Chapter 9: 09: Who am I…? [01]
Peter Parker managed to return home before morning.
He immediately went to have a shower before wearing new clothes. It was morning, and May was preparing food. After she prepared food, he was served, and both he and May ate silently. Though it was a bit weird for Peter how May kept stealing glances at him from time to time.
She seemed flustered for no reason at all too. She would occasionally blush, then shake her head as if she were committing some crime.
Maybe she was still a bit dizzy because of [Beast's Scent]? Yes, that's probably it.
Anyway, after finished eating, Peter bid goodbye, picked up his bag, and went to his school.
It was a pretty boring day for Peter.
Flash Thompson kept flaunting his dick, even though Peter ignored him for the most part.
Gwen kept avoiding him even when he tried to initiate a conversation. She was still mad, eh? Of course she was, what did he even expect?
Ned kept bothering him about building a death star.
The classes were extremely boring since he knew most of the stuff they were teaching.
So yeah, a pretty boring day in the life of Peter Parker.Though there were some interesting bits.
Like, in the cafeteria while the lunch break.
Peter spotted Mary Jane Watson with the group of popular kids. Mainly Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, Liz Allen, and a few other kids. Michele Jones was sitting with him and Ned, though a bit distance away.
Though he didn't find Cindy Moon-he was worried about her the most since in the comics, their mere presence was an aphrodisiac for each other; they would fuck each other the first thing if they ever met. Was she kidnapped already? Peter didn't know, and neither did he care.
As he sat in his spot, eating slowly, he saw Flash looking at him before grinning at Liz. He said something and started walking towards Peter.
Ugh… not this, please. Not this cliché shit.
"Oh, look who's here! Puny 'Punk' Parker!" He drawled, making a funny face before he barked out a laugh.
"Now, look, cheapskate." Flash lowered his head near Peter, his voice falling down a few octaves. "They had a bet, and I lost." Flash pointed at his group of 'friends'. "And the punishment was to compel me into paying for their meal, or-"
"Look, Flash," Peter interrupted him before he could continue this cliché drama. He didn't have time for this shit. He could waste time fucking a random bitch than listen to Flash's bullshit.
I'm not in the mood, so, would you kindly fuck off?" he smiled politely, though it was quite strained.
Flash's face went through tremendous change in but a few seconds. Shock, disbelief that Puny Parker was talking back, and rage that this bug dared talk back to him. He even told him to fuck off.
The audacity.
The audacity!
"You… !" Flash drawled, veins popping on his forehead.
Peter sighed, and stood up; he was done eating anyway.
He walked away.
"Hey! You aren't going anywhere!" Flash jumped in front of him and tried to bump into him to stop him, but Peter gave him a dry stare before he walloped into Flash's shoulder, sending the bigger boy tumbling down to the ground.
"Whoa!" Peter 'gasped'. "Flash! Are you okay? How did you fall down!?" he asked, 'concerned' for his fellow student's well-being.
As Flash's group of 'friends' came running towards him, Peter decided to move away; he wasn't ready to have a 'reunion' with Harry or Mary Jane.
"Peter!" He heard Mary Jane's voice as she pulled at his shoulder.
Tsk. Peter turned around, keeping his emotions in check, looking at her with a frosty veil on his face, hiding his bitterness.
"Yes, Miss. Watson?"
"Apologize to Flash!"
This bitch…
Peter cocked an eyebrow, tilting his head, "My 'apologies' but I don't the reason for apologizing." Saying so, he 'politely' swatted her hand away, and began to walk.
"You! Come back here!" Mary Jane huffed, looking annoyed.
She hadn't been in touch with her friend for… a while, and this is how he treats her? She thought he was better than this! Is he still mad at her for not attending Uncle Ben's funeral?
… She would admit that she regretted not attending, but she just thought he needed some alone time and that she needed to mature the fuck up. Did she do something wrong?
"Hey, Peter, come back!" Harry sounded as well.
'Yeah, no thanks,' Peter rolled his eyes lazily, "Got no time for teenage drama."
"I don't have time for petty quarrels." He didn't. He needed to make a suit. Do something about keeping his identity a secret. Make his debut. Makeup with Gwen. Fuck Yuri. Help her with the case. Find the burglar. Return the fucking jewels. Find a good martial arts trainer. Maybe go to Kamar-Taj and learn magic bullshit. Maybe fuck Gwen if she makes up with him. Handle the harem shit he's drowned himself into. Then… there was May.
He really didn't have time.
He would much prefer doing one of those things than coming to Midtown, but he couldn't, May would worry for no reason at all.
He sighed. So much to do; so little time.
It was, after all, October 28th, 2007, and Tony would get kidnapped somewhere in 2008-if there was any correlation between this universe and the MCU. So, he really needed to gather his shit together before shit started going south. Because oh boy would it go south.
Tony becoming Iron Man was just a start. Shit after shit would pop out after that. No matter what it was, the universe's causality, or the ironical shit the multiverse was pulling to balance the power between 'good' and 'bad', Peter knew that he needed strength if he wanted to survive. Let alone helping others, or fucking girls, he was much more worried about keeping his, May, Gwen, Ned… and probably Yuri's skin safe when the shit, eventually, hits the fan.
Peter sighed yet again as he walked towards his next class.
