders used Peter's cocoon, which was made out of him (essentially), and transformed into a humanoid form. More specifically, a female humanoid form.

Peter jumped toward 'her' to fight, but she retreated, flying away.

What the fuck is this?

Peter couldn't help but question himself. What was happening; who was this… lady?

["Haaa,"] a sigh resounded in his head.

["It seems the others are not happy with my decision… fools."]The Great Weaver sounded disappointed more than anything.

Peter was even more confused.

'Hey, what's happening?'

["No time for questions and answers. Here, take your… suit."]

Peter felt an agonizing pain on his right shoulder, he looked there, all while keeping his attention on the female humanoid 'creature' looking around in confusion.

There was a spider tattoo engraved on his right shoulder.

It took just two seconds, but the pain was agonizing, it was not as worse as the pain he'd felt when he was injected with the 'poison' of that Spider who 'embraced' him, but still.

As the tattoo was engraved, smoke puffed out of it. Peter wanted to suit up, but he didn't know how he can do that-

Just as the intention to 'suit up' popped into his mind, he felt a connection with the tattoo on his shoulder, and he immediately knew what he needed to do.

Peter's eyes glinted red for a second before the tattoo wriggled, and black shadows leaped out of it, covering his whole body.

He was naked, so there he didn't need to take off any clothes, the shadows wriggled around his body before they settled on his skin, morphing into a suit.

Peter jumped at the figure, who was still looking around. Though as he jumped at her, her disturbing gaze fell on him, and time seemed to come to a halt.

She moved, punching the air out of Peter, and sent him hurling into the wall.

Peter smacked against the wall, hard. His head spun, but he managed to keep himself in check. His body was a bit- no, not a bit, it was too strange for him; his previous training and control over his strength wasn't working. It was as if his strength, coupled with everything else, had increased.

["It has,"] The Great Weaver said. ["Now don't lose focus; she might try to kill you, but you need to survive no matter what."]

Peter cursed, looking at 'her' vigilantly, he couldn't control his newfound body so much, so fighting her wasn't really the most optimal situation right now. He would be happy if she went away.

"YuO, I kNoW YOu," She spoke, her English a bit broken and her voice deep and rugged. "I am YoUr Other…" her voice grew more distinct as if she were learning as she spoke.

"YoU wErE JuSt SuMmonED By the Great WeAver? You WeRe not sSupposed to be rEboRn. A SpidEr-ToTem sent me to kill you; natural oRder is disrUpted beCAuse of your untimely ReBIrTH. I Need to restore It…"

"I do… yes… I NeEd To ReStoRe it!"

"My name is Ero, and I am the opposite of everything you were, Peter Parker. I am your nemesis, and only I am your significant OTHER." Ero hissed, all the spiders forming her body fluttering and screeching.

"But It is not time…" She warned. "It is nearly not the time… Peter Parker."

Saying so, she hurled a kick at Peter's chest, a kick which he stopped, but couldn't really tank the impact and was hurled back into the wall again. Ero, on the other hand, glanced at him once before jumping out of the window, speaking some final words as she did so.

"Evolve or Die."

"Shit." Peter cursed, gritted his teeth, and stood up.

What the fuck did just happen?

He thought, walking up to the window, and saw that Ero had already vanished off to somewhere."

Fuck…" he murmured.

["Don't worry too much, she won't matter in the greater scheme of things anyway."]

"Huh? And how do you know that? Oh, and please, refrain from reading my mind."

["As you wish, I shall not read your mind. And as for why I know she does not matter? I have seen her in almost every possible future where you are reborn into my Avatar."]


"Peter! What was that noise!? Are you alright!? I'm opening the door with the spare key!" May sounded panicked.

Shit…Peter had forgotten that May had been banging on the door for a while now. She'd probably come here after hearing the noise when he was slammed into the wall.

"May no!" Peter said, his suit turning into shadows as it retreated back into his tattoo. He couldn't reveal his identity just yet, though he would soon than later. Just, not now.

The door opened, and Peter cursed.

May barged in with a panicked expression only to freeze as she saw Peter standing there, looking at her 'embarrassedly'. He was fully naked; his body was at full display.

Peter was not buff, but the muscles were just where they should be, he had a toned abdomen with abs showing. May's eyes involuntarily fell down on his cock; it was asleep, but the veiny monster was quite big, she'd have to admit.

"Damn…" she whispered, ogling at him for a few seconds as the silence between them grew.

"May!" Peter yelled, his cheeks 'flushing' in embarrassment. "I was changing clothes!"

