Marvel: The Beast System

Chapter 10: 10: Who am I…? [02]

Where was he?

He'd just been in his room…

Was he kidnapped?

But how?

Did any organization catch onto him? He wasn't really being careful enough, after all.

Peter sighed and stood up, looking around anxiously.

All around him was nothing but a deep forest.He moved around aimlessly.

The forest he walked in was oak-brown and primitive. The fallen leaves crunchy beneath his feet. Peter was really in awe at the size and majesty of the trees. Their tangled arms rose ever upwards, as far as his head could lift.

The orchestra of birds and animals he could hear from the forest suddenly stopped.Everything went deathly silent.

The further Peter ventured, the more mystical and scarier it became. Huge roots were coiled on the ground, twisting like a mating couple of snakes. The strangest thing, however, was the path in between them; almost as if the roots had been grown around a thick wall, which was gone now, leaving behind a straight path with roots at the sides.

The foliage became around thick and lush as he moved farther, forming an arch of green above his head. Peter was creeped out by this place.Peter heard the giggles of a child-like voice.

"Welcome, Hehehe!" her voice echoed.

She had black hair and blue eyes. She wore golden bracers, a crown atop her head, and a spider-emblem sash around her waist.

"Let's see what you will do!" she giggled and vanished into thin air, her voice echoing as it faded along her.Peter's attention jolted from the place where she'd stood towards a tree, more specifically, a branch where he heard shuffling sounds.


A voice whispered as the shadow of a woman appeared on the branch.

Peter didn't understand. He knew English, obviously, and some Spanish, too. But that was neither of the two. He could understand shit.

["What about now?"]

The feminine voice asked.

["I see that you've really… changed."]



["Or something else…?"]

["Quite peculiar you have become, I see."]

Who was she? He didn't know. What the fuck was even happening? Was she the one who brought him into this strange place?

"I am the Great Weaver, my child. And you are my Avatar-even though you did not know that. Until now, that is."]

What!? He was an Avatar? As in, like how Khonsu had his?! And could she read his mind!? What the fuck!?

["Yes, you are an Avatar; just like Khonsu's. And I can just read your surface thoughts. Though I am quite surprised you know of Khonsu."]P

eter wasn't even sure what to think anymore.

["You're a fool, you know that?"]


["Don't look surprised; I am your Goddess, and you are my Avatar, so I naturally know of you. But since yesterday-I believe that's what it would have been for you-the future became a distorted amalgamation. I looked for the source of this change, and It was you."]

["A blend of Peter Parker, A spider, another being, with something… strange in there as well. That change happened recently. And because of that, the timeline went haywire. The future of your timeline has been confusing, changing, it isn't the same anymore."]

["What happened? My child?"]

Peter didn't answer.

He himself did not know.

The being, the Great Weaver, sighed.

["You do not trust me, it seems. And it is quite fair, I believe. I came unannounced and so suddenly, after all."]

But why? Just to ask what happened to him?

Peter, of course, tried his best to not think of anything else but this being. He didn't want to reveal anything, after all, he didn't trust her-as she said.

["I am not only here to know of the truth, but to warn you… and give a helping hand. Many beings have noticed this change. Many. Powerful. Beings. Way stronger than your imagination. Many can kill you with a mere thought. So, here I am, to help my Avatar."]

He called bullshit. Nothing was free. She needed something, he knew. Otherwise, why would a powerful being such as herself, would even bother with a mortal who can be killed with 'with a mere thought'?

The Great Weaver sighed.

["I see… you are not as dumb as I thought of you to be."]

'What do you need then?' Peter thought to her.

["I require your help… with something very important. It is not now, but not too much into the future either, more so when the future is changing every second."]

'Help with what?'

["You shall know when the time comes. You need not worry about it. I will call upon you as my Avatar when the need arises. It will concern you too, so it is beneficial for us both."]

Peter frowned.

But why him, though?

["Because you are my Avatar, you were supposed to be my Avatar, and you would have been my Avatar no matter what."]


["Time is a very peculiar thing, my child. It is better not to venture into its web"]

'You said something about some beings noticing the change… will they come for me? Can you stop them? When will they come?'

["I cannot interfere yet, my child. I am far busier than you can ever imagine. As for those beings… you do not have to worry about them for 14-15 years or so. The future is changing constantly, but in most of them, I see them arriving around that time. You should prepare yourself."]

Peter cursed. Damn. Just when he thought that he would do just fine. His current plan was: Skim through the plot of the movies as a bystander, interfere when needed, or when something benefited him. stay out of danger. Fuck women. Live his life peacefully before eventually killing Thanos when he arrives and living his peaceful life with all the stones in his hands-as Thanos would gather them for him.

Shit just had to escalate into cosmic beings.


Wait… oh shit! She should've read his mind, no?


The Great Weaver chuckled.

["I heard nothing but something about you staying out of danger, fucking women, and living your life peacefully before shit escalated into cosmic beings. Everything else was just a buzz. It is strange, really. How I can't look into that part. Into the other side of you… very abnormal."]

Was she lying?

["I am not. I do not gain anything by doing so."]

'Okay… so, how do you plan to help me?'

["You are my Avatar, child. I can naturally give you many things-"]

'A suit with extreme durability, and something which can make me invisible to cameras!?'

