Marvel's Omniverse Magic Controller

Chapter 60: Chapter 60: George the Gentleman

Chapter 60: George the Gentleman

By eleven o'clock, the entire school had gathered at the Quidditch pitch.

As they passed the Gryffindor team, George called out to Harry:

"Don't worry too much. For fairness, I've suggested to our head of house that, aside from Malfoy using the Nimbus 2001, the rest of us will stick to our old brooms."

Yes, this was what Flint had discussed with him earlier.

For George, winning with the Nimbus 2001 would only lead others to attribute his performance to the superior broom, which didn't align with his plan to boost his reputation.

To outsiders, however, it would seem like he was fair-minded and noble.

In reality, George was even more ruthless than Flint.

His decision was based on the certainty that he would win.

Not only did he have superior physical abilities and absolute control over his broom, but he could also influence the Golden Snitch at will.

Until his team was ahead by 150 points, he wouldn't let the Snitch fall into either Seeker's hands.

Thus, when the match ended and by how much was entirely up to him.

If Flint and Malfoy were outright villains, their Slytherin traits easily recognizable, George was the well-disguised hypocrite—appearing virtuous while secretly doing whatever it took to achieve his goals.

In this regard, he somewhat resembled a young Voldemort.

Sometimes, he even considered giving himself the nickname "George the Gentleman."

However, he wasn't as extreme as Voldemort. His upbringing and education had instilled in him a sense of morality, so even when he resorted to underhanded tactics, he maintained certain boundaries.

He believed there were no purely good or purely evil people in the world. To live better, he was willing to lean slightly toward the darker side.

"Thank you, George!"

Hearing George's words, Harry's spirits lifted instantly. Wood and the rest of the Gryffindor team were so excited they nearly jumped for joy, their eyes filled with admiration for George.

If, before this, most Gryffindors had merely tolerated George due to his opening speech, they now held him in high regard.

"Fairness is the most important thing in a match."

George said this without a hint of guilt.

Technically, he wasn't cheating. The rules only prohibited magic, not superpowers.

The Quidditch pitch was packed with students and teachers from all four houses, as well as wizards from Hogsmeade and invited Ministry officials.

Among them was Ludo Bagman, the current head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

"Is this first-year, George, really as good as you say?"

Bagman had come specifically because Madam Hooch had told him about a prodigy who could revive the British Quidditch team.

Though skeptical, he held onto hope.

If the British team didn't perform well in the upcoming World Cup, his position as head of the department might not last much longer.

"Of course. Just wait and see, Bagman."

Madam Hooch waved confidently at Bagman before heading down to the pitch.

She had seen Slytherin's training and was fully confident in George's abilities.

Amid the enthusiastic cheers of the students, the two team captains shook hands, and the match began.

"Wait, am I seeing things? Aside from Malfoy, the entire Slytherin team has abandoned the Nimbus 2001!"

From the start, commentator Lee Jordan noticed something unusual about Slytherin's brooms.

The Slytherin team's full Nimbus 2001 lineup had caused quite a stir at Hogwarts.

"Snape, this isn't like your team. And you rarely stand here with me to watch the match."

Professor McGonagall, monitoring Lee Jordan's commentary, looked surprised at Snape's presence.

As a Quidditch enthusiast and former Gryffindor Seeker, McGonagall had suffered a concussion and broken ribs during her seventh year due to Slytherin's foul play.

She had always hoped for Slytherin's crushing defeat.

"It was George's suggestion. He believes Slytherin should win fairly and justly."

Snape replied without looking up.

McGonagall's expression softened.

"George is indeed a good boy. For his sense of fairness, I'll award Slytherin ten points."

"So, it was Slytherin's George who proposed fairness and justice in matches against the other houses. It seems not all Slytherins are fond of cheating and foul play."

Lee Jordan, overhearing Snape and McGonagall's conversation, immediately commented into the microphone.

Then, he received simultaneous smacks on the head from both professors.

"Just kidding about that last part. Let's focus on the match...

Oh, Slytherin's George has the Quaffle! He maneuvers his broom with incredible precision, dodging all of Gryffindor's players...

And he scores! What a beautiful goal!

Oh, another goal! Still George, this time hanging from his broom with one hand and kicking the Quaffle into the hoop...

It's George again, standing on his broom and making a curved shot...

Still George..."

As George scored one spectacular goal after another, the Gryffindor team was left in disarray, while the Slytherin supporters in the stands screamed themselves hoarse.

"One hundred and twenty to twenty. Just fifty more points, and it's time to end this."

George glanced at the scoreboard, thinking to himself.

So far, aside from controlling his broom, he hadn't cheated much. He'd even let Gryffindor score twice to avoid a humiliating shutout.

His physical advantage was simply too great. Combined with his broom control, it was nearly impossible for the opposing team to intercept him.

Moreover, the Golden Snitch was proving elusive. Even without his interference, neither Harry nor Malfoy had come close to catching it.

However, just as George prepared to extend the lead, an unexpected incident occurred. A rogue Bludger, seemingly under control, began relentlessly targeting Harry.

"Is it Dobby causing trouble?"

George realized that Dobby, the Malfoy family's house-elf, was trying to injure Harry to send him home, preventing him from being killed by the basilisk.

(End of Chapter)

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