"Y-yeah… okay!" May blurted, storming out, kicking the door shut before she used the same door as support to stand.

"Fuck, May, control yourself!" She reprimanded herself before going towards her room, a small blush stealing her cheeks away.

When did Peter start working out?

Meanwhile, Peter Parker's embarrassed expression just but vanished.

He didn't mind May seeing him naked, after all. He wasn't ashamed either.

["Damn… I thought humans stopped courting their relatives long ago?"] his Goddess asked.

"Ms. Great…"


"Can you fucking stop staring into my mind? And no, she isn't my blood relative. Not like it should be weird to a millennial, or even God knows how old, 'Goddess' like you."

["Fair enough."]

"Didn't you have something to do?" Peter asked, a bit annoyed. Sure, she was some Goddess or whatnot, but that didn't mean she could just bother him whenever she wanted.

["I am doing my work and talking to you at the same time. This is what you may call… multitasking, I believe. And if you do not like my company, I shall leave, then."]

Peter sighed, slumping on his bed naked; he wasn't in the mood to wear clothes right now.

Oh, he'd nearly forgotten; after he was 'reborn', his system had sent some notifications his way. He wasn't able to look at them till now, so he decided to do so.

[The user has died!]

[The user is undergoing 'rebirth'!]

[The user's DNA and whole being is being restructured from a human mutate to something more!]

[Rebirth successful!]

[The user has been reborn!]

Oh… he died? He didn't feel like he expected he would when dying at all though.

Peter sighed, he guessed there were differences between his expectations and reality. The rebirth, though, he wondered how it would affect him. As far as he remembered, The Great Weaver said that he will be one with the 'spider', after he went through rebirth. And that he had to be one with his other half by himself.

Peter wasn't sure what his other half was. Was it 'Edward'? or was it 'Ero'-as she herself claimed to be his significant other. Though that begged the question: is there any difference between other half, and the significant other? Weren't they the same?

Peter sighed, another fucking mystery he had to solve on the table.

Then, Peter continued to read through the remaining notifications and his eyes widened.

[You have caught sight of many cosmic beings]

[Lady Death/Mistress Death/Death is interested in you!]

[Lady Luck is interested in you!]

[The One-Above-All is interested in your peculiar existence!]

[The Fulcrum is interested in your peculiar existence!]

[The Living Tribunal is interested in your peculiar existence!]

[Phoenix Force is interested in you!]

[The Beyonder gazes upon you with glee!]

[Oblivion is interested in your peculiar existence!]

[You have caught the interest of the Infinities!]

[Eternity glances at you!]

[Infinity glances at you!]

[The Protégé… ]




Peter Parker paled, almost pissing himself. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO TO CATCH THIS MUCH ATTENTION!?

Peter was panicking.

["Oh, strange… you noticed already?"]

'Noticed!? I am going to fucking die and you're worried about me noticing this!?'

["Do not worry, my child. They won't interfere. Probably."]

Peter called bullshit. If he knew something, it was that his shitty Parker Luck would find a way to fuck him over!

[Lady Luck is disappointed in you]

Peter paled even further.

"My Lady! I didn't mean it like that!"

[Lady Luck is surprised that you noticed her]

"I apologize!" Peter said; he definitely didn't want luck to be his enemy, more so when his luck was already so ba-… so low, his luck was low. Yes. He wasn't badmouthing luck at all.

[Lady Luck says she forgives you, but there better not be any mistakes like this in the future]

"There wouldn't any mistake! I swear!"

["Luck? How are you talking to her?"] The Great Weaver asked, sounding confused.

Peter didn't answer, not that he knew really. He had no clue how his system could do that. He was just stumped and anxious at how many beings were interested in him.

What the fuck was he even supposed to do now!?

["You seem to have forgotten something."] His Goddess spoke.


["Did I not say that you need not worry about any of those beings for 14-15 years?"]

"But I thought they were the beings who were interested in my existence because of how I seem to affect the timeline. And this supposed to be because I just died and got resurrected?"

["Foolish child, your death and rebirth would have only attracted low-level Death Gods or Goddesses. But this is different. You just seem to have noticed their attention on you. They've been here the moment I summoned you."]


Is that true, system?

[Affirmative. The system was not able to send those notifications before because the user was having an important conversation with the Great Weaver.]

'I see… then, is it true that I don't need to worry about any of those so-called beings for 14-15 years?'

[That is something the system cannot be too sure about. The system's level is too low. The access granted to the system is too low. But the time it would take for beings to even come near you is heavily dependent on some factors, and it may or may not increase/decrease]

Things just got way out of hand, didn't they?

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