The Great Weaver grew silent, and Peter grew tense.

Did he ask too mu-

["Sorry about that, my child. Something important came up. I will need to go soon, so I will explain some things you need to do now."]


["First of all, you need to embrace the Spider inside you, and let it out."]

… What? There's a spider inside him? Seriously?

["Next, you'll need to come to terms with that other… oddity-your other half-and embrace it just like the Spider. Become one with both. I do not know how you can do that. It is entirely up to you. The spider will be easy, it will be done soon, but that other half… I do not know."]

Other half… as in Edward?

["… You seem to have mentioned your other half. I only heard a static noise, I could not hear anything else. Some type of… force is preventing me."]

["Anyways. After you come to terms, you'll need to gather forces under our banner. Find the Spider Society and the worshipers of Spider-Totems. Unite them under one banner."]

Spider Society? Worshipers of Spider-Totems? What is that?

Peter was confused. He didn't even know who they were. Heck, he didn't even know who the Great Weaver was. Let alone those things. Why didn't Edward's memories have these things? Curious.

["You will learn about those things slowly. Do not worry. The responsibility you carry is great, but it is your destiny, your fate, that you become what you need to, and become that you will, with time, I believe so. You were born for this Peter Parker. Know this."]

Peter didn't like the sound of that at all.Born for it? He called bullshit.

He didn't trust her, but he didn't have any other choice. At least she'd provide him upgrades and power. He needed strength. Really badly.

["As for your suit… I can manage something. You will receive it after you are reborn."]

… Reborn?

["Yes, my child. A spider sheds its skin once in their lifetime to be born anew, it is time for you to do so. Embrace the spider."]

The voice grew fainter and fainter, and the shadow on the tree branch vanished, something else coming into view.

… A spider?Peter's eyes bulged as an approximately eight-meter-tall spider with ten talons and a viciously horrendous face came into view.

"Embrace us!" It hissed, its two elongated poisonous fangs at the sides of its mouth and the two feelers vibrating, its deadly pitch-black eyes covered beneath its hairy face shook as its saliva fell out.

Peter paled.

"What the fuck is this!" he yelled, kicking one of its talons which were drawing ever closer before he turned around and ran.

"EMBRACE US!" The spider hissed, all of its legs clicking on the ground as it moved towards him with growing speed.

"GOD NO!" Peter shrieked, running as if his life was on the line.

"HEY! WEAVER GODDESS! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THING!?" Peter hollered at the top of his lungs, his voice cracking.


["You fool, That is the other. You define her, she defines you. What you are, she is not. What you are not, she is. You are the same yet different. Embrace her. While you are my Avatar, I have chosen you to be her receptacle. You must embrace her, otherwise, your Totemic powers will not manifest."]

"Fuck that shit! I ain't embracing this ugly!" Peter yelled, jumping over roots, and running with all his strength.

["… Alright"]

"WHAT!?" Peter yelled and skidded under a root that was above ground. Just as he stood up and ran again, the Spider behind him crunched the root under her feet.

Yeah, no way is he embracing her. He doesn't want to die under that much weight.

["No suit for you."]

Peter's eyes bulged and he almost started crying.

"This is fucking blackmail!"

["Call it whatever you want. No Embrace equals no suit, and certainly no rewards."]

A vein bulged on Peter's head as he made his way farther into the forest, weaving around the knotted trees, he tried to shoot his web, only to fail. It wasn't working.

"Shit!" Peter cursed, looking back at the spider coming towards him like a fucking yandere chasing a man.

What was this? Temple Run Irl?

Fuck this shit!

"Okay! Okay!" He yelled, and the spider stopped.

"Embrace us!" She hissed again, skidding to a stop in front of him.

["She can't do it if you do not initiate."]

Fuck…Peter's lips twitched into repulsing disgust as he raised his arms.

… But the fucking spider didn't do what she was supposed to do.

"What now!?" He called out to his 'Goddess' with a strained face. Everything was happening too quickly, and his heart couldn't handle it.

["… she's saying you're looking at her like that; so she won't do it. I advise you to look at her a bit fondly."]

"Look at this ugly!? Fondly!?

What was this weird woman saying now?

Peter gritted his teeth, strained a smile, and raised his hands farther.… the shit he has to do for strength.


His Goddess snickered.

'Fuck you bitch!'He was angry. This Great Weaver bitch would know her place sooner or later. He'll make sure of that.

The spider finally 'embraced' him. Her legs wrapped around him, and her fangs plunged into his chest, and into his heart, pumping some substance.

… her poison?

Peter's face started turning blue, slowly, and gradually, his entire body turned blue.

The spider let him go; he fell on the ground, writing around in agony.

["Do not struggle, my child, this is merely your rebirth."]

Peter cursed, trying to relax. But shit wasn't working!

After hours of torture where his body was frozen, his limbs didn't move, and he couldn't even scream, Peter blanked out.

There was one thought in his mind though.

If he was a combination of Peter, and Edward before… then, what would he become now?

As the cocoon in which he was inside in his room started tearing apart, and liquids of many kinds started oozing out, Peter, as if born anew, tore the cocoon, coming outside as he asked aloud for the first time, gasping for breath.

"Who… am I?"

As if on cue, his Goddess, The Great Weaver-using his name-said:

["You are the child of the Web of Life and Destiny, Peter"]

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