Sure, he needn't do everything all by himself. And that's exactly what he's gonna do. There were many heroes to take care of the public, it didn't matter if there was one less. He could prepare for the inevitable future while they dealt with the minor flies.
Anyway, he was getting a bit too much into thinking about shit that could, and couldn't happen, so, he silently attended his classes. He ignored the pouting and glaring Mary Jane. The somewhat shaken-up Flash. And the annoyed Harry.
Even Gwen.
He wanted to make up with her, but she needed her time. So, well, he'll give her that time.
As the remaining classes went on, Peter was busy mulling over the dream he had last night and his constant personality shifts.
Who was he? Peter Parker? Edward? Something else? Or a mixture of both?
Peter sighed, tapping his heel on the ground, again and again, waiting impatiently for the clock to hit 02:45.
God… he wished he could bunk school…
Being surrounded by idiots-in his case since he was abnormally smarter than his peers-could be infuriating. Gwen… was the only person he could relate to in this. She was smart, after all
Peter glanced at her, shifting his body weight to his right arm-which he was using to lean on.
Gwen sat on her chair, fully focused on her notebook. With a pen in her hand that she twirled from time to time before getting a bite out of it. She would chew on her lower lip, rub her nose bridge with the pen, sigh, and take off her glasses-yes, for some reason, she was wearing glasses, and damn, did she look hot in those. Her blonde shoulder-length hair was smooth, and her blue eyes had this electrifying feel to them.
Peter was getting lost in admiring her.
Almost as if noticing that someone was looking at her, Gwen raised her head and looked here and there before her beautiful eye settled on him and no one else. They stared at each other for a while, Peter smiled slightly, waved his hand, and she looked back into her book, adjusting her glasses to hide the small blush that stole her cheeks away.
"Damn, Peter…" Ned whispered.
Gwen, on the other hand, shifted on her chair slightly so she wouldn't have to meet his eyes again. She was flustered.
What's going on inside her mind? Peter squinted his eyes.
"What?" Peter asked Ned.
"You and Gwen? Since when? I mean, I already knew you two were kind of into each other, but neither of you guys made the first move. She's been ignoring you since morning. And now, she just blushed when she caught you ogling." Ned looked at him, smirking slyly. "Need more, or is this enough for you to spill the beans?"
"What?" Peter turned to look at his chubby fellow. "Uh, there's nothing between us, really, mate, you should-"
"Dude!" Ned hissed. "We are friends! I know you! And I know Gwen! Something definitely happened!?"
"Um, Ned?"
"Yes?""Please shut up."
"… okay," Ned slumped back into his chair, focusing back on the teacher. "Don't tell me, not like I'm your friend or anything."
… if only he knew what really happened."
Peter sighed; when would this boring school time end?
Just when the clock hit 02:45, Peter picked up his backpack and got out of class, he immediately made his way home.
"May! I'm home!"
"Oh, hey, Peter." May walked out of the kitchen.
Damn… she looks so hot in that bun.
Peter shook his head and quickly walked towards his room.
"Don't disturb me today, May, I'm not feeling good. Sorry. I ate already too."
"What?" She asked, looking at him, exasperated. "Come down here, young man! you're not sleeping without eating! And what happened? Are you alright? Should we go see a doctor?"
"No, no, I'm good. Just… a little tired is all." Saying so, Peter closed the door to his room shut and locked it before throwing his bag on the bed.
He quickly sat down on his desk and started working on the designs he had in mind for his suit.
Other than that, he started writing down the plans he had for the future along with many things he needed to do. Sorted his mind. He jotted down any key information from the movies he could take advantage of, where those opportunities were, and the best way to claim said opportunities.
Say, for example, the Vibranium axe Killmonger stole from the Museum of Great Britain in the Black Panther movie.
Or the location of the infinity stones.
Important locations such as Camp Lehigh, Sanctum Sanctorum, Kamar-Taj, Wakanda, where the Avengers/Stark tower (eventually) will be, etcetera.
As Peter was doing just that, he started feeling a little dizzy.
His vision started darkening and he felt a pull.
Peter huffed, shaking his head out of it as he heard some whispers again.
"~Wake up. Wake up.~
He was sweating profusely and started flickering in and out of consciousness.
"What the fuck?" Peter muttered as his vision spun.
"System…? What is happening?" his words were slow.
His system did not answer.
[The user has to deal with this himself, the system's existence cannot be revealed to her this early; this is for the user's own safety.]
Peter cursed aloud before his forehead hit the table and he passed out.
Just after he passed out, the light in his room flickered. Something burst out of Peter's body, tearing his skin before his whole body burst apart. It covered him and a part of the chair and table, into a black goo-y cocoon, which pulsed akin to a heart from time to time.
"Wake up…" a whisper resounded.
Peter's eyes remained shut.
"Wake up," the whisper said again.
Peter slowly opened his eyes and looked around.
His body stiffened, his eyes bulged and he was shocked beyond belief at where he was.
His back was rubbing against the biggest tree he'd ever seen in life, his ass was comfortably sat on the soft mushy grass, and the tree roots afront were big and wavy, hugging the soil as if a mother would her child. All around him were tall, sky-piercing, oak-brown trees. Ancient. Mystical. Otherworldly.
The warm light of the sun peeped through the rustling leaves, falling down on the patches of grass between the knotted trees, a misty ambiance reflecting from his eyes.
Peter was stumped.
He was in his room just now, but…
"Where the fuck am I?"